Chapter 1065: Is This How It's Done? (Part 5)

Their thoughts gradually drifted away. It wasn't a matter of fear or terror gripping them. It was simply that the moment they faced the deadly aura emanating from the Heavenly Executioner, all thoughts vanished from their minds.

That aura turned everything they had experienced and overcome into a joke. In the face of such intense oppression, everything living seemed to halt its breath.

Killing intent (意形殺人).

It was the moment one was forced to understand the phrase "killing a person with will alone."

The Heavenly Executioner's gaze, reminiscent of the cold North Sea wind, slowly swept over everyone present, leaving a chilling sensation.

It felt as if someone with profound malice was pressing an exceptionally sharp blade against their throats. The pressure was so intense that even a slight movement of the finger would feel like the blade piercing through their necks. In front of them, the Heavenly Executioner's voice echoed in the ears of those who did not know what to do.

"Mount Hua... Yes. Mount Hua, huh? You've managed to maintain that lineage quite well."

Just from that reaction, it was evident that the newly appeared bishop harbored deep resentment towards Mount Hua. And the result of that resentment... anyone could foresee.

Chung Myung and Jang Ilso, who had already become ragged from their fight with Danjagang, would never be able to handle this bishop. And if it was impossible for those two, it was impossible for anyone here.

The only remaining option was one - escape.

Rather than futilely resisting an impossible enemy, it was better to survive even if it meant showing one's back. Wasn't that something Moung Hua had emphasized to its disciples countless times?


'Is it really possible?'

To escape from that bishop?

Without even continuing the thought, attempting anything seemed even more impossible. All they could do was sit there, not wavering from that spot. But how could they escape from such a person?

That's when it happened.

Someone began to move within the intense pressure. Not Chung Myung, not Baek Cheon, not even Jang Ilso. It was someone else.

Tap, tap.

All eyes focused on the back of the man walking forward through the stiffened crowd.

A not-so-wide back.

One sleeve awkwardly fluttering, conspicuously empty.


From Baek Cheon's mouth, a voice that seemed to be groaning emerged. Un Geom moved alone.

Baek Cheon involuntarily swallowed dry saliva.

'Un Geom Sasuk!'

How could this be possible? Even just enduring without losing one's mind in the face of such intense vitality was difficult enough. How on earth could one move like that?

Baek Cheon felt a sense of awe as he looked at Un Geom.

Un Geom, against all odds, moved step by step to confront the Heavenly Executioner. As if it was difficult even to stand straight, he, who had just moments ago seemed to tremble all over, opened his mouth with a suppressed voice.

"Da... Mount Hua Sect."

Those behind couldn't see Un Geom's expression. All they could see were Un Geom's shaking shoulders and his voice. It was a figure that couldn't even be called dignified with empty words.

But who could dare belittle that back? Alone, facing the Heavenly Executioner, Un Geom's back looked even more formidable than the Heavenly Executioner standing before him. At least in the eyes of the Mount Hua disciples.

"...Senior disciple, Un Geom."

The Heavenly Executioner, without a word, stared at Un Geom with cold eyes. In that moment, the intense pressure that had been suppressing others lightened. However, it meant that a greater pressure was beginning to be exerted on Un Geom.

But Un Geom persisted and finished his words.

"Do you have business with Mount Hua?"


The Heavenly Executioner let out a laughter as if he found it absurd.

Of course, these people might not know what happened between Mount Hua and the Demonic Sect in the past. But even considering that, wasn't this question too contrary to common sense?

They had just waged war against the Demonic Sect, pushing Danjagang, the bishop of the Demonic Sect, to the brink of death. And now, they were asking if Mount Hua had business with the Heavenly Executioner.

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

The Heavenly Executioner eventually burst into laughter.

"Business, you say...."

As if wiping away the sudden laughter, he stared coldly at Un Geom and asked.

"So what if I do?"

The Heavenly Executioner raised his head slowly, as if emphasizing his words.

"It is absurd. You may have the name of the Mount Hua Sect, but you have none of its power. Compared to them, who I couldn't help but respect, you're nothing more than a bug. Yet, you dare to stand before me?"

In that moment, the killing intent emitted by The Heavenly Executioner was directed entirely at Un Geom.

"You, who inherited nothing but the two characters 'Mount Hua'?"


Black blood spurted from Un Geom's mouth. The intense energy, described as ferocious, thoroughly shook his being. Injured by just the aura, Un Geom coughed up black blood several times before using his remaining arm to wipe his mouth.

"...It seems there was a misunderstanding."

His face, pale from the internal injuries, looked even more relaxed than before.

"I also know my place. I don't dream such dreams."

"Then why do you dare to stand before me?"

"You, too, must understand, as someone who stands above."


Un Geom laughed with difficulty.

"Even if my abilities are lacking, if there are those who follow behind, even if I have to die first, I must try to live. If you're lucky, you might save one more person, don't you think?"

The Heavenly Executioner's eyes narrowed.

"Is the value of your life only that much?"


Un Geom laughed openly, revealing his teeth. Although his expression was incredibly bright, the blood-soaked appearance added a strange eeriness.

"Where else could there be something more valuable than that?"

The Heavenly Executioner observed Un Geom for a moment, as if finding it interesting.

It was clear by just looking. In front of the him, he doing nothing more than enduring. But he never retreated. His heart was being carved away but he stood, enduring and standing tall.

The Heavenly Executioner nodded slowly.

"The name alone isn't the only thing passed down, huh."

The Heavenly Executioner averted his gaze from Un Geom and looked up at the distant sky, as if recalling ancient memories.

"Even if a hundred years pass, even if that power is lost, Mount Hua is still Mount Hua..."

The Heavenly Executioner's expression momentarily softened. Simultaneously, the intense aura that seemed like it could explode in all directions at any moment also disappeared as if washed away.

"I got a bit excited for a moment."

Everyone looked at The Heavenly Executioner with suspicious faces. The Heavenly Executioner slowly raised his head and spoke.

"Don't look at me with those eyes. I won't harm you here today."


"Of course, don't misunderstand. the Demonic Cult doesn't show mercy to those despicable unbelievers. Especially those who use the two characters 'Mount Hua,' I have no intention of sparing even a single ant. However..."

The Heavenly Executioner glanced discreetly elsewhere. There lay the remnants of Danjagang.

"Everyone has their position."


"Erasing the traces of Mount Hua from the world is an unavoidable duty for me, but continuing what the apostate wanted to do is something a practitioner must avoid. So, you won't die today. At least not in this place."

"Ha ha ha."

At that moment, a quiet laughter burst out.

The Heavenly Executioner's gaze naturally turned towards the source of the laughter. A man with an excessively flamboyant appearance was struggling to suppress his laughter as if someone had stuffed his mouth.

When The Heavenly Executioner stared at him in silence, Jang Ilso raised his hand.

"Ah, sorry. You were speaking seriously."


"But, you see, I'm a bit twisted. It's hard for me to suppress laughter when someone seems to be strangling my neck."

The Heavenly Executioner looked at Jang Ilso with narrowed eyes.

"The Central Plain has changed a lot."


"Yeah, it's about time. A hundred years have already passed, enough for people to forget about us."

The Heavenly Executioner slowly surveyed his surroundings.

A desolate land, horrific beyond comparison. Although there was almost nothing left of this land, he could distinctly feel the lingering aura of death that had once engulfed it.

One city had vanished. Every life within it had disappeared. However...

"Don't think this is all there is to it. What you've witnessed is just a fraction of the power the sect possesses."


"You'll find out. Whether you want to remember or not, you'll recall. People of the Central Plain."

In that moment, an indescribable solemnity emerged on Heavenly Executioner's face.

"He will return soon."

Everyone's hearts sank suddenly.

Who among them in this place wouldn't understand which 'he' was being referred to? Those who had embodied themselves in the demonic sect, especially the one known as the bishop, a presence so revered in the world that there was only one.

"At that time, you will face it. The predetermined outcome. An inevitable fate."

Heavenly Executioner turned his body.

"Until then... enjoy the remaining time given to you. It may not be much."

Heavenly Executioner casually took a step, or tried to.

What stopped his ankle was a voice, digging into his ears, a voice without origin.

"It won't be that simple."

Heavenly Executioner halted, keeping his body in place as he turned slightly to look behind. There stood the young swordsman of Mount Hua, not yet rid of his youthfulness.

Chung Myung spoke softly.

"It's not about not killing; it's about not being able to kill, right? Isn't that so?"


"What should I do about this?"

The voice sounded like a mocking murmur, piercing Heavenly Executioner's heart.

"Who knows? Among the people in this place who were killed by the practitioners who escaped because you didn't properly control them... there might have been a Heavenly Demon among them, right?"



Heavenly Executioner gritted his teeth. Purely due to frustration, not because he raised his demonic energy, the blood vessels in his eyes burst as anger surged through him.


Chung Myung, seeing this, grinned like a madman.

"Are you angry?"

"You, you...."

"Well, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

The intense rage emanating from the Heavenly Executioner was undoubtedly felt by everyone. However, his anger did not translate into hostility towards them, unlike a moment ago.

"No. Can't do it?"

Chung Myung sneered mockingly. 

"Maybe I'm the Heavenly Demon, huh?"


A torrent of cries, intertwining with intense resentment, profound malice, and the stench of profound grudges, erupted. Along the Heavenly Executioner's eye corners, streams of red blood trickled down.