Chapter 1160: The Sect Abandoned by All (Part 5)

"Abandoned, you say, Samae."

Baek Cheon furrowed his brows and turned to Yoo Iseol.

The Five Swords had an unspoken understanding between them. The bond they forged while overcoming numerous life-and-death situations together might be even stronger than blood ties.

However, even with such a relationship, Yoo Iseol's statement had clearly crossed a line.

"This situation isn't of our making, is it?"


But Yoo Iseol still responded briefly with an emotionless voice.

"But the results are the same."


"I was just asking."

After saying that much, Yoo Iseol remained silent. Perhaps the discussion could have ended there. If the individuals gathered here were adept at maneuvering in situations and skilled at hiding their thoughts, it might have been the case.

However, unfortunately or fortunately, the conversation did not end there.

"...What's going to happen?"

If Yoo Iseol had to be the one to ask the question, the one who had to continue it would be none other than Yoon Jong.

Yoon Jong's gaze was directed at Im Sobyeong. The one who could understand the situation best. No, the one who could perhaps provide the most objective explanation.

"Then what happens to the Southern Island Sect?"


Im Sobyeong scratched his head awkwardly as if indicating difficulty.

"Of course, those in the Southern Island Sect who are not thoughtless must be aware that there is a high possibility they will be the first to suffer harm. Naturally, they would be planning an escape. Unless they are fools."

"Ah, of course, that's true..."

Then Im Sobyeong added with a shrug of his shoulders.

"But if it was something they could handle on their own, they would have already withdrawn from Southern Island."

Yoon Jong's expression, which had briefly shown relief, stiffened again.

"Perhaps they are still assessing the situation..."

"Are you saying that in a situation like this?"

Unable to answer, Yoon Jong was met with Im Sobyeong's bitter words.

"For you, this situation may seem to have occurred suddenly, but for the Southern Island Sect, it's been a long-standing reality that has touched their flesh. They probably knew they could be pushed into such a situation several years ago. If I were the leader of the Southern Island Sect when the Plum Blossom Incident happened on the Yangtze River, I would have chosen one of two options without looking back. Either escape the island without turning back, or confront the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

"...I guess so."

"Choosing neither of the two means they must have had some circumstances. We don't know what those circumstances are. How can we know what's happening three thousand li away? But... I have some guesses."

"If you could guess...?"

"There are those in the Evil Sect who didn't join the Yangtze River until the end."

"Hao Sect?"



Im Sobyeong lightly tapped his palm with the fan.

"Hao Sect is suitable for monitoring a wide area due to its nature of dealing with information. Anyone with common sense would have entrusted the role of monitoring the Southern Sea to the Hao Sect."

"Wait, for a moment. The Hao sect leader is in Hangzhou..."

"Do you think they need a sect leader for surveillance? That's something the people below should do."


"Perhaps the Hao Sect used the excuse of monitoring the Southern Island Sect to avoid Jang Ilso's pressure until now. Then, the inevitable came, and they completely surrendered to Jang Ilso."

Nodding as if it made sense, Yoon Jong agreed.

"In the end, it means that Jang Ilso has prepared in advance to capture and kill the Southern Island Sect regardless of where they land. That cunning guy wouldn't have left a knife behind him untouched."

Jo Gol seemed unable to understand, and he tilted his head.

"No, if that's the case, couldn't they have removed them earlier? Why did they leave them until now..."

"Attacking a sect belonging to the Ten Great Sects is almost like declaring war on the entire Ten Great Sects. It wouldn't have been a choice that Jang Ilso could make. At least until the Plum Blossom Island Incident."

Jo Gol's mouth was sealed in response to that explanation. Instead, Yoon Jong asked again.

"It seems like the conversation has diverged a bit, but... so what happens to the Southern Island Sect?"

"Well. I don't know why you're asking me that, Yoon Jong Dojang."

Im Sobyeong smiled.

"Are you pretending not to know even though you clearly know? Are you trying to act nice, as if you're frustrated with a situation you can't do anything about?"

In response to the sarcastic words, the other Five Swords were about to get angry, but Yoon Jong calmly accepted Im Sobyeong's words.

"I just wanted to confirm the Nokrim King's opinion."

His unwavering eyes stared at Im Sobyeong.

"My thoughts are lacking and brief. So, I wanted to hear the thoughts of someone who reads the situation much better than I do. That way, I can make a more accurate choice without mistakes."

Silently gazing at Yoon Jong, Im Sobyeong then momentarily looked embarrassed and scratched his head.

"I'm sorry. I said something unnecessary."

Im Sobyeong, who nodded apologetically, spoke candidly.

"Jang Ilso is not someone who leaves behind regrets. And he is not the kind of person who would talk nonsense like dominating all the righteous sects. The scary thing about Jang Ilso is that he sounds like an ambitious dreamer, yet the ways he realizes his dreams are so realistic to the point of being ruthless."


"Isn't it obvious then what path that Jang Ilso will choose?"

Im Sobyeong's eyes darkened.

"No one will survive."


"Even if they have to search and kill like villains. Everyone under the name of the Southern Island Sect, child or adult, will be eradicated."

A silence as still as a dead mouse filled the room. After a while, the one who opened his mouth was, of course, Yoon Jong.

"...Is there a reason to go that far?"

"Well, of course there is a reason."

Im Sobyeong replied nonchalantly.

"When the Evil Tyrant Alliance enters the northern lands, wouldn't it be the case that the small fry and hesitant ones won't be able to resist?"

"Small fry and hesitant ones?"

"Small sects, hermits, those living in seclusion, those who can hinder behind the scenes and aim for supply lines when the Evil Tyrant Alliance enters the Central Plains from the Yangtze River."

Im Sobyeong bit his tongue.

"From the perspective of the Evil Sect, they are the ones who have been repeatedly thwarting their ability to conquer the Central Plains."


"It's about setting an example for those individuals. If those who are hostile to the Evil Tyrant Alliance are crushed such that even a baby ant can't escape, then the small and medium-sized sects that would have joined the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance to fight together would hesitate, and even those who would've risk their lives to fight would hesitate for once."

Yoon Jong's face twisted.

"Just for such a reason... Just to set an example, they would resort to such brutal means?"

"Just for such a reason?"

But Im Sobyeong, instead of answering, looked at Yoon Jong with a sarcastic glance.

"Dojang, what do you think we're doing now? Do you think what we're doing is just a soldier game where neighborhood children run around holding sticks?"


"This is war."

Not an overwhelmingly surprising statement. However, this statement made those who were here for the first time truly feel the current situation.

"Do not think about cooperation and righteousness in war, Dojang. In war, victory is the key, and the winner takes all."

"Even so..."

"Well, that's right."

"Chung Myung!"

"Actually, it'd be more accurate to say, 'No one remembers the defeated.' "

Yoon Jong bit his lips in silence. Chung Myung looked at him for a moment then spoke to Im Sobyeong.

"But that's not everything, is it?"

When Chung Myung looked at him with a transparent gaze, Im Sobyeong let out a small sigh and scratched his head.

"…That's right. In the past, I might have said that that was all there is to it."

As Yoon Jong and Im Sobyeong each took a step back, the atmosphere settled into a subdued state.


In that quiet atmosphere, Tang Gunak spoke up.

"…It's unfortunate about the Southern Island Sect, but I don't think there's much we can do about it."

A long sigh escaped from him.

"In the first place, the Southern Island Sect isn't even affiliated with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. In fact, offering them a helping hand first might be going too far, considering they're not even under our jurisdiction. If they had reached out to us first, that would be another matter, but offering help to them first is somewhat excessive."

"Yes, it's excessive."

The one who responded was none other than Baek Cheon.

"But Gaju-nim, if someone doesn't do such an excessive act, the Southern Island Sect is really going to crumble."

"True. Baek Cheon Do…"


In a calm voice, Baek Cheon continued.

"There have been times when I earnestly wished someone would do such an excessive act."


"I couldn't outright ask for help, and I couldn't bow my head due to pride, but I wished for it more earnestly than anyone else."


"If we turn away from the Southern Island Sect here, both the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will abandon them. They won't be able to receive help from anywhere."

Now, Namgung Dowi, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth.

"I share the same thoughts."

Feeling Tang Gunak's gaze, Namgung Dowi smiled wryly.

"Thanks to that reckless help, I am alive here now. I know better than anyone the feelings of someone surrounded, waiting for death."


"If you need someone to go there, please let me know. Namgung won't hesitate."

"Look, Sogaju. If someone doesn't…"

"For the sake of many things in the future, I don't think turning away from what needs to be done now is the path for Namgung."


"In that case, it would be more fitting for Namgung to die for a righteous cause."

Tang Gunak looked at Hyun Jong without realizing it. Hyun Jong merely closed his eyes with a stern expression.

When Tang Gunak, feeling frustrated, was about to say something, he heard a faint laughter in his ear. Turning his head, he saw Chung Myung smiling mysteriously.

"The sect abandoned by all... Yes, that's a story I've heard a lot somewhere."

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

Chung Myung's cold gaze pierced through Baek Cheon and Namgung Dowi simultaneously.

"But know this clearly. Don't think that you can pay for that failure with your deaths. That failure could lead to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's defeat and the Evil Tyrant Alliance's victory. Then, your retribution would drag everyone here into hell."


"Do you think the others are keeping their mouths shut because they lack righteousness? Grow up, you rotten brats."

Baek Cheon bit his lip and glared at Chung Myung.

"So, what do you want to do? Just turn away?"


Just as Chung Myung was about to say something.

"Ma, Maengju-nim!"

An urgent voice came from outside the door.

"What's going on?"

Hyun Jong, sensing the urgency in the voice, quickly shouted and asked. Soon, words that made everyone in the room doubt their ears were heard.

"S, Shaolin Bangjang is here!"

"…What did you say?"

Hyun Jong's eyes widened until they couldn't get any bigger.