Chapter 1114: Can I Do Well? (Part 4)

"…Ughhhhh. There's no part of my body that's not in pain."

Tang Zhan pressed on his stiff jaw. The jaw that Jo Gol had hit was still throbbing.

"You damn bastard…."

Even the eyes of Jo Gol, who had fought desperately, remained vivid. It was undoubtedly a punch fueled by emotions as intense as they come.

Tang Zhan, who had been grinding his teeth, grabbed his jaw, shouting in pain. The pain intensified as he pressed on it.

"Next time, I'll definitely kill that bastard!"

Tang Zhan, who laid bare his raw negative emotions, trembled as he clenched his fist. He felt foolish for having once felt good about someone from his hometown.

"Hyung-nim. The Mount Hua kids are really going too far... Hyung-nim?"

Tang Zhan, who was absentmindedly talking to Tang Pae, tilted his head. Tang Pae looked serious, pondering something as he sat on the bed.

"Hyung-nim, are you okay?"


A muffled voice flowed out of the contemplative Tang Pae.

"You must be in a lot of pain."


"He's quite ruthless."

At those words, Tang Pae unintentionally rubbed his temples. Before he knew it, the eyes where Yu Iseol's fist had locked up became black and bruised.

"Soso noon [older sister] kept following her, so I wondered why… Well, she's not an ordinary person. So don't make such a face. You might get hit a little in life."

"That's not it."


Tang Pae twisted his expression into a wry smile.

Tang Zhan seemed to think that his feelings were broken because he was hurt by a woman. Of course, the Sichuan Tang Family fundamentally didn't impart martial arts to the women of the clan, so it was rare for men to be hurt by women. Therefore, depending on one's perspective, it could be a shocking occurrence.

However, the reason Tang Pae became so serious was not due to that.


"Yes, Hyung-nim."

"…Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine. My teeth are a bit shaky, but it's nothing much."

"No, that's not what I meant."

Tang Pae raised his head suddenly.

"Did we lose again?"

"Oh, is that what you mean?"

Tang Zhan scratched his head.

"No. Well... we did lose, but if you think about it, we haven't really lost, have I? If we had used poison and hidden weapons for real combat, we would have naturally won."

"Do you really think so?"

Tang Zhan, who was about to answer affirmatively, closed his mouth momentarily after seeing Tang Pae's expression. Tang Pae's expression was more serious than he had expected.

"Of course, if we had used extreme poison and ruthless hidden weapons without considering the opponent's injuries, the situation might have improved a bit. But isn't Mount Hua the same?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Because it was a sparring, your jaw hurts, and my eyes are bruised. If it had been a real battle, your neck would have been cut, and my eyes would have been gouged out."

Only then did Tang Zhan's face suddenly become serious. Tang Pae sighed deeply and continued.

"They are swordsmen. Especially, isn't Mount Hua's swordsmanship reputed to be more ruthless than Evil Sect? Do you think they would ever stab one person twice in a real fight?"


"I saw their swords at Plum Blossom Island, and they were more concise and cruel than any other sect's swords I've seen. If those swords had been swung at us... They wouldn't have needed to delay time to defeat us. The moment we entered the range of their sword techniques, our lives would have been cut short."

Tang Zhan couldn't refute this statement.

If today's sparring had been a real battle, what he would have witnessed wouldn't have been the vivid face of Jo Gol's trembling eyes and twisted jaw but Jo Gol's cold back as he cut off his neck and passed by.

Thinking about it again, a chill ran down his spine.

"Of course, if it had been a real battle, they wouldn't have completely succeeded either. But... no matter how I think about it, I don't think the outcome would have changed."


"There's nothing more foolish than trying to deny what cannot be denied. The important thing is not denying the existing facts but how to solve the problem. What do you think is the problem with the Tang Family right now?"

Tang Zhan got lost in thought at Tang Pae's question. There were more than a few problems when he tried to find them.

"There are too many things that come to mind, but... I think there's one decisive thing."

"What is it?"

"Real combat experience."

Tang Pae nodded vigorously.

"I agree with that."

The reason both of them were thinking about the same problem was that, after experiencing this sparring, they both realized that the Sichuan Tang Family had never fought against a specific other sect properly.

"...There wasn't such a problem at Plum Blossom Island."

"You're mistaken."

Tang Pae replied with a bitter tone.

"At that time, we were pleased to think that the Tang Family's prestige had shaken the world, but looking back, it wasn't because the Tang Family did well; it was because Mount Hua was remarkable. Didn't they block all the attacks pouring in on the Tang Family?"

"They even dealt with the pirates lurking underwater targeting us."

"Yeah. But we thought that was the Tang Family's skill. It was a scene where an archer comfortably shot arrows, showing off his achievements, while comrades risked their lives holding shields."

Tang Zhan bit his lips slightly at that sarcastic evaluation. It was a harsh judgment, but he couldn't bring himself to argue. He knew that the person feeling bitter about these words was Tang Pae more than anyone.

"You can't discover problems unless you experience a proper real battle. After going through this sparring, I can see the problems the Tang Family has."

Tang Zhan nodded. There were many points that he felt when he listened and saw.

The Tang Family, even if it was an unrivaled martial arts sect when fighting from a distance, could not fully demonstrate its skills once the distance was closed.

The problem was that the battles they were likely to face from now on were highly probable to be chaotic, with enemies attacking from all directions. If they were exposed to the enemy without protection in such a situation, couldn't you easily guess what kind of situation they would face?

Tang Zhan, who had been lost in thought with a stern face, suddenly looked up at Tang Pae.

"But, Hyung-nim."


"Then... did Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword anticipate all of this and create this situation?"


Tang Pae smiled with a bitter expression.

"It was probably meant for us to experience it firsthand. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is unparalleled in real combat, so wouldn't the Tang family's problems have been clearly visible to him?"

"Even things that father didn't know... Well, father might have known, but... Anyway, is Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword the first to point out those aspects?"

"Don't be mistaken."

At that moment, Tang Pae's voice slightly lowered.

"Father might be a martial artist stronger than Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, but that and experience in real combat are separate issues."


"While other sects were exposed to fights where lives were at stake, the Tang Family always took a step back. Even during the Yangtze River Disaster when even the Ten Great Sects had to risk their lives, or during the Demonic Sect in Hangzhou this time, the Tang Family didn't participate, right?"

"...That's true, but..."

"For nearly a decade, the only real battle we've experienced is at Plum Blossom Island. But Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword has been constantly fighting enemies threatening his life for several years. They were attacked by the Myriad Man Manor, fought against the Demonic Sect at the North Sea, battled Jang Ilso at the Black Dragon House, and now, what about this time?"

Tang Zhan was momentarily unable to say anything, feeling a vague sense of unease in his mind.

"We may have regarded Mount Hua with familiarity, but perhaps due to that familiarity, we underestimated both the Mount Hua Sect and the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. They are more formidable than we thought."

Tang Zhan sighed deeply.

"Then, you could have just told me."

"Then would you have understood?"


"You would probably pretend to understand. However, deep down, you may not have truly grasped it. People tend to casually accept things they haven't experienced firsthand."

Tang Pae rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be stinging.

"If the price for gaining such a lesson is... enduring wounds like these, it's a relatively cheap deal."

Tang Zhan stared blankly at Tang Pae for a moment. Tang Pae, looking puzzled, asked.

"Why are you like that?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

Tang Zhan shook his head without answering.

At times like this, he felt the difference. Why Tang Pae was the successor of the Sichuan Tang Family, while he was just the son of Tang Gunak. It was hard to attribute it solely to age. Their vessels were different, and their perspectives were different.

The dream he once had of surpassing Tang Pae and becoming the head of the Sichuan Tang Family now seemed merely laughable.

"Hyung-nim, so what should we do now?"

"Experience it."

A determined resolve flickered across Tang Pae's face.

"Didn't Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword meticulously prepare the stage for us? Didn't they generously provide the disciples they value most, the ones from Mount Hua, to help us overcome our shortcomings in real combat? Shouldn't we show gratitude by making the most of it?"

"I understand what you mean."



Tang Pae grinned mischievously.

"Even so, we can't keep blindly losing like this. Gather the kids."

"What are you planning to do?"

"I doubt that what Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword and Gaju-nim want from us is simply for us to crash and break. It must be about fervently contemplating, diligently pondering, and finding ways to supplement and enhance ourselves so that we can face Mount Hua as equals."


"Yet, it's not a problem that you and I can solve just by contemplating together. It's a matter that requires hearing more from others and having more people think about it."

"However, Hyung-nim... If you do that, Hyung-nim's authority..."

"You're talking nonsense. Within Mount Hua, the authority of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is stronger than anyone else's. But does that mean Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is shouting for everyone to follow their orders with closed ears?"

"It seems like that, doesn't it?"


Tang Pae, momentarily at a loss for words, wore an awkward expression.

"Th-that... um... no. Well, yes. That's... well, ahem!"

Tang Pae quickly cleared his throat to change the mood.

"Anyway, in my opinion, what we need to do is not flaunt authority. Perhaps the power of Mount Hua comes from distributing responsibilities from the top to the bottom, engaging in conversations without formality. Refusing to open our eyes and ears and sticking to the old ways is just foolish."

Tang Pae smiled mischievously.

"Let's open up a bit more. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword might be assigning us these tasks to bring us closer and open our hearts a bit more. If someone with that much to offer is willing to open up, should we just guard what we have with a closed attitude?"

In response to that statement, Tang Zhan raised his head.

"To be honest, I don't quite understand your words, Hyung-nim. Mount Hua is just a rising sect, and our Tang Family has proven its strength as the guardian of Sichuan for hundreds of years. Naturally, there will be resistance from everyone."

"...That could be."


With a firm gaze, Tang Zhan stared at Tang Pae.

"I will follow your words, Hyung-nim. However, I hope you understand that it's not because Mount Hua seems impressive to me, but because the one giving these orders is none other than you."

For a moment, Tang Pae, who seemed tongue-tied, lowered his head deeply and spoke in a small voice.

"Thank you."

"Then, I'll be going."


After Tang Zhan hastily left the room, Tang Pae sighed deeply.

'I've been too naive.'

He thought that if everyone gathered with a common purpose, everything would easily fall into place. However, the moment different individuals gathered in one place, what became visible were the differences they held and their respective shortcomings.

"Even so, we can't turn away."

Tang Pae clenched his fist lightly.

Even if Mount Hua led the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the Tang Family had no intention of remaining as a supporting role. The Tang Family would never become mere assistants to Mount Hua. Sometimes leading Mount Hua, sometimes being a force on which Mount Hua can rely - that was what the Tang Family must become.

That was the pride of a member of the Tang Family and the pride of Tang Pae, the successor of the Tang Family.

"But first... We need to show those devils of Mount Hua what defeat truly means. Let them experience what we felt thoroughly."

Tang Pae ground his teeth.

Unfortunately, he did not know. He did not realize that his expression had become eerily similar to the devils of Mount Hua.