Chapter 1171: A Man Who Can't Even Answer (Part 1)


Im Sobyeong lightly waved the fan in his hand.

"So, such stories were exchanged. Interesting."

Namgung Dowi looked at Im Sobyeong with a slightly bitter and displeased expression. Even Meng So and Seol So Baek sitting beside him felt the same.

'I don't even understand myself.'

It was true that his chest felt tight. So, he wanted to open up and talk with someone, anyone. But was there any reason for that 'someone' to be this man?

Nevertheless, strangely, Namgung Dowi's steps led him here. It was somewhat natural that he ended up sitting with the palace lords who were with Im Sobyeong. Of course, after he sat down, it didn't look particularly natural...

"So, how did others react?"

"Well, if you call it a reaction..."

What could he say to convey the atmosphere?

Namgung Dowi had never thought of himself as someone lacking in words. But accurately conveying the subtle atmosphere in that place was not easy.

Even so, Im Sobyeong was sharp. Sharp individuals could draw the situation in their minds even without perfect communication.

"I roughly understand."

Just like now. Im Sobyeong, who anticipated the reactions of others with just Namgung Dowi's expression, smiled subtly.

"Hmm, what can I say... Beopjeong did hit a sore spot quite skillfully, but..."

Im Sobyeong glanced at Namgung Dowi.

"It was unexpected that those who heard his words reacted like that."

"Unexpected, you say?"

"Yes. Quite unexpected. Isn't this a fact that everyone clearly knows?"

Namgung Dowi sighed involuntarily as Im Sobyeong's blank gaze focused on him. Im Sobyeong continued.

"From the beginning, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was such a place. Were the people who came here led only by the two characters 'Mount Hua'?"

In response to those words, not only Namgung Dowi but also Seol So Baek and Meng So were unable to reply.

"No. Everyone gathered was drawn by the two characters 'Chung Myung.' Even if Mount Hua had done the same things as it did now, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would never have been created if the main actor of those events wasn't Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, Chung Myung Dojang."

"…That's not wrong."

 Meng So, with his arms crossed, nodded heavily.

He, too, couldn't help but empathize with Im Sobyeong's words, as someone who saw Chung Myung's potential and joined forces with the Mount Hua Sect.

"But on the flip side, it also means that Heavenly Comrade Alliance is a place where the sacrifice of someone known as Chung Myung, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, is necessary for its establishment."

"The word 'sacrifice' is a bit..."

Namgung Dowi frowned, unable to agree.

"Namgung never demanded the blood of Chung Myung Dojang. The reason we were drawn to Mount Hua was due to the principles and character shown by Chung Myung Dojang, not because we thought he would act as a shield for us."

"...Let's first ignore how absurd it is to apply the word 'character' to that guy for now."

Im Sobyeong cleared his throat and looked at Namgung Dowi with a slightly darkened gaze.

"Well. What Namgung Sogaju says is not entirely wrong. The reason Namgung Sogaju followed Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was not because of the sacrifice he showed but rather because of the heroic deeds he demonstrated."

Namgung Dowi nodded.

When he sought help from the Mount Hua Sect, Chung Myung drew his sword without a moment's hesitation and headed towards Plum Blossom Island. Namgung Dowi would never forget that sight.

The righteousness people always spoke of.

At that moment, he keenly felt the desperation to see the back of someone who actually practiced that righteousness.

"But... in the end, it's the same thing."


"Because heroic deeds are not much different extremely dangerous ventures."

"No, how is that...?"

Im Sobyeong sneered faintly.

"Of course, Namgung Sogaju would like to argue that the essence of heroic deeds is not danger but the righteousness contained within it... but is that really the case? If Chung Myung Dojang had easily slaughtered the pirates when he went to Plum Blossom Island, would Namgung Sogaju have evaluated his actions the same way?"


Im Sobyeong chuckled.

"It may be amusing, but it's not like that. People judge based on 'what someone did.' Therefore, even if it's the same pirate subjugation, if a prestigious disciple easily accomplishes it, it becomes a reasonable thing to do. However, if a commoner from a small village fights for his life, it becomes a beautiful story that touches people's hearts."

As Namgung Dowi fell silent, Im Sobyeong shrugged his shoulders.

"In other words, the more we evaluate and praise Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword's righteousness, and the more the world believes and follows the principles of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the more Chung Myung's Dojang becomes trapped in the prison of those principles."

Namgung Dowi bit his lip tightly. Even if he wanted to deny it, a convincing counterargument didn't come to mind. Wasn't the situation already spiraling out of control?

"So, in the end, Heavenly Comrade Alliance is inevitably built upon the sacrifice of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. Perhaps Namgung Sogaju is thinking about the battles with the Evil Tyrant Alliance and Demonic Sect, but in your mind, what do you see Chung Myung Dojang doing?"


He couldn't finish his sentence. A sigh escaped his lips.

Fighting at the forefront. Cruelly.

Although Chung Myung was the leader of countless people and shone brighter than anyone else, Namgung Dowi found it hard to deny. The brightest place was often also the most dangerous place.

"Remember this, Namgung Sogaju. There exist humans who, without caring for themselves, recklessly engage in unprecedented actions. Most of those people die. However, one in a million, one in ten million, maybe one in hundreds of years."

Im Sobyeong tightly gripped the fan.

"Even after committing those crazy acts, there are those who miraculously survive until the end. Do you know what the world calls such people?"

"What... what do they call them?"


The word 'heroes' no longer sounded like a compliment.

Im Sobyeong looked at Namgung Dowi with a mocking expression.

"In Namgung Sogaju's imagination, after all wars have ended, Chung Myung Dojang would have become a hero, wouldn't he?"

The words sounded as if it were none other than Namgung Dowi who was pushing Chung Myung into hell. Therefore, Namgung Dowi couldn't raise his head at that moment.


At that moment, Seol So Baek, who had been quietly listening to Im Sobyeong's words, spoke up.

"Is the Nokrim King different?"

Im Sobyeong smiled slyly and replied.

"How could it be different? I also know very well that I'm a parasite leeching off that Chung Myung Dojang."


"However... Well, I don't know. It's hard to say who is worse between those who know and use people and those who, while claiming ignorance, gradually push people towards a cliff. Of course, if they come back alive from that cliff, they might become heroes..."

Listening to this, Meng So frowned and interjected.

"Nokrim King, your sarcasm seems a bit excessive."


"In the first place, it's not as if others forced Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword into something he didn't want. Others, too, were merely drawn to the path that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword walked. Such individuals inevitably appear dazzling to ordinary people."


A hint of amusement flashed in Im Sobyeong's eyes as he looked at Meng So.

"You're absolutely right. It's just that I find it quite comical to act like I'm shocked anew by that obvious fact."

"Let's leave it at that."

"Yes, let's do that."

Im Sobyeong gracefully stepped back. Perhaps wanting to break the awkward atmosphere, Meng So casually asked Im Sobyeong.

"So, what do you think, Nokrim King?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you think Shaolin's proposal will be accepted by Mount Hua?"


Im Sobyeong chuckled as if finding it amusing and scratched his cheek.

"Conversely, I would like to ask what do the two palace lords think? It seems change might be inevitable."

"...As long as the promise is kept, it's not a bad proposal from our perspective."


In response to Meng So's casual answer, Seol So Baek was surprised and asked.

"Palace Lord! Will you accept that proposal?"

"Calm Down, Prince Seol." [I'm calling him "prince" now...I like it...]

Meng So nodded slightly.

"It's difficult to compare Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword and Beopjeong. In the first place, trusting Shaolin is not an easy matter."

"Yes! Of course."

"If it were now, I'd naturally choose Mount Hua. Because Mount Hua has the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

"Yes. I think the same..."

"But will Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword still be there a hundred years from now?"


Seol So Baek remained silent.

"In a hundred years, Shaolin will still be the North Star of the Central Plains. And they will likely remember the promise made by the previous sect leader. However... what will become of Mount Hua a hundred years from now is uncertain."


Seol So Baek, who seemed to have something to counter, subtly closed his mouth. Because Meng So's words were not wrong.

"Personally, I don't want to join hands with Shaolin. However, as a palace lord, rejecting the hand Shaolin extends is not something any sect in the world can afford to do. Especially for a new foreign sect like ours."


"As the palace lord, prioritizing my own feelings would not be right. Where is the guarantee that my judgment won't be resented by future generations?"

Seol So Baek bowed deeply.

"But it's also the duty of a sect leader to uphold the loyalty to Mount Hua, which has been cared for all this time. So, I will simply follow whatever decision the Maengju makes. That's only reasonable."

Oh, with a slight exclamation, Im Sobyeong looked at Seol So Baek.

"What about you, Prince Seol?"


Unable to give a clear answer, Seol So Baek hesitated, and Im Sobyeong nodded as if understanding.

"I understand. Actually, that is the most correct opinion."

"So? What's your answer to my question?"

"Frankly, from Nokrim's perspective, it'd be better for us if they rejected Shaolin. In this situation, Shaolin won't kick out Nokrim, but holding the same treatment as now would be difficult."

"Will you be pushed to a lower priority in the aftermath of the war?"

"Yes, that's correct. So, personally, I hope for that side, but..."

Im Sobyeong unfolded a fan, covering half of his face.

"However, this time, the proposal brought by Beopjeong was too exquisite. Maybe this time... it won't be easy for the Maengju and the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to reject that proposal."

"But haven't they never not rejected any proposals so far? Then the probability of it being the same this time is not very low."

"That's because everything they have done so far has aligned with the principles of preserving lives. But this time, the circumstances are different. Think about it. If they reject this proposal and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance stands alone against the Evil Tyrant Alliance..."

Meng So nodded as if understanding.

"…All the blood that needs to be shed due to insufficient strength will become the responsibility of those two."

"That's right. That choice may end up leading even more people to death. So, it's not an easy decision, is it?"

Meng So sighed. It was a truly difficult situation.

"It was a reality we would eventually have to face, but I never expected it to come in this way. The leader of Shaolin is undoubtedly not someone to be ignored."

Im Sobyeong's gaze turned toward the open window.

"I'm curious too. What choice will he make when everything he has believed in up until now may end up harming what he was trying to protect?"

At these words, Namgung Dowi let out a heavy, prolonged sigh.

Feeling the thickened air, Im Sobyeong stared at the moon partially covered by clouds.

"It looks like it's going to be a long night."

For him and for everyone else.

Especially for one person, it would be an excessively long night.