Chapter 1105: If It's This Kind of Reciprocation, It Might Be Worth Accepting (Part 5)

Chung Myung asked Tang Gunak.



Instead of answering immediately, Tang Gunak chuckled ambiguously.

Chung Myung frowned for a moment. It wasn't because he felt bad. It was because he saw the face of someone who had smirked at him from that face.

'Are bloodlines really that scary?'

That's why families were frightening. Unlike sects where different individuals carried on the same will, families were passed down through blood. That's why sometimes he could see the faces of past people in them.

"It's not particularly difficult?"

"If that's the case, it's fortunate... but..."

Tang Gunak, with a vague end to his words, glanced at the bottle of liquor in his hand.

"It doesn't look like that to me."


"Actually, from your point of view, my son should be nothing more than a minnow that you don't need to bother with."

He grinned and looked closely at Chung Myung's face, which seemed awkward.

"But even though you're exhausted after poking and prodding them all day, aren't you still here to check on their situation?"

"I just found a good place to drink."

"This place?"

Tang Gunak looked around the empty eaves.

"...Your taste is unique."

"Please don't say that."

Smiling bitterly, Chung Myung brushed it off. That's why people from the Tang Family shouldn't be taken lightly. Because they subtly poke at the core of an issue.

Of course, that person was a peculiar figure even in such a Tang Family.

"You've done well enough."

Suddenly, Chung Myung glanced at Tang Gunak with those words.

"Growing Mount Hua to this extent, creating the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, ultimately repelling the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and even stopping the invasion of the Demonic Sect. Your achievements so far are enough to be called a hero. If the Righteous Sect's idiots hadn't turned a blind eye to you, your reputation would have been resounding throughout the world by now."


"Sometimes, looking at you, I feel embarrassed and wonder what on earth I am doing."

"Ah, why say such things?"

"Well, what can you do about the truth?"

Tang Gunak smiled bitterly.

"Care for a drink?"


The two lightly clinked their bottles and simultaneously downed the alcohol.


Chung Myung, pulling out the bottle and stealing a sip, grinned.

"Now that I think about it, isn't it unusual for the lord of the Great Tang Family to drink from an entire bottle?"

"…It doesn't happen unless I'm drinking with you."

Tang Gunak looked at the bottle in his hand with a strange look.

"But it's not bad." 

"Well, then it's fine." 

"That's right." 

Tang Gunak nodded slowly. After caressing the bottle in silence for a while, he spoke again.

"Yeah, impressive. Even what you've done so far is remarkable. But..." 

He soon lowered his head.

"You seem to want more." 


"Sometimes I worry that you forget one thing." 


Tang Gunak turned his head and stared at Chung Myung.

"That you're also human." 

"No, I'm not some kind of idiot."

"That's right. You're not an idiot. So naturally, you must know." 

In the silent night, the sound of the liquor in the bottle sounded unusually loud.

"But strangely enough, it seems that idiots are the ones who mainly forget that fact. Rather, excessively smart people tend to forget that fact." 

Chung Myung didn't bother to answer.

"Well, there could be various reasons. Believing that you're okay, things that can't be done if it's not you... There could be reasons depending on each person's circumstances." 


"But even if there is a reason, the fact that you're pushing yourself too hard doesn't change. Isn't that right?" 

When Chung Myung's expression became strange, Tang Gunak lightly laughed.

"What are you thinking?" 

"Well... depending on how you say similar words, the feeling can be quite different." 


Chung Myung scratched his head.

- Damn, if that kid doesn't rush in, will those bastards get away with it? No, that's not it! Whether those bastards get away with it or not, what does it matter? It's not enough even if I applaud those guys who usually curse at me. But why the hell is my brother going to save them? Even if the injured arm is about to detach from the body... Wait, wait! Hey! You there? Hey! 

"Damn it, if you don't rush in, will they all fall down? No, that's not it! What does it matter whether those bastards die or not? Clapping wouldn't be enough if those guys who cursed at you were going to get beaten up! But why the hell is hyung-nim going to save them? Even though your injured arm is about to detach from your body... Wait, wait! Hey! You there? Hey!"

...Looking back, that guy was definitely insane.

Fortunately. It's a relief that that bloodline didn't continue. From the Tang Family's perspective, it's a fortune from heaven.

"It's a bit amusing when you think about it."


"There's no one better than you to train the Tang Family. That's not something worth thinking about."

As Tang Gunak spoke, a bitter expression crossed his face. He understood the limits of his abilities and appreciated Chung Myung's capabilities. He knew that this was the best course for the family.

"That… … "Would you like to do it yourself?"

"No, it's not like that."

Tang Gunak burst out laughing as he saw Chung Myung secretly watching him. It occurred to him that this person had changed a lot too. When he first saw him in Sichuan, he had wondered how someone could be so ignorant.

"It's not that my pride is hurt, it's just that I feel bitter. We don't have much time. So we have no choice but to move forward in the most efficient way. The problem is... the person who created that efficiency was ultimately you, and as you pursue efficiency step by step, everything may end up relying on you."


"It's not a good direction, is it?"

Chung Myung, who was listening, immediately burst into laughter. The way they spoke was different, but at the end of the day, they were both naggers.

"The reason you're now trying to teach them is..."

"Mount Hua alone has its limits. So, the entire Heavenly Comrade Alliance must become stronger. However, the one trying to do that seems to think he can handle everything on his own without considering his own limits. Stupidly."


"Are you trying to say that?"

Tang Gunak smirked.

"I would omit the 'stupid' part."

"Ah, you have a bad personality."

Chung Myung chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry. Because I'm not that foolish. I realized that a long time ago."

"What do you mean?"

"A relationship where one side unilaterally gives is not called friendship."


"That's an obvious fact."

Tang Gunak nodded knowingly.

"I know it well."

"Well, I was just about to make a request."

"To me?"


Tang Gunak looked at Chung Myung with interest.

He came here because Chung Myung wanted to share some of the burden with him. So far, Chung Myung had taken on too many responsibilities, not even reaching out to Hyun Jong or Tang Gunak.

Tang Gunak came here to tell him that he couldn't continue like this. But Chung Myung, with a smirk, casually mentioned that he had a request to ask.


Whether he had actually prepared something or just made up something on the spot, listening to Chung Myung's words would likely reveal the truth.

"What is it?"

At that moment, the corners of Chung Myung's mouth curled up wickedly.

"It's undoubtedly not easy for Gaju-nim to teach the Tang Family. In the end, you'll end up repeating what you've been doing."


"But... if you change your perspective a bit, Gaju-nim could easily become a demon too."


Chung Myung began to express his thoughts. The corners of Tang Gunak's mouth, as he listened to the story, strangely began to resemble those of Tang Bo.

* * *

Leaving his room, Jo Gol stretched widely and looked at the newly rising sun.

"Feels good."

A whistle escaped naturally. As he energetically moved forward, a grumpy voice came from behind him.

"Why are you in such a good mood from the morning breeze?"

"Oh, Sahyung!"

Jo Gol turned around happily, chuckling at Yoon Jong.

"My body has been feeling so refreshing these days."

Yoon Jong tried to say something but ended up shaking his head. In truth, he, too, had been feeling a bit more comfortable lately.

"Isn't it because Chung Myung is too busy bothering others elsewhere and hasn't been able to annoy us? Hahaha."

"Is that something to laugh about?"

"Not something to laugh about, but what can you do?"

Yoon Jong shook his head as if he couldn't stop him.

In reality, the ones tormented the most in Mount Hua... No, the ones who went through the most rigorous and intense training were none other than the Five Swords.

Even among other Mount Hua disciples, the Five Swords had trained at several times the intensity. Hadn't they been fed with special affection(?) that no one envied?

But recently, Chung Myung guy hadn't been able to properly bother them because he was focused on the Nokrim and Tang Family. As a result, the Five Swords, who only had to train like the other disciples, were in a situation where they still had energy left.

"Heh. It would have been nice if it had been like this from the beginning."

"That's not a good thing."

"I understand. I know. You become stronger by training hard. But Sahyung, you also need days like this when you can rest comfortably!"

"...Well, it's not entirely wrong."

Yoon Jong also ended up laughing softly.

Jo Gol and Yoon Jong both knew. This situation wouldn't last long.

Chung Myung's stubbornness went beyond common sense. That guy wouldn't keep watching the Five Swords sucking honey forever. In that case, it might be better to rest comfortably when they could.

Arriving at the training grounds, Jo Gol looked his Sahyungs, who were already outside, and whistled.

"Hey. As expected, everyone is full of energy."

When he thought of the people who were being sacrificed in return, Nokrim, the Tang Family, and the Namgung Sect, tears came to my eyes...But still, what could one do? People have to have days like this.

Jo Gol greeted Baek Cheon brightly.

"Sasuk, are you coming out?"


"...No way. Chung Myung hasn't come out yet, so..."

Rolling his eyes at Jo Gol, Baek Cheon let out a deep sigh. That guy was like an energetic puppy, so if he didn't let out enough energy through sufficient training, he would become unbearable.

"So, Sasuk looks good?"


"On the other hand...."

Jo Gol glanced at those standing on the other side. Nokrim and the Tang Clan had completely lifeless faces. Although the Namgung Family looked slightly better, it was only a subtle difference, and they still looked visibly strained.

"Poor things...."

"...Calm down, Gol. What if Chung Myung starts bothering only us again?"

"Is that a problem? We've always been the ones taking it, haven't we?"

"Listening, it does seem that way."

"Don't keep scaring me. I'm just living today and ready to die. Can't I say it's good? Hehehe." [#YOLO]

Baek Cheon just gave up and shook his head. He was not someone you could reason with in the first place.

At that moment,

"Hey, Chung Myung."

Yoo Iseol said softly. When Baek Cheon turned in that direction, Chung Myung was indeed approaching with an annoyed look.


It wasn't particularly surprising. Chung Myung always looked like that. The reason Baek Cheon was puzzled was that there was someone else next to him.

"Who's that?"

"I think it's Tang Gaju-nim?"

The disciples of Mount Hua frowned.

Tang Zhan looked at the Tang Pae standing next to him. The question of whether he had spoken to the head of the Tang Family was implicit in his gaze. However, Tang Pae, as if he knew nothing, shook his head.

"Good morning."

Tang Gunak arrived at the training ground, greeted lightly, and smiled.

"From today, I'll be participating in the training, so please take care of me."

"...Are you here to teach?"

"Will you learn, you rascal?"

Yoon Jong, who received Jo Gol's nonsensical remark, immediately scolded him.

Chung Myung looked at Tang Gunak and said.

"Then please take care."

"Leave it to me."

With a smile exchanged between them, Tang Gunak walked briskly and stood in front of the disciples of Mount Hua.

Baek Cheon looked at Tang Gunak with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Tang Gaju-nim. Tang Gaju-nim is over there...."

"This is the right place."

"...Excuse me?"

Tang Gunak smiled strangely.

"Do you know why I'm not personally teaching the Tang Clan?"

"Well.... That's...."

"Of course, there are various reasons. One of the main reasons is that the Tang Family's martial arts focus on poison and hidden weapon techniques. Poison is fine if the antidote is taken, and hidden weapon techniques can lead to irreversible consequences if done wrong."


Once the flying knife is unleashed, it doesn't come back. A person can die if the opponent's capabilities are even slightly miscalculated.

"So, if possible, I chose to be the one observing. But... the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword told me."

"...What do you mean?"

"He said you all learned how to survive enemy attacks for three years, no matter what. So regardless of the weapon, you won't get a scratch?


What? Was this a sudden revelation?

"It's a good thing, for me too. Besides... it's not easy for me to find an opportunity to throw flying knife attacks against people."

Tang Gunak smiled slyly and pulled out his hand from his sleeve. From the handle, four shiny flying swords emerged.

"I should be able to throw them comfortably. It could be quite helpful for each other, don't you think?"

"...But isn't that a bit risky?"

"I trust you guys."

"You shouldn't trust us!"

"Alright, let's get started!"

"No, please listen to us! Gaju-nim!"

"Hahaha! Don't be so dramatic!"

"Please listen!"

A bright smile spread across Tang Gunak's face. Chung Myung once remarked that he resembled Tang Bo, but in truth, the smile resembled Chung Myung's.

The flying knives sliced through the air with intense heat.