Chapter 990: I Didn't See Anything (Part 5)


Namgung Dowi's eyes filled with tension.

In reality, there should be no reason for tension. Logically, which force in the world would dare to refuse the Namgung Family? It was nearly impossible for something like that to happen.

Even if the one in a thousand, maybe one in ten thousand, chance took place that the Namgung Family announced their conversion to the Evil Sect today, it could be guaranteed that even the Leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance Jang Ilso would break through any resistance from his surroundings and swim across the Yangtze River. Namgung Dowi turned his gaze slightly. Surprisingly, Namgung Myung's face was calm.

'That's right. Although it's extremely unlikely...'

Nevertheless, Namgung Dowi couldn't let go of the tension. This was the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, after all.

As far as he had observed, common sense had no place in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Had there ever been a moment when the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had acted according to his understanding?


Namgung Dowi let out a long breath. He had to believe in sincerity. It seemed to be the only way for now.

"Assistant Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong called Namgung Dowi calmly. Since he hadn't officially succeeded as the Sect Leader yet, addressing him as "Assistant Sect Leader" was appropriate.

"Yes, Master."

"First, let's confirm. Is it true that the Namgung Family is requesting membership in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Namgung Dowi took a deep breath and then continued speaking.

"Here, I will formally make the request again. The Namgung Family officially requests to join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


Hyun Jong nodded with a heavy expression.

"Although it may cause problems with existing sects, are you still okay with this decision?"

"Yes. Our decision is firm."

Namgung Dowi's eyes showed no signs of wavering. It was only natural. Realistically, the Namgung Family had no other place to go if not for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. And emotionally, being with the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the latter was a much better choice.

With both reason and emotion rallying behind the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, why would there be any hesitation?

"May I ask for the reason?"

"We know that there is no more room for negotiation with them."

Namgung Dowi looked at everyone with a resolute gaze and then spoke.

"My late father headed towards Plum Blossom Island to take responsibility for the previous Yangtze River incident and to revive the fallen alliance. The name 'Heaven's Friend Namgung Family' is based on righteousness. That was his teaching."


Tang Gunak narrowed his eyes. It seemed like there was much to contemplate upon when it came to the story of Namgung Hwang.

"But the Ten Great Sects prioritized their own interests over righteousness, and that's not necessarily wrong. I don't blame them either. However..."

Namgung Dowi's face was filled with conviction.

"If my father had been here and not in a critical condition, he would definitely have chosen to be with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, not the Ten Great Sects or the Five Great Families. I believe that the future of the Namgung Family lies with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, not the Ten Great Sects or the Five Great Families."

Just when Hyun Jong thought it was enough, Namgung Dowi spoke again.

"And this is not just a decision to overcome the current crisis. I want to instill a sense of pride in the children raised within the Namgung Family. We should take pride in being a sect that values righteousness over survival. It's not about pride or status, but the pride of pursuing righteousness!"

The disciples of Mount Hua at the back nodded their heads without even realizing it. In truth, pride was nothing special. Compared to the vast rewards that could be gained through seeking self-interest, what was so great about mere pride?

However, it was this seemingly insignificant pride that made their shoulders straighten. Shaolin had never truly met the eyes of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and Namgung Family members. That was because Shaolin lacked pride in their sect.

The disciples of Mount Hua knew that such pride didn't come from strength but rather from something else, so naturally, their heads nodded.

"So, I humbly request."

Namgung Dowi bowed his head.

"Please accept our Namgung Family as part of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. We will put in every effort to ensure that Sect Leader's decision will undoubtedly be the right one."

Hyun Jong smiled warmly.

"Well done."

It had been several days since Namgung Dowi had left Plum Blossom Island. No matter how remarkable he was, it was not easy to free himself from the shock of watching his family members die before his eyes while carrying his late father.

However, Namgung Dowi was determined without a doubt. What he was discussing was not the past but the future. He had risen from the hardships and pain of the present to move towards Namgung's future.

So, why wouldn't he be willing?

Leaving aside his affiliation, it was only natural to feel proud when looking at a great achievement. Since his arrival at the Yangtze River, Hyun Jong's face, which had been stern all this time, finally brightened.

"What do you think?"

The willingness was also reflected in his voice. Hyun Jong's enjoyment of it made Tang Gunak smile.

"If you put it that way, I feel embarrassed."

In response to Hyun Jong's words, Tang Gunak smiled and looked at Namgung Dowi.

"There should be no reason why not. If the Namgung Family is the one requesting, we should be the sect that humbly bows our heads first, shouldn't we?"

"That's right."

"Well, if it's a request from such a sect, which force in the world could refuse? I am in favor."

Hyun Jong nodded contentedly.

"Is there anyone else opposed?"


Each of them responded with what seemed like rehearsed answers. Among them, there were none who held grudges against the Namgung Family, so it was only natural. Even from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's perspective, accepting the Namgung Family and expanding their influence was nothing to be considered bad.

Even when considering it from a purely pragmatic perspective, this was a great advantage. While their strength had diminished considerably, it was still the Namgung Family. It was not an ordinary sect that common factions would dare to challenge. The title of the Ten Great Sects was not just a label given by chance.

"This issue is not something that we can decide with our opinions alone. However, I believe that the leaders of other factions present here will not object, including the leaders of the factions outside. Therefore, with Sect Leader's authority, the joining of the Namgung Family..."

"No, you can't!"

"...Will be allowed..."

Hyun Jong, who was about to permit the entry in a cool and composed manner, flinched as a voice of opposition burst out. He turned his gaze towards the source of the voice.

Until now, Im Sobyeong had always swayed his fan casually and smiled leisurely. However, now he was glaring at everyone with a fierce expression.

"Um, Nokrim King..."

"Before the dirt falls into my eyes, I will not allow it!"


"What in the world is this situation? I absolutely cannot accept..."


Without hesitation, Chung Myung kicked Im Sobyeong. Chung Myung rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"But where did this bastard even come from? Is this a place for Evil Sect people?"

Im Sobyeong, who had been kicked in the side, tumbled on the ground, but he didn't get discouraged at all and quickly raised his head.

"No! Is there any sense in going this far? What did Namgung do for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? These guys are just seeking refuge under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance because they're having a tough time with the Evil Sect!"

Im Sobyeong's eyes emitted a fierce fire, and the intensity was so great that even Hyun Jong, let alone Tang Gunak, flinched.

Unfortunately, in this place, there were humans who didn't care about the intensity of Im Sobyeong's fervor. Chung Myung, who had been watching Im Sobyeong with narrowed eyes, flicked his eyes with his two fingers.


Im Sobyeong covered his eyes and fell backward. At the same time, everyone unconsciously distorted their faces and covered their eyes.

"Which Evil Sect bastard is trying to gouge someone's eyes out now? I'll rip them out for sure!"


Im Sobyeong wiped his tears from his stabbed eyes, but still, he glared at Hyun Jong with a poisonous gaze. Since it was evident that speaking to Chung Myung would be pointless, he clung to the person who might listen to him.

"Even if we are Evil Sect, we've worked like dogs for the past three years! If you want us to carry luggage, we carry it! If you want us to fly, we fly! If you want us to guard, we guard!"

As Im Sobyeong's voice grew louder, Hyun Jong gradually shrank.

"We've worked like this for three years! What? You want to let Namgung join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? We haven't even joined yet. How can you allow Namgung's entry without us?"


Hyun Jong had nothing to say. To be honest, if you looked at it closely, for the past three years... No, even before that, Mount Hua was devouring Nokrim. Not even a decent Evil Sect or merchant would be able to exploit and deprive a force as frugally as this.

Of course, all of that was actually closer to Chung Myung's actions rather than Mount Hua's actions, but in any case, if Chung Myung belonged to Mount Hua, it was true that responsibility also fell on the Mount Hua Sect.

"People have to have a conscience!"

Im Sobyeong scolded. And the answer came not from Hyun Jong but from Chung Myung.

"Oh, is it unfair? Then, break up with us! Bastard! Who wants to work with an Evil Sect member anyways?"

Under normal circumstances, Im Sobyeong would have remained silent, but today, he shouted as if there was no one around.

"No, I was born and my father turned out to be the Nokrim King. What should I do about it? Oh, please, let me repent, can I be born again? Do you know how it feels to be the son of someone who is the scourge of the Evil Sect when you were born into the world?"

"How would I know? I'm an orphan."

"...Ah, so you definitely wouldn't know."

Im Sobyeong nodded as if satisfied.

As everyone watched him with stunned expressions, Im Sobyeong spoke again.

"I, too, wanted to take the civil service examination and become a scholar because I was born as the foster child of a Yanggodang family! But how could I wash my hands of my father being the leader of bandits! If I was born like this, help me try to live properly! Are you looking down on people just because of their background?"


"End discrimination against the Evil Sect! Drive away the wicked leader...!"


It seemed that Chung Myung thought it had gone too far and he hit Im Sobyeong.

"No, this bastard has crossed the line! Hey, you! You want to die by my hands today?"

"Th-that's enough, Chung Myung."

Perhaps thinking it was a sight too unbearable to see without shedding tears, Hyun Jong quickly stopped Chung Myung.


Tang Gunak also covered his mouth with his fist and coughed. 

"In fact... there's nothing wrong with what the Nokrim King said...."

Mount Hua's disciples all looked up at the ceiling and pretended not to have heard. There was a lot of embarrassment in the air.


Hyun Jong, with a slightly red face, said to Im Sobyeong.

"I've understood the Nokrim King's words perfectly well. And we understand, too, that it is only right and proper that we accept Nokrim into the Heavenly Comrade Alliance now."

"Yes, Sect Leader!"


Hyun Jong had a somewhat awkward and embarrassed look on his face.

"It is not easy to approve your membership right now because the Righteous Sects are trying to accuse us of being in collusion with the Evil Sects. So, how about dealing with it not now, but when the situation calms down a bit? Please understand."

"Oh, membership approval at a later date?"

"Yes. In a sense, that's correct."

When you think about it, it was indeed a valid point. For Beopjeong, who was trying to align the Mount Hua Sect with the Evil Sect at all costs, Nokrim's admission would be a valuable asset. There was no way Im Sobyeong, who had an amazing head, could not understand this much.


He rummaged around his sleeves and took out a piece of paper. He immediately unfolded it and handed it to Hyun Jong.

"What is this?"

"An oath."

"A... an oath?"

"Yes. It's an oath to accept Nokrim into Heavenly Comrade Alliance! We will even make it official within a year!"

Hyun Jong stared at the oath with trembling eyes. The tiny characters were so densely packed that it was almost painful to look at.

"N-Nokrim King?"

"Stamp it. Master."


"Right now!"


At the same time that the Namgung family's membership was approved, Nokrim's membership was approved.

It left behind a subtle sense of unease and discomfort.