Chapter 967: The Fight You Started (Part 2)

Arrows rained down like a storm, and beneath the water, sharp harpoons flew incessantly. The place that had to withstand all of this was none other than the Yangtze River River.

Even the term "desperate situation" seemed inadequate to describe their current predicament. However, the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect did not allow their feet to pause for even a moment.

The surging blood of those rushing ahead transmitted to those behind them.

In the midst of this searing heat, Namgung Dowi was also determined not to fall behind. He knew better than anyone how difficult and fearful it was to face the pirates on the Yangtze River. The excruciating scars on his body served as evidence of the hardships he had endured.

Nevertheless, the Mount Hua Sect continued to rush forward, swinging their swords as if the battlefield were a flat plain.

Was it all thanks to these wooden planks?

"That couldn't be true!"


He slipped for a moment, stepping onto a wooden plank the wrong way, but someone quickly grabbed his arm to steady him.

"Th-thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Keep running. I'll help you."


It might have looked easy to the naked eye, but running accurately on small wooden planks that floated on a flowing river was by no means an easy task. Just running in this environment was challenging enough, but maintaining this speed? It was truly astonishing.

If these disciples hadn't been there to support him, Namgung Dowi would have fallen into the water several times by now. Yet, they managed to keep a constant pace while also deflecting a hail of arrows and swiftly defeating attacking pirates.

How was this even possible? How on earth?

Their fighting style was giving him chills. It was as though they had experienced countless battles like this in environments with nowhere to step and lives hanging in the balance, which made it hard to believe this was the first time they were showcasing such prowess.

Indeed, you could call them proficient.

It was an unimaginable situation, but they seemed accustomed to this kind of battle. What kind of training were they doing that allowed people their age to display such a performance?

Did he not know the Mount Hua Sect? Or had the world forgotten about the Mount Hua Sect?

Just the appearance they had shown so far was more than enough to completely shatter the public's opinion that they were just the regular guardians of Shaanxi.

'No! That's not it!'

Namgung Dowi, who had been lost in thought, bit his lip until it bled for a moment. Evaluating them based on this aspect alone wouldn't suffice. Even if the entire world paid attention to their martial skills, Namgung Dowi needed to look for something different.

They knew. They knew what kind of battle they would have to fight when they leaped into the Yangtze River. Therefore, what Namgung Dowi should focus on was not their strength but their courage.

Their unwavering bravery as they leaped into the pouring rain of arrows.

Their determination to be dragged beneath the treacherous waters, relentlessly dashing into the river where pirates swarmed.

Even if the rest of the world didn't understand, Namgung Dowi alone had to comprehend their courage.


'Even if I die, I won't hold them back!'


Namgung Dowi fiercely swung his sword to fend off the raining arrows. Chung Myung, who observed his actions amidst the falling arrows, chuckled calmly.

"That's good!"

Meeting Namgung Dowi's gaze, Chung Myung spoke with a smile.

"Stick close with the resolve to die!"



Chung Myung's sword flew like a streak of light, accurately slicing through the throat of a pirate emerging from under the water.

Simultaneously, he turned his gaze backward, and without hesitation, he shouted.

"Jo Gol Sahyung!"

"Got it!"

No further words were needed.

Namgung Dowi couldn't quite understand, but for them, it seemed like their intentions were perfectly conveyed through those few words.

Jo Gol, who was guarding Namgung Dowi, suddenly stepped onto a plank, propelling himself into the air. Like a raptor hunting underwater fish, he shot into the depths of the river.


Creating a maelstrom as if an artillery shell had been fired, Jo Gol dove into the water. Without any specific orders, some of the Mount Hua Sect disciples, who had been racing with full force, followed him.

Though there were no clear instructions, it seemed like the mere act of one person leaping into the water was enough to convey their intent.

A momentary bewilderment crossed Namgung Dowi's face.

Meanwhile, in the deep waters of the Yangtze River, Wu Ziheng swiftly surged towards the surface. He was accompanied by the members of the Black Shark Squad (黑鲨代) that he led.

'Damn it!'

The pirates who attacked the Mount Hua disciples were turned into fish food. They hadn't even managed to shoot a single harpoon, and they were thrust into the water without taking a breath, their throats slit.

They were attacking and defending as if they could see into the water. The reason his body temperature was gradually dropping was not simply due to the cold water.

However, there was no need to target formidable foes like them. Because at this place, there were not only disciples of the Mount Hua Sect.

'Those from the Tang Family!'

In any case, the Su Lo Chae experts were archenemies of the Sichuan Tang Family. Any energy-based techniques would lose their power when penetrating the water, and any toxic substances wouldn't be effective underwater.

There was no need to fight them on the water's surface. If they could pierce them with harpoons from below and drag them into the water, it would be easy to overcome them.

Just as the Tang Family arrived above him, Wu Ziheng's eyes widened. When he signaled the Black Shark Squad, they increased their speed, rising towards the surface like fired arrows.

"Make them regret ever coming to this Yangtze River!"

But at that very moment.


Even though they were underwater, cries echoed. Wu Ziheng involuntarily turned his head and saw one of the Black Shark Squad members foaming at the mouth and having seizures.


No, they weren't just foaming.

Blood flowing from his side was coloring the river water a deep red.

"When did this happen?"

The question was answered soon.

Wu Ziheng gazed in disbelief at an incredible sight. Behind his submerged subordinates, disciples of the Mount Hua Sect dressed in black attire were swimming towards them at an astonishing speed.

The term "Mount Hua" was quite literal, signifying that they had never had any connection with water in their lives. However, their movements before him were so rapid that it was hard to believe they weren't experienced in water warfare.



And at that moment, a young man's sword, charging from the front, cut through the water like a beam of light. It was a swordplay that was difficult to believe as it swung underwater, but it pierced Wu Ziheng's throat in one blow.


Along with the sudden pain, the rushing riverwater entered his body through the hole pierced in his throat. The sensation of heading toward death was more vivid and disgusting than he could have ever imagined.


The sword twisted inside his throat before it was finally withdrawn, leaving an irreparable wound. 


Wu Ziheng's body began to slowly sink deeper beneath the water. 

In the fading consciousness, the last thing Wu Ziheng saw was the bright, victorious smile on the lips of the young swordsman who had swung the sword above him.

"Mount Hua..."

The true value of their training in swinging their swords to death in Mount Hua's valley was revealed here in the Yangtze River. Compared to that swirling, deep, raging valley, the wide waves of the Yangtze River were nothing to them.

Led by Jo Gol, the swordsmen guarded the space beneath the Sichuan Tang Family and wielded their sharp blades toward the pirates.


Baek Cheon was at the front, and they managed to keep up their speed by avoiding and leaping over the pirates who occasionally thrust harpoons. Baek Cheon knew that when a large group of people ran together in a line, if the leading person's speed slowed down, they would become entangled and create an opportunity for their enemies.

And no matter what happened, he couldn't afford to stop. Their lives, as well as the lives of the Tang Family and the Namgung Family, depended on their speed.

At that moment,


With an earth-shattering noise, something came flying at Baek Cheon with tremendous speed.

'White Thunder Cannon?'

The cannonball that crossed the air was visible to Baek Cheon's eyes. However, before he could make a decision, someone else surged towards the shell.


The figure soaring through the air deflected the flying cannonball with an incredible display of swordsmanship.

"Yoon Jong!"

As Baek Cheon reflexively shouted his name, this time, Baek Sang flew towards another cannonball.


Baek Sang's sword struck and deflected the flying artillery shell.

"Go, Sahyung!"

"Don't stop!"

"How dare you give orders, you damn idiots!"

Baek Cheon chuckled and rushed forward, again and again.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

However, the pirates were not going to give up that easily. The approaching pirate ship veered to the side, aiming at them. The muzzle of the white thunder cannon on the deck continued to spit out fire.


Right at that moment, a voice was heard.

No more words were needed.

Baek Cheon reflexively twisted his waist and took a stance to swing his sword. But it was not the blade of the sword he used, but the flat side!


At that moment, something that flew toward him like a flying squirrel landed on his sword, adding a substantial weight. Before that sensation could even transmit to his mind, Baek Cheon swung the sword with all his might to throw off whatever was attached to it.


A beam of black light pierced the surface of the Yangtze River.

"What... what is this?"

Seeing something flying towards them like a cannonball, the pirates panicked.


The human cannonball launched by Baekcheon was embedded in the ship's deck that had been firing the white thunder cannon. The deck, made of sturdy wood, was shattered like tofu, and the splintered wood fragments flew in all directions.

Before the splintered wood could fall to the ground, a sinister sword energy cut through the pirates on the deck from side to side.

Squelch. Squelch.

The red blood spurted into the air, painting the sky with drops of crimson as the splintered wood flew around. On Chung Myung's face, who had torn through the pirates firing the white thunder cannon, the pirates' blood left dark, bloody stains.

"Ah... Ah..."


Chung Myung turned his gaze towards the remaining pirates, blood spattered on his sword blade. At the moment their eyes met, Chung Myung's lips twisted, revealing his snow-white teeth.

"This is..."

His voice seemed to carry a hint of the scent of blood.

"This is the fight you started."


With a fierce charge, Chung Myung penetrated the deck and plunged into the midst of the pirates. Dozens of bodies were sent soaring into the air, and a spurt of red blood erupted into the Yangtze River.

The demon of Mount Hua.

It was the moment when the demon of Mount Hua, who had even frightened the practitioners of the Demon Sect, appeared on the Yangtze River.