Chapter 986: I Didn't See Anything (Part 1)

Beopjeong's fingertips trembled.


Seeing Chung Myung, who had already turned away, and having poured out everything he wanted to say, he felt like he had swallowed burning charcoal.

But there was nothing he could do. Grabbing Chung Myung, who had already turned away, to refute his words would seem futile.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword!'

The atmosphere completely changed. Now, no one dared to refute the words of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

Now, no matter how loudly Beopjeong raised his voice, at least here, his logic would not hold up.

That's why Beopjeong redirected his arrows at someone other than Chung Myung.

"Is this... Is this the will of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

He stared straight at Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak, struggling to keep his voice from trembling.

No matter how much weight was placed on the words of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, he had not received any official position within the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. This meant that his words could not represent the will of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

In the end, the will of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was determined by Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak.

Beopjeong pressured the two of them with a powerful presence.

"Please answer. Is this truly the will of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

Hyun Jong looked at him with a composed expression.

"It's a bit radical to call it the will of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, but... well...."

At his evasive response, Beopjeong's face contorted.

"Sect Leader!"

He urgently stared at him, but Hyun Jong just slowly lowered his head.

"If we are given a chance again, we will head to Plum Blossom Island without hesitation, just as that child said."


"We have no shame in anything we have done. If the world criticizes us, it cannot be helped, right? After all, everything we did was not meant to be shown to others from the beginning."

Wide-eyed, Beopjeong looked at Hyun Jong.

What on earth did that mean?

Not meant to be shown to others? Are they willing to bear criticism?

Could these words come from the mouth of the leader of a faction, and more than that, a sect?

"Do you really think that choice is correct now...?"


Hyun Jong sighed and spoke.

"Nothing in this world is perfect."


"Therefore, nothing is entirely right. So we can only question ourselves. Am I really on the right path now?"

Hyun Jong's words weren't an accusation towards Beopjeong. However, Beopjeong felt discomforted as if Hyun Jong was asking, 'Do you really think you are right?' It gnawed at him uncomfortably.

On the other hand, Hyun Jong's eyes remained unwavering. The only thing present in those deep eyes was self-confidence.

"My heart tells me that I have done the right thing. So why does it matter what others think? Please don't impose Shaolin's ways on us. The Heavenly Comrade Alliance will continue to do what it believes is right."


"I believe my answer was adequate. Then."

Hyun Jong stepped back.

Of course, Beopjeong wanted to keep him. He knew that he couldn't just let the Heavenly Comrade Alliance leave like this.

But he couldn't. Someone had approached Beopjeong from behind Hyun Jong.

The person who had stained his originally white robe with his own blood, coloring it a deep red. With every limping step, he emanated deep-seated resentment.

No matter how desperate Beopjeong was, he couldn't disregard him and seize Hyun Jong.

It was none other than Namgung Dowi.

"Namgung Siju..."

Namgung Dowi stood before Beopjeong, his eyes filled with intense anger.

Why wouldn't he be angry?

Shaolin had thoroughly betrayed Namgung's expectations.

Even if they hadn't exposed themselves by coming all the way here, just standing by and watching Namgung being completely ridiculed was an unforgivable situation.

Of course, Beopjeong had his reasons too, but would that be enough to appease someone who had been through that hell, like the Namgung Family?

Beopjeong had never even thought about being forgiven by Namgung, not even once. But when he faced Namgung Dowi, the person harboring the deepest grudge against Shaolin, he couldn't help but be at a loss for words.

As Beopjeong hesitated and stammered, Namgung Dowi spoke first.

"...Collusion, you say."

A hollow laugh escaped his lips.

"If we go by the leader's words, it means our pitiful Namgung family's lives were saved through a dirty pact made between the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


"Bangjang, what should we do?"

Namgung Dowi's eyes emitted a fierce liveliness, even despite his stolid expression.

"Our contemptible lives were saved through a filthy pact. Should we take our own lives now to reclaim some honor?"

"Namgung Siju, I didn't mean..."

"Haha... Hahahaha."

Namgung Dowi burst into twisted laughter.

"It seems that those who should have died ended up surviving and disturbing Bangjang's mind for no reason. I apologize."

"That's not what I meant."

"Are you really sure?"

Namgung Dowi glanced at Beopjeong as if questioning when they had last laughed.

His eyes held a question.

Was Shaolin really hoping for the Namgung Family to come back alive from that island? Had they stopped wishing for survivors the moment they gave up on rescuing the Namgung Family?

Beopjeong couldn't answer that question.

If it was only Namgung Dowi who was the problem, they could somehow crush him with their authority. But now, every single Namgung survivor who regained consciousness and got together was treating him like a hero. What could they possibly say in this situation, no matter how many words they had at their disposal?

Even if they had ten mouths, there would be nothing to say.

"If you don't want to see us, then perhaps it's only proper that we leave."

Namgung Dowi looked around at everyone meaningfully.

"As the head of the Namgung family... and as the acting head in the absence of our actual head!"

His voice reverberated with determination.

"As of this moment, the Namgung Sega Family from the Five Great Families and will transfer his grudges to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

"I... Namgung Siju!"

Beopjeong's voice, closer to a scream than a statement, rang out.

While Beopjeong had anticipated that there would be ill feelings towards the Righteous Sects, he couldn't possibly have predicted such a declaration at this moment.

"This isn't something to decide emotionally!"

"Yes, you're right. We need to be rational. Just like Bangjang, who watched over Plum Blossom Island here with utmost rationality!"


Namgung Dowi aimed his words at Beopjeong as if exposing him, as if he were chewing his words.

"So, when you make claims that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has formed an alliance with the Evil Tyrant Alliance, make sure to include this too: the Namgung Sect has become the Evil Tyrant Alliance's puppet."


"Please be careful, Bangjang."

Namgung Dowi turned away from Beopjeong, as if he didn't want to mix his words anymore.

Beopjeong's face paled.

'This... this cannot happen.'

The Namgung Family must not be sent to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. No, even if Namgung were to join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, it must not happen now!

Who would believe it?

The moment Namgung joins the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, everything Beopjeong has said will become nonsense. Even the fact that he now doubts the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will be treated as slander!

All rights will go to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, and the positions of the Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects will be buried under heaps of ashes.

That must be prevented. It must!

"Namgung Siju! Please rethink it! Namgung..."

"Stop it!"

At that moment, someone grabbed Beopjeong's shoulder.

He turned around and found Jonglihyung, who had somehow approached him, gesturing with a distorted face.

"It's not the right time, Bangjang."

"...Sect Leader."

"Raising doubts isn't wrong, but it's about timing and location, right? There are wounded people over there. If you, Leader, Bangjang uncovering the truth of this incident and saving Shaolin's reputation over treating the wounded, how will the world look at you?"

"That's going too far!"

Beopjeong shouted, his face turning red.

Jonglihyung clenched his lips. He wanted to continue and not stop here. He wanted to speak more bluntly, given his true feelings. But he couldn't. No matter how despicable he seemed, Shaolin was the North Star of the Ten Great Sects.

Moreover, Kongtong was a sect within the Ten Great Sects, and particularly, there was no other alternative for Jonglihyung apart from maintaining their relationship with Shaolin. Whether he liked it or not, further criticism was impossible for him.

"... Right now, just let it go, Bangjang."

Instead of pressing on further, he lowered his voice.

"Do you not see the onlookers? They have many eyes."

At Namgung Dowi's words, Beopjeong reflexively turned to look. The beggars who stood behind Shaolin and Kongtong, watching everything, had gleaming eyes.

Their words would spread throughout the realm. Even though their speech was somewhat controlled by the Beggar's Union, it was impossible to silence so many eyes and mouths.

No matter how you looked at it, their gazes didn't seem favorable to him. Pushing things further here might lead to them saying something that could spread throughout the realm.


Beopjeong bit his lip. His fists, hidden beneath his sleeves, were trembling.

Now he had to admit it, the mistake he made at the Yangtze River was just too significant. But was the price too severe and cruel?

Beopjeong felt an urge to pound his chest in frustration.

These people also ran this long distance to save Namgung, didn't they? Why wouldn't they acknowledge that? Even Shaolin had good intentions toward Namgung, so why didn't he understand?

"Then, please go ahead, Bangjang."

Hyun Jong directed his words deeply towards Beopjeong. His utmost respect seemed to indicate that no hint of grudge would be held once he left.

Without waiting for Beopjeong's response, he turned around and shouted.

"Organize the lodgings and move the injured!"

"Yes, Sect leader!"

After catching a glance at the disciples of the Righteous Sects, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's members began to work swiftly following Hyun Jong's orders. Even the stubborn Tang Gunak, who had held his ground until the end, gave Beopjeong a freezing stare before turning away.

Beopjeong gazed straight ahead with a seething, bloodshot glare. Intense humiliation made his body shiver. 

It was clear that the well-organized Heavenly Comrade Alliance had distanced themselves flawlessly from them.

'In the end...'

Blood oozed from his trembling lips.

'In the end, is this how it has to be?'

Beopjeong didn't want to accept it, but at this point, he had no choice.

'I can't embrace them.'

Even during the moments of tension and friction, despite his burning anger, there was a corner of Beopjeong's heart that believed the Heavenly Comrade Alliance could eventually be led on the right path. He thought that any disagreements arising from the clashes would naturally mend over time.

But at this very moment, he became certain.

They were never meant to go together with the Ten Great Sects.

"In the end, it's just as he said."


"Nothing, never mind."

Beopjeong's gaze held a chill that was far from being indifferent.

Today, right now, a rift had formed that could never be reconciled between the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the two mighty forces representing justice in the land. 

Where this rift, born from the chaos sparked by the Evil Sect's uprising, would lead the country, no one could know at this point.