Chapter 1074: Who Made a Mistake? (Part 3)


The hand that dug into the side pushed even deeper.


Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold screamed as the unbearable pain seemed ready to make him vomit blood. What was currently causing him the most agony was not just the hand of Thousand-Faced Gentleman digging into his side or the internal energy coursing through and disturbing his entire body. It was the incomprehensible situation itself.


Why was Thousand-Faced Gentleman here? How on earth?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Thousand-Faced Gentleman, with his hand embedded in Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's side, clicked his tongue as if mocking the pitiable sight.

"It seems like you've flipped the abacus wrong, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold."


Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's body trembled as if caught in convulsions. At that moment, Thousand-Faced Gentleman, in his imposing stance, flashed a triumphant smile.

"...Indeed, you are an impressive swordsman. Admirable to the point of awe."

His words conveyed both acknowledgment and mockery towards the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold clearly held the sword with his left hand. However, the moment he sensed the presence of the Thousand-Faced Gentleman, the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold instinctively moved his nonexistent right hand to draw the sword and swing it.

Although he knew in his head that his right hand didn't exist, in the most dangerous moment for his well-trained body, he repeated a most familiar action.


The Thousand-Faced Gentleman let out a sly smile.

Even though he targeted that fact, the second the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's right shoulder twitched, his spine chilled. Certainly, the reputation of the Evil Tyrant Sword was not earned without reason.


"The current state of the Evil Tyrant Sword seems quite pitiful."

Thousand-Faced Gentleman twisted his wrist mockingly.



Simultaneously, an uncontrollable scream erupted from the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's mouth.

"Great Master!"

"This damn bastard!"

In the situation unfolding behind them, like a sudden thunderbolt, the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle, who had been pressing Mount Hua and Myriad Man Manor, turned away from the battle. With every ounce of vitality they could muster, they glared at the Thousand-Faced Gentleman, growling.

"No, no!"

However, even in the torrent of life force, Thousand-Faced Gentleman casually shook the hand embedded in the side of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

"Cough... Cough..."

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's complexion had now turned not just pale, but almost blue. Blood bubbles boiled at his lips.

"If you don't want to see the heart of your master burst, wouldn't it be better to lift the siege and withdraw?"

The slick voice of Thousand-Faced Gentleman penetrated everyone's ears. Trembling gazes turned towards the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who was screaming.

"Release... Release... Aaaaah!"

The words Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold intended to speak were drowned out by a desperate scream. The faces of the Black Ghost Castle warriors turned pale.

They knew they had to save Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

But how could they save him when the enemy had a hand thrust into his side? Moreover, the one holding the leash on Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was none other than Thousand-Faced Gentleman, the leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

Wouldn't it be easier to rescue a rabbit caught in a tiger's mouth?

Or should they follow the Thousand-Faced Gentleman's suggestion and lift the encirclement and withdraw?

Would that even save Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's life? Would the Thousand-Faced Gentleman really just let go of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold willingly?

In this seemingly hopeless situation, the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle struggled with indecision. At that moment, a sinister voice, like a snake threatening from behind, brushed past their ears.

"Why hesitate?"

The gazes fixed on the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold and the Thousand-Faced Gentleman instantly shifted backward. Regardless of what anyone said, this person was most dangerous individual here.


Jang Ilso, who had gathered all the attention of the Black Ghost Castle, slowly opened his mouth.

"Is to protect the living."

Smooth lips traced an elegant curve.

"In your eyes... do you still see him as alive?"

At his words, everyone shivered.

A person alive but not truly alive. That was the current situation of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold. And their situation wasn't much different.

Even if they were to kill Jang Ilso here, there would be no chance for the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle, who had lost Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, to withstand the furious onslaught from Myriad Man Manor and Hao Sect.

"No need to worry."

Nonchalantly, Jang Ilso took a step forward.

"I'm not that cruel. If you stop here, I won't hold you accountable. Instead, under the name of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, you might gain more than you've enjoyed so far."

Everyone could see it. Right now, Jang Ilso was not in a state to fight. Even if he were the supreme commander Paegun, in his current condition with injuries, he was no different from a third-rate warrior. In such circumstances, casually exposing himself to the elites of the Black Ghost Castle was tantamount to suicide.

However, despite everyone knowing this fact, no one dared to provoke Jang Ilso.

One step.

Another step.

Jang Ilso approached the Black Ghost Castle with an effortlessly calm demeanor.

It was Jang Ilso who had lost his strength, but it was the Black Ghost Castle who felt the pressure. Just a little while ago, they had lost their composure and rushed towards the approaching Jang Ilso, but now they were in a situation where they couldn't even breathe comfortably.

"If that doesn't please you."

Finally, Jang Ilso, who had come within arm's reach if he just stretched out his hand, whispered with a young smile.

"You can just cut my throat right now."

The person standing right in front of Jang Ilso raised his gaze with a pale, aghast face.

They knew. If they were determined, they could kill Jang Ilso right now. But the person in that position couldn't bring themselves to reach out.

Jang Ilso's red lips twisted as if drying up. His white face, stained with blood, looked even more eerie.

"What will you do?"

Overwhelmed by Jang Ilso's presence, the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle involuntarily took hesitant steps backward. No, perhaps that was the instinctive reaction of the Evil Tyrant Alliance's members who had already realized that the tide had turned.

Jang Ilso smiled gently, a face that seemed out of place on the battlefield.

"Right. You're a good kid."


Jang Ilso resumed his steps, and simultaneously, the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle surrounding him gradually parted to the sides. A path began to open in front of Jang Ilso, leading towards the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

"That... crazy bastard..."

The Mount Hua group clenched their fists at the sight.

The distance between the retreating elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle and Jang Ilso was only a few steps. In other words, Jang Ilso was calmly walking through the midst of those who had, just a moment ago, risked their lives to strangle him.

No matter how defeated the army may have been, was that really something a sane person could do?

However, his slow steps never stopped.

The individuals standing in front of his advancing steps retreated as if they had seen a ghost, and not a single one dared to rush toward him. No, they didn't even meet his gaze; instead, they lowered their heads.

Submitting to the strong, that was the nature of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

At this moment, the elite warriors of the Black Ghost Castle must have understood it clearly. The strength they had endlessly boasted about was not just a tactic to shake the world or a devilish plan.

Strength also signified human beings themselves.

Ho Gakmyung and the Hongyeon quickly followed behind Jang Ilso.

The Black Ghost Castle, which couldn't handle even a single presence of Jang Ilso, couldn't possibly block their way. Those who were hesitantly retreating now couldn't withstand it any longer and collapsed, opening the path.

The corner of Jang Ilso's lips curled upwards.

The Black Ghost Castle, which had blocked the way like a black curtain, couldn't prevent the path they had opened. Jang Ilso, who had been calmly walking through the midst of those who had just rushed to strangle him, was now standing at the end of that path.

The Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, with his side pierced, looked at Jang Ilso with a distorted face.

How should the light in his eyes be expressed? Distrust? Resignation? Or perhaps hatred?

No, maybe it was all of the above.

Jang Ilso, walking across the desolate and unmatched land beyond the oppressed Black Ghost Castle, finally reached in front of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

At that moment, the Thousand-Faced Gentleman pulled out his hand, which had been stuck in the side of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.


Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's body crumpled forward. Without even considering stopping the bleeding from his side, he planted his head on the ground. However, anyone witnessing that scene could understand.

What was making Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold tremble right now is not the pain.

It's the intense sense of humiliation. And perhaps...

The chin of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, looking up at Jang Ilso, trembled. His bloodshot eyes and Jang Ilso's chilling gaze collided in mid-air.

At that moment, the thoughts dominating the mind of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold seemed somewhat absurd. Was there anyone else in the world who would look down on him so arrogantly?


At that moment, a sigh escaped from Jang Ilso's lips. Jang Ilso, who had been looking at Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold expressionlessly, lifted the corner of his lips and asked,

"Who... made a mistake?"

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's body convulsed as if struck by lightning.

"No, Great Master. Ah, should I call you Gong Yawol?"

Jang Ilso's sly smile vividly pierced the eyes of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

"The one who made a mistake was not me, but you."

Jang Ilso slowly bent his waist.

And, as if he could collapse to the ground at any moment, he supported his upper body with the remaining arm, right in front of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's nose.

"Really... Did you think I wouldn't know?"

"Jang Il..."

"Answer me, Gong Yawol. Did you really think I wouldn't know the fact that you were coming to tear my throat out? Huh?"

As the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's face contorted miserably, an indescribable expression gradually darkened Jang Ilso's face. That expression was similar... as if a demon from hell was enjoying torturing a human, it seemed.

Jang Ilso reached out with his large hand and grabbed the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's face.

With a creak.

As if he could crush it at any moment, he gradually increased the strength in his grip. Jang Ilso whispered into the ear of the Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who was barely supporting his body with one arm as if he could collapse at any moment.

"Let me tell you one thing, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold."



It was a truly soft and ominous voice.

"I would never trust someone like you."


"You thought you understood everyone, calculated everything. But Gong Yawol... What should we do? It seems like in one of your calculations, 'you' were missing. How others perceive you, tell me."

"Jang... Ilso..."

Jang Ilso laughed like a devil.

"Doesn't it feel like that fancy judgment of yours has been shattered? Huh, Gong Yawol?"

Eventually, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, filled with despair, began to scream loudly.

"Jang Ilsooooo!"


Then, Jang Ilso couldn't hold back his laughter and burst into wild laughter.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!"

The screams of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold and Jang Ilso's wild laughter spread tragically across the silent land.