Chapter 1036: You'll Understand It Too (Part 1)

Baek Cheon took a long breath.

"The Demonic Sect."

His heart felt like it was being pounded with a mace.

Whenever he heard the two words "Demonic Sect," memories of the North Sea naturally surfaced in his mind. The believers who could not be described in any other way than sheer madness, and the bishop whose appearance was so intense that one wondered if he was actually human.

Baek Cheon slowly clenched and unclenched his fist.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't afraid.

Those who had experienced the Demonic Sect knew. The reason the two words "Demonic Sect" were frightening was not just because they were strong. It was because of the fear and alienation that it felt like they were confronting something that was human but not quite human. Overcoming that was not easy.

Of course, they had chosen this path themselves. But when they actually crossed the Yangtze River to confront the Demonic Sect, a chilling tension seemed to penetrate their entire bodies.


The first one to speak, as always, was Jo Gol.

"Do we have to take only the people here?"


Baek Cheon looked around at the people around him again.

With Yoo Iseol, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, Tang Soso, Hye Yeon, and now Chung Myung, there were a total of seven.

'Seven of us...,'

He felt it once again. Just how few they were. Compared to the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Sect, they would appear as tiny as grains of sand.


'Chung Myung's words make sense.'

If all of Mount Hua goes to Gangnam, even if something happens, it will be too difficult to withdraw. Considering that the other side is hostile territory, moving with the minimum number of people is the best option.

"Chung Myung."


"What about Baek Sang and Guak Hye? Some of them seem to be worth taking with us."

There was undoubtedly a difference between the people present here and the other disciples of Mount Hua. However, among the remaining individuals, there were clearly those who had shown significant improvement in their skills.


But Chung Myung decisively shook his head as if there was nothing to think about.

"I won't take anyone else."

"...Is that so?"

"Remember, Sasuk. We're not here for an experience. We're here to fight and win."

"I see."

At that moment, Chung Myung spoke calmly.

"You can't be anxious about the people here. This battle is not something you can handle while protecting someone else."

Baek Cheon nodded firmly after a brief glance at him.


Baek Cheon then turned his gaze to the others.

"Anyone else can stay if they want..."

"Don't waste time talking and let's get moving, Sasuk," Jo Gol said.

Baek Cheon remained silent upon Jo Gol's words. Yoon Jong scolded him while patting Jo Gol on the back of the head.

"What kind of attitude are using you to talk to your Sasuk!"

"No... aren't I right, Sahyung? Is there anyone who would miss this? That guy is doing well, but he always says something strange once in a while."

"That's true."

Huh? Yoon Jong? What did he say?

"Let's get going."

Yoo Iseol took a step forward. Tang Soso stood next to her as if it were obvious, and Hye Yeon also took the lead as the group leader.

"Amitabha. Although I'm not a disciple of Mount Hua..."

"No, let's not bring that up."

"Let's say you've just started."

"Monk. Even if you said you were a Shaolin disciple, they won't believe it anymore."


Hye Yeon cleared his throat with a visibly red face.

"Anyway, I'll go with you. I can't just stand by when the people of Gangnam are suffering. It's the duty of a Buddhist... Yes. I can't just watch from here, can I?"

His words carried a sense of bitterness. Everyone here understood the reason for that bitterness, so they didn't need to point it out.

"So, there are seven of us..."


Amidst the sudden voice, everyone turned their gaze. Someone they all knew very well was walking towards them.

"Let's make it eight," said that person.


Baek Cheon couldn't hide the bewildered expression on his face as he approached the approaching Un Geom with a grin.

"I saw it unintentionally, but... it's a martial arts secret, but don't blame me for peeking."

"Is that even possible?"

"He's someone we can trust unintentionally. So, what do you say, Chung Myung? Can I fulfill those conditions?"

Chung Myung frowned slightly.

"Sahyung is..."

"Don't talk about having to teach the kids. After all, we're going back, not going to die, right?"

Un Geom grinned again.

"This isn't your job. It's Mount Hua's business."


"Assigning leadership for a mission that rushes into enemy territory, it's impossible for a junior like you to take charge. If I can't go with you, I'll use all my authority to oppose this mission."

Chung Myung nodded.

"You don't need to do that. If I can entrust my back to Sahyung, it's actually an honor for me."

"Thank you."

Un Geom nodded and looked at Hyun Jong.


"Do not worry, Sect Leader."

Un Geom spoke with a serious face.

"I'll do whatever it takes to bring the kids back."

Hyun Jong stared at him intently for a moment, then nodded and patted his shoulder.

"I'm asking a lot."

"Please leave it to me."

Such a dangerous mission couldn't be entrusted to the kids alone. Of course, both Hyun Jong and Un Geom knew that. These kids were strong enough not to need Un Geom's help.

But this was not just a matter of rank. What was important was not burdening them alone with this heavy responsibility. Whether strong or weak, it was about sharing the responsibility as the seniors of the sect.


As Baek Cheon spoke, Un Geom reached out and grabbed his head tightly with his remaining hand.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I'm just worried about waiting here for you all."

"Yes, Sahyung."

Baek Cheon nodded. He had no intention of asserting his pride either. Having Un Geom with them would definitely provide a sense of security.

If Baek Cheon felt this way, it was certain that others would too. No matter how much he did his best as Mount Hua's top disciple, he couldn't fill the experience gap.

The presence of the sect's adults would be a great comfort to everyone going on this journey.

"So, it's eight, then."

Un Geom grinned at Baek Cheon's words.

"Well, it seems there's someone who doesn't think that way."


A clear voice was heard as if to say, "Wait a moment."

Everyone's heads turned to one side. Namgung Dowi, dressed in white robes, was approaching.

"...Isn't that Sogaju?"

Namgung Dowi stood in front of Hyun Jong and Chung Myung and bowed deeply.

"Please take me with you."


Hyun Jong unintentionally furrowed his brows.

"It's a dangerous task."

"I know."

"And you're aware that now is not the time for the Namgung Family's adventures, right?"

"Yes. But..."

Namgung Dowi looked Hyun Jong straight in the eyes.

"Isn't that the same for Mount Hua?"

Hyun Jong couldn't respond readily to those words.

Which was greater, the value of Namgung Dowi to the Namgung family or their value to Mount Hua? No one could easily answer one over the other.

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with a perplexed expression.

Under the scrutiny, Chung Myung stared back at Namgung Dowi with cold eyes.

"Let me ask one thing."


Namgung Dowi nodded slightly with a tense expression.

"The Namgung Family has lost its patriarch."


"The elders have been lost, and they're in a crisis. In this situation, if you were to lose the clan leader, can you see how much more difficult it would become? To head to Gangnam in this situation, is it not merely a feeble self-satisfaction to evade the responsibility resting on your shoulders? As the clan leader, or rather, as the head of The Namgung Family, shouldn't your foremost concern be the security of your family?"

It was a heavy question.

But Namgung Dowi didn't shy away from Chung Myung's gaze and calmly answered.

"I didn't take this step without thinking, Dojang."

A look of conviction was already on his face.

"So, I've thought about it. If my father were still alive, what would he have said?"


"The conclusion came too easily. Doing it when you have enough room for maneuver and don't have to endure significant losses is nothing more than a compromise."

Namgung Dowi spoke with a stern expression.

"I want to restore The Namgung Family to the way it used to be. But what I'm trying to reclaim is not The Namgung Family's prosperity but The Namgung Family's spirit."


Namgung Dowi bowed deeply.

"So, please give me a chance as well. I am a Namgung, whose life was saved by Mount Hua's righteousness. So at least don't cut off my opportunity to commit to my own righteousness.I beg you for this."

With all this said, Chung Myung ultimately had to nod his head.

If it were possible, he would want to stop it. He knew well the hardship of those who were left behind now. But...

"Understand one thing."


"You are not going to die. If there's a spirit to protect, come back alive and pass it on with your own mouth and your own hands."

Namgung Dowi nodded with a determined expression.

"I will definitely do that."

"If you become a burden, I will leave you behind. I don't have the luxury to take care of you."

"I'm ready to follow you to the end."

Chung Myung nodded. Baek Cheon exhaled deeply and organized his thoughts.

"So, we have nine."

"No, we have ten."


Baek Cheon's face was filled with confusion at Chung Myung's sudden words. There's another?

"Come with me."


"Hurry, come with me. There's no time."


A moment later, a slight rustling sound accompanied by a commotion in the riverside bushes. Then, two figures emerged from the dense vegetation.

"...Nokrim King?"

"Oh, no. Lord Tang?"

Im Sobyeong looked like he was about to die, and Tang Gunak, with a blushing face, cleared his throat.

"No, Father! What are you doing there without any manners!"

Startled, Tang Soso raised her voice, and Tang Gunak covered his mouth and coughed vigorously.

"It's not like... It's not like I was trying to be here."

"Is that so?"

The response came from Im Sobyeong instead.

"No, it was just that suddenly the riverside was overflowing with life and you could hear the sound of an unlucky bastard laughing! Can you not resist coming out and taking a look?"

"Oh, I see."

Everyone nodded in instant understanding. For some reason, it was crowded with people.

Then, as if to escape this situation quickly, Tang Gunak opened his mouth.

"But, is that tenth person you're talking about me?"


Chung Myung shook his head decisively once again.

"If needed, Lord, you must provide an escape route in the worst-case scenario."

"That's just the leader…"

"There may be a situation where the Lord is needed."

Tang Gunak, who had been silently pondering something, slowly nodded.

"I understand what you mean."


Tang Gunak raised his hand and patted Im Sobyeong's shoulder.

"Then, be careful."


"If it's not me, who else?"




As Im Sobyeong chuckled as if wondering what nonsense he was talking about, he looked around. His already pale face turned even bluer when he met eyes with Chung Myung.

"Oh, no, I'm a scholar...!"

"Even there, we need scholars."

"I have to protect Nokrim..."

"If you die, anyone will be the King of Nokrim. That's how it's supposed to be in Nokrim."

"No, that doesn't make any sense...!"

"You must have forgotten."

Chung Myung chuckled lightly.

"Now Nokrim is part of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


"If you gain rights, you have to take on responsibilities. Stop whining and stick around. Or do you want to tear up the contract?"

"This is ridiculous..."

Im Sobyeong hung his head deeply with a face that had lost everything. He realized the fact that there was no way out.

"...Somehow, it seems like things are falling into place. Maybe I am like that. Ugh."

Im Sobyeong spat on the ground and clutched the crumpled decree tightly before approaching.

"You demon-like human."

Then, he stood behind Chung Myung, shoulders slumped.

"Everyone is here."

The disciples of Mount Hua, Namgung Dowi, and even Im Sobyeong.

Exactly ten people were gathered.

Although it didn't increase significantly from the initially expected seven, just the fact that there were ten people made it feel different.


Chung Myung looked around at everyone standing there.

"Let's go. Let's go and kill those damn Magyo bastards."

Between his lips, Chung Myung's bright white teeth were revealed.