Chapter 1010: Becoming an Adult (Part 4)

Namgung Dan silently watched as Tang Soso approached.

'What's going on right now?'

So, was Tang Soso here to face him?

With the sword in her hand?

Namgung Dahn turned back with a puzzled expression. The reactions of the other Namgung Family disciples didn't seem much different from his.

'Yeah, it's not just me being strange, right?'

The absurdity of the situation had become so overwhelming that he started to wonder if he was misunderstanding something.

Namgung Dan looked at Chung Myung and opened his mouth.



Hearing the nonchalant response, he felt a surge of emotions, but Namgung Dan suppressed them.

"Do you mean that I should have a martial arts match with Tang Soso?"

"Why make it sound so grand? It's just sparring."

Chung Myung chuckled. Namgung Dan clenched his lips tightly.

The reason Chung Myung was reacting like this was very simple. The opponent was none other than Tang Soso.

'Is he looking down on me?'

Tang Soso was originally from the Sichuan Tang Family. The Namgung Family and the Sichuan Tang Family had long-standing ties, with their heads of the Five Great Families often competing with each other. In other words, they had known each other since childhood.

Naturally, Namgung Dan was quite well aware of how Tang Soso had lived.

The Sichuan Tang Family did not teach secret techniques to women. Therefore, until Tang Soso entered the Mount Hua Sect, she had not received proper martial arts training.

Of course, she might have learned some basic internal energy cultivation and simple martial arts, but from the perspective of Namgung Dan, who had endured the rigorous training of Namgung Family from a young age, she was not even at an apprentice level. 

'However... to face such a person...'

Even if Tang Soso had entered the Mount Hua Sect and genuinely trained with a sword for a few years, it was only for a short period. Looking purely at the time spent training with a sword, she was still at a beginner's level. How could such a person be pitted against Namgung Dan, who was a senior member of the Namgung Family?

'This is logically absurd.'

"Dojang, please reconsider this one more time. This is..."

"Oh, you talk too much."

Chung Myung replied dismissively.

Chung Myung tapped his ear and said, "Don't bother thinking this is some great feat. If you have something to say, say it after defeating her. Isn't that right?"

Namgung Dan's face stiffened. He glared at Chung Myung with eyes filled with mixed emotions and then spoke in a chilling tone.

"...Don't regret this."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Chung Myung replied dryly, and Namgung Dan turned his gaze towards Tang Soso. She was smiling gleefully as if the situation didn't bother her in the slightest.

It was as if she didn't feel any pressure in this situation at all.


Observing her casual demeanor, Namgung Dan sighed and was about to step forward when voices from behind held him back.


The voices behind him were trying to stop him.

"Hyung-nim, this is..."

"I'd rather go out. It's not your job to step up, Hyung-nim."

"No matter how you put it, Hyung-nim..."


Namgung Dan firmly cut them off.

"Sometimes, one action is worth more than a hundred words. I'll handle it on my own, so just watch."


"That's enough."

Namgung Dan's disciples nodded reluctantly. However, their faces couldn't hide their discontent completely.

They knew who Tang Soso was from the beginning. The fact that Namgung Dan and Tang Soso were set up to have a duel felt like a blatant act of disrespect towards Namgung Dan, given their shared knowledge of her background.

Namgung Dan's heart felt heavy. And why wouldn't it make him angry? But if he expressed his frustration, it would only complicate the situation further for Namgung Dan.

So, now, he could only prove himself with his sword.

Walking forward to confront Tang Soso, Namgung Dan stood tall and met her eyes.

"It's been a while, Nunnim." [polite address for slightly older woman, I believe]

"Yeah, Dan has been a long time."

The face, he's seen it a few times since coming here, but he hasn't had a chance to exchange greetings like this. Namgung Dan greeted her with a sigh.

"You must be tired as well, Nunnim."

"Tired? Once I start talking, I can go on for ten days without a break."

"...I see."

With practical attire and a simple hairstyle that suited the description, plus a face without makeup. She was so different from the Tang Soso he remembered.

He glanced at the sword fastened to her waist. Besides the change in appearance, seeing her carrying the sword made her look even more unfamiliar.



Namgung Dan nodded.

"Could you say a word, Nunnim?"


Namgung Dan lowered his head.

"Please listen without misunderstanding, Nunnim. It's absolutely not meant to disrespect you."

Namgung Dan wasn't a fool. They had already been crushed by Tang Soso from a physical perspective. Even that alone made him wonder how hard she had worked after entering Hwasan. Far from ignoring, he had an admiration for her and even wanted to show her respect.


Namgung Dan's gaze fell on Tang Soso's hand for a moment.

The countless small scars engraved on her hand are undoubtedly swordsmanship scars, not injuries from Tangga's memory. Has she trained her hand to such an extent?

"Nunnim has worked hard, and everyone knows it. But... isn't the way to improve one's swordsmanship something built up over time?"


"Maybe someday, but not now. This unrealistic duel... it's not suitable, even for Nunnim's reputation."



Namgung Dan didn't have a bad opinion of Tang Soso. There was no reason to in the first place. That's why he didn't want to defeat Tang Soso in such an absurd duel in front of everyone.

In the first place, the outcome of the battle was already determined. Could he feel good about winning such a duel as a proud Namgung swordsman?

"Many people are watching, aren't they?"


Tang Soso nodded as if she agreed.

"Of course..."

Namgung Dan spoke, but then he glanced back.

"It might not be easy to persuade that person, but still, if Nunnim says something..."

"You're talking about yourself."

At that moment, as Tang Soso's voice interrupted from behind, Namgung Dan looked ahead again. Tang Soso had narrowed her large eyes slightly by now.

"I think this kid was a bit smarter in the past."


"You haven't improved."


She asked with a puzzled expression on her round face.

"Are things still coming out of your mouth about how to save face?"


Namgung Dan couldn't close his mouth with a baffled expression on his face. The reputation he mentioned wasn't Namgung's reputation but Tang Soso's reputation. And yet, it was being discussed in such a manner.

"I'll tell you one thing from the perspective of being your older sister."


"The reputation of a swordsman isn't about words but..."

Tang Soso lightly tapped the sword at her waist.

"Established by the sword."

Namgung Dan's face hardened. Tang Soso smiled cheerfully, looking at him.

"Do you not agree?"

Namgung Dan unsheathed his sword without saying a word.

"If you put it that way, I'll learn a lesson."

"No, wait."


Tang Soso extended her hand lightly.

"Let's use wooden swords instead of real ones."

Namgung Dan was truly bewildered. If you were afraid of practicing with real swords, why would you come up with such grandiose words?

"What do you think?"

"I'm okay with anything."

"Okay. Sahyung! Give me two wooden swords here!"

However, the most absurd thing happened from that moment on. Caught in Tang Soso's gaze, Yoon Jong spoke with a troubled face.

"Um... Soso..."

He tried to stop Tang Soso while sweating coldly.

"Do we really need wooden swords..."


"Well, it's just that... I was wondering if we really need wooden swords. We could just use real ones casually..."

"Fine, give them quickly."

Yoon Jong hesitated and glanced back and forth between Tang Soso and Namgung Dan. Finding it difficult to make a decision, he finally turned his head towards Baek Cheon, who nodded.

"Hand them over."


"Since it's okay, give them."

Yoon Jong sighed deeply in resignation and picked up two wooden swords lying nearby, throwing them to Tang Soso.

"Be careful, Soso."

"Yes, yes."

Tang Soso accepted the wooden swords thrown by Yoon Jong with both hands and then threw one of them to Namgung Dan.


Namgung Dan, holding the wooden sword, looked at Tang Soso with a bewildered expression. What on earth was she trying to do?

"...Shall we start now?"

Namgung Dan held the wooden sword firmly in his hand and assumed a combat stance.

"I will learn a thing or two."

He should have gone through the proper procedure to disclose his identity and affiliation, but he didn't want to acknowledge this trivial match as a legitimate martial arts encounter.

"Let's finish this quickly."

After all, it was evident what Tang Soso could do. She would most likely rely on the unique swift techniques of the Tang Clan and attack from a distance, which resembled the martial arts of the Mount Hua Sect. As long as Namgung Dan wasn't dazzled by her flashy swordplay, he was in no real danger.

Of course, Tang Soso could use her flashy swordplay to extend the match and exert pressure with her superior physical fitness.

'But that's only if you can withstand my swordplay!'

Namgung Dan didn't bear any grudges against Tang Soso, but he was shouldering the pride of the Namgung Family. To change the atmosphere of the Namgung Family, which was currently being disregarded, he needed an overwhelming victory.

Suddenly, Namgung Dan tightened his grip on the sword and gathered strength at the tip of his toes.

'Let's go!'

With all his might, he lunged at Tang Soso. The muscles throughout his body, tensed with power, were pulsing intensely.

"Haah... Ugh!"

But in the midst of his charge, a tremendous outburst of power from Namgung Dan's abdomen suddenly got stuck in his throat. Just as he landed his foot on the ground, the moment he was about to strike, Tang Soso unexpectedly appeared right in front of him, like a ghost.

"What the...?!"

Tang Soso's sword came crashing down fiercely towards his head. In a state of shock, Namgung Dan hurriedly raised his sword.


Just above his head, two wooden swords clashed strongly.

"That was close..."

Namgung Dan muttered to himself.

Namgung Dan gritted his teeth, realizing that he had almost fallen victim to his opponent's superior techniques.

'But this is the end.'

As long as her surprise attack had failed, the only thing left was his own skill. Moreover, Tang Soso had made a mistake by closing the distance between them, which would leave her with no room to display her flashy sword techniques.

'I'll finish this in one go.'

Namgung Dan pushed down with his sword, attempting to strike with it.

But in that moment, his gaze instinctively rose upward. Tang Soso's sword, which should have been pushed aside, was still pressing down on his own sword.


He exerted his inner strength once again, trying to push away Tang Soso's sword.

However, at that moment, his wrist twisted. Tang Soso's sword was pressing him and his sword down as one, and he couldn't free himself.


His arm started to tremble.

'What is this?'

Cold sweat trickled down Namgung Dan's spine. It felt like Ten Thousand Gold Mountain was placed on top of his sword. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push it aside.

Confused, Namgung Dan looked at Tang Soso with widened eyes. The smiling face that had been there before was still there as she grinned broadly at him.

"For now..."


"Let's exchange one blow."


In an instant, an enormous force pressed down on Namgung Dan's sword. It was as if time had slowed down, and he saw everything clearly. He saw his own wrist bending and his sword falling fiercely towards his forehead.

Huh? This isn't how it's supposed to be...



A deafening roar, as if a human's head collided with a hard wooden sword, echoed throughout the entire training grounds.