Chapter 1025. What Did You Just Say? (Part 10)


A faint smile appeared on Jang Ilso's lips. He held an official letter in his hand.


Jang Ilso closed his eyes slightly, as if he needed time to gather his thoughts. Normally, Ho Gakmyung wouldn't have interrupted his contemplation like this.

However, at this moment, Ho Gakmyung keenly felt that his patience wasn't as deep as it used to be. Eventually, he couldn't help but speak up.


Upon hearing this, Jang Ilso slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were much darker than usual.

"It's the Magyo."

Jang Ilso let out a bitter laugh.

"They say there are always variables in the world, but I never even thought about this."

His ornate accessories jingled as he slowly raised his hand and lightly grasped his own face, lost in thought.

A strong sense of discomfort enveloped his entire body. With a slow movement, he ran his tongue over his lips. Jang Ilso's eyes lit up with a sinister glint.

"...First, we decided to deal with Black Ghost Castle."

"They will fail."

Ho Gakmyung reacted with a tone of certainty.

"Master of Ten Thousand Gold believes he can calculate everything. If calculations fail, it's because he thinks there's not enough information and analysis. Of course, most of his thoughts are correct, but..."

Jang Ilso pronounced with a voice that was almost devoid of vitality.

"This time is different."


"There are undoubtedly beings in the world that defy common sense. And Magyo is one of the rare few that belong to that category."

Jang Ilso nodded his head slowly. He didn't know much about Magyo, either. But there was one thing he was certain of: Fanatics infused with madness couldn't be reasoned with. Their perspective on the world and the world of those who lived for themselves were entirely different.

"People living in different worlds can't communicate with each other. Master of Ten Thousand Gold made a foolish move."


"Even the occurrence of this variable is the worst, and the initial response is the worst..."

Jang Ilso said with his mouth twisted in bitterness.

"It's an impossible situation."

He slowly rose from his chair.

From his quiet contemplation by the riverside, he spoke with a cold voice.


"Yes, Master Ilso."

"Report to those on the other side of the river that Magyo has appeared."

"Are you sure about this? They will surely try to take advantage of this situation."

"Of course they will."

Jang Ilso didn't believe in negotiations or diplomatic words. It was nothing more than words concocted by people in comfortable situations to justify their actions. Of course, those guys believed in their own words...

"Nevertheless, it doesn't matter. We're already deep in turmoil. So, at the very least, let's make sure they fall into the same turmoil. We can't have them watching in clean clothes, leisurely enjoying the spectacle, can we?"

"...I will carry out your orders."


Jang Ilso's ring grinded roughly.

"Clear the alcohol."


"For a while, tell everyone not to approach me."

Ho Gakmyung nodded significantly, and Jang Ilso only stared at the riverside. Watching him from behind for a moment, Ho Gakmyung silently, but quickly, withdrew.

* * *


Beopjeong was momentarily speechless, his eyes trembling.

As soon as the word "Magyo" was mentioned, the atmosphere in the room froze even colder than the North Sea. Merely uttering "Magyo" weighed heavily and fearfully on these individuals.

"You mentioned Magyo just now?"

"Yes, Leader! It seems that Magyo has appeared in Hangzhou right now."


Beads of cold sweat formed on Beopjeong's forehead.

Magyo's appearance. In the face of these words, not even the Great Beopjeong himself could help but tremble.

'What kind of unexpected event is this?'

Of course, it wasn't something that made no sense. After all, that's how Magyo had always been.

Their appearances were always sudden, without any warning. As if they didn't exist, they held their breath until, all at once, they would rise.

Wasn't it the same in the war a hundred years ago?

Beopjeong, who was chewing his lips, glared at Beopgye.

"How did you obtain this information?"

"...It was relayed by the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

At Beopgye's reply, Beopjeong's face twisted. He couldn't bring himself to ask, so Jonglihyung asked the question in his stead.

"If the source of the information is the Evil Tyrant Alliance, there's reason to be suspicious, isn't there? That Jang Ilso has tormented us with all sorts of schemes. It's not like there isn't an argument that this information itself might be one of Jang Ilso's plots."

Beopgye also nodded, suggesting that there was some truth in the argument.

"We haven't verified it yet. However, given the content of the relayed information, I thought we should report it before verifying it."

In response to this, Jonglihyung also nodded. Indeed, information about Magyo was not something that could afford to be delayed.

Beopjeong spoke with a heavy voice.



"Report this situation to the Beggar's Union and confirm the truth as soon as possible."


"It's a matter of urgency. We must find out, even if it means sacrificing something."

"I will keep it in mind."

Beopgye rushed outside. As he watched his retreating figure, an inaudible sigh escaped Beopjeong's lips.


"We will wait a little while."

Beopjeong spoke decisively.

"No matter how much it's said that the Beggar's Union hasn't been able to obtain the right information about Gangnam for three years, if it's true that Magyo has appeared in Hangzhou, soon it will be confirmed. There is more than one beggar in Hangzhou."

"That's true."

"For now, confirm the facts and then decide how to respond. It's not too late."

Jonglihyung nodded slowly. He tried to maintain a composed expression, but his heart was pounding relentlessly. Since he heard the word "Magyo," he couldn't calm down no matter what.

"However, Bangjang."

At that moment, Peng Yeop, who had been silent at the back, spoke.

"What will you do if, for the sake of argument, Magyo's appearance is indeed confirmed? What do you think then?"

Beopjeong raised his head and looked at Peng Yeop. Unable to speak for himself, Jonglihyung interjected.

"What do you mean? What is that...?"

"Magyo is not someone who can be dealt with by a single sect. We experienced this painfully a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago, to confront Magyo, all sects united without hesitating to resort to a full-scale war. In other words, if Magyo has truly appeared, we may have to join forces with the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

"Are you saying...?"

Only now did Jonglihyung's complexion change, understanding the situation.

Joining forces with the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

Although it might be inevitable when facing an adversary like Magyo, an overwhelming sense of rejection prevailed. Joining forces with the Evil Tyrant Alliance meant discarding everything they had built at the Yangtze River, their claimed justification as a legitimate sect.

"If Magyo has appeared in Hangzhou, we will have to cross that river. Do you truly intend to do so, Bangjang?"

Beopjeong slowly closed his eyes.

After a long silence without words, he finally opened his eyes and spoke.

"Let's first confirm the facts and then discuss a plan."

"Bangjang, this..."

"Sect Leader."

Beopjeong looked directly at Peng Yeop.

"This is not a matter to be resolved conclusively by one sect. Words can become a source of conflict, so I advise you to remain calm."


With Peng Yeop's somber tone as the last word, a heavy silence settled in the room.

In the thick silence that was almost tangible, Beopjeong muttered softly under his breath.

But his eyes, unlike those of a true Buddhist, were truly dark.

* * *

"…What did you say?"

Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong widened their eyes.

Jo Gol, who had conveyed the message, quickly surveyed his surroundings once more. Only after confirming that there was no one else listening did he whisper again.

"I heard it clearly, Sauk. People from the Evil Tyrant Alliance definitely said that to Sect Leader."

"…Are you sure you heard correctly?"

"This is no joking matter."

Baek Cheon bit his lips.

'What the hell is this?'

No matter how you look at it, one couldn't possibly use the name of Magyo in jest. If they were disciples of Mount Hua, especially those who had faced Magyo in the North Sea, it would be even more unthinkable.

Why did the name Magyo suddenly pop up now?

His hands began to tremble involuntarily. The men who faced Magyo in the North Sea, especially the author of the "Bishop," had left an indelible impression in his mind.

Just the thought of it made the countless scars from back then seem to throb with pain.

"What will happen…? Sasuk?"

Yoon Jong, who always maintained composure, couldn't hide his confusion either now.


How could Baek Cheon figure out what to do?

One thing was certain, though.

"Where is he right now?"


"I mean Chung Myung."

Yoon Jong flinched for a moment.

If Chung Myung heard this?

No way.

Just the mention of Magyo could change a person. If these words reached his ears, it was all too predictable what might happen. He might rush over with a sword in his hand.

"He left with the Namgung Family for training."

Baek Cheon stared at Jo Gol.

"Have you told anyone else?"

"No, Sasuk. I came straight here."

Baek Cheon nodded with a heavy expression.

"Then make sure everyone keeps their mouths shut. Nothing is confirmed yet. Wait until everything is certain before spreading the word."


"…If news comes out that Magyo has appeared, we don't know what that guy will do based on his temper. So, for now, let's try to keep Chung Myung from hearing it… Or, at least delay it as much as possible."

"Yes, Sa…"

That was when it happened.

"What did you just say?"


Everyone present froze in place.

The voice they absolutely didn't want to hear right now came from behind.


Baek Cheon's face momentarily lost color.


Baek Cheon looked up at the sky for a moment, then let out a deep sigh. But he couldn't keep avoiding it. He took a deep breath and slowly turned around.

"…Chung Myung. So, that is."

Chung Myung's face, which had been expressionless, was gradually changing. It was a face he usually didn't show to others. With an aura as fierce as an evil spirit, Chung Myung exuded intense killing intent. It was suffocating.


Chung Myung's lips opened, and a rough voice, like scraping metal, flowed out.

"What did you just say?"

Baek Cheon closed his eyes.