Chapter 998: Just Leave It Be (Part 3)


Hong Daekwang swallowed nervously. Right now, as expected, Chung Myung was sitting in front of him.

Why "as expected"?

Tsk, what an obvious statement! Like how a thread goes through the eye of a needle, naturally, Hong Daekwang should be where Chung Myung is.

This time, the Mount Hua Sect had been causing quite a stir suddenly, so his arrival was slightly delayed. But from the beginning, it was his job to gather information for the Mount Hua Sect!

So now, the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, who had naturally risen to the position to observe the overall situation of Kangho, had to wait for him to catch his breath, too.

Right. It should have been like that.

"Are you sure?"

"What are you saying!"

"Hmm. Can I trust you..."

"Oh. Am I going to lie to the whole Mount Hua Sect? Just because I'm a beggar doesn't mean I have two lives, you know."


"Hehe. You can trust me."

"Well, if you say it that confidently."


Hong Daekwang looked at the person sitting next to him with a bewildered expression.

Jao Gae.

The elder of the Beggar's Union... No, the former elder of the Beggar's Union, was sitting two steps in front of Hong Daekwang, relaying information to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

Information that even Hong Daekwang wasn't aware of.

"Dispatching a formal letter, huh? What a classic move."

Chung Myung murmured and chuckled.

"Nothing will change even if they do that, but it's the best they can do over there."

"Yes. Right now, formal letters are probably flying to the Ten Great Sects all over the world."

"They're not just flying; the Beggar's Union is pushing them forward."

"Cough, cough."

Jao Gae coughed, his face turning red.

"The thing is... the Beggar's Union has certain reasons for this."

"What reasons?"

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes and glared at Jao Gae, who subtly avoided eye contact.

"You... If you keep acting like a bat, one day your wings will tear apart."

"Then I'll just have to work hard with both legs, right? We beggars are used to rolling around on the ground anyway."

Hong Daekwang stared blankly at Jao Gae.

'Wait, does this guy have no pride?'

Who was Jao Gae?

He was a person who often unofficially represented the leader of the Beggar's Union, who was often absent from his seat due to illness. In other words, apart from the leader lying in bed, he could be considered the leader of the current Beggar's Union. Seeing such a person like Jao Gae fawning over Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, who was barely in his twenties, Hong Daekwang couldn't help but be surprised.

"Trust is something that should go."

"And lost trust can be regained in the future, right?"


Chung Myung looked at Jao Gae with a bewildered face and nodded.

"Got it. Let me know immediately if you have any other information."

"Of course. Isn't that why I'm here?"

"If you can't speak."

Chung Myung waved his hand dismissively. In response, Jao Gae quickly nodded and got up from his seat.

"I'll meet you again."


"And... be careful with your words to the Lord." [Hyun Jong]

"Alright, alright."

"Yes, then."

Jao Gae, who had bowed his body repeatedly as if he had no knees, abruptly stood up. Then, with a completely different attitude from before, he briskly pushed Hong Daekwang away.

"What are you doing?"


"Get out."


Stunned, Hong Daekwang, who had been pulled out, stared at Jao Gae.

"Ah, no. Why are you here, Elder?"

"Why shoudn't I be here?"

"...Uh, no. I...?"

An expression of humiliation briefly crossed Hong Daekwang's face.

"Did the master decide to go all the way Mount Hua?"

"Is there any chance of that happening?"

"Of course. But it can't be..."

"The basic rule is to hold the rope with both hands."

When Hong Daekwang's mouth fell open, Jao Gae shrugged his shoulders.

"It seems like the Lord of the Beggar's Sect doesn't want to let go of the reins even for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


Hong Daekwang chuckled as if he found it absurd. Of course, even without this incident, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Beggar's Union had always done this.

The Beggar's Union monopolized North's information and also had a considerable amount of information about the South. At least within the boundaries of the sects, the Beggar's Union could be said to be irreplaceable.

'So, this means something meaningful.'

Having fewer resources doesn't mean having no resources.

In other words, according to the Elder's judgment, now that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has become a force that is willing to cross over despite the difficulties, it means that the Beggar's Union's choice of putting everything into Mount Hua was correct.

It also means that Hong Daekwang's position has risen dramatically.

It's good to think that way. It's all good. However...

"No, why is the Elder dealing with that guy? After all, wasn't anything related to Mount Hua supposed to be left to me?"

Suddenly, Jao Gae turned his head and stared at Hong Daekwang with a fierce look.

"Left to you?"

Hong Daekwang was momentarily taken aback by his forceful response.

"Left to you? Yes, you said it well, you beggar!"


"What on earth have you been doing all this time that the Mount Hua Sect sees the Beggar's Union with those eyes?"

"Those eyes?"

"Exactly, what kind of appearance have you shown all this time, for the Mount Hua Sect to view the Beggar's Union as a bunch of leeches begging around without contributing anything?"

Hong Daekwang blinked his eyes.

"Isn't that the truth?"


"...Aren't beggars like that? People who beg without doing anything, just begging around. Why would they be considered beggars?"


"Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"

Jao Gae stared silently into the distant sky.

'What have I done to deserve this?'

He wondered how the Mount Hua Sect had ended up with a guy like him. It was a wonder that their relationship with the Mount Hua Sect had been maintained up to this point.

"In any case, from now on, I will personally manage this area for a while, so be aware of that."

"What? There is no such case! No matter how much of an elder you are, how dare you just waltz into an area someone else has been operating for years!"

"Don't think that I can't handle this brat! Do you think this is about territories?"

"Well, I'm not accepting it! How much effort I've put into Mount Hua all these years! Why have I endured such harsh persecution! No matter how much you call yourself an elder, if you mess with my territory, then you'll face my wrath!"

"Do you really want to die?"

"Do whatever you want! I'm just a beggar with nothing to lose! If I have to die, I'll die!"

Watching Hong Daekwang's eyes widen, Jao Gae covered his head with his hands.

'Geez, this guy...'

He may have been a guy with quirks in the first place, but how did he end up becoming this delirious? Did something make him lose his senses?

'Is there any logic to this madness?'

Though he didn't have any specific supernatural abilities, it looked like he had been infected with the weirdness of the Mount Hua Sect. Even if he heard this, he'd probably jump up and deny it.

"Anyway, this is a direct order from our leader. Don't say a word about it!"

"But you're no longer part of the Beggar's Union, aren't you?"

"So what? Do you want to experience a beating from someone who's no longer part of it?"


Hong Daekwang made a groaning sound.

No one would believe that Jao Gae was not a member of the Beggar's Union, even if he claimed to have left it. When the time comes, it would be Hong Daekwang who would suffer the most by having a false sense of security.

'But still!'

Wasn't it Hong Daekwang who had been sticking around since the time when the Mount Hua Sect was just a third-rate martial arts sect? Who else wouldn't get angry when someone stepped in where they had worked hard, even if it was with bloody sweat?

'I won't give it up even if I die!'

Hong Daekwang's eyes turned bloodshot. Knowing his intentions, Jao Gae gently pacified him this time.

"Don't worry. What I'm in charge of is related to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. You can keep focusing on Mount Hua as you do now."

"...Are you sure?"

"That's right!"

"Jeez, if that's the case, then, fine."

Jao Gae nodded his head. In truth, it seemed that Bangju [title for the leader of the Beggar's Union] wanted him to personally oversee Mount Hua, but...

'Then, I shouldn't have been excommunicated.'

Jao Gae was a person who would systematically express his thoughts even in front of the Shaolin Sect Leader. However, dealing with that Chung Myung was unbearable even for someone like him. Facing him felt like having a bomb in front of you, ready to explode at any moment.

'It's strange.'

Jao Gae gazed at the room where Chung Myung was with an odd expression.

'Of course, because of that uncultured temperament, it could be uncomfortable. But... it's definitely not just that.'

The sense of intimidation he felt when facing Bangju or the Shaolin Sect Leader was less than that. It seemed like it wasn't all due to Chung Myung's temperament. Whether it was due to Chung Myung's experience or the status he held in Kangho, it couldn't be denied.

'Why those who've met Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword have a hard time facing him, I might know the reason.'

This was a part that couldn't be fully expressed in writing alone. This is why those who deal with information should neither blindly believe in it nor be submerged by it.

The best way to confirm how formidable a particular sect is lies in looking at its leader.

'I guess that's it.'

Hyun Jong and Chung Myung. As long as the two leaders were at the heart of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Mount Hua's influence would undoubtedly continue to grow.

"But, are you okay?"

"Hmm? What are you talking about?"

Hong Daekwang asked with a somewhat worried expression.

"Bangju has decided to extend our cooperation to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, haven't they?"

Until now, Beggar's Union had certainly provided information to both the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and Mount Hua. However, this was limited to information that could be handled by Hong Daekwang. Information related to internal matters of the Ten Great Sects, which couldn't be revealed publicly, was not shared even with him.

But the fact that Jao Gae had decided to act meant that they had decided to provide even such confidential information to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"Doesn't that mean that Bangju has confirmed the Heavenly Comrade Alliance as a place that stands against the Ten Great Sects?"

"There's no need to look for confirmation. It's already been decided."

Jao Gae nodded. However, Hong Daekwang couldn't shake off his concerns.

"To be honest, I'm a bit worried. The Evil Sect is becoming more threatening to the north every day, and if the righteous factions split in two..."

"Not everything goes as planned in this world."


"But such worries aren't for us to have."


Jao Gae briefly tilted his head toward the room where Chung Myung was.

"Do you think that guy knows only what we know?"


"Most likely, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword has been considering this situation for a long time. So, it's up to the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to discuss countermeasures."

"Ugh, he's not as calculating as you think, Elder."

"Well, who knows?"

"But I'm telling you, I'm right."

Jao Gae completely ignored Hong Daekwang's words.

As a result of this incident, the conflict had clearly divided the world into three parts: the Evil Sect in the south, the Ten Great Sects in the east, and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance in the west.

While the exact boundaries weren't confirmed yet, the fact that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had swallowed up the western part of the central region was undeniable. Jao Gae didn't believe in coincidences; he believed that human will was involved in such significant matters.

"It must be exhausting."


When Hong Daekwang asked, Jao Gae shook his head. Yet his gaze remained fixed on Chung Myung's room.

Over the course of several years, after enduring long and arduous contemplation, one could only imagine how intense and intricate the thoughts in the head of someone who had achieved everything with their own hands would be.

"Like a swan appearing elegant on the surface but paddling furiously beneath the water to stay afloat, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword must be making efforts in ways that are not apparent to others to maintain his somewhat frivolous appearance."

"That's a lie. Swans can float effortlessly even without paddling."

"Is that so?"

"... ..."

"... ..."

Jao Gae let out a loud cough.

"In any case, he's an impressive person..."

Suddenly, the door to Chung Myung's room swung open.

"Ah, it's odd. I didn't even have a few sips, and it's already gone..."

Chung Myung, who was trudging out with a pure white bottle of alcohol in both hands, flinched when he saw the two people still standing in front of the room.



A strange silence lingered for a moment. Chung Myung looked at the two people with a somewhat awkward expression while holding up a bottle.

"Would you like some? There's a little left?"


Or maybe it was just his imagination.