Chapter 1078: Next Time It'll Be Your Neck (Part 3)

It felt like qi was surging backward. It wasn't just because of the momentum emitted by the two individuals. The mere fact that they were revealing enmity towards each other, and just watching it unfold beside them, made the blood boil uncontrollably.

The circumstances were different, and what they possessed was different. Clearly, what they could do was also different. However, as if neither cared about such differences, neither took a step back.

The tension was as taut as a stretched bowstring.

The piercing tension was broken by a small sigh escaping from Jang Ilso's lips.


Although it was a very faint sound, it felt like a razor-sharp blade striking forcefully toward a tightly pulled bowstring.

The moment Chung Myung's shoulders lightly twitched, Jang Ilso took a step back.

An oppressive silence settled.

Nonchalantly stepping back, Jang Ilso looked at Chung Myung with a face unable to conceal its perplexity.


As he retreated, Chung Myung moved. The threat from this guy was by no means a bluff. If Jang Ilso had shown even the slightest sign of attacking, Chung Myung's black sword would have flown straight toward his neck.

Even in this situation, there was no hesitation.

"...You're really out of your mind."

It was a statement that could be interpreted as admiration or criticism, or perhaps both. Chung Myung chuckled in response.

"I don't think it's something you should be saying."

However, Jang Ilso shook his head persistently.

"No. Because it's what I'm saying, it has meaning. People I acknowledge as crazy are really rare."

"This bastard?"

Normally, the disciples of Mount Hua, whether they agreed or disagreed with such a statement, would have shown some reaction. However, now they couldn't even open their mouths. Such was the weight and sharpness of the confrontation between these two.

And Baek Cheon knew.

Certainly, Jang Ilso was the one who stepped back first. However, in the midst of such tightly intertwined confrontation, retreating was not an easy task. Retreating meant exposing a vulnerability, no different from showing an opening.

Who would dare to show a gap in front of Chung Myung?

Therefore, even though he stepped back, it did not mean he showed weakness. On the contrary, the situation proved that Jang Ilso had demonstrated his determination.

'Whether it's this guy or that guy.'

Pitting a dragon and a tiger together yielded a confrontation too intense and sharp.

Observing the confrontation between these two was an unparalleled fortune as a martial artists, but as a human, it was an unparalleled misfortune.

"Confirmation, huh...."

Jang Ilso leisurely licked his tongue. Then, he twisted his lips into a sly smile.

"Of course, I'm not the type to shy away from confirming things myself... but it depends on the situation. I'm not the kind of person who would willingly put my life to the test against Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword just for the sake of it."

"...You're talking bullshit."

Chung Myung pointed it out.

Everyone in the world would know that Jang Ilso was not the kind of person who cherished his own life. Those who had witnessed Jang Ilso here would be even more aware. The visible arrogance was annoying.

However, Jang Ilso, as if surrendering completely, raised both arms slightly and took a step back. His expression and movements showed no fear anywhere. Instead, there was a mocking persistence.

"So, should we withdraw at this point?"

"Le, Lord Ryeonjul!"

Ho Gakmyung shouted in a bewildered voice. Because they knew that what Jang Ilso was saying now did not simply mean he would take a few steps back.

"Th-this can't be allowed! We can't let those guys go like this!"

Faced with vehement opposition, Jang Ilso sighed deeply and turned to look at him.


"Lord Ryeonjul, this isn't like you! We must kill and eliminate that guy called Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword! That guy must be...."


At the second call of his name, Ho Gakmyung fell silent. Jang Ilso's voice was smooth, without a hint of annoyance. That made it even more irresistible.

Looking at Ho Gakmyung with a sigh, Jang Ilso said.

"I didn't realize you were so ambitious."

"...Excuse me?"

"Did you want to kill me that much?"

"...Wh-what are you talking about..."

Ho Gakmyung was greatly perplexed. Jang Ilso, without any hint of annoyance, alternately looked at him and Chung Myung.

"Do you not know? Right now, the one with his life on the line is not Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, but me."

"...Excuse me?"

When Ho Gakmyung asked as if questioning what he meant, Jang Ilso turned to Chung Myung without answering.

"Three moves. Probably that's about it, right?"

Upon hearing those words, a glint appeared in Chung Myung's eyes.


Jang Ilso let out a deep sigh.

"Anyway, those bastards from the righteous sects are filthy. To think he recovered thirty percent of his power in that short period of time. How can us weak-willed members of the Evil Sect live that down?"

Jang Ilso shook his head as if he was fed up.

"If that guy has thirty percent of his internal energy, it's not a difficult task to cut off my powerless and fragile neck."

Surprised, Ho Gakmyung widened his eyes.

There was also the Thousand-Faced Gentleman here. And there were elites from Hongyeon and Black Ghost Castle. All of them would stand in front of Jang Ilso and protect him. Could Chung Myung really penetrate through all of them and strike Jang Ilso?

'No, no....'

Ho Gakmyung, lost in thought, bit his lips for a moment.

Didn't he already see it? The figure of Chung Myung fighting against the bishop.

Considering his persistence and audacity, Jang Ilso's words couldn't be entirely wrong. Even if his body was torn apart and twisted, there was a definite possibility that Chung Myung would swing a sword at Jang Ilso's neck.

'Can't it really be stopped?'

Ho Gakmyung was momentarily conflicted. However, coming to a conclusion was too easy and simple for him. Because Ho Gakmyung was someone who could never gamble with Jang Ilso's life. Even if the possibility of danger was one in a hundred, it had to be them who stepped back.

Watching Jang Ilso notice the change in Ho Gakmyung's face, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you understand? Begging for my life...."

Jang Ilso's eyes formed a sarcastic crescent.

"It's better for this side."

Despite talking about the danger to his life, there was no embarrassment or fear on Jang Ilso's face. However, Ho Gakmyung was different. As he became increasingly uneasy, he tried to stand between Chung Myung and Jang Ilso, but Jang Ilso gently tapped his shoulder. 

"Tsk. Don't fall apart like that."


"Don't worry. Unless I use my hands first, that sword won't come flying at my neck."

Jang Ilso, with a strange smile, asked Chung Myung.

"Is that so?"

"…I think it would be okay if you just shut your mouth."


In response to the grumpy response, Jang Ilso burst into loud laughter.

Right now, Chung Myung could kill Jang Ilso. However, if that happened, all the remaining disciples of Mount Hua, including Chung Myung himself, would have to bury their bones here. It was absurd, but for Jang Ilso to live, they must live, and if Jang Ilso dies, they will die too. So, while Chung Myung could kill Jang Ilso, conversely, he absolutely could not kill Jang Ilso.

"Hmm, nothing else to be done."

Jang Ilso mumbled, his voice nasal. Everyone's attention was focused on him. Finally, Jang Ilso spoke.

"Send him away."

With a brief statement, he shrugged his shoulders.

"As a courtesy to a fellow comrade."


"In the world, it's twisted like this. When a person speaks with sincerity like this..."

As if unable to stop himself, Jang Ilso shook his head, narrowing his eyes as if he had made up his mind about something and scanned the surroundings.

"Let's see...."

After looking around for a while, he chuckled.

"Over there."

Leaving everyone in front of him behind, Jang Ilso nonchalantly moved forward. No one could stop him. Not the disciples of Mount Hua, not Jang Ilso's subordinates, and not even Chung Myung, who held Jang Ilso's life as a hostage.

Walking towards a place far away like that, Jang Ilso looked down quietly. It was a ruin that, swept away by the battle, no one could even guess what it originally was.


Jang Ilso suddenly stamped the ground with force. The ground around him trembled significantly as something erupted from the ground.

'A chest?' 

The bodies of Mount Hua's disciples tensed. That person is Jang Ilso. Since he's a guy who unfolds only unpredictable things, they were suspicious that he was up to some trick again.

"That's right."

However, Jang Ilso nonchalantly opened the chest, seemingly not sensing their suspicion at all. Taking something out from inside, he walked back towards the disciples of Mount Hua with slow steps.


Jang Ilso tossed what he held in his hand to Chung Myung. Everyone around was taken aback, but Chung Myung casually caught it.

All eyes were on what Chung Myung held. A hollow laugh escaped Baek Cheon's mouth. It was absurd.

That white thing he held was undoubtedly...

"...A bottle?"

It was a bottle.

"Why are you all so surprised? Afraid I'm going to eat him or something?"

Jang Ilso chuckled and let out a languid sigh, mixed with a hint of amusement.

"If it's a large liquor store in Hangzhou, it's customary to have a wine cellar underground."


"If we fought together, it's our way to share a drink and cleanse our blood. I don't know if the esteemed members of the righteous sects will appreciate the methods of us lowly evil sect folks..."

Before Jang Ilso finished speaking, the sound of a cork being opened resonated crisply. Chung Myung, after glancing at Jang Ilso, tossed the cork aside and downed the bottle of liquor. There was no hesitation.


A faint smile appeared at the corner of Jang Ilso's mouth.

"Tastes like alcohol."

He, too, pulled the cork from the bottle he held and drank the liquor in one go.

It was a truly strange sight.

Two people who had fought together, enemies but now standing facing each other, silently drinking. In the quiet field, only the faint sound of the two exchanging liquor echoed.

Sitting in their places, both emptied their bottles as if to compete, and at some point, they simultaneously put down the bottles.

The gazes of the two intertwined in the air. Chung Myung's gaze was coldly composed, while Jang Ilso's gaze was strangely agitated.

Jang Ilso spoke first.

"Next time..."


Chung Myung continued Jang Ilso's words.

"It'll be your neck."

Simultaneous smiles appeared on their faces. There was an unreserved vitality between them.

After staring at each other like that for a while, Jang Ilso turned away first.

"Let's go, Gakmyung."

"Yes, Lord Ryeonjul."

Ho Gakmyung, who had been chasing Jang Ilso, turned his head towards Mount Hua. With a resolute expression, he spoke.

"Head north. I will only allow that one path. Stray from it, and you will die."


"I hope and hope that you will heed my warning."

With those words, he followed Jang Ilso. The Hongyeon and Black Ghost Castle, which had surrounded Mount Hua, also withdrew.

Chung Myung, who had been watching Jang Ilso move away for a long time, suddenly raised his voice.

"Hey, Jang Ilso."

Jang Ilso, who was walking away, stopped in his tracks. He turned his head slightly to glance at Chung Myung.

At the moment their eyes met, Chung Myung let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Consider us even. There won't be a next time."


A faint smile played on the white lips of Jang Ilso's face.

"Ha... Haha..."

Jang Ilso who had been laughing sofly like a devil, spoke as if spitting out.

"Let's meet again. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

Jang Ilso, who was smiling brightly at Chung Myung, withdrew his simmering gaze and resumed his forward steps.

As the figures of Jang Ilso and those following him gradually faded away, the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect stood still in the same spot for a while.