Chapter 1027: Just Understand (Part 2)

Words are merely a medium for conveying meaning. But sometimes, they convey more than the meaning contained within them; they carry emotions within the words themselves.

Chung Myung's words were like that now.

The meaning within was substantial, but what was conveyed most strongly was the emotion contained in Chung Myung's words.

The price paid for waiting for a day.

Who could remain silent in the face of the weight these words carried?

Hyun Jong slowly opened his eyes, taking in the gaze from Chung Myung. Calmly sunken eyes. There was no reprimand or urging contained in them.


'It's different.'

Perhaps his decision wouldn't change. But knowing and deciding with awareness of what that decision sacrifices was not the same as deciding without knowledge.

Right now, Chung Myung was telling Hyun Jong that he needed to be prepared for everything that would happen as a result of his words.

That's why he said it.

Just understand. Understand how much is at stake with a choice so easily deferred.


Hyun Jong's voice sank heavily.

"...of lives."

Those slow words squeezed the breath out of everyone.

How could anyone remain unshaken by those words? Even if there were some who could, they would not find a place here, at the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"My lord."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong spoke to Tang Gunak while looking at him.

"What do you think about what the disciple just said?"


Tang Gunak glanced briefly at Chung Myung and then opened his mouth.

"Considering the past deeds of the Demonic Sect, it's not wrong."


"Of course, since we haven't accurately grasped the scale of the Demonic Sect reemerging now, the consequences may vary... but it's undeniable that civilian casualties will increase as time goes on."


"Even if it costs thousands of lives..."

The rest of the sentence was unnecessary to hear, for it was clear that the lives of hundreds would be forfeit.

Hyun Jong pressed his eyelids firmly, lost in thought.

There were times when he resented his ancestors, asking why they risked their lives to stand at the forefront when everyone else had backed off, and why they couldn't see a little further into the future.

But now, he understood. They couldn't afford it.

They knew what it meant for Mount Hua to fall behind. That was why their ancestors had thrown everything they had into the front lines, fighting to kill the Heavenly Demons and crush the Demonic Sect without regard for the consequences.

If their forebears had made that choice, having witnessed its outcome, what decision should Hyun Jong make now?

Hyun Jong removed his hand from his eyelids and looked at Chung Myung. "

Chung Myung."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"...Tell me what you think, without any reservations. I'm not sure what the right decision is at this moment."

Chung Myung gazed back at him and replied heavily.

"We can't wait for Beggar's Union."

He paused for a moment and continued, addressing everyone present.

"The ones who hold the information on the Demonic Sect's whereabouts are the Evil Tyrant Alliance. If we want the information, we need to get it from them."

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance..."

Hyun Jong sighed audibly. He knew exactly what it meant to obtain information from the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

In a situation where Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects were suspecting the Heavenly Comrade Alliance of colluding with the Evil Tyrant Alliance, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's request for information would only strengthen the position of Shaolin.

Chung Myung was well aware of this fact, but he still insisted on obtaining accurate information from the Evil Tyrant Alliance as soon as possible.

"....As you say, the Evil Tyrant Alliance may indeed be the first to obtain information about Demonic Cult's whereabouts, but can we really trust them?"

Chung Myung nodded in response to Tang Gunak's words.

"They'll tell us the truth."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because there's no reason for them to lie. The fact that they're giving us information means they have intentions to involve us in some way. They don't need to downplay the enemy's strength. If we exaggerate, we exaggerate."


Chung Myung locked eyes with Tang Gunak.

"While we hesitate, another person dies. It's slowly starting to dawn on you how unreasonable the situation is, isn't it?"

The futility of the situation was gradually becoming clear to Tang Gunak. Despite the presence of beggars in Hangzhou, ordinary beggars had limitations in assessing the full extent of the Demonic Sect's power. Furthermore, all the experts in the Beggar's Union who can properly understand the power of the Demonic Cult have all retreated from Hangzhou due to the Gangnam Non-aggression Treaty.

In the end, the only channel for obtaining reliable information about the current power of the Demonic Sect was the Evil Tyrant Alliance.


The ones holding that information were the most unreliable people in the world, and Tang Gunak was caught in a dilemma. He couldn't trust the Evil Tyrant Alliance, but he needed to verify the information. The longer they took to verify the information, the greater the harm to the common people.

How could this situation be resolved?

"....So, are you suggesting that you believe the Evil Tyrant Alliance's words and propose that we walk into this Gangnam, a city of death?"

"I'm only telling you that the situation is like that."

Chung Myung's gaze shifted from Tang Gunak to Hyun Jong.

"The decision is yours, Sect Leader."

His gaze weighed heavily on Hyun Jong.

"There's no such thing as the right choice, Sect Leader."

Chung Myung spoke as if growling.

"Because the ways of the world are not that clear. Making a choice is not about finding the right answer; it's just about deciding your direction. Saying that you will find the right choice is no different from saying you will not choose."

Hyun Jong's fingertips, hidden in his sleeves, trembled.

"Firstly, that's why there's no such thing as a wrong choice. It's just different."


"Sect Leader, a reason for the existence of the Sect Leader, is that there must be moments when decisions have to be made about things where right and wrong are not clearly divided. There has to be someone to do that work. Whatever you choose, it will be better than not deciding at all."

Hyun Jong nodded. It was a wise statement.

"So just make your choice. That's enough. The disciples will follow the Sect Leader's decision."

Finally, Hyun Jong felt somewhat relieved.


He was about to open his mouth to respond at that very moment.

"One question."

Baek Cheon, who had remained silent until now, spoke up. Hyun Jong's eyes met Baek Cheon's, and for a moment, it felt as if they were back in their younger years.

It was rare for Baek Cheon to speak at a meeting of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. This time, he had even cut off Hyun Jong's words to do so.

Somehow, Baek Cheon's face, which had grown cold, seemed to have regained some vitality.

"If Sect Leader decides to not confront the Demonic Sect and watches from here..."


"What will you do?"

It was a question directed at Chung Myung, but the latter remained silent. Instead, he only stared at Hyun Jong with an intense gaze, not even shifting his gaze towards Baek Cheon.


"Sect Leader."

When Chung Myung ignored Baekcheon and continued to call for Hyun Jong, Baek Cheon's voice grew louder. His tone was full of anger, which was undoubtedly rude, but no one in this place blamed Baek Cheon for his behavior.

By remaining silent, Chung Myung had conveyed his answer, and everyone present understood his intention.

He would go.

Even if he had to leave everyone behind here, even if he had to go alone, he would head to where the Demonic Sect was. While the Tang Family might not have known, the people of Mount Hua clearly understood Chung Myung's intention.

In the end, Baek Cheon grabbed Chung Myung's collar and forcefully pulled him towards himself.

"The disciples will follow Sect Leader's orders, right?"


"What about you? Aren't you a martial artist of the Mount Hua Sect, a disciple? You don't need to do that? You fucking bastard."

Baek Cheon's face, now twisted to the point of being unrecognizable, almost seemed like he would lift Chung Myung off the ground as he pulled him closer. It was a face that had never shown such anger before.


Chung Myung gazed back at Baek Cheon with an indifferent expression.

"Let go of me, Sasuk."

"Sasuk? Do you really consider me a Sasuk?"


"This damn thing..."

"That's enough! What is this disgrace?"

Finally, Hyun Jong stepped in to intervene. Baek Cheon clenched his lips and reluctantly released the collar he had gripped. He took a step back, but his glare towards Chung Myung did not relax.

It wasn't just Baek Cheon.

The other Five Swords guarding behind him also fixed their eyes on Chung Myung, their expressions resembling Baek Cheon's. 

Hyun Jong, with a stern face, looked around at everyone. In this situation, he couldn't afford to show any signs of wavering. Hyun Jong understood this and remained steadfast.

He spoke, and his voice carried a dignified tone.

"As the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Sect Leader of the Mount Hua Sect, I command."

"Yes, my Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong's gaze subdued the anger in Baek Cheon. It was a powerful and fitting presence for the position of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's leader.

"The situation in Gangnam is pressing, but entering Gangnam without proper information is too dangerous. To determine our next move, we need at least a minimum of information. The most reliable information will come from the Beggar's Union, regardless of what it takes. We should hold discussions with them. And if we can't obtain the right information from the Beggar's Union... we won't hesitate to contact the Evil Tyrant Alliance."


"One day."

Hyun Jong declared firmly.

"All of this won't take more than a day. After that, we will decide on the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's course of action. So, from now on, I strictly forbid the disciples from leaving their positions. Everyone should remain here and wait for further orders. This is my command as the Sect Leader. Anyone who disobeys will be severely punished."

"We will obey our Sect Leader's command."

Everyone present in the room lowered their heads in agreement. However, only one person, Chung Myung, did not bow and continued to stare at Hyun Jong with his cold, unfathomable gaze.

No one knew what secrets lay hidden within those deep eyes.