Chapter 1084: Because That is the Duty of a Taoist (Part 4)

Her throat felt parched as if something rough was scratching it incessantly. Her body was searing like a burning ember, and it felt as if she was sinking deeper into some unknown abyss.

Amidst the endless settling darkness, a strange sensation approached. Something cool, warm, and gentle.


The woman slowly opened her eyes. As she struggled to lift her heavy eyelids, something came into view. A slightly dim ceiling and someone holding her hand.


A fair-skinned young man appeared before her.

Even in the haze of consciousness, a momentary alertness surfaced. However, the tension quickly eased the moment she saw the black robe he was wearing.


Faint memories emerged. The sound of footsteps that had reached her ears in the blurry consciousness.


As she opened her mouth to say something, a clear voice penetrated her ears. A young female Taoist with her hair braided into two pigtails.

"Are you awake?"

It was strange. Even though she was sure she had never seen this approaching female Taoist before, just seeing her in the robe made her feel relieved. Well, it made sense. After all, those who wore uniforms didn't harm people.

"How are you feeling?"

When the female Taoist asked, the man who had been holding her pulse spoke.

"She's stabilized a lot."

"Then, why don't you step back and rest now? Your body isn't in the best condition."

"It's okay."

"Anyway, they say words are hard to swallow. Even if Sahyung isn't necessary."

"I'm still okay. I can endure."

"Sure, sure. Do as you please. Instead, I'll report everything to the Sect Leader and the Elder."

While the two were exchanging words, the woman, who had been absentmindedly listening, suddenly recalled something and shuddered.

"Oh, Hak-i... Our Hak-i!"

"Oh my. Get a hold of yourself!"

The woman with braided hair rushed to the side. Soon, she returned, carrying something wrapped in a thick blanket.

"The child is doing well."

The woman cradled the child in her trembling hands. After confirming the serene face visible through the gaps in the blanket, tranquility spread across her face.


Her hand gently caressed the child's cheek.

"He's asleep from exhaustion. There's no health issue, so you don't have to worry. He cried loudly once when he woke up earlier."

"Thank you... really, thank you."

"You're welcome."

As the relieved and grateful woman was about to say something, the door suddenly creaked open with a thud.

"Are you awake?"

Following that, a bunch of men in black clothing rushed in. The woman looked surprised at the approaching figures.

Similarly, they were Taoists dressed in black uniforms. The lack of a threatening aura despite carrying swords at their waists could be attributed to their attire and the concern and worry evident on their faces.

"Quiet down, you lot! There's a patient!"



"We just wanted to check..."

As the woman with braided hair shouted, the men who had been cheerfully approaching lowered their shoulders and bowed their heads apologetically. Their humble demeanor provided comfort to the anxious woman.

"But where are we..."

"Oh, this is inside a ship."

"A ship...?"

The woman with braided hair, Tang Soso, replied with a cheerful smile.

"Yes. Since it seems impossible to find a place to stay in Hangzhou for now, we took the initiative to bring you aboard. We're currently heading north."

The woman looked up at the ceiling with a momentarily stiffened expression upon hearing the word "Hangzhou." Vivid memories of the hellish scenes flashed in her mind. Overwhelmed by a rush of fear, her body involuntarily tensed and shrank. At that moment, the Taoist next to her grabbed her hand, and a refreshing and gentle energy flowed through.

The energy flowed through her body, pushing away the fear once again.

"Ah... I see."

The woman didn't ask any further questions. She already knew what had happened to Hangzhou and what had become of the others.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

"We are Taoists from Mount Hua Sect."

Baek Cheon, who stood right behind Tang Soso, spoke a bit slowly. It seemed he was making an effort not to sound too threatening.

"Mount Hua..."

"Yes. It's a sect in Shaanxi."

Baek Cheon glanced at my disciples standing beside me and calmly continued.

"Although we may look like this, we are Taoists. Don't worry; they are not bad people."

"...What does my appearance have to do with things like that?"


"Why? You don't feel bad about Sahyung..."

"Sasuk is right."

Jo Gol, momentarily tongue-tied, glanced up at Baek Cheon's face. Then, with a dark expression, he mumbled something incomprehensible. Probably complaining about the dirty world or something.

"You don't have to worry anymore. The demonic sect that attacked Hangzhou has retreated."

"...You saved me..."

"We were fortunate."

Upon hearing the composed voice, the woman remained silent for a moment. Soon, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Thank you... so much... really... thank you."

The disciples of Mount Hua didn't know what to say and just looked at the woman in silence. Then, at the back, Un Geom, who had been observing the situation, smiled and spoke.

"As Taoists, we simply did what we were supposed to do. We apologize for being late."

"No... Thank you."

Jo Gol, who had seemed annoyed, turned the conversation as he looked at the child in the woman's arms.

"This kid really looks clever. It feels like I'm looking at my younger self."

Criticism echoed from all directions.

"Don't insult the child!"

"Is that something a Taoist should say? Shameless guy!"

"Shut your mouth!"

Once you understand it, Jo Gol, who grew up as a precious child in a wealthy family, wore a very unjust expression. Unfortunately, Mount Hua was a ruthless sect that did not care about individual grievances.

"No, look! This cheek here..."

The moment Jo Gol pressed the child's cheek with his index finger, the child, who had just opened his eyes, suddenly burst into tears.

"Uh, uh? I-I didn't mean to..."

"But this brat is really something!"

In the end, Yoon Jong's fist turned away Jo Gol's chin mercilessly. Even in the midst of that, Jo Gol couldn't scream for fear of startling the child and tumbled out.

"Seems like the child is hungry."


The child's mother turned her gaze to the disciples of Mount Hua.

"Can you help us?"

"What should we do?"

"Just tell us!"

Everyone blurted out any words in confusion. A vein popped on Tang Soso's forehead.



"...We need to breastfeed the baby. Get out now."


Mount Hua's men rushed out without looking back. Chung Myung also got up and went out with them.


Tang Soso bit her tongue, lifted her head, and firmly closed the open door. In the meantime, the woman breastfeeding her crying child slowly stroked the child's cheek and head. Tang Soso spoke in a softened voice.

"We'll prepare baby formula soon, so please wait a little."

"We've caused you so much trouble..."

"It's nothing. It's quite natural. Don't worry. Although our Sahyungs may be a bit stupid, they're capable."

Tang Soso smiled slightly and added.

"The people are all good too. They're kind and irresistible..."

The woman watched Tang Soso in silence. Tang Soso's gaze as she looked towards the closed door was warm. It was clear how much she cherished and liked them.

'This is a good place.'

Just with that relationship, it felt like they were all warm people.

Then, the woman hesitated with a darkened face and spoke slowly.

"We, where should we go now...?"

"Oh? Ah!"

Tang Soso, who turned to the woman, explained with a realization.

"It seems like Hangzhou has become an increasingly difficult place to live, so we're planning to move to a safer place. Do you happen to know of a place we can entrust you to?"

The woman looked helpless and sorrowful, shaking her head.

Those who worked the land usually gathered in one area. If they couldn't return to Hangzhou, it meant that there was no place for her and her child to settle in this vast Central Plains.

"Well. In that case... there may be a way to rely on a village by the Yangtze River, but..."

Tang Soso scratched her cheek. Raising a child alone in a foreign land was an extremely difficult task. It was risky too.

"If you have nowhere to go, you could go to Sichuan or Shaanxi. In Sichuan, the Tang family is building a new village, and Shaanxi is a really nice place to live. People are kind there."

The woman's face stiffened. Sichuan and Shaanxi. She had only heard the names and didn't even know where they were located. To go to such places and live alone while taking care of a child suddenly seemed overwhelming.

But at that moment, someone tightly grabbed her hand.

When she turned her head, a woman she didn't was there for how long was holding her hand with an indifferent expression A calm voice flowed out.

"It's okay."


"They're all good places."

An expressionless face. The face might look a bit cold and even a little scary, but the hand she held was warm, giving an oddly reassuring feeling.

Even Yoo Iseol, who wasn't used to dealing with people, was desperately trying to reassure the woman.

Tang Soso looked at Yoo Iseol like that and smiled mischievously. Then, she spoke cheerfully.

"Yes, that's right. Don't worry too much. Our Sect Leader will somehow take care of it. Don't worry about anything and take care of yourself first."


The woman's hand holding the child tightened.

The tightened hand seemed to convey that, no matter what happened, she would protect this child. Yoo Iseol let go of her hand and stood up.

Tang Soso spoke.

"Well then, take a little break. I'll bring you some water soon."

"Thank you."

She quietly led Yoo Iseol out of the cabin. As the door closed, Yoo Iseol nervously asked Tang Soso.

"Is it really okay?"

"Yes. Thanks to Chung Myung's unreasonable actions."


"Anyway, he's someone you can't stop. Even if his body isn't in great shape, I can't help but not nag him."

"Because he's that kind of person. Usually."

"Yes, that's right. I know but..."

Tang Soso sighed deeply. She knew he was worried, but she hoped he knew that the people around him were worried too. Of course, it won't be easy.

"The child..."

"The child is fine, Sago. Don't worry."

Yoo Iseol nodded slightly and gazed at the rippling Yangtze River. Only after a while did she speak in a low voice.

"My mother, too..."


"Would my mother have looked at me like that too?"

Tang Soso quietly reached out and lightly held Yoo Iseol's hand.

"She probably did."


"Most likely."

Yoo Iseol slowly nodded. Then, after a moment, she asked.

"How do you make herbal medicine?"

"...I'll do it."

"I asked how to make it."

"I'll do it."

In response to her gentle yet firm answer, Yoo Iseol slightly pursed her lips.