Chapter 1008: Becoming an Adult (Part 2)

The next day.


Namgung Dowi groaned and clutched his head before even opening his eyes.

"Ugh, my head..."

It felt like there were bells ringing in his head.

'How much did I drink, anyway?'

As time passed, the memories gradually returned.

The bottle of liquor that was there had quickly emptied. Then, Chung Myung suddenly jumped up, went somewhere, and returned with bottles of liquor in both hands.

- You have to drink and die! Hey, drink it. Drink!

- This... all of it?

- What? Can't you handle it? Anyway, that's why the sanims [idk] exist! Tsk, tsk.

- W-well, I'll drink it! Why can't I drink it?


The alcohol must have gotten to his head. You take a sip, I take a sip, you take a bottle, I take a bottle...

'This is crazy.'

He drank it all, all of it. Even if it was water, he couldn't have drunk this much, but he did.

"Ugh... my head..."

He had experienced a hangover before, but the headache that was currently pounding in his head shattered all previous concepts of a hangover.

As Namgung Dowi groaned and held his head, a very natural and fundamental question popped into his mind.

'What in the world was that liquor made of?'

What kind of ingredients could create a liquor that made you feel such a devastating hangover as if your head was being struck with a hammer?

And just what kind of person was Chung Myung to deliberately choose and bring such a drink?


Namgung Dowi, who was groaning while holding his head, opened his strained eyes.

'Ah, it's too bright.'

Instinctively, he covered his eyes to shield them from the harsh sunlight.

'Wait a minute. It's too bright?'

He opened his eyes again. The bright sunlight was streaming in through the window. Namgung Dowi, who had been staring blankly, was suddenly startled and jumped to his feet.

"Oh no, I'm in trouble!"

The fact that the sun was so hot meant that it was already well into the morning. He had just solemnly warned the Galsol the day before, so what would they all think if he was late for his training on the very next morning?

Panicking, Namgung Dowi quickly focused his energy and expelled the alcohol from his system.

"Clothes! My clothes!"

He urgently looked around, but he couldn't find his outer robe anywhere. He couldn't even remember how he had managed to return to his room in the first place, let alone where he had left his robe.

"I'm going crazy!"

After searching haphazardly all over the place, he finally found his clothes under the blanket. He hastily put them on, tidied his attire, and rushed outside.

Or, at least, he tried to rush outside.

He hesitated.

Why didn't they wake him up?

They were supposed to start training early in the morning. If they had already started their training, shouldn't they have come to wake him up?

Then, could it be...

Namgung Dowi held onto the doorknob and hesitated.

What should he do if Namgung's disciples had not come out for training? They had discussed that possibility just yesterday. Did they really intend to conduct the training that he himself had not participated in?

A deep sigh escaped him.

He knew. No matter what he witnessed, he shouldn't be disappointed. Hoping that people would behave as he wished was nothing more than greed. If it were that easy, there wouldn't be any failed leaders in the world.

'Let's not be too impatient.'

As Chung Myung had said, it was a difficult thing for anyone. It would be strange if it were easy. So, he should take it slow. Besides, there were people who told him that he was doing well. Someday, the Galsol would understand his sincerity.

With his resolve firm, Namgung Dowi swung the door open.

And as he took in the sight before him, he blinked his eyes in astonishment.

"Ev, everyone..."

In front of the room where he resided, Namgung's disciples were gathered. Not a single person was missing.

"Oh, no. Why...?"

Namgung Dowi's face, unable to form coherent words, betrayed his astonishment. Watching the gathered disciples, Namgung Dan took a step forward.

"Are you ready?"


As the representative stepped forward, he politely nodded his head towards Namgung Dowi. It was a gesture of respect that was not overly formal.

"Why are you all here right now?"

"Naturally, we were waiting for Sogaju."

"For me?"

Namgung Dowi's face stiffened slightly. Looking at his expression, the Namgung disciples chuckled.

"In truth, we thought about going ahead and starting our training first..."


"But it seemed meaningless."

"What do you mean by 'meaningless'?"

"Whether we become stronger through that training or not, it's meaningless if Sogaju doesn't join us."

Namgung Dowi unconsciously clenched his fist.

"Sogaju. We are the Namgung Family."


"And the Namgung Family only follows the words of our Lord. If you command it, we would willingly jump into the fiery pit of hell, regardless of the consequences."

"Namgung Family..."

"Yesterday, we went too far. We... No, we won't make excuses. We're sorry."

"We're sorry, Sofaju!"

"We're sorry!"

Everyone bowed their heads towards Namgung Dowi.

"When you spoke about Plum Blossom Island, we once again realized that Sogaju is always thinking about the best way to lead Namgung."


"We should have thought of that first."

"No, no."

Namgung Dowi shook his head.

"It's my fault. What I consider the best might not be the same as what you consider the best. So, I should have thoroughly discussed, explained, and contemplated together... I just thought that if I led, everyone would simply follow. I was arrogant."

"No, Sogaju."

"So, once again, I ask you all here. I may be lacking, but I still believe that this is the best way for the Namgung Family. So, trust me and follow."

Namgung Dowi deeply bowed his head towards everyone.

"I'll do my best to become a Lord you can be proud of, and I'll continue to strive."

Everyone vigorously nodded their heads.

"Of course, Sogaju!"

"We believe in you!"

Overwhelmed by emotion, Namgung Dowi closed his eyes.

"Thank you."

Once again, he learned that even though their thoughts and methods might be different, they all shared the same goals. Isn't that what makes a 'family'?

"Let's go."


Namgung Dowi nodded.

This may not be enough. Perhaps more discussions will be needed in the future. But Namgung Dowi won't hesitate to persuade them. There isn't just one way to lead people. He doesn't necessarily need to become Namgung Hwang. As long as he preserves the spirit that Namgung Hwang taught him, it will be enough.

"Let's move on."


Namgung Dowi led the Namgung disciples forward. With extremely confident steps.


"I'm, I'm going to... get stronger..."

"Kill... Kill! Kill..."

"Do you really want to kill me?"

"Ah, no..."

Chung Myung raised an eyebrow as he looked at those who were lying face down with rocks on their backs.

"But seriously, these guys... the more I think about it, the more I'm baffled. Are they playing a prank on me? Skipping group training with me?"


"Even that Soga guy? I was going to treat him a bit since I owe him something, but..."


Namgung Dowi's face, twisted in pain, filled with resentment.

'No, it's because of you!'

Who was the one who had poured so much alcohol into him? Is it human to drink that much and suddenly wake up in the early morning?

"What? You want to die together and live together?"


"Hey, you bastards! All the bastards who said that are dead! Even if Kang-gi [...jang ilso?] comes flying from the other side, these guys will stick together to live and die together, is that it?"

"Ah, no..."

"Nice going. You're really doing great. A guy like Soga, who's about to become the Soga Lord, can't handle a bit of alcohol and passes out. And those who should be waking him up are just standing there waiting."


"If Namgung Hwang saw this, he would have beheaded all of you, you guys!"


Well, a moment ago, he was feeling deeply moved, but hearing Chung Myung, his words seemed to make sense. The fact that if the former head of the family had seen this situation, everything would have been ruined, was definitely true.

Is that why?


"No, it's nothing."

Namgung Dowi felt like the gazes of the disciples looking at him were subtly different from a moment ago. Was it just Namgung Dowi's misconception?

"It seems like you guys are having trouble understanding my words."


"If you skip even one day, you'll end up wasting ten days in the long run when it comes to training. There are dozens of excuses for taking a break from training for a day. The moment you start treating that as natural, your martial arts journey is over!"


"Whether it rains or snows, whether the wind is howling, whether the Evil Sect bastards come attacking! You still train! That's the basic requirement! Those who get drunk and skip training have no right to wield a sword!"

At that moment, Namgung Dan raised a trembling hand.


"C-Can I... c-can I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Well... Ugh... Uh... Kuung!"


As Namgung Dan was about to speak, his remaining arm snapped back into place. He immediately straightened up.

Chung Myung, with a determined expression, approached Namgung Dan and kicked the boulder that had crushed him, rolling it away with his foot.

"Ugh! I th-thought I was going to d-die..."

"What's your question?"

"Oh, yes!"

Namgung Dan stood up, his face tense with resolve.

"The Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword! This is absolutely not rebellion! It's not even a complaint!"

"Put aside the side remarks."


Namgung Dan swallowed hard and continued.

"By doing this training, can we truly become stronger? Of course, we understand that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is powerful enough to suppress the Black Dragon King. But fundamentally, we belong to the Namgung Family."


"While our former sect leader may have returned to the world of the deceased, we believe that we are not inferior to Mount Hua Sect, and, in fact, we may surpass them."

Chung Myung's lips twisted slightly.

But the Namgung Family's disciples merely thought Chung Myung was in a bad mood and didn't realize he was suppressing his laughter.

"Okay, so?"

"The training we are currently undertaking is vastly different from what we learned in the Namgung Family. Isn't it the most reasonable way to become proficient in a clan's martial arts by learning it from the clan itself? That's why we're not sure whether it's right for our leader to push us into training so excessively, something he didn't order us to do."

"So, in summary..."

Chung Myung flicked his fingers lightly.

"You don't believe that we'll become stronger through this training?"

"Well... more precisely, it's a way of saying that if we had more solid evidence that we could understand, we would be more willing to work harder."

"You're twisting your words."

"I'm sorry."

Namgung Dan inwardly cursed. If he was going to say that, he should have either spoken directly from the beginning or kept quiet.

"Lord, I also request..."

At that moment, Namgung Dowi put down the boulder he was carrying and stepped forward to confront Chung Myung.

"These disciples are not those who witnessed everything I've seen. Forcing them to follow might even be detrimental. Please, have mercy."

Chung Myung stared at Namgung Do Wi for a moment and asked, "Do you really want to verify it?"


"It doesn't seem like such a good idea... but well, it doesn't hurt me."


"Follow me. I'll prove it to you."

Chung Myung grinned.

"Chicks need to realize they're chicks first. Come on, little chicks. I'll show you some guys who at least look like chickens now."

Namgung's disciples nodded hesitantly and followed Chung Myung.