Chapter 1080: Next Time It'll Be Your Neck (Part 5)


The moment the Evil Tyrant Alliance disappeared, a sound like a sigh of relief escaped from Jo Gol's lips. As if it were a signal, disciples from other Mount Hua Sects also let their legs give in, sitting down in a slump.

Baek Cheon, who had been staring at the horizon as if his soul had left his body, spoke with a voice that held no strength.

"…Did they go?"

"It seems so."

"They won't come back, right?"

"Don't say unlucky things, Sasuk."

Baek Cheon lowered his head as if exhausted.

"…I really thought we were done for."

They had overcome numerous crises before, but this seemed to be the first time they felt so anxious. Facing not only the Demonic Sect but also the troublesome Jang Ilso and Black Ghost Castle...

Yoon Jong muttered on the ground as if he were collapsing.

"It feels like my lifespan has decreased by a year…"

"I'm down three years."

"I've lost five years..."

They all raised their heads with relieved expressions. However, they couldn't completely relax. The thought that those Evil Tyrant bastards might change their minds and return lingered.

'Jang Ilso.'

Baek Cheon looked across the desolate land over the horizon. In retrospect, for them, this war began with the bishop and ended with Jang Ilso. The impression of Danjagang, which had shown them blood-curdling martial arts, was completely devoured by Jang Ilso in the end.

'And...that bishop.'

Baek Cheon unconsciously bit his lip. Thinking about the one who pierced the heart of Danjagang, his body trembled involuntarily.

'Are there so many monsters in the world?'

He felt like he understood why the martial artists called Kangho the "Dragon's Den." There were three monsters in Kangho, and now he had seen three of them simultaneously. It was difficult to gauge whether it was a fortune or misfortune.

'No...not three.'

Baek Cheon turned his head.


He saw Chung Myung standing expressionless.

'If you think about it, this guy is really amazing.'

At least Jang Ilso had brought the Black Ghost Castle and Hongyeon, and the bishops also brought the martial artists of the Demonic Sect. However, Chung Myung only mobilized a dozen or so people, yet he shook the stage where monsters were leaping to devour each other.

'How would I feel if I saw this guy from the enemy's perspective?'

Perhaps those who faced him felt something even greater than the fear of the bishops or the awe of Jang Ilso.

At times like this, he realized once again. His presence was so familiar that they tended to forget just how formidable this guy was.


Feeling Baek Cheon's gaze staring at him, Chung Myung bluntly asked. Baek Cheon hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Are you feeling okay?"

There were too many questions to ask, but ultimately, this was the first thing he had to ask. It might be a bit late now, but he had to ask and move on. Hearing those words, Chung Myung chuckled.

"Don't worry about it..."

Nonchalantly speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth and turned his head slightly.

"Why? Who's coming?"

"No, it's not that."


"...No. It just feels a bit strange."

As Baek Cheon was about to ask what he meant, blood started flowing from Chung Myung's nose and mouth. Baek Cheon's eyes widened instantly.

"You... You, you... Wait, why are you...?"


In response to Baek Cheon's reaction, Chung Myung reached out and wiped his face. The expression on Chung Myung's face changed to confusion as he saw the blood stained on his palm.


"W-You... You used energy! You idiot! You used energy, so why...?"

"No... I've been busy restoring my strength... Healing wasn't much..."


Seeing the blood tinting Chung Myung's face, the Mount Hua disciples jumped up in panic.

"No, I'm okay. This isn't a big deal...Uh, why do I feel dizzy...?"

"Soso, Soso! Soso-yaaa! That bastard's gonna die!"

Seeing Chung Myung, who had fainted or collapsed due to dizziness, Jo Gol screamed.

"Hey, you crazy person!"

And even before his scream had ended, Tang Soso was already rushing towards Chung Myung.

Emptyness filled Chung Myung's eyes as he lay looking at the sky. His lips were dry.




A needle was stuck in the middle of Chung Myung's upper lip, and he shook all over, his eyes rolled back.

"Why are you sticking a needle in his lips?! This has nothing to do with treatment!"

"This is my specially developed lip treatment. When it comes to Sahyung, his mouth is the biggest issue."



Before Chung Myung could say anything, this time a needle plunged into the middle of his forehead.

"Continue speaking. Keep going."

As Tang Soso lifted the needle and a cold chill emanated from her, Chung Myung closed his mouth quietly. Surprising as it may be, even he had a sense of tact. Especially at times like this.

"No, this crazy person, you know. I gave him time to use energy, right? What? Didn't you heal? Did you really go crazy because you wanted to die, you jerk?"

"Soso... Still, your sahyung...."


"...One spot on his forehead was empty."



As soon as the needle was stuck in the forehead, Chung Myung convulsed like a fish caught on a hook. His wet eyes glared at Baek Cheon. Baek Cheon avoided that gaze with a guilty look.

'I'm sorry.'

But wasn't it wise to avoid the wind if it was blowing in the wrong direction? 

"By the way, Sasuk."


Jo Gol asked, as if in disbelief.

"Usually, um... is it possible to separate the recovery of internal energy and the healing of the body?"

"Normally, it's not possible."

For a moment, a complex expression crossed Jo Gol's face. He looked at Chung Myung and thought. Using such extraordinary talent like that.

Un Geom stared intently at Chung Myung, who was trembling like a hedgehog with needles stuck all over his body, then turned to Tang Soso and asked.

"How is he?"

"It's a mess."

Tang Soso cut in sharply, then sighed deeply.

"Although recovery is possible for such an inhuman person, if he had continued to fight there, he really would have died. No, there's really something called thinking with your head..."

"If it weren't for me, everyone here would have died..."

A needle flew toward Chung Myung's mouth like a beam of light, and Un Geom couldn't bear to watch, so he tightly closed his eyes.


"If you just close your mouth, maybe you'll get hit with fewer needles, is it really that difficult..."

A sigh escaped from Un Geom's mouth.

'It's not that hard to understand.'

Tang Soso was scolding Chung Myung for being reckless, but in reality, she must have known. What would have happened if Chung Myung had finished recovering his energy just a little later.

In that short time, it was impossible to recover both internal energy and physical strength simultaneously. In that situation, Chung Myung had no other choice.

The reason Tang Soso was angry was probably due to her helplessness and self-blame for making Chung Myung so desperate. Just like how Un Geom was feeling right now.

"No. Even if you saved me, what should I say? Do you think there would have been another way if I didn't do this? Anyways, lately... Ugh!"

Yoo Iseol, who had been squatting next to Chung Myung's head, pushed one of the needles stuck in his forehead with her fingertip.

"Sago. I understand your feelings, but if it goes too deep, he'll really die."

"That's what I said!"

Looking at Yoo Iseol's expressionless face, Tang Soso quietly lowered her gaze.

"…I put out the fire in a hurry."

"Before lighting the fire again, how should I go about it?"

"...But I still want to live."


Yoo Iseol looked down at Chung Myung as if she didn't like it. Even the renowned Chung Myung couldn't escape her gaze in that moment.

"That girl is really crazy."

Watching her, Baek Cheon muttered and shook his head.


"Yes, Sasuk."

"So, when will the treatment be finished?"

"Fully recovering here is impossible. Just enough to breathe. That part is already done."

"Huh? But why do you keep inserting in needles?"

"Should I pull them out?"

Baek Cheon hesitated for a moment and nodded heavily.

"Let them stay a bit longer."


Listening to the conversations of the Mount Hua disciples, Im Sobyeong suddenly shivered at the approaching chill.

"... Ventilation would do you good."

Looking at his clothes riddled with hundreds of holes, Chung Myung twisted his face. Then Tang Soso grabbed the needles she had retrieved.

"Why? Cold? Should I seal up that mouth again?"

"...W, what did I say? I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything at all."

Chung Myung stealthily moved away from Tang Soso. Personally, Tang Soso was scarier than the bishop at times like this.

"Anyway, seriously."

Tang Soso ground her teeth. The sound was harsh. Im Sobyeong let out a bitter smile alone.

'It's like settling a debt.'

Even if Jang Ilso hadn't overexerted himself, he would have sent Chung Myung off alive. At least, that's what Im Sobyeong thought. Chung Myung was an absolute necessity for Jang Ilso at this point.

But Im Sobyeong also knew. What Jang Ilso needed was only Chung Myung. The other disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, whether dead or alive, didn't matter. No, it might have been even better if they were dead.

'As to me, there's nothing to think about.'

If he were Jang Ilso, he would have definitely killed Im Sobyeong right here, no matter what it took. By any means necessary.

Having anticipated all of this, Chung Myung sought to restore power to threaten Jang Ilso. In the midst of this dangerous battlefield, he cultivated energy.

'In the end...'

Ultimately, amidst this brutal battlefield, he succeeded in not losing a single casualty. Absurdly enough.

Im Sobyeong had thought until now that the reason the Mount Hua Sect hadn't produced any casualties was just luck. Considering the battles they had been through, it was more strange for no casualties to occur.

But through this battle, he came to know for sure.

'It wasn't luck.'

Luck refers to something unintentionally given. Results thoroughly prepared by someone ruthless and deadly could not be called luck.

Im Sobyeong, leading a group himself, knew this as well. How meaningless and difficult it was to prevent sacrifices in Kangho.

But Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was actually such unthinkable accomplishing things. Sometimes preparing, sometimes rushing, sometimes embarking on adventures risking their lives.

Thinking about how Chung Myung led the Mount Hua Sect to this point, Im Sobyeong couldn't even guess how much he had struggled.

'What an amazing person.'

Im Sobyeong looked at Chung Myung with newfound eyes. At this moment, Chung Myung's figure, standing tall on this barren land, felt even more enormous.