Chapter 965: You Didn't Let Me Down (Part 5)

If someone had to convey the current scene to someone else, what in the world would they say? Even the most eloquent person would find it impossible to speak a word.

Was it because describing the situation is difficult? No, it's because anyone who hasn't seen it with their own eyes wouldn't believe it.

Think about it.

The people here were absolutely remarkable. Each and every one of them, with their mere presence, could shake the world. There was Shaolin, known as the greatest martial arts sect, and far away, the rulers of Gangnam, the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

And by their side are Kongtong and the 18 Yangtze River Fortresses [Su Lo Chae], who, with their lofty reputation, are unrivaled in the world. Just their reputations alone make them formidable figures.

However, the fact remained that the appearance of a young martial artist, one they had never seen before, had left them all silent in unison. 

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

That title was undoubtedly impressive. The title he won against none other than Jang Ilso and the Evil Tyrant Alliance had a uniqueness that could not be compared to the titles held by others.

But that was not all. As impressive as the name "Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword" may have been, silencing everyone who had gathered here was an impossible task. No, that was not the doing of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, nor was it something that could be done by anyone in the world.

That's why they come to understand it. A person's presence was never dictated by their reputation. The dark eyes of Chung Myung slowly scanned the Yangtze River. All the people gathered here held their breath, their attention focused on him.

However, they did not know why they were paying such rapt attention to his every move, as if they were enchanted, despite their silence.

Chung Myung's gaze slowly settled on one place.

Plum Blossom Island.

Where the survivors of Namgung were engaged in a desperate battle.


Namgung Myung's body shivered.

Over there.

There was only one person, only one who came to help them. Whether anything would change was uncertain. This vast battlefield could not be conquered by a single person's strength.

And even if he wasn't alone, it didn't matter. It was too much to hope that anyone who came would be able to save them beyond this river.

So, hoping that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would save them was an excessive expectation.


'…That'll do.'

Everyone in the world had abandoned them. Turned their backs on them.

Maybe what had truly plunged him into despair was not the situation they were in but the desperate loneliness of no one reaching out to help. But at least there was one person. The one who had come to save them. It was as if to prove that the path they had walked was not entirely wrong. For Namgung Myung at this moment, that alone was enough.

Namgung Myung, with reddened eyes, looked at Chung Myung. 

"You idiot."

Black Dragon King, who was at the helm of the Black Dragon Ship, spoke with a deep, cold voice. The pirates, upon hearing his voice, trembled like a puppy who had met a tiger at its front door.

With burning eyes, Black Dragon King glared at the pirates and then turned his head to face Chung Myung.

"You brat."

And he gritted his teeth.

For a brief moment, the presence of this brat had surpassed everyone present. Right here at the Yangtze River. It was an unbearable shame for the Black Dragon King, the leader of the Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses. If he had not been humiliated by Jang Ilso already, he might have been able to let it go. But he couldn't bear this situation now.

"What are you going to do?"

His voice, filled with anger, exploded violently.

"The only thing you can do is to vent your anger here. No matter what you do, nothing will change."

It was a statement aimed at oppressing his opponent. But at the same time, it was a clear and stern fact. After all, the situation had already ended.

"Or are you going to swim up to the Yangtze River to this island? The path is already cut off. You fool!"

However, despite hearing those words, Chung Myung's expression remained unchanged. He just looked at Black Dragon King with a cold gaze.

That indifferent response distorted his insides. Just as Black Dragon King was about to shout, Chung Myung's mouth, which had been closed all the time, slowly opened.

"Whether your foolish head can understand it or not...."


"Let me correct three things."

Three things? 

"First. Who said I was alone?"

Shuffle. Shuffle

At that moment, someone slowly ascended from the hill below where Chung Myung was standing by the riverbank. A man with an impressive presence, wearing a black robe with a plum blossom pattern embroidered on the chest, and a white hero's headband tied to his forehead.

Mount Hua's Righteous Sword, Baek Cheon.

He walked slowly to stand beside Chung Myung with cold, sunken eyes, and his icy gaze seemed capable of freezing all the pirates at the Yangtze River.

But it wasn't just Baek Cheon. Yoo Iseol from the Mount Hua Sect approached and stood next to Chung Myung. 

Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle

Afterwards, one by one, they began to arrive at this place. Dozens, hundreds of swordsmen revealed themselves with their resolute steps. All of them had a chilling look in their eyes.


Someone made a loud swallowing sound, like thunder.

Mount Hua.

It was a name that could no longer be contained in Shaanxi. The Mount Hua had finally arrived at the Yangtze River.


And Namgung Myung saw it.

One man was standing among the Mount Hua Sect, radiating a terrible aura. Although his white robe was stained crimson with dried blood, how could he not recognize that man?

Namgung Dowi.

He stood there as if he were a part of the Mount Hua Sect itself. His clothing and complexion clearly hinted at the tremendous hardships he had undergone, but his intense gaze was no less intimidating than the Mount Hua Sect.

Over a hundred swordsmen, not uttering a word, shot cold glances at the pirates on the Yangtze River.

Indeed, it was a grim spectacle. The pirates of the Yangtze River were oppressed by the overwhelming presence that Mount Hua had never shown in the past.

Everyone present had seen the Mount Hua Sect in the past during the Yangtze River disaster. So they knew.

The reason the Mount Hua Sect was feared was not just because they were powerful. It was because they were a sect that never retreated. Dealing with a sect that wouldn't back down from anything was a heavy task.

And Mount Hua wasn't the only one who had arrived there.

"It seems it's not completely too late."

A group wearing green robes revealed their presence.

If one saw the distinctively wide-sleeved green robes, those who didn't recognize who they were had no right to be martial artists.

"S-Sichuan Tang Family!"

Tang Gunak, who led the Tang Family, stared at the Yangtze River with a stern expression, as if to remember the ones who had died here. The disciples of the Namgung Sect looked at Mount Hua and the Sichuan Tang Family, along with Namgung Dowi, with trembling eyes.

The leader of Namgung's small family was over there. Even from a distance, his terrible wounds were visible. But despite the grievous condition that he was in, he had brought Mount Hua and the Tang Family to save them.

That fact alone reignited their spirit for a new battle. Everyone gritted their teeth. The leader of the small family, despite being so gravely wounded, had not given up on their lives. How could they throw them away and give up so easily?

"And... secondly."

Chung Myung looked at Black Dragon King. At that moment, Black Dragon King's body trembled slightly.

'What the… his eyes....'

This was the first time he had properly faced Chung Myung. In the previous war, he had only seen him from a distance while fighting with Jang Ilso. At that time, he had scorned him as a young, inexperienced boy who couldn't deal with Jang Ilso.

But now, as he met Chung Myung's eyes, he realized that this man was no ordinary person.

A person with eyes like that couldn't be ordinary.

"A brat?"

A faint, scornful laughter escaped from Chung Myung's mouth, a laughter that was openly mocking or filled with self-pity.

"A real brat who doesn't even know what war is starts shouting as soon as he appears."

Chung Myung reached out to the side, and one of Mount Hua's disciples handed him an extra sword. Taking the sword and strapping it to his waist, Chung Myung spoke with a twisted smile.

"Let me enlighten you, brat."

His lips twisted, revealing his bright teeth.

"What real war is about."

At that moment, a shiver ran down Black Dragon King's spine.


Why did that boast, which seemed like nothing but empty words, feel so eerie? 

'Damn it!'

Black Dragon King bit his lip. It was just a brief moment, but being momentarily overwhelmed by Chung Myung's presence shattered his pride to pieces.

"Finally, thirdly."

Chung Myung laughed like a devil.

"It's not about finding the path, you idiot. It's about creating it!"

At that very moment, the members of the Sichuan Tang Family pulled something from under their sleeves. Black Dragon King widened his eyes upon seeing what they were holding.


The members of the Tang Family who had been concealing the planks beneath their sleeves rushed forward.

And then!


Like a well-practiced drill, the planks released by their hands cut through the sky over the Yangtze River.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

At that moment, everyone on the Yangtze River witnessed it. The planks released by the Tang Family fell onto the surface of the river. Upon touching the water, they didn't sink but instead floated, creating a path.

Hundreds of planks formed a single path across the vast Yangtze River.

The one and only way leading to Plum Blossom Island!

"Sasuk! Sago!"


Baek Cheon and Yoo Iseol quickly drew their swords.

"Clear a path!"

"Got it!"


"Namgung Dowi!"


"Open the way! Open the path to Namgung with your own hands!"

Namgung Dowi responded with a determined expression.


No further explanation was needed. They knew what to do, even without being told.

"The Namgung Family!"

Chung Myung shouted until his throat felt like it was about to burst.

The swordsmen of the Namgung family clenched their fists and looked at him.

"We're coming now."


"Hold onto the hems of your robes, even if you have to stretch them, and endure!"

Chung Myung's words ignited a momentary surge of determination in the Namgung Family's hearts.



Chung Myung drew his sword and brandished it.

"Now, then...."

Everyone on the Yangtze River was waiting for his next words.

"Let's go. To save Namgung!"


Before he even finished speaking, Baek Cheon and Yoo Iseol shot forward without a moment's hesitation. Following them, the disciples of Mount Hua and the Sichuan Tang Family formed a long line, charging forward.

It was as if a black dragon and a green dragon were racing along the Yangtze River.

After taking a powerful leap over the ground, Chung Myung soared through the air.

"Let's go, you bastards!"

Chung Myung's sword, bathed in the sunlight rising over the Yangtze, shone brilliantly, as if it would drive away all the remaining darkness on the Yangtze River.