Chapter 1126: This is Hell, This Place (Part 1)

They couldn't breathe.

No, they were too terrified to breathe.

In an enormous plaza, numerous people had been lined up.

What was eerie was that the faces of these individuals, who clearly exuded an extraordinary aura, were pale white. In their visibly trembling hands, they had held menacingly long spears.

Of course, everyone experienced moments of fear in their lives. However, what made this sight particularly unsettling was that the people who were trembling like children were members of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, whose name alone was said to instill fear into Gangnam.

"Ry, Ryeoju-nim! P-please! Please spare...!"

[From now on, I will use "Ryeonju" instead of "Ryeonjul", since "ju" means lord]


A sword that had soared into the sky fiercely descended, striking the person's neck. In an instant, the severed head flew into the air.


Red blood gushed out from the body that fell like straw.

The faces of those who witnessed this spectacle grew even paler.

They were all members of the Evil Sect, accustomed to seeing death countless times. Witnessing someone die should not have evoked from them any particular emotions at this point.

Yet, the scene unfolding before them now was undeniably different from the 'death' they had seen so far.


With the chilling tone of Ho Gakmyung, a body that hadn't even cooled off was dragged away like rotten wood. And in its place, another person was brought in like a sacrificial cow to the slaughterhouse.

The eyes of the person, completely overcome by terror, were filled with bloodshot veins. Desperate cries burst out like convulsions.

"R-Ryeonju! Ryeonju-nim! It's not me! I'm not a wretch resisting Ryeonju-nim! Ryeonju-nim! Please believe me, please! Noooaaaaaaaah!"

The scream was so agonizing that it was almost unbearable to listen to.

Perhaps, the person being dragged here was also a villain who had taken countless lives with their own hands. However, even such people were no different from ordinary people at the moment they faced their own deaths.


The one brought to the expansive square trembled, lifting a shivering head to gaze at the front of the assembly.

"Huh... huh..."

At that moment, a sound of wind escaping from his mouth involuntarily leaked out. His terrified appearance didn't suit the reputation and position he had built up.

However, no one present could mock his pathetic state. Anyone seeing this scene would react the same way, given the circumstances.

Since the establishment of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, a new headquarters had been built. The center of this headquarters, reflecting Jang Ilso's taste, was adorned with luxurious white marble spread out extensively.

When the sunlight poured down, the square shimmered as if it had snowed. This sight alone symbolized the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

But now, the dazzling marble was completely dyed dark crimson. The blood shed by those who died here flowed and continued to flow.

In the face of such a spectacle, who could maintain composure?


A nauseating stench of blood pierced the air, causing the man's pants to quickly dampen.

"Ryeonju, please! Ryeonju, please spare my life! I'll do anything, anything if you spare it! It's a misunderstanding! I've never resisted Ryeonju even once! Please! Please spare me Ryeonjuniiiiim!"

Whether it was a cry or a scream, the desperate plea echoed out. The man looked upwards with frantic eyes.

His gaze, stained red, moved beyond the blood-soaked ground, beyond the square, and up the towering stairs. While the lower part was completely soaked in blood, the upper part gradually revealed a bright whiteness. Finally, the top of the stairs shone with a divine brilliance.

The stark contrast seemed to tell the difference between the one dragged here and the one positioned at the top of the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, there was a splendid and massive jade throne, and a man leaning against it was visible.


A long crimson robe with a magnificent dragon embroidered on it with golden silk threads. Below it, a pair of white hands elegantly picked up a wine glass.


Raising the wine glass, the man on the throne, Jang Ilso, looked down at the pleading man with indifferent eyes.


Like someone shouting out as they last glimpsed the rope below a cliff, the man cried out. However, Jang Ilso soon seemed to lose interest, leaning back against the backrest of the throne.

Instead, it was Ho Gakmyung who spoke.

"Execute him."

The chilling voice echoed ominously.

Reacting to that voice, those who were slightly startled immediately took action. They dragged the pleading person, crushing him in front of the execution platform.

"Hi.... hiiiiik!"

With a swift swing, the crimson-bladed sword mercilessly severed the man's neck. The severed head, spurting blood in all directions, helplessly rolled on the ground.

Those who had just watched the scene without even blinking swallowed their dry saliva.

The name of the person whose neck was just severed was Jo Pyo. One of the leaders of the Black Ghost Castle, he once flew a reputation as fearsome as an evil spirit in Fujian.

However, such a person, without even attempting proper resistance, had his throat sliced like a bug.

Just a month ago, who could have imagined such a scene?

Those present here were people who did not fear death. From the moment they decided to join the Evil Sect, they had resigned themselves to the fate of becoming twisted corpses on a battlefield somewhere.

However, the final image they envisioned of themselves did not include such a spectacle. No one naturally imagined the last moment of being dragged here, unable to resist, with their throat being cut.

Not all deaths are the same.

The gruesome feast of these worthless deaths was more than enough to instill terror even in those who had resolved to become fertilizer in the fields.


And in this peculiar atmosphere, there was only one person completely unafraid.

Jang Ilso lifted the wine cup, took a sip, and spoke.

"How many are left?"

"There are a total of three-hundred eighty-two scheduled for today. A little while ago, Jo Pyo was the one hundred and seventy-eighth."

"About half left."

Jang Ilsu sighed and leaned back on the throne.

"If you find it boring, I'll handle the remaining executions."

"No, no."

In response to Ho Gakmyung's words, Jang Ilso shook his head slightly.

"Still, we used to be comrades at one point. Isn't it proper to at least watch their final moments? I'm also a person with that much consideration."



Jang Ilso slowly lowered his head and looked at the people filling the square. A satisfied smile appeared on Jang Ilso's lips as he saw the figures overwhelmed by fear.

"In the first place, someone higher up should join such an event. That way, it becomes even more meaningful, don't you think?"

"You speak the truth."

Ho Gakmyung glanced at Jang Ilso's complexion and asked.

"Then, executing them a bit earlier...?"

"Tsk, Gakmyung."

"Yes, Ryeonju-nim."

"Although they are scoundrels who lived like leeches and are criminals difficult to release, they are still human beings, aren't they?"


"It's not proper to hurry and kill them. Carry out the executions as scheduled."

"Yes, Ryeonju-nim."

Ho Gakmyung reluctantly nodded.

Well, it's not like he didn't know.

The fate of those scheduled for execution today would definitely not change. And they also know that they will die today.

Prolonging the executions leisurely would appear to give them a little more time to breathe and extend the time they tremble in despair. On the other hand, it was just a matter of prolonging the time spent waiting for death in the midst of despair.

'It's pitiful.'

Ho Gakmyung was not particularly compassionate towards anyone, but he couldn't help but sympathize with those waiting in fear for their turn to come, trembling in despair.

However, this was inevitable. Ever since the moment they dared to harbor resentment against the Paegun, their fate had been sealed.

"Continue the executions."


At Ho Gakmyung's command, those in charge of the execution started to move briskly. Another sinner was brought out.

Jang Ilso, indifferent to the scene, looked down and raised his wine cup.

"It's a nice sight."

One life disappeared, and a glass of alcohol was emptied again.

One life, then another life.

The executions, stained with blood, continued until the sun set behind Seosan, bathing the world in twilight.

Today, for some reason, the unusually red glow of the sunset dyed even the white marble where Jang Ilso was seated a crimson hue.

* * *


Jang Ilso, wearing a white silk robe, gazed silently at the wine cup.

Looking at the calm surface of the still glass without a ripple, his slightly excited heart seemed to settle.

Jang Ilso's lifted gaze turned towards Sibi standing beside the bed.

Suddenly, Jang Ilso's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh my. Why are you so nervous?"


Sibi's face, already pale, now seemed almost bluish.

"Are you not feeling well? Go and rest quickly."

"N-No, Ryeonju-nim! How could I dare...?"

"Tsk, tsk."

Jang Ilso clicked his tongue as if lamenting. Unlike when he was observing the Evil Sect members below the stairs a while ago, his gaze was now quite gentle.

"Then, go and bring back stronger liquor. I can hardly sense the scent of alcohol with the stench of stale blood."

"N-Noted, Lord."

"No need to rush. Take your time."


As Sibi rushed out, looking pale, Jang Ilso chuckled.

"Why are those kids so afraid of me?"

In truth, he had reason to wonder.

Weren't there plenty of tyrants who easily killed or tormented petty provocateurs?

However, Jang Ilso had never once killed a servant who hadn't learned martial arts. He has never coveted their bodies or tormented them on a whim. Instead, when the servants decided to stop working, he paid them a considerable amount of money.

Yet, despite all this, their gazes upon him still remained drenched in fear, making it quite an amusing situation.

"What can these lowly individuals understand? Perhaps it's just difficult to look at."

"Tsk tsk. You're doing it again."

Jang Ilso let out a light sigh.

"They're not lowly. Why do you keep calling my well-performing subordinates lowly?"


'The term 'lowly' is not for kids like them. It's a term for those who do inappropriate things, occupy positions beyond their capabilities like pigs, and speak words that don't suit their status."

"I will keep that in mind."

"Don't just say that, try to understand, Gakmyung."

Jang Ilso gave a sarcastic remark. However, Ho Gakmyung continued to look at him without a change in expression.



"...Will you continue the executions tomorrow as well?"

"Aren't there still about two days left?"

"That is the plan."

"Then that's how it should be. Ugh. It's frustrating to sit still all day... but I suppose that's the position of someone named Reonju."

"The losses are too great, Ryeonju-nim."

Upon hearing those words, Jang Ilso suddenly smiled.

His face, reflected in the swaying lantern light, was incredibly inscrutable.