Chapter 1095: I May Have Gone a Bit Too Far With My Words (Part 5)


A desperate scream echoed from outside. Tang Gunak flinched and glanced outside. It felt like a familiar voice was mixed in with the scream he had just heard.

But soon enough, his head returned to its original position.

"… Are you sure you don't mind?"

Hyun Jong asked discreetly, and Tang Gunak smiled bitterly.

"I'm fine."

"Still, it can't be an easy matter."

"It's something I've been hoping for."

Tang Gunak reached out and picked up the teacup in front of him. Confirming that the tea had cooled slightly, Tang Gunak raised his internal energy slightly. The cooled tea started emitting a faint white vapor.

Tang Gunak, who was savoring the aroma, smiled gently.

"I always feel this way, but plum blossom tea has a delightful fragrance."

"Thank you."

After taking a sip of tea, Tang Gunak put the cup down on the table and spoke.

"Actually, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time. If we continue the way we are now, there will inevitably come a day when we will no longer be able to follow the Mount Hua Sect."

"Those are very humble words. Who would dare to compare the Sichuan Tang Family to Mount Hua?"

Tang Gunak let out a wry smile.

Clearly, the world still placed the Tang Family a little higher than the Mount Hua Sect. Even at the time when the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was formed, except for the few who knew the inside story, didn't most people think that the Sichuan Tang Family put Mount Hua at the forefront and took the real power?

However, if what they did in Gangnam started to spread, even that misperception would change.

'Above all...'

What was important now was not the public's perception. How did Tang Gunak see the current situation?

While Mount Hua was becoming stronger day by day, the Tang Family was still staying in the same place. Until now, the situation was that the Tang Family was waiting for the day when the Mount Hua Sect would stand next to them. However, with this incident as a turning point, that position has been reversed.

"Maengju-nim. No... Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong looked at Tang Gunak with a thoughtful expression as he addressed him differently.

"At this rate, the gap between Mount Hua and the Tang Family will widen."


"Not admitting that is not a matter of pride or anything. It's just the stubbornness of a small-minded person who turns away from reality."

Hyun Jong silently gazed at Tang Gunak.

Tang Gunak was talking easily, but entrusting the training of disciples to others was not an easy thing. No, it was doubtful if even Hyun Jong himself could do it now.

Looking at Tang Gunak, who was talking about it so calmly, admiration naturally welled up in him.

"Wouldn't it have been possible if the Lord of the Tang Family had put his mind to it?"

Hyun Jong looked at Tang Gunak with a deep gaze.

Tang Gunak chuckled.

"It's grateful that you hold me in high regard, but... if it were possible, I would have had no reason not to strengthen the power of the Tang Family until now."

"...I was rude."

"No need."

Tang Gunak calmly shook his head.

"I also came to realize after seeing Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. The fact that excellence in martial arts and proficiency in teaching are entirely separate matters."

This was Tang Gunak's sincere expression, with nothing to add or subtract.

Certainly, from the first time he saw Chung Myung, he suspected that he was a talent who would stir up the Mount Hua Sect. At that time, Chung Myung showed a martial prowess and a chilling aura that did not match his age... no, that made his age irrelevant. However...

'Even that was underestimating Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.'

Tang Gunak never thought that the Mount Hua Sect would become so strong. Watching Chung Myung develop the Mount Hua Sect, even Tang Gunak, who had goodwill towards Chung Myung, occasionally felt inferiority and self-deprecation.

If an ordinary person felt that inferiority, they might express it as hostility toward the Mount Hua Sect. But Tang Gunak was not such a fool. He knew what the best way was for him and the Tang Family.

"If I could do it, I would have done it. But... if I come forward and polish the disciples myself, the result will be that the master of the Tang Family, who feels threatened by the growth of the Mount Hua Sect, is pushing the Tang Family. Internally or externally."


Hyun Jong sighed. Come to think of it, that was quite likely.

"So, I think this is the right way."

"But Gaju-nim..."

"On the outside, that is."

Tang Gunak swallowed a sigh.

"On the inside, it's a little different. If I personally come forward and polish the disciples and there are no proper results, won't I feel humiliated?"


"Pride is useless, but sometimes it needs to be protected. If it seems like I'm praising Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword as the best martial arts instructor in the world, that's better for me than anything else."

Hyun Jong sighed slightly, looking at Tang Gunak's sly smile.

"…That child seems to be causing trouble for many."

"It's quite meaningful to hear those words from Maengju-nim."

Tang Gunak's words made Hyun Jong smile bitterly.

What the statement meant is that if we were to consider hardships, Hyeonjong had it the worst.

"That's hard to deny."

Chung Myung's existence was like a blessing to Hyun Jong. However, at the same time, it felt like a dagger pointed at his throat.

An outstanding subordinate was always like that. Someone excessively outstanding like Chung Myung would always stab those above them. So even when standing above, one must always reflect on oneself and doubt whether they were thinking correctly.

Overcoming that burden was certainly not an ordinary task.

"Thank you, Gaju-nim."

Hyun Jong, who had been lost in thought, suddenly bowed his head to Tang Gunak.

"Oh, no. Why are you suddenly like this?"

Tang Gunak was flustered and raised his hand. Then, Hyun Jong, who had raised his head, looked at Tang Gunak with a profound gaze.

"Even though it must have been a request that was shamelessly cheeky, for you to accept it like this... there's no way I can't express my gratitude as the leader of the Mount Hua Sect."

"There seems to be a misunderstanding, Maengju-nim."

"...Did you say there's a misunderstanding?"


Tang Gunak smiled faintly.

"It's not that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword requested me to teach the Tang Family. I asked Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to take charge of the Tang Family for a while."

"...Is that so?"

But Hyun Jong's expression remained unchanged.

"Still, my gratitude remains unchanged. Doesn't that mean that Tang Gaju-nim understood the hidden meaning in Chung Myung's words and chose to speak first so that the child didn't have to say unpleasant things?"

"…Maengju-nim is painting my face with gold."

Tang Gunak laughed bitterly.

"You don't have to do that, Maengju-nim."

Then he glanced toward the door.

"Actually, I'm the timid side. Aren't I here drinking tea with Maengju-nim because I lack the courage I lack the courage to directly follow the orders of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword like the Nokrim King?"

"That... seems a bit..."

"There's no big difference. The truly amazing one is the Nokrim King. If he tried to assert his authority, Mount Hua would have to acknowledge him. Moreover, he was remarkable in Hangzhou this time, wasn't he?"

"That's true."

Hyun Jong nodded.

Even if you put aside his personality, Im Sobyeong had the right to be treated respectfully due to his qualifications as the Nokrim King. Naturally, Im Sobyeong deserved respect anywhere as the leader of a world-renown sect.

But why was such a person rolling in the mud there?

"He doesn't have to go that far..."

"It's so there won't be any backlash."

Tang Gunak smiled faintly. Having been involved with Im Sobyeong for the past three years in the Yangtze River, he now understood what kind of person Im Sobyeong was.

"The Evil Sect operates mostly within the Evil Sect itself, although it's said that everything is determined by the logic of the strong."


"No matter how strong Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is, in the end, he is just an ordinary disciple of Mount Hua, not a sect leader. It's not rewarding for Nokrim to follow the orders of someone like that. Even if he's not an ordinary disciple of Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong nodded. From the perspective of Nokrim, it was a very natural thing.

"However, if Im Sobyeong, the Nokrim King, trains in the public without complaints, there will be no room for voices of dissatisfaction. Perhaps the Nokrim King is aiming for that."

"...He's a deep thinker."

"He's different from what he seems on the surface."

Tang Gunak's eyes sank deep.

"Of course, in the Nokrim King's innermost thoughts, there's probably the intention to strengthen his control by growing the power of Nokrim even if he has to do it like this. In the meantime, he can repay a debt to the Mount Hua Sect."

Tang Gunak lightly sighed with a smile as he spoke quietly.

"But even if there is an intention, it's not an easy task."

"Yes. I think he's a remarkable person."

Hyun Jong's expression was somewhat complex and subtle.

The more you got to know him, the more you watched him, the more Im Sobyeong seemed to have changed. Wasn't it clear how different his evaluation was from when he first entered Mount Hua to now?


At that moment.

"I'm a patient, you rotten bastard!"

"A patient? A patient? Come on, you Evil Sect bastard! Let me tell you what a real patient is! Come here, you bastard!"


Tang Gunak and Hyun Jong looked towards the door with sullen faces, as if they had made some promise. After a moment of silent listening to the screams, Tang Gunak quietly concluded what he was saying.

" extraordinary person."


Strangely, his voice seemed to lack strength.

"Ahem. Anyway."

After a fake cough, Tang Gunak opened his mouth again.

"As the Nokrim King is struggling so much, we can't just sit here and watch. We, at the Tang Family, plan to do our best to cooperate with the intentions of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

"Thank you, Tang Gaju-nim."

Tang Gunak smiled mysteriously.

"What I've realized anew this time is that people seem to have different capacities. Just being able to conceive such a plan, whether it's realistic or difficult, makes Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword extraordinary."

"Um... in various ways, yes."

"Yes, in various ways."

Subtle expressions crossed the faces of the two men.

It would be nice if he were only extraordinary in a good way...

"It's an appreciable story."


"On the surface, it may just mean that the responsibility for the defeat of Mount Hua should be shared by other sects as well. But doesn't the meaning behind it differ entirely?"

Hyun Jong nodded with a heavy expression.

"That's right."

"It's not anyone else, but Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."

Tang Gunak paused for a moment before continuing.

"Didn't he declare that he would also take on the other sects belonging to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

Hyun Jong also closed his eyes and nodded his head.

"Rather than presenting logic with benefits, when Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword first created the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the rationale he presented to me was 'those who are beneficial to each other can become friends.' However... the word 'benefit' was missing this time."

"You knew?"

"That's why it's remarkable."

Tang Gunak smiled as if he couldn't stand it.

"Who else in the world dares to say that they will embrace everyone beyond benefits and logic? Only... yes. Only Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword can say that."


"So, is there any reason not to respect him?"

Outside the door, the voice of a young friend continued endlessly. Within that sharp-edged voice, there was an intricacy that could only be found by listening carefully.

"I have always thought that he was not suited to being a Taoist, but it seems I was thinking differently. The great Tao is invisible to the eyes of ordinary people, and if you call it Tao, it will not be Tao..."

Tang Gunak, with a gentle smile, concluded what he was saying.

"Now I truly understand."

Upon hearing those words, Hyun Jong closed his eyes quietly.

"I think so too."