Chapter 1039: You'll Understand It Too (Part 4)

"Well, then, please take a look."

"Don't forget."

The middle-aged man who stood up from his seat looked down at Beopjeong with cold eyes. However, Beopjeong didn't get angry; instead, he just smiled.

"We will observe how you handle this. If your actions do not match your sharp tongue, all the privileges you have been given will be revoked. No!"

The middle-aged man said sternly.

"You should pay the price as much as the treatment you have received so far. Do you understand what I'm saying, Ambassador?"

"Of course."

Beopjeong answered seriously, but the middle-aged man didn't seem pleased.

"Remember that the emperor is angry."


"You should pray that his anger does not turn toward you. Useless martial artists are no better than robbers."


The man got up from his seat, closed his eyes, and then turned to look at the Beopjeong with an annoyed expression.


The door was slammed shut loudly. It was only then that Beopjeong let out a deep sigh.


After a while, the door opened cautiously, and Beopgye came in with a stern face.


"Come and sit."


Beopgye sat down with caution.

"What's the matter?"

"It's the same old story. It seems that the Imperial Palace is taking this situation seriously. They want us to eliminate the troublemakers right away."


"If we can't do that, they will hold us responsible."


Beopgye was amazed, and Beopjeong chuckled as if he found it amusing.

"The Imperial Palace is always like this."

In principle, martial factions like the Shaolin and Wudang should not be allowed to exist as organized groups within the country. However, in reality, there were no strict sanctions against martial factions like the Shaolin and Wudang.

Was it because of the principle of non-interference? 

Not likely.

Externally, it was said that the government and the martial world did not interfere with each other, but that was not really possible. It was merely a pretext created by the government to avoid intervening in the martial world.

The fundamental reason was that the existence of the martial world could be helpful to them.

Although a country might appear to have its influence throughout its territory, it was not really the case. If such a thing were possible, how could rebellions occur, and how could warlords exist?

Furthermore, the current influence of the Imperial Palace was extremely limited south of the Yangtze River and not complete even north of the Yangtze River. Especially in terms of public security, the government alone had its limitations.

So, from the government's perspective, the existence of the martial world was not that bad. At the very least, the martial factions ensured public safety in the areas surrounding their existence, which were places where those who upheld justice did not necessarily venture.


"At times like this, I envy the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

"But, Boss. What do you mean...?"

"Isn't that right?"

Beopjeong smiled faintly.

"The ones who created this situation are the Evil Tyrant Alliance, but the ones who actually caused the trouble are the Demonic Sect. They're unfairly putting the blame on us, who are innocent, aren't they?"

At Beopjeong's words, Beopgye hesitated for a moment and let out a sigh.

The relationship between the government and the martial world was always like this. When there was no problem, they treated martial factions as ruthless robbers, but when problems arose, they held them accountable for all the responsibilities.

But it was not the case with the Evil Sect. From the beginning, the Evil Sect did not exist as clearly as orthodox factions [aka righteous sects] with a headquarters. They were like poisonous mushrooms sprouting in places beyond the reach of the government's light.

In the vast Yangtze River that the government could not control everywhere, in the deep mountains where human hands could not reach, and in the areas with administrative vacuums in the far south.

In all those places, the Evil Sect had established its influence. Unlike orthodox factions that were near Beijing and could not escape the government's influence, they were different.

"If it's urgent, why don't they send the Imperial Army directly?"

"It seems that there are some unusual movements in the north."


"That's why it doesn't seem to be a situation where the Imperial Army can be mobilized. It looks like they are even reinforcing the Imperial Army around Beijing. In such a situation, they probably can't afford to pay attention to the north side of the Yangtze River."

As if he understood the situation, Beopgye nodded his head. Misfortunes never come singly, and it seemed that the circumstances had converged in an unfortunate way.

"So, they've put the blame on us."

"That's right."

Beopjeong smiled bitterly. However, Beopgye still didn't seem to fully accept it.

"If they were going to be so sensitive to the situation in the martial world, why didn't they lend a hand when the Evil Tyrant Alliance first started causing trouble? Then the situation wouldn't have escalated to this point."

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Sect as seen from Imperial Palace as entirely different."


"No matter how ruthless the Evil Tyrant Alliance may be, they are individuals who operate within the rules of the martial world. Even if Jang Ilso is leading the Evil Tyrant Alliance, would they dare to aim for the Emperor's throne?"

Beopjeong asked a rhetorical question and lowered his head.

"No matter how ambitious Jang Ilso may be, such a thing is impossible. They are different from the martial world that can be controlled by sheer force. Governing the country is not something we can do."

"That's right, Bangjang."

"But what about the Demonic Sect?"

With a stern face, Beopjeong let out a sigh.

"The Demonic Sect is a different case. They don't distinguish between commoners and the Emperor. They don't obey the laws of scholars or Imperial Palace's decrees. The Imperial Palace must have experienced that reality firsthand a hundred years ago."

"I see..."

Unlike the martial world, which treated past events as just that, the Imperial Palace kept thorough records of everything. Records of the Demonic Sect's first appearance a hundred years ago would still be vividly preserved.

"That's why they're reacting so strongly."

Beopgye nodded as if he finally understood the situation.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Even if that's the case, not just yet."

Beopjeong shook his head.

"If we cross the river, leaving them behind, we will have to bear all the damage. Do you think they'll pay attention to the damage we've suffered?"

"But if you violate Imperial Palace's command, things could get worse."

Beopjeong chuckled.

"Don't worry. I think the messenger made a mistake due to his impatience."

"You said a mistake?"

"Didn't you say that the Royal Army is being mobilized in the north? Even if we go against their orders a bit, they won't be able to do anything to us for a while."


"As long as we resolve this situation without delay, there's no need to worry too much about the current situation."

Beopgye nodded quietly. But deep inside, he had a faint sense of unease.

Regardless of feasibility, if the Imperial Palace urgently requested assistance in such a way, it was only natural to follow their intentions according to the duty of a subject. However, he couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

"What's the current situation?"

"They are still staying in Hangzhou. They will probably start moving elsewhere soon."

Beopgye's response carried a heavy heart.

While the Demonic Sect's movements were slower than expected, conversely, it meant that they were thoroughly destroying the city of Hangzhou. When he thought about how many people had sacrificed themselves to their machinations, he couldn't sleep at night and felt like he was chewing sand even when he ate.

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance must be in a tight spot too."

A small smile appeared on Beopjeong's lips. In this situation, Beopjeong's smile felt strangely unfamiliar to Beopgye.

"Bangjang, what about support from other sects?"

"There will probably be contact soon."

"Isn't it too late! It's not just anyone; it's the Demonic Sect! Why are they dragging their feet like this?"

"The distance, isn't it? Even if we prepare for immediate assistance, it will take time."

Beopgye's face gradually hardened.

Wasn't Beopjeong's response very different from when he requested support because of the Evil Tyrant Alliance a while ago? 


For a brief moment, a grim thought crossed Beopgye's mind, but he quickly pushed it away. This was not something he should be thinking about.

Observing him, Beopjeong smiled lightly.

"You're deep in thought."

"No, Bangjang. I'm just..."


"Yes, Bangjang."

"Not knowing is a comfort."


"But sometimes, there are undeniable truths. The duty of those who understand first is to show the stern reality to those who turn a blind eye."

Beopjeong's words left Beopgye in silence. Beopjeong continued to explain.

"The reason Shaolin's influence is not what it used to be is quite simple. People no longer need Shaolin."


"When there is a formidable enemy, there's a need for followers. But when the enemy is gone, people tend to think about their own gain."

Beopjeong's voice was calm and composed.

"Soon, everyone in the world will understand. Who has been protecting the peace of this region? Who has safeguarded the balance of power among the sects? When that time comes, they will understand why Shaolin is Shaolin."

"But, Bangjang... If that happens..."

"It's something we must accept."

Beopjeong sighed quietly.

"The role of those guarding the walls that border with external enemies is not to stop the enemy but to inform the outside world at the risk of their lives. It's to prevent greater harm."


Beopjeong stated firmly.

"How can you not find nobility in that sacrifice? It's the same. Sometimes, to prevent greater harm, one must bear the cost."

Beopgye bowed his head deeply.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you need to know. Being responsible can be harsh at times. You can't get through with just a sincere heart alone. Even if others don't know, you must understand this truth."

Beopgye bit his lip instead of responding. Beopjeong seemed like a completely different person today, so different from the Beopjeong he knew. 

"In the end, even the Imperial Palace will have no choice but to rely on us. Not just the Imperial Palace. The Ten Great Sects, and even the Evil Sect. And..."

Beopjeong's eyes gleamed coldly.

At that moment, Beopgye found his voice.

"One thing, Bangjang. You mentioned it, didn't you? The Imperial Palace remembers the history of a hundred years ago."

"... What's the problem with that?"

"If they genuinely start feeling the threat from the Demonic Sect, wouldn't they seek protection from Mount Hua instead of Shaolin?"

In an instant, Beopjeong's face hardened.


Feeling his anger, Beopgye lowered his head deeply.

"Is today's Mount Hua the same as the Mount Hua of the past?"

"I apologize, Bangjang."


Beopjeong's lips were tightly pressed, and he opened his mouth, his voice slightly agitated.

"What about the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

"They haven't shown any movement, as far as I know."

"That's how it is... It has to be that way. They won't say anything about their alliance's safety until they've calculated it as secure."

A cold smirk appeared at the corner of Beopjeong's mouth.

But at that moment, Beopgye, who had been glancing around cautiously, spoke up quietly.

"But there's this... It's not confirmed yet, but there's a rumor that around ten members, including the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, crossed the river last night. It hasn't been verified yet..."


Beopgye, who was recounting the news, was startled as Beopjeong's head shot up abruptly.

The paper in front of Beopjeong was shattered into pieces, scattering around.


"Who did they say?"

"T-They said... Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. And about ten members..."

"Double-check. Right now."


"What are you standing there for? Can't you hear me?"

"Yes, yes! Bangjang! I will confirm it immediately!"

Beopgye hurriedly left in a panic.

Beopjeong, with eyes filled with a terrifying intensity, bit his lips until they bled.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.'

Beopjeong knew that it was an excessive reaction. What could around ten members possibly do in a situation like this?

But... the moment he heard those four words, an indescribable sense of unease surged within him.

"... Crossed the river?"

A chill ran through Beopjeong's eyes.

The spilled ink on the cold floor resembled dried blood.