Chapter 984: That's Why the World Is Interesting (Part 4)

In the bone-chilling silence, Baek Cheon looked at Beopjeong with a bewildered expression.

'Right now...'

What did that person just say?

Could it be that he mentioned the word "collude"? Between the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Evil Sect?

Baek Cheon's eyes suddenly filled with anger, and his blood surged. It was as if his heart was on fire.


As he tried to move forward with burning eyes, someone grabbed his shoulder and pressed it hard.

When he turned around, it was Un Geom. Un Geom, too, looked fierce, but for now, he lowered his head, restraining Baek Cheon.



"He's about to face the Sect Leader."

However, Un Geom, too, seemed to be struggling with his anger, as his one remaining hand trembled on Baek Cheon's shoulder.

Beopjeong's words didn't only surprise the Mount Hua Sect. Kongtong's Sect Leader, Jonglihyung, also stared at Beopjeong with a face of shock.


What could that possibly mean? Surely they observed what had happened here on Plum Blossom Island.

And at that moment, breaking the silence, Hyun Jong spoke.


There was no anger or injustice on his face. He just looked at Beopjeong with an emotionless expression. But anyone who knew who he was would understand how much anger he was suppressing.

"I find it hard to comprehend what the Bangjang is asking."

Hyun Jong's tone had no emotion. It was hard to hear him speak like this.

Beopjeong smiled and replied, "It's just as you said."


"From a logical perspective, there is no reason for the Su Lo Chae not to attack the Heavenly Comrade Alliance when they are escaping from the island."

"The reason is simple. We took the Black Dragon King as a hostage."

"Is that so?"

Beopjeong turned his gaze toward the boat in surprise.

'No wonder something seemed strange.'

Beopjeong realized that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword hadn't yet disembarked and nodded in agreement.

"I understand what you're saying."

"Has it been sufficient as an answer?"

Beopjeong slowly lowered his head.


Upon this response, a cold sternness overtook Hyun Jong's face.

"That's not enough, Sect Leader."

The hint of a smile disappeared from Beopjeong's face.

"I don't suppose the Sect Leader is suggesting that these pirates have earned such favor from heaven?"

"Sect Leader."

For the first time, anger appeared on Hyun Jong's face.

In fact, when he thought about it, Beopjeong's doubts were reasonable. The process of them leaving the island might have appeared unnatural here. Hyun Jong was not incapable of understanding that.

However, the reason he couldn't contain his anger was simple—malice. At the end of every word that Beopjeong uttered, there was a sinister malice seeping through. He wasn't seeking answers or an explanation that would make sense, but rather the malevolent intention to somehow push them into a foul place.

"We risked our lives to rescue Namgung."

"I am also grateful for the efforts of Heavenly Comrade Alliance in rescuing Namgung. However..."

Beopjeong's gaze turned toward Mount Hua behind Hyun Jong. It was directed at the young swordsmen who were glaring at him with murderous intent, ready to attack him.

"Who lost their lives then?"

"Sect Leader!"

Hyun Jong shouted, but Beopjeong didn't even blink.

"It's just that I find the situation of them escaping from the location occupied by the Myriad Man Manor and Su Lo Chae without anyone having to sacrifice anything, too unnatural."

In the end, an uncontrollable anger appeared on Hyun Jong's face.

What on earth was this madman muttering?

"Logically, there must have been some kind of agreement between the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Evil Tyrant Alliance, or does the Sect Leader argue that Heavenly Comrade Alliance's strength was sufficient to not have to sacrifice anything against the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

Beopjeong's face was serious. He was so stern that it made Hyun Jong wonder if they had done something wrong.

Sure enough, the disciples of Kongtong and the Beggar's Union, who had been secretly listening to this conversation, began to exchange glances among themselves. They seemed to find a certain resonance with Beopjeong's speech, which wasn't entirely unfounded.

"There's only one thing I can say."

Hyun Jong spoke with a stern expression.

"Mount Hua did not compromise with them. They simply couldn't do anything to us because we took Black Dragon King hostage."


Beopjeong's eyes took on a peculiar twist.

"So, are you saying..."

Hyun Jong's face paled slightly upon seeing that look in Beopjeong's eyes. He instantly grasped what the next statement would be.

"Is it to mean that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has agreed to spare the evil Black Dragon King as part of their deal to escape from Plum Blossom Island?"

Hyun Jong tightly closed his eyes.

The reason Mount Hua had decided to spare the Black Dragon King was that his revenge was directed at Namgung. However, in this situation, who would believe such a story? To these people who had already absorbed Beopjeong's vile accusations, it would sound like they had begged for their lives in exchange for letting out the worst villain.

Hyun Jong couldn't simply believe his words; the current situation was too ruthless to have any credibility.


Suddenly, someone raised their voice. It was Jaogae.

Beopjeong turned his gaze toward him.

"If you can't believe what the Heavenly Comrade Alliance says, can you believe me instead? I observed everything on that island. From what I saw, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance never formed an alliance with the Evil Sect!"

Jaogae stared at Beopjeong and spoke emphatically.

"I swear upon my name."

But Beopjeong merely lowered his head.

"Your name holds no value."

"What are you saying now..."

"Did you not relinquish your position as the elder of the Beggar's Union to prove your words?"

In an instant, Jaogae trembled with seething anger.

'This madman!'

However, he couldn't argue back. There was no logic to counter such groundless accusations.

"And furthermore!"

Beopjeong spoke with a frown.

"Your eyes and ears cannot represent everything. If what I fear is true, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance should prepare for a great catastrophe. Can you really take responsibility for all that you've said, Jaogae?"

"Look, Bangjang!"

"This is not your place!"

Beopjeong pressed Jaogae heavily.

No matter how he tried to save face, Beopjeong was the Sect Leader of Shaolin. When he decided to assert his authority, Jaogae had no choice but to comply.

"Be cautious, Jaogae. If they've conspired with the Evil Sect, it could be that their entry into Plum Blossom Island was all part of a grand scheme. This means we should not judge solely based on what happened there."


Jaogae trembled visibly, but he couldn't speak further. He had felt that Beopjeong had no intention of listening to him.

'How can this be?'

Don't you wonder why Beopjeong would have such an attitude? Jaogae couldn't help but be filled with even more suppressed anger. It felt like he was choking on bile.

"I will ask again."

Beopjeong turned to Hyun Jong and opened his mouth once more.

"Is it true that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance made an agreement with the Evil Sect to release Black Dragon King?"

Hyun Jong tried his best to stay calm. He sensed that if he let his anger show, Beopjeong would seize the advantage he was looking for.

"It might appear that way, but it's not an agreement that could be called a formal alliance."

"So, it means that the life of Black Dragon King is so important to Jang Ilso that it's worth releasing all three: Mount Hua, Tang Family, and Namgung?"

"What are you talking about..."

"And furthermore."

Beopjeong's meaningful gaze swept over Hyun Jong.

"It also means he came out to beg for his life as part of the agreement."


Suddenly, Tang Gunak, who had silently observed the situation, took a step forward. It was as if he couldn't endure this any longer.

"How can you call that an agreement? If you look at it that way, Shaolin, too, made an agreement with them on the Yangtze River by begging for their lives."

Beopjeong responded with a smirk, rather than countering it.

"Exactly, respected sir. That's correct."

Tang Gunak's face stiffened in response to this.

"And in exchange for that..."

At Beopjeong's expression, Tang Gunak realized his mistake.

"Even Shaolin made a considerable sacrifice. So I wonder, if all these situations are no different from the past Yangtze River Disaster..."

His gaze was still subtle and meaningful, but Beopjeong's voice now carried a clear authority.

"Which sect of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is willing to bear the consequences for forming an alliance with the Evil Sect?"

"You bitch...!"

Tang Gunak spat out harsh words, and his brow furrowed deeply. He now fully understood what Beopjeong was after.

Restoring Shaolin's honor was no longer possible. On the contrary, if rumors spread about the negotiation between the Evil Sect and Mount Hua to ensure its safe passage out of Plum Blossom Island, it would be devastating.

Asking the dirtiest person about the stain on a pure, clean body was unlikely to reveal anything, but the tiniest speck of dust on an otherwise spotless body would be highly visible.

Tang Gunak, realizing Beopjeong's intentions, glared at him with murderous intent. Unlike Mount Hua, Shaolin was not known for harboring deep-seated grudges, but at this moment, Tang Gunak's eyes were as fierce as those of someone seeking revenge.

He had also become sick of that profound malice.

Beopjeong grinned knowingly.

"Don't get too excited. I, too, don't think the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is foolish enough to make such an alliance with the Evil Sect over such a trivial matter."

Tang Gunak furrowed his brows. Beating a person when they're down—what kind of nonsense was this?

"However much I think about it, it doesn't make sense. Comparing the life of the Black Dragon King to the status of Mount Hua, Shaolin, and the Namgung Clan is utterly ridiculous, isn't it? Their combined worth is far more significant than the life of a mere villainous sect member."

"Refrain yourself..."

"Unless, perchance, they had already made a secret pact, offering much more than just the Black Dragon King's life..."

"This crazy fool!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Tang Gunak burst out in rage.

They had staked their lives to enter Plum Blossom Island. Why were they being treated like this?

Yet, this forced statement was bizarrely effective. The gazes of the disciples guarding behind Beopjeong began to change subtly.

Perhaps it was only natural.

They had lived their lives with pride as disciples of the Righteous Sects. However, this time, they were merely spectators of Mount Hua's actions.

Was it because they were powerless?

That couldn't be it. No matter how formidable Mount Hua had become, they were still disciples of the Righteous Sects. There was no way they could be so incredibly weak.

But how were they to interpret the situation where Mount Hua, in a situation they had no influence over, had triumphed over the Shaolin Sect and rescued Namgung?

However much they thought about it, it must have been a highly unnatural event.

Without undeniable evidence of an agreement from Mount Hua's side, their response would have been completely different. They would have already concluded that there was a conspiracy on the Yangtze River if another faction rather than Mount Hua had accomplished the same.

Tang Gunak's face lacked any hint of color.

'Damn it.'

They probably didn't understand. There was an evident difficulty for them in this matter.

Now Beopjeong was subtly and skillfully stimulating the pride of the people who had observed the Yangtze River from this place.

It's said that 'one against all' will not lead to success. But Beopjeong was now planning the opposite.

'What should I do?'

How on earth could one break through a situation where the most authoritative person in the world was determined to drive them out, and the most trusted people in the world are looking at them with suspicion?

Even the world-famous Poison King could not hastily open his mouth.

"Sect leader."

At that moment, Beopjeong fixed a strange smile as he gazed at Hyun Jong.

As if he was driving the final wedge.

"Finally, I'll ask one more time. Did Mount Hua truly make no agreement with the Evil Sect?"

Hyun-jong looked up at the sky with a distant expression.

'So terrifying.'

It was all too harsh and frightening. He thought he already knew about the Kangho, but this intense malice sent shivers down his spine once again.

"Let me say it once more!"

Hyun-jong was about to raise his voice forcefully when...

"...What if we made an agreement?"

A chilling voice pierced their ears.

All eyes along the riverbank turned toward the source of the voice.

"So what if we made an agreement?"

Chung Myung of Mount Hua approached them slowly.

With a demeanor colder than the winds of the North Sea.