Chapter 1102: If It's This Kind of Reciprocation, It Might Be Worth Accepting (Part 2)

"It'll be okay now."

Tang Soso, done with acupuncture, smiled gently as she neatly arranged the needles.

"Thank you."

"But your body is not fully recovered yet, so you should eat well."


After organizing all the needles, Tang Soso leaned in and lightly poked the cheek of the sleeping child in the woman's arms.

"Hak is doing well too...."

At that moment, the woman instinctively pulled the child she was holding closer to herself.


Her eyes trembled.

"I-I'm sorry...."

"No, it's okay. It was my oversight."

Tang Soso scratched the back of her head with an apologetic expression.

While the body might heal with acupuncture and medicine, the wounds of the heart were not easily mended. Considering what this woman had been through, Tang Soso needed to approach delicately and with caution.

"I'm sorry."

As Tang Soso deeply bowed her head, the woman, not knowing what to do, raised her head in response.

"No, really... no."

A sense of deep confusion crossed the face of the woman cradling the child.

"You're treating us so well, but I, I'm not learning, and I'm too afraid...."

"Don't say that."

Tang Soso was also at a loss. She knew medicine, but she didn't know how to handle situations like this.

'What should I do?'

If she stepped back, the woman might blame herself for a long time, but if she tried to comfort her, she might end up making things awkward. It was at this moment of dilemma that a solution presented itself.


A sturdy knocking sound echoed through the door.



When Tang Soso turned around, the door swung open wide. However, there was no one there. The only thing visible beyond the door was the picturesque scenery of the courtyard.




Tang Soso's gaze lowered, and lower still.

"Was it you?"

A pure white marten swayed its tail, wearing an expression(?) of unparalleled dissatisfaction.

Tap! Tap!

Baek-ah scolded as if asking why they hadn't recognized it sooner, using its tail to strike the floor twice before lifting a bowl placed nearby with its front paws and entering the room.

The bowl contained the herbal medicine that Tang Soso had asked Chung Myung to bring. Tang Soso's face contorted.

"No, this human...."

In this world, did they really bother a beast instead of a person because it was too much trouble to do something simple themselves? Moreover, what kind of beast openly followed such requests? At this point, it was indistinguishable whether the problem lay with the person or the beast.

Walking on its hind legs, the Baek-Ah approached Tang Soso and gently placed the bowl of herbal medicine in front of her. Then, like a person, it let out a deep sigh.

"...You've been through a lot."

It might not be something one would say to a beast, but somehow, looking at its appearance, it seemed necessary to say these words.

Baek-ah glanced briefly at Tang Soso, then quickly turned around. Running towards the open door, it hastily closed it and sprawled out in a corner of the room.

A moment of silence passed. Baek-ah slowly lifted its head, gazing intently at Tang Soso. Its eyes seemed to say, 'Let's not get too carried away in a situation where I might be suffering.'

"...Yes. You must be tired too."

Perhaps, in this place, it might be the one going through the most hardship and exhaustion. After all, it was a beast constantly accompanying Chung Myung. If it returned quickly, it would only be tormented unnecessarily.

'It's really amazing when you think about it.'

Why exactly did that beast stick so closely to Chung Myung?

In Namman Beast Palace, it seemed to have enjoyed all sorts of privileges as the king of spirit animals. Yet here, it wasn't even treated as well as an ordinary marten.

When he gets bored, he kicks him, when he gets a little chilly, he uses him as a scarf, when he sleeps, he gets used as a neck pillow, and when he runs out of alcohol, he gets vicious, so you have to bring him alcohol in advance when it's time to buy a bottle, and he takes care of all the errands for you...

'Having a spirit animal seems nice....'

Were there any cubs lying around?

"Ah, the marten...."

At that moment, a startled voice escaped from the woman. Her gaze, tinged with surprise, was piercing through the white marten.


Indeed, to ordinary eyes, it might seem strange for a marten to bring a bowl of herbal medicine, open and close doors, and walk on two legs.

"Don't worry. It's a kind... well, just a mystical creature."

"A mystical creature?"

"Yes. Um... just think of it as a very intelligent beast."

The woman looked at Baek-ah with wonder. Sensing the gaze, Baek-ah also turned its head slightly to face the woman.

There was a subtle exchange of glances between human and beast. Having thought of something, Baek-ah rose from its position, walked toward the woman, and, hopping up, wrapped its body around her neck.


Startled, the woman reflexively grabbed the Baek-ah coiled around her neck, but she soon released the strength in her hands due to the soft touch.

"It's warm..."


Tang Soso was surprised, her eyes widening. Although Baek-ah seemed easygoing, it was originally a spirit creature with surprisingly strong pride. Aren't there one or two Mount Hua disciples who had gotten claw marks across their faces while trying to pet that white, soft fur?

She couldn't believe that a guy who never hung out with anyone but Chung Myung would approach people on its own.

"How fascinating."

Meanwhile, Baek Ah, for some reason dissatisfied, tilted its head. Then, slyly, it descended under the woman's neck. Inserting itself comfortably between the child and the woman, it closed its eyes.

"It might be dangerous..."

"It'll be fine."

Although Tang Soso quietly added, 'because it doesn't want to be beaten by Sahyung,' the words didn't reach the woman's ears.

Relieved, the woman carefully brushed off Baek-ah's back. To her, the fact that it was a small creature that posed no threat to humans provided comfort.

Seeing the woman's expression soften, Tang Soso unknowingly nodded her head.

'He does have some use.'

No, he had many uses, to be honest. Only towards Chung Myung.

The woman spoke in a slightly gentler voice.

"It's the first time I've seen a marten follow a person."

"Oh, really?"

Actually, it was my first time seeing it too. Of course, whether it was following a 'person' was questionable.

"...They say animals only follow good people."

In response to the woman's words, Tang Soso's expression became complex to the point of being difficult to describe.


However, eventually, she tightly closed her eyes.

'I'm sorry. It seems like that was a lie.'

Well, then there was no way that marten would stick to Chung Myung. But in situations like this, what meaning does the truth hold? As long as the heart is at ease, it's fine.

Still, it was fortunate that the awkward atmosphere had somewhat eased with Baek-ah's appearance.

"I apologize for earlier."

"Oh, no. It's nothing."

"I was just a bit worried... really... Are you okay?"


The woman's face showed concern.

"Now that I have to protect him... Is it okay for me to be this scared?"

Tang Soso couldn't easily answer. The reassurance that everything would be fine was just a way to gloss over and move on from the situation, knowing it didn't really mean much.


Just as Tang Soso was about to say something.

"Is Soso in?"

A familiar voice came from outside the door. Tang Soso turned around, surprised.

"Yes, Sect Leader! She's inside."

"May I come in?"

Tang Soso glanced at the woman's expression. She seemed a bit uneasy, but soon nodded slowly. Tang Soso ran up and opened the door politely.

Soon, Hyun Jong entered the room with slow steps. When his eyes met the woman's, he smiled warmly, but then, with a somber voice, he asked,

"Why is that creature over there acting like that?"


Baek-ah now had an expression that said, 'Everything is bothersome.' His appearance was just...

"Animals resemble their owners."

"That's true..."

Hyun Jong, who lowered his head, quietly took a seat. Tang Soso could see how much careful consideration was put into each of his movements. Every gesture and step were taken to make sure the other person didn't feel threatened. To an onlooker, he seemed like an old man with weak strength who couldn't even lift a spoon.

"Is your body alright?"

"Yes? Oh..."

Seeing the bewildered woman, Hyun Jong smiled gently.

"I am Hyun Jong of Mount Hua Sect."

"The Sect Leader of Mount Hua..."

Tang Soso was about to make a quick remark when Hyun Jong raised his hand slightly to stop her. It meant not to say something that might make the other person feel uncomfortable.

"After going through many things, I needed time to sort out my feelings. So, I didn't actively seek you out. But now, if I don't come to see you, it might be considered impolite. If it was rude, please forgive me."

"Oh, no. It's absolutely not like that."

The woman, flustered, vigorously shook her head.

"Everyone has been so kind... I'm not someone who deserves this kind of treatment... You're all so warm to me that I don't know how to repay it."

She expressed her gratitude by bowing her head repeatedly. Hyun Jong, watching her, suddenly shifted his gaze to the child in her arms.

"The child looks so cute."


Hyun Jong chuckled softly.

"Do you have a place to go with the child?"

At that question, the woman's face stiffened awkwardly. After hesitating for a while, she finally opened her mouth with a hesitant voice.

"Anywhere... I have to go somewhere. Anywhere..."


"I caused too much trouble. I'm sorry... I have no shame."

Tang Soso glanced at Hyun Jong in surprise. It was because he seemed to take on a posture as if advising the woman. Yet, Tang Soso didn't speak for two reasons. One was that she couldn't dare to criticize the Sect Leader in this situation, and the other was her belief that Hyun Jong wouldn't say such things without any thought.

"Surviving with a child, risking your life in a foreign place, is not an easy task."

With Hyun Jong's words, the woman lowered her head with a sad expression.

"The world is both incredibly warm and incredibly harsh. Deciding where to go immediately won't be easy."


Hyun Jong sighed lightly and lowered his head.

"While it is the duty of a righteous sect to help the common people, it is also difficult for us to care for everyone limitlessly."

The woman nodded slightly. Her expression and gestures were composed, but her lips trembled with the overwhelming emotions she couldn't hide.

How could she not know? How much trouble had she caused these people? Wasn't medical treatment from a prestigious doctor something only those with money could afford?

Lying down in a warm room, being treated, and receiving meals, these were luxuries she couldn't even dream of. Now, it was time for her to return to reality.

"This grace... I will definitely repay..."

"Please do so."

"Now, Sect Leader..."

Tang Soso tried to say something again but stopped herself. Hyun Jong paid no attention to her, calmly fixing his gaze on the woman.

"Are you not a mother with a child? You have to stand on your own two feet."

"Yes, Taoist."

It was when the woman nodded again. Hyun Jong asked.

"Do you happen to know anyone around here?"

The woman, burdened, closed her eyes for a moment without knowing what to do. Now, it sounded like advice to rely on someone she knew and leave this place.

From Gangnam to here, it was unlikely she had acquaintances. It was indeed an insensitive question, but she felt no resentment towards the people in front of her. They had already given her too much.

So, the woman calmly replied.

"Yes, I do. Don't worry."

"Oh, then does that acquaintance know how to cook?"


The woman looked at Hyun Jong as if asking what he was talking about. Then, Hyun Jong spoke with a slightly embarrassed tone.

"We've been staying in the manor longer than expected, and it's difficult to find food because those guys eat so much. But the disciples' cooking is not suitable for human consumption. So, we're in the process of getting food. If you know how to cook just enough not to ruin the ingredients, it would be helpful. Since we're quite far from the inn, we plan to give a room to the cook for compensation. If you happen to know someone..."

"I-I will do it!"


The woman looked at Hyun Jong with a desperate face and raised her voice.

"I'll do it! I'm good at cooking. Please let me do it! I'll really do my best!"


"Please, Taoist! Please..."

Hyun Jong frowned in embarrassment.

"But you seem too unwell to work... You don't seem to take medicine well..."

Before he could finish, the woman hastily grabbed the medicine bowl on the floor and drank it all in one go. After drinking the medicine, she put the bowl down and looked at Hyun Jong with determination.

"Look. I'm healthy now!"

Hyun Jong looked at Tang Soso with a troubled expression, exhaling a sigh.

"What do you think? Can this person work..."

"She can do it, Sect Leader!"


"It will take two days. I can fix her enough to work in two days. No problem!"

"Is that so?"

In response to Tang Soso's spirited reply, Hyun Jong slowly nodded.

"It seems finding accommodations is not an easy task. From now on, this person is not just a temporary cook burdened here; she will receive a salary from Mount Hua and work here legitimately. Make sure there is no shortage in compensation."

"Yes! I will make sure of that, Sect Leader."


Hyun Jong smiled and stood up. The woman, with a face full of mixed emotions, lowered her head in surprise.

"T-Thank you..."

At that moment, as Hyun Jong was halfway up, he asked.

"Oh, by the way, what should we call you from now on?"

Understanding the meaning behind his words, the woman spoke with a faintly trembling voice.

"...My name is Choo Yeong (秋榮)."

"Mrs. Choo, I see."

"And... This child is..."

Choo Yeong looked at the child in her arms. Her voice, as she raised her head again, was no longer trembling.

"Hak Yi. Lee Hak (李學)."

Hyun Jong replied with a gentle smile.

"Then, I look forward to working with you, Mrs. Choo."