Chapter 1137: Still, What Can You Do? (Part 2)

The expressions of those gathered in the training grounds became somewhat awkward.

"Ah, no...." 

How should one express this? Unexpected? Or perhaps absurd? Maybe just downright strange?

Those who had experienced even a little of Mount Hua's influence knew. Regardless of whether you observed it from the outside or experienced it from within, the person who represented Mount Hua was unmistakably Chung Myung.

However, the perspective of those who had been closely associated with Mount Hua for a long time was a bit different.

Even if Chung Myung was the center of Mount Hua, the core of Mount Hua's disciples was Baek Cheon. Chung Myung merely led them; the one who harmonized their thoughts and effectively controlled them, no matter what anyone said, was this talented and devoted young man, Baek Cheon.

Even when the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, Hyun Jong, had something to convey to the disciples, didn't he go through Baek Cheon rather than Chung Myung?

It wasn't just because Chung Myung was busy; it was the implicit agreement that while Chung Myung led the overall direction of Mount Hua, Baek Cheon led the disciples of Mount Hua.

It was Baek Cheon, the confirmed future Sect Leader of Mount Hua and the representative of the current disciples of Mount Hua, who unexpectedly bowed his head in front of them.

Tang Pae looked around with a blank expression. Since there was no difference in the faces of the others, everyone was hesitant to speak.

Whether it was because Tang Pae was the only one who moved, or because they considered him the right person for the job, everyone's gaze focused on him.

Under the implicit pressure, Tang Pae finally opened his mouth with a troubled expression. 

"Dojang... Why are you suddenly doing this?"

Only then did Baek Cheon raise his head that had been lowered. Then, he evenly distributed his gaze to everyone, including Tang Pae.

At that moment, various words crossed Baek Cheon's mind. Polite words, words that console and calm, words that apologize more deeply to make the other party feel sorry.

However, those thoughts vanished in an instant. Right now, it wasn't a situation where he could mend things by being tactful.

"This can't go on."

What came out of his mouth was his honest sentiment.

"Right now, we are training against absolute masters who we can hardly meet anywhere else. Every moment is precious and invaluable."

Everyone nodded in agreement with his words. Regardless of whether enduring this training was difficult or not, everyone understood that this was an opportunity that might never happen again.

Even if it were the disciples from the Sichuan Tang Family, how many opportunities in a lifetime would they have to face the family head? Even if it were the disciples of the Beast Palace, would there ever be a chance again to seriously fight against the Beast Palace Lord?

Where on earth would you ever experience a situation where not one, but three such people ran wild?

"But right now, we are wasting this time. This is an opportunity that may never come again."


"Thinking about Heavenly Comrade Alliance, moving on to Kangho, honestly, I don't understand those grandiose plans. I just don't want to waste this precious time like this. I don't want to bring out pent-up emotions at a time when we should be focusing all our strength on facing them."

Some individuals, especially Namgung Dowi, nodded vigorously.

"So, I ask for your cooperation. Please gather your strength."

Tang Pae opened his mouth with a slightly resentful expression.

"Is that because that's the path for the greater good?"


Baek Cheon cut in decisively.

"It's because that path benefits Mount Hua."

Baek Cheon's gaze focused on Tang Pae.

"Isn't that the case for the Tang Family disciples as well?"

Tang Pae's lips tightened slightly.

Right now, Baek Cheon was asking him. Did the Tang Family disciples want to let this excellent opportunity slip away just because of some petty negative emotions? Or did they want to turn this time into an opportunity for personal development?

'He speaks well.'

For a moment, frustration welled up. After all, the origin of all these events started when Mount Hua arrogantly attacked the Tang Family and the subsequent torment caused by Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

But now, when those who were essentially perpetrators spoke righteous words, it was only natural for anger to surge.

Murder was a wrongful act. However, if someone who had committed murder started preaching to those seeking revenge, wouldn't it be natural for tempers to flare?

"It's absurd for Mount Hua to say such things."

Baek Cheon, without any explanation, lowered his head again. Tang Pae, who had tried to catch on for a moment, made a groaning sound at the sight. Then, he sighed and spoke.

"However... please don't think that Dojang is the only one who cares about their disciples."

What came to Tang Pae's mind right now was none other than the gaze of Tang Gunak.

You have no reason to be impatient, no reason to be desperate, because everything is already given to you without you having to earn it.

'Not a single word was wrong.'

The most urgent matter at the moment was none other than the Tang Family. Despite being in a much superior position, they were unable to deal with Mount Hua's disciples.

So, they should be more urgent, more anxious. What Baek Cheon was doing now should have been done by Tang Pae first. But Tang Pae just lay there, and the seemingly unurgent Mount Hua bowed first.

If it's urgent, you have to move. Burning with passion internally but not moving is not truly being earnest.

"Whether it's emotions or anything else, I agree that we need to do something first. What they're doing to us is not intended for us to just take it and toughen up."

Baek Cheon resolutely nodded his head.

"I agree as well."

At that moment, Namgung Dowi quickly opened his mouth.

"Nothing will change even after a year at this rate. We cannot deal with each other if we are hindrances to each other. It's not something that can be overcome through determination or practice."

This was a statement that could hurt Namgung Dowi's pride.

He was the head of the Namgung Family, just like Tang Pae. Saying that the family head couldn't deal with another family head unless the family members united was entirely different from saying that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance couldn't deal with another alliance unless the members united.

As the family head of the Namgung Family, one of the top three families in the world, these words were not worth saying from his mouth.

But Namgung Dowi willingly admitted his limitations. In the past, he would rather die than let such words out, but now he knew that refusing to acknowledge his limits was even more damaging to his pride.

"There must be a way to fight together. There must be a way that can help each other, not hinder each other. How about starting by looking for that?"

Tang Pae firmly nodded at Namgung Dowi's words.

But then it happened.

"Well said."

One of the Beast Palace leaders who had been observing the situation openly sneered.

"The three well-known sects of the Central Plains have made a very impressive decision together."

Three people spoke with stern faces, observing the one who had spoken. Before others could speak, Baek Cheon took the lead.

"If my words offended, I apologize."

"No, no. What could be offensive? If the three esteemed factions have decided so, we simply follow along. Would humble barbarians like us dare to object?"

Accepting that the person who simply opened his mouth had a twisted personality wasn't easy. Though only one person spoke, the gazes of those behind him were similar. Even the disciples of the Beast Palace and Ice Palace nodded, as if acknowledging the validity of the statement.

"We didn't intend to..."

"You may have good intentions."

This time, a disciple from the Ice Palace spoke up.

"But every time something happens, isn't it Mount Hua, the Tang Family, and Namgung who decide the direction of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? And what comes back to us are simply follow-up reports."


"So, we will accept it this time too. Is there any problem with that?"

Baek Cheon found it difficult to come up with a response to these words. Though the situation was a bit unfair for the suddenly implicated Namgung Family, in truth, Mount Hua and the Tang Family had been the ones deciding the affairs of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance so far. Others had merely received updates.

Certainly, it deviated from the initial intention behind the formation of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Even if it wasn't Baek Cheon's fault, the situation where Mount Hua and the Tang Family naturally took the lead in the presence of everyone was enough to trigger the accumulated discontent.

"I apologize for that. However, we did not intend to..."

"No need to explain, Baek Cheon Dojang. There's no discontent. We will just follow your words."

A sigh escaped from Baek Cheon's lips. While he could confront those who attacked openly, dealing with those who taunted like this was much more difficult. From his position as the top disciple of Mount Hua, any words he spoke now could only make the situation worse.

Amidst Baek Cheon's contemplation on what to say, a voice filled with annoyance suddenly echoed.

"Damn sarcasm, these barbarian bastards."

Instantly, disciples of the Ice Palace and Beast Palace turned their attention, but upon seeing the person who had spoken, their half-opened mouths closed.

Im Sobyeong, with a badly battered face, barely able to keep his body upright, radiated irritation. Everyone became solemn at that sight.

"Have you experienced discrimination as much as the members of the Evil Sect have? We were treated like slaves by Mount Hua even before Namgung's arrival, and we've been enduring this until now!"

As Im Sobyeong expressed his anger, the Ice Palace and Beast Palace disciples discreetly avoided eye contact.

"I am Nokrim King! The Nokrim King! If your Palace Lord was here like this, would you all have endured it well, would you? Do you see how I look?"

When Im Sobyeong, with one eye tinted deep blue, boldly expressed his anger, no one could bear to open their mouths. If a Sect Leader from another sect had been treated this way, it would have surely led to a conflict, be it a battle or an all-out war.

However, Im Sobyeong was enduring such treatment without a single complaint. Compared to what Im Sobyeong and Nokrim had suffered, the newcomers were receiving VIP treatment, wouldn't one say?

"That's why all humans, whether they're newcomers or from the Central Plains, are shameless. What have you all done for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance so far that you're making a fuss asking for favors? We, who served as slaves for several years, still can't utter such words!"

"Well, I mean..."


Those who were about to reflexively answer 'because you're from the Evil Sect.' quickly shut their mouths. It was because saying that Evil Sect Members could endure discrimination was not much different from saying that foreigners could do so too.

"If you're going to vent your complaints, suffer in silence for another three years and then come and complain."


"Damn it."

Im Sobyeong, exhausted, sighed deeply as he looked up at the sky.

"Baek Cheon Dojang."

"Yes, Nokrim King."

"You've been hit enough, haven't you?"


With fiery eyes, Im Sobyeong spoke.

"I'm tired of getting hit, so let's find a solution. Now, even watching you all get hit is no longer amusing to me."

Upon hearing this, Baek Cheon's mouth curled up slightly.

"I agree."

"That's right."

Im Sobyeong, with burning determination, glared at the spot where Chung Myung and others had disappeared.

"Let's show these arrogant nobles how terrifying a rebellion can be! Whether it's the emperor or a Sect Leader, we can just punch him in the face..."

"Hold on there!"

That's crossing the line, you Evil Sect bastard!

"Everyone, gather around!"

In response to Im Sobyeong's quick orders that instantly organized the situation, those scattered around began to discreetly gather.

Seeing this scene, Baek Cheon smirked.

'I've done what I can, you damn bastard.'

Baek Cheon sent a silent message to Chung Myung, who was perhaps somewhere silently observing this scene, approached Im Sobyeong with an expression that showed nothing.