Chapter 1178: I Have Something To Say (Part 3)

Jo Gol clenched his fist tightly. He didn't mean to eavesdrop. He had just come to pay his respects, and the words that happened to come out were not something he intended to hear.

However, at the moment, it wasn't important why he heard the words flowing out from inside. The content was a hundred times more important than such trivial matters.

Something surged in his chest.

Someone tightly grabbed his shoulders as he tried to rush inside without considering the consequences.

Jo Gol, unable to hide his intense emotions, turned his head sharply. But Jo Gol, who seemed like he would shout at any moment, meekly dropped his head when he confirmed the person who held his shoulders.

Baek Cheon.

With an extremely firm expression, he pointed his head and gestured for Jo Gol to keep quiet. Baek Cheon, who sent a signal to keep silent, pulled Jo Gol behind him. In the strength in his hand, there was a determination not to tolerate any resistance.

Jo Gol was dragged away without resistance, far from Sect Leader's residence. Only then did Baek Cheon release Jo Gol and looked at him with stern eyes.

"Didn't Sect Leader say that whatever choice is made, we must follow without question?"

"But... but, Sasuk."

"They must have thought ten times more and felt a hundred times more bitter than you. Shouting and crying won't change anything."

Jo Gol's shoulders slumped.

"Damn it."

Why, for some reason, did he not understand? He had prepared his heart throughout his time here, knowing Baek Cheon's intentions. Yet, the tumultuous emotions were beyond his control. He had cherished the Heavenly Comrade Alliance more than he thought.

And it seemed the sentiments of others, not just Jo Gol, were not much different. Although they couldn't openly agree, the expressions of the surrounding Five Swords were not pleasant.


A sigh that Yoon Jong couldn't hold back escaped his lips.

"I thought about it to some extent, but... it felt strange when it actually happened in front of me."

"Oh, really?"

Baek Cheon looked at Yoon Jong intently.

"I said I couldn't choose, but in my heart, I've already made some decisions."


Jo Gol's shoulders sagged.

"Rather than being indecisive, that's probably better."

Baek Cheon, as if it were trivial, moved on. Unable to bear it any longer, Jo Gol raised his voice.

"Sasuk. But isn't this going too far?"

Baek Cheon turned silently to look at Jo Gol.

"Even though it's an unsolvable problem, they could at least listen to our story once...."


The one who interrupted was Yoo Iseol. Unlike usual, she glared at Jo Gol with icy eyes. Jo Gol flinched.


"Sect Leader's decision."

He couldn't say anything and chewed on his lips anxiously.

"Samae is right."


And Baek Cheon, too, was more stern than usual.

"Aren't you a disciple of Mount Hua?"


"The one deciding the direction of Mount Hua is none other than the Sect Leader. Seeking the opinions of the disciples is also the choice of the Sect Leader, not an obligation that must be fulfilled."


"If you are a disciple of Mount Hua, even if there are parts that don't align with your will, you must believe and follow the Sect Leader's words. Must I explain even the obvious things to you?"

Jo Gol dropped his head weakly. Baek Cheon slowly raised his head, observing Jo Gol.

"Mount Hua has granted its disciples authority that no other sect would dare to ask for. That's because the Sect Leader is exceptionally outstanding. In that case, you should be grateful, and what you've enjoyed so far should not be considered a natural right."


Listening to their conversation, Yoon Jong, with a troubled expression, spoke.

"Don't push Gol too hard, Sasuk. He's just saying this because he's upset."

"Just because you're upset doesn't mean you can say anything."

"Then why don't you just tell us to keep our mouths shut on a regular basis?"

A moment of silence passed. Baek Cheon looked at Yoon Jong with unreadable eyes. But even under that gaze, Yoon Jong did not back down.

The gazes of the two clashed briefly in the air.

"I understand that you don't like the idea of Gol contesting Sect Leader's decision. But wasn't Mount Hua a place that allowed that from the beginning?"


Instead of Baek Cheon, Yoo Iseol's eyes slightly narrowed as she spoke.



The two from the Baek line and the two from the Chung line confronted each other. The moment the surrounding air seemed to subside, Tang Soso weakly cleared her throat.

"Maybe... can't we just listen to each other?"

All four turned to look at Tang Soso.

"If we listen... If we make a decision together, we all have to take responsibility for it together."


"If we listen..."

Yoon Jong tightly closed his eyes.

After letting out a deep sigh, he opened his eyes and bowed his head towards Baek Cheon.

"I'm sorry, Sasuk. I spoke without thinking..."

"No, don't be disheartened."

Baek Cheon finished the matter casually, as if it were insignificant, but Yoo Iseol's gaze towards Yoon Jong and Jo Gol remained cold. Yoo Iseol, who had a deep affection for Hyun Jong, seemed to still be unhappy about the way they didn't accept the decision Sect Leader made.

Baek Cheon spoke with a stern voice.

"Listen, everyone."


"There's no way they didn't know we were listening outside."


"But even so, the reason they didn't not stop the conversation was probably because they thought we should hear and know first. We should be grateful for that consideration."


Baek Cheon stared at the two for a moment and then said.

"There's no perfect choice that satisfies everyone in the world. Eventually, we can only push forward the direction we believe is better. Those who don't choose and don't take responsibility should not judge the choices of those who carry the burden of responsibility, whether they are right or wrong."

"We will keep that in mind."


Baek Cheon nodded.

"Go back to your places. Sect Leader will call you soon."

Without waiting for a response, Baek Cheon turned away. A cold atmosphere lingered. Yoo Iseol, Tang Soso, and Hye Yeon, who had been watching his departing figure somewhat awkwardly, also left.

"...I'm sorry, Sahyung. It's because of me."

When only Yoon Jong and Jo Gol remained, Jo Gol sighed and apologized. However, Yoon Jong firmly shook his head.

"It's enough. You don't need to apologize. Isn't Mount Hua a place where anyone, in any situation, can say what they want?"



Yoon Jong lightly tapped Jo Gol's shoulder.

"You're fine as you are."


He smiled silently at Jo Gol and then gazed at Baek Cheon, who was walking away in the distance.

He understood. Yes, he understood. From the perspective of the person at the top, it must have been Baek Cheon's role to believe in Sect Leader's decision and resolve any potential dissatisfaction. But... '

At least, it shouldn't have been said like that, Sasuk.'

Yoon Jong, looking at Baek Cheon's diminishing figure, turned his cold face away.

"Let's go."


The two walked silently towards their respective living quarters.

* * *

In the early morning, around the time when the dew had dried, two figures walked slowly towards the manor where the Heavenly Comrade Alliance stayed.

The solemn Beopjeong, symbolizing Shaolin, and Jonglihyung following him as if guarding.

Jonglihyung glanced at the seemingly serene Beopjeong, who looked comfortable, and smiled.

"You seem to be in a good mood, Bangjang."

"Is that so?"

Beopjeong showed a rare expression of slight self-consciousness.

"I'm embarrassed. I can't help but show my inner feelings when I think that a matter I've been struggling with for a long time will finally be resolved."

"Haha. Well, why wouldn't you?"

Jonglihyung replied with a smile, taking a sip of his tea.

In most cases, Beopjeong rarely revealed emotions on his face. Was a giant a giant for no reason? However, for Beopjeong, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was a sensitive issue, sensitive enough to make even him unable to completely hide his emotions.

Jonglihyung asked.

"We'll receive a good answer, right?"

"I believe so."

Jonglihyung nodded in response to the returned answer. However, he slightly furrowed his brows, as if something bothered him.

"But, Bangjang. Although I believe in what you said... still, I have concerns. According to Bangjang, there is no telling what Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword will do..."

"That won't happen."

Beopjeong shook his head.

"I understand what you're concerned about. Surely, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is a place with a strange structure. The Sect Leader of Mount Hua, the head of the Tang Family, the leader of Nokrim, and the successor of Namgung, even the lord of the Beast Palace, are all gathered there. But ironically, the one determining the direction of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is a young child."

Jonglihyung nodded.

It was indeed difficult to understand, but considering what Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword had done so far, one couldn't simply scoff at it being wrong.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is an unpredictable entity. At least, that's how it appears from the outside. So, aren't you worried that he might change his mind and turn in an unpredictable direction?"

"Yes, that's right. Because I've heard and seen so much..."

"But this time, such a thing will not happen."


Jonglihyung asked, and Beopjeong nodded.

"Because the Sect Leader of Mount Hua is none other than Hyun Jong. If it were an ordinary sect leader, they would hesitate in a situation like this. Because they wouldn't easily bear the responsibility of the consequences brought about by their choice."

"Yes, that's true."

Didn't Jonglihyung also hold similar thoughts? This was an event with far-reaching consequences that could not be led solely by the will of an ordinary sect leader.

"But a person like Hyun Jong never retreats in situations like this. He knows that the moment he defers his choice, all responsibility for those choices falls on Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."



Beopjeong let out a solemn chant.

"So, Hyun Jong will never delegate the authority for this choice to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. Even if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword changes his mind, this time, Hyun Jong will decisively use the authority of Mount Hua Sect's leader to make the decision. By doing so, he can protect Mount Hua and Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword by taking on any blame that may arise in the future."

"To that extent..."

"He's an exceptional person. That's why he is someone to be respected."

Beopjeong spoke softly and let out a small sigh.

"This time, Hyun Jong's disposition will lead everything in an orderly manner. Fortunately for us, he is an unparalleled Taoist and a virtuous man. Moreover, the fact that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is strangely determined to protect only the honor of his sect leader's name, no matter what, is something we can be grateful for."

"It is truly exquisite."

Jonglihyung nodded continuously.

Beopjeong was claiming he was fortunate his opponent was so elevated, but what was truly remarkable was Beopjeong's ability to accurately grasp the disposition of such opponents and lead them into a situation where they could not possibly withdraw.

"So, now, please stop harboring the intention to subdue them. It's time for them to become our allies and face the common enemies together. Shouldn't Sect Leader Jonglihyung set an example first?"

"I will keep it in mind, repeatedly."


Beopjeong smiled. Then, after gazing at the manor for a moment, he calmly shifted his foot.

"Let's go. It's not a wise thing to delay time too much."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

The two walked towards the courtyard.

As they approached, Beopjeong's eyes sank deeply.

'Now, everything will be set right.'

They had come a long way, but ultimately, the result might have been better than if they had arrived quickly.

The sects under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had become stronger than before, and Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects had become more capable of accepting them entirely.

'Now, only the final step remains.'

There must be no surprises. As Beopjeong checked the final step in his mind, the door to the manor finally opened.

A group of stern-looking individuals came out to greet Beopjeong and Jonglihyung.