Chapter 980: There's No Way Not To Believe It (Part 5)

The situation wasn't particularly intimidating.

At the moment, although the majority of the people occupying Plum Blossom Island were the pirates of Su Lo Chae, they had, in fact, already lost their momentum. On the other hand, those from Mount Hua and the Tang Family who had infiltrated their ranks were putting pressure on Jang Ilso around Hyun Jong with strict determination.

In other words, Jang Ilso was the one surrounded. 

Nevertheless, when Hyun Jong faced Jang Ilso, he felt like his body was being swept away by a typhoon.

A sensation he had already experienced once during the opening ceremony of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. However, the sensation he felt now was even greater and more intense than back then. 

Hyun Jong doubted whether confronting Jang Ilso was a reasonable act. He was, after all, the Lord of Heavenly Comrade Alliance, and the Sect Leader of Mount Hua. His name certainly had the qualifications to rival the leaders of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. However, as a martial artist, Hyun Jong felt quite insignificant against Jang Ilso.

Therefore, he kept silent.

When Jang Ilso entered Plum Blossom Island alone, Hyun Jong remained silent even when he was negotiating with Chung Myung. He felt it was more appropriate.

However, Chung Myung had sent Jang Ilso to him as if Hyun Jong was the one who should deal with him.

''Chung Myung said this to the children over and over again.'

Those who hold a sword must know the weight of the sword. They should never forget that the weapon in their hand is a tool that can take away a person's life.

That straightforward statement pricked Hyun Jong's conscience. 

Chung Myung said he was a sword of Mount Hua. If he was a sword, he would be an incredibly sharp one, to the point of being irreplaceable. So, Hyun Jong, who had taken the sword, needed to know the weight.

That meant…

Hyun Jong glanced at Chung Myung briefly. He was still staring at him with an unwavering gaze.

'I must be qualified to hold that sword, too.'

Chung Myung's intention was probably different. However, at least Hyun Jong felt that way. It was the burden he had felt all along. 

Now, Mount Hua was not the same as it was in the past. 

He had obtained the significant position of the sect leader of Mount Hua just by enduring. Therefore, it was only natural for him to need something more than what he had in the past.

'Can I handle it?'

These sharp swords?

Not just from Chung Myung. From the sword named Baek Cheon, the sword named Yoo Iseol, and the swords named Yoon Jong and Jo Gol... to all those swords of Mount Hua. 

Was he capable of wielding them correctly?

There was nothing more terrifying in this world than a blind sword. It might have been considered a curse to wield a sword that didn't suit one's station, both for the person and the sword.

Before answering all these questions, Jang Ilso opened his mouth.

"Is it appropriate to call you the Lord? Or...?"

"Just call me Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong drew a clear line.

The Tang Family was present here. The moment he held the title of Lord, Hyun Jong's choice would also determine Tang Family's will, which wasn't what he wanted.

However, at that moment, Jang Ilso grinned.

"Humility is a good thing."


"Unless you're a coward."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly.

If Beopjeong had been standing here, he might have felt humiliated. If it was Namgung Hwang he might have been fiery with anger, and even if it was Tang Gunak, who rarely showed emotions, he would've been willing to kill himself.

But ironically, Hyun Jong didn't feel any anger from Jang Ilso's words. He had experienced too much humiliation to feel it from one word, and the gap between him and Jang Ilso was too great. This allowed him to remain calm.

"My capacity is not that great."

In response to his calm voice, Jang Ilso raised an eyebrow, as if he hadn't expected that answer.

Staring at Hyun Jong silently for a long time, he eventually nodded slowly.

"Alright. Sect Leader."

There was no trace of hostility in Jang Ilso's face, and he smiled faintly.

Some might consider it a pretense, while others would be on guard against the danger hidden behind that smile. However, Hyun Jong accepted the smile as it was.

Jang Ilso was someone who didn't even acknowledge Hyun Jong's existence. Such a person didn't need to reveal hostility towards Hyun Jong.

Hyun Jong was used to it.

In the days when he was the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, which remained only in name before Chung Myung arrived, those who confronted him always smiled. The enmity of humans begins with a threat. Humans who are not threats are infinitely gentle.

Therefore, the smile was both reasonable and painful for Hyun Jong.

"As the Lord of the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, I formally request mercy for the Black Dragon King, the Deputy Lord of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, who is currently subdued by Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong frowned at Jang Ilso's words. He glanced to the side, as if seeking an answer, but Chung Myung remained expressionless. Unlike his usual approach of using expressions to convey his intentions when there was a choice to make, Chung Myung was different now. He simply gazed at Hyun Jong with a lack of expression.

As if making a decision, he brought his sword close to the Black Dragon King's neck.

Hyun Jong took a deep breath and stared at Jang Ilso.

"I'll relay the question the main disciples asked to you."


"Why should we release the Black Dragon King, as you say?"

"It's simple."

With a slightly darker look, Jang Ilso stared intently at Hyun Jong.

"Because it is the only way for Mount Hua, the Tang Family, and Namgung to safely escape from this island."

A soft sigh escaped from Hyun Jong's lips.

In reality, it wasn't an entirely incorrect statement. The Black Dragon King had undoubtedly been subdued. However, the majority of Su Lo Chae's forces, excluding the Black Dragon King, were still relatively intact. Once the Black Dragon King lost his life, they would, by all reason, follow Jang Ilso's orders, leading to a certain level of confusion during the process of transferring command.

'Although, with Jang Ilso as the opponent, it's highly unlikely that such confusion will occur.'

As the Ruler of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and with a reputation as a fierce fighter, Jang Ilso was practically the symbol of the Evil Sect. If Jang Ilso, rather than the Black Dragon King, led Su Lo Chae, the situation might even boost morale.

Furthermore, Jang Ilso would undoubtedly have made preparations for such a situation.

Ultimately, to escape from this island, they would have to confront both the remnants of Su Lo Chae and Myriad Man Manor, which hadn't made any moves until now.

Hadn't they lost all their planks?

Hyun Jong's gaze unconsciously shifted across the river. If Shaolin by the river joined the battle, it might be a worthwhile fight, but...

'Seems unlikely.'

Hyun Jong had an intuition. Shaolin wouldn't move. If they had plans to act together, they should have done so before the situation had deteriorated to this extent. They missed their chance and would likely remain passive.

"So, if we release the Black Dragon King, you will send us safely back to Gangbuk?"

"Of course."

Jang Ilso answered with a gentle smile.

There was no need to question the truth of his words.

Hyun Jong didn't trust Jang Ilso. In fact, he might be one of the least trusted individuals in the world by Hyun Jong. However, it was precisely because of that, he could be trusted.

Big liars usually don't lie about small matters. Those who aim to deceive the world are often honest in everyday matters. From Hyun Jong's perspective, the issue of the Black Dragon King's life wasn't a small matter, but from Jang Ilso's perspective, it probably wasn't a significant issue that would undermine the world's trust in him.

"What will you do?"

Jang Ilso subtly pressed Hyun Jong.

"Will you release the Black Dragon King and return home, or do you want to..."

Jang Ilso's fingernail slowly ran across his lips.

"Kill everyone here?"

As his fingernail fell from his lips, a sinister tone crept into Jang Ilso's voice. It was an unmistakable threat, sending a chill down the spine.

Hyun Jong forced down his racing heart.

Should he threaten Jang Ilso by taking the Black Dragon King's life for the sake of an agreement? Or should he withdraw, leaving them alive to ensure the safety of Mount Hua, the Tang Family, and Namgung?

It was a dilemma that no one in the world could easily decide upon.


Hyun Jong gazed at the disciples of Mount Hua. Each one looked at him with eyes full of trust. Regardless of the words that came from his mouth, they were ready to believe and follow him. Even if the price of his choice meant their death, they would accept it willingly.

As the representative of Mount Hua, Hyun Jong had to accept that trust. To do that, he had to become an even greater person.


A faint smile curled up at the corner of Hyun Jong's lips.

"I am a small person."

Once he acknowledged this fact, he felt relieved. He knew that he couldn't become the great person they wished for. Therefore, he understood his role was limited. While he wasn't sure what decision the Sect Leader of Mount Hua should make, Hyun Jong's choice was crystal clear.

Hyun Jong glanced at Chung Myung one last time, silently asking, 'Are you okay?'

A small smile appeared at the corner of Chung Myung's lips, as if to say that it was enough.

Finally, Hyun Jong took a small deep breath and turned his gaze to Jang Ilso. No matter how resolved he was, Jang Ilso remained a formidable presence. But there was no need for Hyun Jong to be greater than Jang Ilso.


Jang Ilso slightly nodded.

"Have you made up your mind, Sect leader?"

Still smiling softly, Hyun Jong calmly spoke.



"Mount Hua..."

After a brief pause, Hyun Jong decisively stated,

"We will not accept your proposal."

At that moment, Jang Ilso froze in place. He seemed to have stopped everything, even breathing, as if he had forgotten how to exhale. His gaze remained locked onto Hyun Jong without wavering.

But this state was temporary, and soon his face contorted into an expression of intense change.

"What did you say?"

As Jang Ilso snarled, discarding the civility and politeness that adorned his flamboyant attire, Mount Hua's swordsmen, who had been guarding behind Hyun Jong, took a step forward in unison.

The negotiation had fallen apart. Jang Ilso's face was now filled with a fierce, menacing aura.

Right at that moment, Hyun Jong calmly spoke with his composed voice.


Hyun Jong continued speaking, undeterred.

"We will release the Black Dragon King."

Jang Ilso stared intently at Hyun Jong, not immediately comprehending what was going on in Hyun Jong's mind.

"Remember this."


"Mount Hua will not negotiate with the Evil Tyrant Alliance."


"Nevertheless, we have always intended to release the Black Dragon King."

"You intended to do so?"



As Hyun Jong slowly turned his gaze, at the other end of it, Namgung Dowi gripped his sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Mount Hua's revenge is not for personal reasons."


"Mount Hua came here upon Namgung's request. It wasn't for the sake of gaining fame or for disturbing the balance of power in the region. It was merely because I couldn't ignore one person's request."

Jang Ilso gazed at Hyun Jong as if he'd been struck on the back of the head, his face displaying such an expression for the first time in his life.

"So, it is reasonable that the revenge against the Black Dragon King is carried out in Namgung's name. Mount Hua has no right to take that opportunity from him."


"So, we will release the Black Dragon King. And I ask the Ryeonjul to leave now. This is not a place for either you or us."

"Ha... hahaha..."

For a moment, Jang Ilso's face contorted strangely. He seemed to be both laughing, disheartened, and angry all at once. With a face as if he had seen a ghost, Jang Ilso slowly turned his head.

Chung Myung.

He was looking at Jang Ilso with a faint smile.