Chapter 1063: Is This How You Do It? (Part 3)

"Chung Myungaaaaaaa!"

"Damn it! You bastard!"

The disciples of Mount Hua rushed towards Chung Myung like the wind.

"Hey, can you run a bit more gently? My body is ringing."

Although the sensation of the vibrations felt in their footsteps was enough to make his body feel like they were being torn apart, it seemed that the words did not reach the ears of Mount Hua's disciples. Jo Gol, who ran the fastest, aggressively attacked Chung Myung.

"Hey! Are you okay? Huh?"

Jo Gol grabbed Chung Myung's neck and shook him violently.

"Did you get cut somewhere? Are you alright?"

"Hang on...!"

"Hey, you! Why aren't you answering?"

"You crazy bastard! You're going to kill him!"


Only then did Jo Gol come to his senses and looked down at Chung Myung. His eyes were rolled back, and he was almost at the point of passing out. Jo Gol discreetly let go of his hand and coughed.

"No... I was just worried..."

Chung Myung, who was about to lose his life, not to the Heavenly Demon or a bishop, but to the hands of a fellow disciple of Mount Hua, looked at Jo Gol with soulless eyes and spoke with great difficulty.

"...Please go out and die. Please..."

Baek Cheon and Yoo Iseol sighed as they supported Chung Myung's shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

"...Do I look okay?"


"...I don't even have the strength to lift a finger."

It wasn't just words. It felt like all the energy had drained out of his body. Right now, even if the opponent were Jo Gol, he would have to extend his neck and ask to be killed graciously.


"Lord Ryeonjul! Are you okay?"

"...I'm dead."

The fact was that the most threatening person here wasn't in much of a different position.


Every time Jang Ilso coughed, blood poured out of his mouth. An already pale person dripping blood, it wouldn't be strange if he broke his neck and died soon.

"...You damn bastard."

Chung Myung, recalling the situation a moment ago, involuntarily cursed. Attacking even when his throat was pierced. He knew that these bishops were all out of their minds, but experiencing it again after a long time, he shivered anew.

If he hadn't pierced through his throat and lessened that power, both Jang Ilso and Chung Myung would have turned into dust without leaving a single piece of flesh.

"...This crazy bastard actually did it."

The disciples of Mount Hua looked at the collapsed Chung Myung with mixed emotions.

One emotion was awe. Another was sadness.

Successfully killing the bishop who didn't look like a human at all was nothing short of admiration, but the cost was too great. Falsifying it a bit, Chung Myung's body looked like a half-cooked lump of meat. It was amazing that there was still breath left in him.

Baek Cheon immediately placed his hand on Chung Myung's lower abdomen and pushed in his energy.


Then, a bucket of black-dead blood poured out from Chung Myung's mouth.

"...I really might die."

"Fuck you."

Baek Cheon inserted energy while sharpening his teeth. There was no other way, but... even so, it was not pleasant to watch Chung Myung crushed like this.

At that moment, Un Geom, who had been silent so far, spoke up.

"It's not over yet."

At those words, the disciples of Mount Hua raised their heads.

"Beware of the remnants of the Demonic Sect! We don't know what they might do."

In an instant, the tense disciples of Mount Hua changed their momentum and blocked the space between Chung Myung and the Demonic Sect like enraged beasts.

However, contrary to their reactions, the Demonic Sect members seemed oblivious, as if turned to stone.

"Bishop... Bishop."

The Demonic Sect members stared blankly at the darkened ground as if they had lost the world.

Danjagang's defeat.

It was a result they had never considered. Since they had never imagined it, they had no way to cope. They simply stared blankly at the aftermath of the fierce battle as if their souls had left their bodies.

"Bishop... Bishop."

The Disciple of Law sat down as if their legs had given out. Then, clenching their fists as if tearing the ground apart, they said.

"This... even if I drink it, it won't be refreshing... these damn unbelievers are crawling!"

Blood oozed as his tightly bitten lips tore apart. His gaze, filled with intense hatred and anger, was fixed on the enemies not far away - precisely on Chung Myung and Jang Ilso.

"This... I'll kill... I'll kill and avenge the bishop! Definitely!"

As the enemy, with a grim smile, rose to his feet, a sinister energy rapidly surged in the eyes of the Demonic Sect members who had lost their spirits. Observing this change, the disciples of Mount Hua simultaneously drew their swords.

The Hongyeons that had rushed in also stood in front of Jang Ilso, growling like hunting dogs protecting their master.


Chung Myung, supported by Baek Cheon and Yoo Iseol, twisted his face and opened his mouth.

"First, that..."

However, at that moment, Baek Cheon felt it. Chung Myung's body, which had been stretched out like a soaked cotton, suddenly stiffened.


Chung Myung's gaze urgently turned backward. What was reflected in his eyes was disbelief, astonishment, and some twisted emotion.

"This... this bastard..."

"Chung Myung?"


Before that question could be fully articulated, a massive explosion erupted. The disciples of Mount Hua who had been guarding against the Demonic Sect turned in shock to look behind.

And they saw it too. A torrent of demonic energy erupting explosively, blowing away the piled-up earth and debris like the ruins of a collapsed mountain.

A thick sweat ran down Baek Cheon's spine.

"N-No way..."


It sounded like the roar of a demon imprisoned in the abyss. In the swirling black magic, someone who should never be standing there revealed themselves.


The color drained from Baek Cheon's face.

Bloodshot eyes and desperate screams. In the whirling black magic, Danjagang, drenched entirely in the regurgigated blood, revealed his upper body, howling like a beast.

A sense of nausea crossed the faces of everyone who witnessed the scene.


The Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, still firmly embedded in his neck by Chung Myung, was there. Danjagang, who had been screaming and screaming, grabbed the sword embedded in his neck.

Squelch. Squelch.

Even amid the roaring magic, the sound of the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword being pulled out from his neck was distinct.


Finally, he completely pulled the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword from his throat and threw it to the ground.


Yoon Jong clenched his hand, which was trembling uncontrollably.

At that moment, Chung Myung, who had been lying down, struggled to get up.


It seemed he hadn't completely severed his neckbone by a mere sheet of paper. Danjagang, who had mastered Bone Demon Art, could endure even such a severe wound and somehow preserve his life.

"Sasuk. My sword...."

"Don't talk nonsense! You crazy bastard!"

Baek Cheon and the disciples of Mount Hua, overcame the intense fear welling up from the depths of their lungs and tightly blocked Chung Myung's way.

'No more!'

Now Chung Myung couldn't fight. It shouldn't be like this. Then, they had to protect this damn guy now. Without exchanging a word, everyone gripped their swords tightly with the same thought.

Danjagang, who had turned into a form that could no longer be considered human, raised his head and screamed fiercely.

"Why, why, why, why, why, why!"

It sounded desperate and even heartbreaking. It was similar to the wailing of a child who had lost its mother.

"Why! Why do you not look back at us! Why, why, why, why, why!"

The magic emitted by Danjagang surged violently.

"Heavenly Demon!"

His voice was now so rough that it was akin to scraping metal.

"For us who await you so desperately, why! Why do you turn away from us! Heavenly Demon! Why! Heavenly Demon!"

'He's gone mad....'

Tang Soso was astonished and involuntarily blocked her own mouth.

Even with all known languages, it seemed impossible to fully describe that madness. From the beginning, it was hard to even consider that as an emotion a human could possess.

"Even with this! If this is not enough! What else can we do! Can't you hear us with this scream!"

Danjagang, who had been emitting streams of bloodshot light, turned his gaze towards Chung Myung.

"Do you understand? Our suffering! Our pain! It's saying you can understand!"

Chung Myung pulled Baek Cheon's shoulders forward, stepping forward.

"Chung Myung!"

His legs were trembling so much that taking a step was burdensome. However, Chung Myung persistently pushed them aside and stepped forward. And as if it were natural, Jang Ilso was also moving forward with him.

As if they had to. Regardless of the situation, facing the enemy, it seemed there was only one thing to do.

"A bit short."

"It seems so."

"No other choice."

Chung Myung and Jang Ilso revealed their determination simultaneously.

"If we survive... we'll have to kill him over and over again!"

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk."

The disciples of Mount Hua and the Hongyeondog, this time, did not retreat and lined up on both sides of the two. It was as if they were ready to fight together.

At that moment, Danjagang's demonic energy grew denser.

Danjagang understood it instinctively. He had pulled the demonic energy beyond its limits, and now he would not be able to go back to his past self twice.

Perhaps now, he would forever be engulfed in this madness, becoming a maniac who slaughters everything visible.

However, if his desperate voice could reach the Heavenly Demon, he would accept that fate as well without resistance.

Danjagang drew out the last remaining energy from his inner reserves. The processed magic wrapped around his body and soared into the sky.


In the face of this overwhelming presence, suppressed moans involuntarily escaped the lips of the disciples of Mount Hua.

'He still has that much power...'

At the moment when Baek Cheon was trying to steady his trembling jaw by biting his lips, something caught his attention.


At first, he thought he had seen it wrong. Behind the surging black magic, something faintly whitish appeared. Overwhelmed by fear, he might have momentarily hallucinated.

However, in the next moment, Baek Cheon realized that he hadn't seen it wrong.

Right behind Danjagang, amidst the storm of magic that could crumple even a sheet of perennial iron like a piece of paper, a man stood like a ghost. It was impossible to determine when and from where he had suddenly appeared.

Truly an alien sight.

Unable to comprehend the situation, Baek Cheon stared blankly at the scene. When Danjagang, still unable to accept the situation, looked as if he was lost in thought, the man in white attire behind him cracked a faint smile.

"That's why I..."

Only then did Danjagang, who instinctively turned his head upon realizing that someone was behind him, witness the man in white attire thrusting his hand through Danjagang's back.



A scream filled with pain erupted from Danjagang's mouth. Soon, he lowered his eyes, filled with astonishment, to his own chest. A hand, too unnaturally white against the bloodied chest, protruded from his body.

"K... Kkeuk...?"

A sound akin to air escaping from his mouth flowed out.

Danjagang, as if having trouble believing the situation, finally shuddered and turned around. When his eyes met with the man who had thrust his hand into his back, a tremendous fear began to spread across Danjagang's face.


Danjagang's voice was trembling unbelievably. The sight he presented was unimaginable until now. However, his voice trembled so distinctly that even the disciples of Mount Hua could sense it.

"Bis... Bishop Two..."

The man addressed as Bishop Two lightly licked his lips and spoke.

"That's why you young ones don't suit my taste."


The man's arm penetrated even deeper into Danjagang's chest. At that moment, Danjagang's mouth widened as if it were about to tear apart.

In stark contrast to the severe injuries, the man who had suddenly appeared from somewhere was effortlessly trampling Danjagang, who was spewing powerful magic.

Baek Cheon, who hadn't fully understood the situation, instinctively looked back at Chung Myung. And what he saw was an even more astonishing sight.

The face of Chung Myung, who had never shown a bewildered expression in front of an enemy, was... pale.


A voice, as if possessed by something, flowed out of Chung Myung's mouth.

"Heavenly Executioner (天殺)..."