Chapter 1132: Let's Get Closer Together! (Part 2)

Far in the future, the disciples of the Beast Palace would recall that day like this:

"Someone said a tiger jumped into a flock of sheep, but in reality, it didn't cause such a commotion because the tiger wasn't actually targeting the sheep."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Usually, when a tiger appears, the sheep all rush in one direction, and the tiger just grabs one or two from the corner of the group and that's it."

"In the first place, cases where a predator deliberately attacks prey it won't eat are rare."

"That's true... It's definitely like that."

So, the scene from that day couldn't be explained with such words.

"If we had to find something similar..."

"Is there anything similar to that?"

"No. It might not be similar, but... still, when explaining to those remaining in the palace, there was only one thing I could find."

"What is it?"

"Once, I saw a fox sneak into a chicken coop. That fox was so savage that it killed all the chickens, even those it wouldn't eat."

"That's right. Foxes are like that."

"Meanwhile, the chickens were trapped in the coop and couldn't escape... it was really chaotic."


"It was exactly like that, exactly. We were the chickens..."

"Was Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword the fox in the analogy?"

"No... Now that I think about it, this metaphor might be a bit wrong. Comparing him to a fox is really not appropriate. Um, yeah. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword just barged into the coop."


"...I still dream of that day's nightmare. The demonic Mount Hua swordsman rushing towards me with his eyes flipped..."

"Stop, please stop..."

"I can still hear the screams from that day. Like auditory hallucinations..."

* * *


The disciples of Mount Hua were brave.

No one could deny that fact. The most active force in the dangerous Gangnam region was Mount Hua, and those who stood against the fearsome bishop of the Demonic Sect were none other than the Mount Hua disciples.

In fact, even without bringing up such examples, anyone would acknowledge that Mount Hua was currently the most courageous sect in Kangho...Going a little further, no one would deny that they were a sect that stuck out their stomachs the furthest beyond the cliff edges.

But despite their bravery, the disciples of Mount Hua were now screaming and running away as if they had just seen a ghost.

"Move out of the way!"

"No! Sasuk! If Sasuk runs away, what do we do?"

"Shut up, you bastard! I don't have two lives!"

Long-time victim... no, since he had been with Chung Myung for a long time, he knew better than anyone what state Chung Myung was in now. When Chung Myung was in that state, there was no way to deal with it. If you wanted to live, you had to run away first.

Unfortunately, their backs were also too familiar to Chung Myung.




Instinctively, Baek Cheon, frightened by the desperate scream coming from behind, pressed his body to the ground. At that moment, something violently flew over his head.

"Do-don't kill me... Kuaaah!"

Before he could finish speaking, Chung Myung lifted Baek Cheon's chin. Baek Cheon soared into the air with a very neat posture.

Even while flying through the air after being hit, the dignified manner in which he maintained his posture made people involuntarily admire, 'Indeed, it's Baek Cheon.' Of course, the person being hit and flying away probably wouldn't be pleased to hear such words.

After sending Baek Cheon flying with a single blow, Chung Myung, with bloodshot eyes, searched for the next victim. Beast-like sounds flowed from his mouth.

Yoon Jong lowered his posture and cautiously extended one hand.

"Ch-Chung Myung. Let's, let's calm down first. Huh? Be good..."

"Calm down?"


"Calm doooooooooooooooooown?"


Chung Myung's foot was forcibly jammed into Yoon Jong's face. Yoon Jong, who couldn't even scream, rotated like a spinning top, crossing over the Tang family and Nokrim and tumbling into a corner of the manor wall.


White steam rose from Yoon Jong's fallen face. When everyone saw the clearly imprinted footprint on his face, shivers ran down their spines.

'Baek Cheon Dojang and Yoon Jong Dojang...'

'Both in one shot...'

Those present had been fiercely fighting each other for several days, so they knew each other's abilities very well. Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong were no longer individuals who could be labeled as mere high-level experts. If thrown into the Kangho right now, wouldn't they be exceptional swordsmen, if not peak-level experts?

But regardless of their outstanding swordsmanship or potential, their fates were sealed in front of Chung Myung.

"Kuuung, why me..."

At that moment, Jo Gol, who had regained his senses and raised his upper body, looked around with a bewildered gaze. After swiveling his head around, the weird atmosphere made him stop. He made eye contact with Chung Myung, whose eyes were almost half-turned.

A subtle silence filled the air. 

Jo Gol smirked.

"Ah... I should have just died earlier."

At that moment, like a tiger pouncing on its prey, Chung Myung leaped towards Jo Gol, mercilessly unleashing a flurry of punches.

"You bastard!"


"Are you even human? Human?"

Rock-like fists rained down on his face. Jo Gol's head swayed frantically.

"Die! Die, you bastard! Die!"

With each turn of his disoriented head, as the view changed, the nauseated faces of those who looked this way and Chung Myung's flipped eyes alternately appeared.


Even in fading consciousness, a small smile played on Jo Gol's lips. Yoon Jong, who had lost consciousness, also appeared, similarly unconscious with a smile.

Of course, he wasn't crazy.

'You guys... are all done for now.'

If everyone else was going to suffer from what Mount Hua had borne alone, it would be worthwhile even if he died.

'Try it... once...'

Even with his face swelling, Jo Gol's head tilted to the side, smiling. Chung Myung slowly stood up, leaving Jo Gol's limp body on the ground.


A drop of congealed blood fell from the tip of his fist to the ground. The small sound resonated widely throughout the quiet training grounds like a death knell.

"...If you're human babies."

Those who had been staring blankly at the unconscious Jo Gol now shivered and turned their gaze to Chung Myung.

"Still, there should be a limit."


"Setting fire?"

"That's Nokrim..."

"Poisoning food?"

"That's the Tang family. I saw them!"

"The cub named Palace Lord was the first to fight and fell ill, and the cubs who dragged their beasts all the way here were unable to manage them, allowing them to attack the village?"

"...That's the Ice Palace."

"The Beast Palace...."

"Are you bastards even human?"

Of course, there was nothing to be said even if they had ten mouths.

No matter how much Chung Myung orchestrated the circumstances, everyone was responsible for bringing the situation to this point. If the person above was comfortably surprised, even if they spread a mat and grabbed the edges, wouldn't it be a situation where there was nothing to say even if they ended up being hit with a padded cloth?

 [don't brain broke from trying to figure out the analogy...]

"I was too naive. I had at least thought you were human beings. Because you were human, I thought you would act like one. But... you weren't human?"


"Then there's only one way to deal with it. In the past! A great Sect Leader of Mount Hua once said this."

"Well, what...?"

"To the dogs, insane, and unruly disciples, a whip is the cure!"

- I've never applied such a thing to a dog or a crazy person!


Not a single human made a sound, but Chung Myung, who had just swung his fist into the air, rushed towards the nearby Tang Pae.

"Stop him!"

"Protect Sogaju!"

The Tang Family's disciples screamed in panic. And rushing towards Chung Myung, they blew arrows and spewed venom.


Chung Myung drew his sword and spun it like a windmill, charging forward. The strong wind pressure pushed back the venom, and the arrows bounced off in all directions.

"Eee, Eeeeek!"

Tang Pae, whose complexion turned pale, hastily retreated and threw the hidden weapons in his sleeves as best as he could.

"Uaaaaah! Daggers! Cow Hair Needle! Ghost King's Order! Bloodsucker! Ah! Ah! What else! Oh! Seven…."


However, the struggle was in vain as Chung Myung reached right in front of him and grabbed Tang Pae's wrist.

"Seven what?"


"Seven Treasure Spirits?"

"Ha... haha."

Cold sweat trickled down Tang Pae's forehead.

"Do, Dojang! How could I possibly... to Dojang... such a wicked thing..."

"Oh? Then what's in this in your hand?"

Chung Myung lightly shook Tang Pae's hand while holding his wrist. As he did so, the poison pouch in the Tang Pae's hand wobbled weakly.

"...This is just a... yes. A very ordinary acid poison. Extremely weak, that..."

"Oh, really?"


"Is this bastard playing with me?"


Chung Myung punched Tang Pae's stomach without hesitation. At the impact, Tang Pae's mouth opened wide for a moment.

Chung Myung opened the poison pouch in Tang Pae's hand and stuffed it forcefully down his throat.

"If it's an ordinary acid poison, there shouldn't be any problem."

"Ub, ub!"

"It's okay. You won't die. At most, it's the Seven Treasure Spirits. You shouldn't die from that, right?"

Tang Pae, foaming at the mouth, fell backward. Although the Tang Family members typically developed resistance to poisons from an early age, it would be tough for someone as young as their successor, after consuming poison at the level of the Seven Treasure Spirits, to function normally as a human for a while. 


Sure enough, the fallen Tang Pae convulsed, twisting his body strangely while foaming at the mouth.

Seeing this situation, everyone present seemed to lose their minds for a moment. Where in the world could you witness a Tang Family member collapsing from their own poison? 

In addition, it was their successor.

"Oh, do all of you enjoy being poisoned?"

At Chung Myung's question, all the Tang Family members vigorously shook their heads. However, Chung Myung, still holding the fallen Tang Pae's sleeve, began to search and pull something out.

"T-That's dangerous to touch so carelessly!"

"But when has he used... so naturally..."

Chung Myung, with both hands full of Tang Family poison pouches, started to laugh happily.

"Oh, have I used these before?"


"Hey, when have I ever used something like this? Of course it's my first time."

"...I don't think so."

"You're too familiar with it…"

"It's my first time, my first. So...why don't you try it for yourselves, you bastards!"

"Your words don't match your actions!"

Chung Myung threw the poison pouches and flew away. Green, black, and pink poisonous smoke instantly burst out from where Tang Pae had stood.


"No, why did that guy bring so much!"

"Don't, don't breathe! You'll get poisoned!"

In the surreal feast of venomous smoke, Chung Myung, like shedding ill-fitting clothes, not only discarded them but also tore them to shreds, gleefully rushing in like a madman.

"Hehehehe! I'm so excited!"

In the midst of the thick poison mist, the Tang Family members, who had been trapped, shot up into the sky like fireworks. It was quite pitiful.

It was at this moment that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance finally realized the simple truth that all wrongdoings must come at a price.