Chapter 1116: I've Already Prepared Everything For That! (Chapter 1)

The way people look at each other is generally predictable.

The gaze of a mother looking at her grown child, the affectionate look of a father at his beloved daughter, or the proud gaze of a teacher looking at a promising pupil—these expressions are mostly consistent in various situations.

However, the gaze directed at Chung Myung in this place was incredibly complex.


And Chung Myung seemed completely unable to understand the reason for this gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Finally, a groan escaped from Hyun Jong's lips. Seeing Chung Myung, who was looking at him with innocent, sparkling eyes as if he had done nothing wrong, made his internal energy surge.

But Hyun Jong was a Taoist. So, he tried to speak as calmly as possible.

"...Chung Myung."


"It seems like there's a bit of an issue with the alliance right now."

"An issue? Where?"



Chung Myung tilted his head as if he had no idea.

Unintentionally glancing at Chung Myung's expression again, Hyun Jong lamented his own foolishness. Why bother looking at that face to further confuse his already overturned thoughts?


Unable to contain his frustration, Hyun Jong couldn't continue speaking. Seeing this, Hyun Sang smiled bitterly and spoke, filling the role of an elder in times like this.

"Sect Leader seems to be concerned about what's happening in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

"Oh, that? I understand now."

Chung Myung nodded as if he understood. "It's definitely something to be concerned about. I understand what Sect Leader is saying."

"Do you understand?"

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with a suspicious expression. This guy wasn't the type to be communicated to so quickly…

And, as expected, Chung Myung did not disappoint this time either.

"I guess you're worried that their practical experience has made them neglect basic training. I was already thinking about that part."


"Ha. This is really not easy. Originally, both should be pursued simultaneously. You shouldn't lean too much towards one side... Should I tell them to sleep a little less?"

"If you keep going like this, everyone will die..."

"Ah, people don't die that easily. They won't die, they won't."

As if he had nothing to do with it, Chung Myung waved his hand, and Hyun Jong's chest hammered as he looked at him.

"Hey, you bastard! Do you even know how the members of the alliance are treating each other these days?"


"It's fortunate if they only fight in the training grounds! Within three days, there have been three stabbings in the dining hall! This is the second time I've had a brawl right next to me while I was sleeping!"


"And! If you're going to fight, at least fight decently! Breaking the walls of a rented manor! Blowing off the roof! They even set fire!"

"Wow, the fire was a bit much."

The disciples of Mount Hua had already experienced the entire hallway being blown away due to the damn guys from the Demonic Sect setting fire when they invaded. Just the sound of fire made them wake up in a cold sweat even when asleep. [idk]

Oh, so that's why they fought?

It must be Im Sobyeong. This was definitely the work of Im Sobyeong. Truly, he couldn't be underestimated...

"What the hell is this! What is this? Now the money spent on renting the manor has become more than the price of buying it!"

"Well, we earned a lot of money."

"Is money the issue? Money?"

"That's right!"

At that moment, Hyun Young shouted, rushing to help Hyun Jong.

Surprised, Hyun Jong turned his head to look at Hyun Young. Wasn't this the type of guy who would take his side in a situation like this?

"Hey, you! No matter how much money you make, if you spend it recklessly like that, you'll end up looking like a beggar! The more you have, the more you should know how to save! That way, your old age will be comfortable, won't it?"

...Was it that way?

With a face that seemed to say, 'Well, if you put it that way,' Hyun Jong let out a deep sigh.

"Chung Myung."


"I'm starting to worry a bit."

Although Hyun Jong's face became serious, Chung Myung's face remained endlessly cheerful.

"Fights are breaking out almost every day."

"Kids naturally grow up while fighting."

"Injuries are occurring frequently."

"When kids fight, they sometimes get hurt."

"...Their feelings for each other seem to worsen as time goes by."

"Originally, kids have narrow minds and easily get upset, but the next day, they make up as if nothing happened..."

"Seriously, listen!"

Watching Chung Myung respond with his ears flicking, Hyun Jong finally let out a roar. Then, he gripped the back of his neck, which had stiffened.


"Ah, Sect Leader!"

"Hey, you, you're not that young, so why get so excited!"


Hyun Jong breathed heavily and looked at Chung Myung.

However, whether Hyun Jong spoke or not, Chung Myung still wore the most innocent expression in the world, as if asking, 'Did I do something wrong?'. 

'That disgusting....'

At times like this, he really wanted to kick himself. For Hyun Jong, the greatest misfortune was that the one who brought him joy and the one who brought him migraines were the same person.

"Hey, you!"


"What kind of place is the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

Hyun Jong spoke half in exhaustion and half in irritation.

"Didn't you clearly say it's a place where everyone becomes friends with one heart?"

"Did I...?"


"Oh, I remember. I remember."


Hyun Jong, who seemed to explode with frustration, took a deep breath and continued.

"But when you gathered everyone, all you did was start fights, divide them, and let them punch each other! Isn't that the only thing you've done? This way, won't the alliance just split apart!"

"Split? Oh, Sect Leader. What are you talking about?"

Chung Myung seemed to hear such absurd words for the first time and asked.

"We've never really merged properly, so how could we split? No, whether you raise a child and send them off to get married or not, you have to give birth to a child first."

"What kind of Taoist uses this as a metaphor?"

"It's true."

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"It's called Heavenly Comrade, but have we ever been close to Nokrim or Namgung? We've never been close to the Sichuan Tang Family either."

"...We're close."

"Sect Leader and Gaju-nim might be close."

"Well, even the kids..."


Chung Myung chuckled and looked at Hyun Jong.

"Oh, dear. Friends who are so close end up fighting to the death like that just because they got poked a little. Hiyah! The moral code of the Central Plains has fallen to the ground. There's nothing to curse about the Evil Sect bastards."

Hyun Jong, speechless, stared blankly at Chung Myung. In fact, those words weren't entirely wrong. If the Heavenly Comrade members really got along with each other, such a situation wouldn't have arisen.

In fact, the Heavenly Comrade was a place where they couldn't naturally get along.

Even though it's said that the affairs of the sects were decided by the sect leaders, that didn't mean that the hearts of the disciples followed suit. Just because the sect leaders of each sect decided to socialize didn't mean the barriers in the hearts of the disciples would break down as well.

However, that didn't mean he agreed with Chung Myung's words.

"So, all the more reason for such things not to happen, don't you think?"


"If you're not close, shouldn't you make an effort to become close? But instead, you're engaging in pointless fights, making the relationship worse, aren't you?"

"Why would that be?"


Chung Myung, this time not joking but genuinely not understanding, tilted his head as if the explanation didn't make sense to him.

"Is there a better way for people to become friends than fistfighting?"


"Usually, after exchanging a few punches, people become very close."

Staring at Chung Myung with a blank expression, Hyun Jong suddenly asked as if he understood something.

"Could it be... Chung Myung?"


"Uh... What you mentioned about becoming close... does that mean the other person doesn't argue back and suddenly becomes friendly...?"

"Yes, that's right. They also give me alcohol."


"And give me meals."


Hyun Jong finally closed his eyes tightly. Moisture gathered at the corners of his eyes.

What kind of life did this guy live before entering the Mount Hua Sect? What kind of hellish experience led a person to develop such a way of thinking?

"Isn't that more like surrendering than becoming close?"

"Well, that's one way to put it."

"How is that the same thing?"

At that moment, Chung Myung burst out laughing.

"Sect Leader, what do you think is the fundamental reason these guys are fighting?"

"Because you instigated it."


"Isn't that right?"

"Well, in some ways, a very small part, that might be true, but it's not the fundamental reason."

Chung Myung cut in sharply.

"Sect Leader, even though we're Taoists, before that, we belong to the Murim world."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Murim martial artists are a group of people who inevitably live with the desire to win and compete to see who is stronger."

Hyun Jong closed his mouth. Seeing his expression, Chung Myung chuckled.

"Would it be possible to gather together a bunch of energetic kids and just tell them to respect each other and live together? If it's a problem that will explode someday, it's better to blow it up quickly and sort it out."

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with an incredulous expression.

"So, what you're saying is... are you saying they're fighting for rankings right now?"

"In a way, yes."

"No, they're not a bunch of dogs in a neighborhood, and what kind of hierarchy..."

"Well, it's the opposite."

Chung Myung waved his hand.

"How can a person not do something that even the neighborhood dogs do? It's just a natural thing."


"In the first place, 'our side is stronger' is a saying that never disappears regardless of time or place. Rather than forcibly suppressing it, it's better to let it explode and clean it up."

Hyun Jong opened his mouth.

"Ah, no, this..."

Upon hearing it, there was an aspect that resonated with the logic of the Tao.

The Tao naturally does not resist what flows, whether it be the flow of the world or the human heart, as forcing it only breeds trouble.

'If someone else had said this, I would have praised it as excellent...'

The problem was that this bastard was a guy who regarded the sacred ideas of Taoism as nothing more than a footstool to strengthen his sophistry. [aka bullshit]

"Well... Yes, your words make sense. Well, well!"

However, Hyun Jong, the leader of the Taoist sect, found it difficult to counter this statement. After choosing his words in his mind several times, he managed to open his mouth.

"But... well... even if that's the case, wouldn't it be better for everyone to get along? Wouldn't it be better to be harmonious?"


Chung Myung made a strange expression.

"So, you're saying, no matter what you think inside, outwardly, we should pretend to be close, like good friends?"

"Well, not to that extent."

"Alright. Of course, that's not a bad idea either."


To Hyun Jong's surprise, Chung Myung nodded his head. What was this guy trying to say?

Sure enough, a sinister smile bloomed on Chung Myung's lips.

"However, well… there's a place that keeps up appearances, boasts about their great deeds, and outwardly pretends to be close-knit..."


"I happen to know that place very well...Have you ever heard of the Ten Great Sects?"

Hyun Jong's insides seemed to burst for a moment, and he covered his face in frustration.

"Oh, if Sect Leader wants to be like the Ten Great Sects, then as a disciple, what can I do! I have no choice but to shed tears and step into the world of hypocrisy and pretense…."

"Quiet down, you rascal!"


Chung Myung, who had thoroughly stirred up Hyun Jong's emotions, opened his mouth with a straight face.

"Sect Leader probably doesn't wish for something like that."

With no other choice, Hyun Jong nodded.