Chapter 1187: The Path We Will Continue To Walk (Part 2)

The will of Mount Hua. The righteousness of Mount Hua.

No one immediately understood what those words exactly meant.

If those present had not observed the previous situation, they might have dismissed it as lip service that only an inexperienced youth who had just been appointed the position of Sect Leadercould utter.

However, those who had witnessed the situation from the beginning felt a strange resonance in those words.

It might be something that only those burdened with a certain level of responsibility could empathize with, a dissonance between reality and ideals.

Everyone learns. Everyone pledges. To uphold the righteousness and pursue justice.

Wasn't it natural for everyone to harbor dreams of a clear sky when they first wielded a sword or entered the martial world?

Yet, once they learned of the ruthlessness of the martial world and the price of righteous words, they might refrain from using the term "righteousness" again.

That's why Baek Cheon's words carried weight. Mount Hua was no longer just a small sect in Shaanxi. With an increased standing, it bore a significant burden. And yet, the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua was speaking of righteousness.

How long had it been since such a scene unfolded before their eyes?

"Will and..."

Beopjeong spoke with an enigmatic voice.


A relaxed smile appeared on his lips.

"Although your words may sound like Shaolin lacks will and righteousness, have I misunderstood, Deputy Sect Leader?"

Baek Cheon received Beopjeong's words with an even broader smile.

"Of course, that was not my intention. I simply wanted to convey that the ways in which we pursue righteousness may differ."

Beopjeong slowly nodded.

"Deputy Sect Leader, I cannot deny the courage embedded in your words. Perhaps the reason why the elderly should listen to the words of the young is that the elderly have already lost such courage."

While it seemed like a commendation of Baek Cheon's words, there was a subtle undertone. It could be interpreted as meaning that, besides courage, there was nothing else in Baek Cheon's words.

"Unfortunately, courage alone does not seem sufficient as an answer to my question."

Beopjeong raised his head, musing.

"The intentions of Mount Hua and Shaolin differ. Therefore, we cannot walk the same path."

Slightly lifting his gaze, he looked at Baek Cheon with dark eyes. It was a penetrating gaze that felt like it could freeze one in place. There was an icy chill in the air, making it hard not to shudder.

"With such an answer, it is not easy for the world to accept the situation and step back. Deputy Sect Leader, surely you understand that considering the stance of an individual, let alone a whole sect, is not an easy task?"

Baek Cheon closed his eyes affirmatively.

He, too, understood. Ideals were ideals, and reality was reality.

"If we take the time to consider each individual's position, it will eventually become chaotic. If Deputy Sect Leader cannot provide a proper counterargument, I can only accept that Mount Hua is prioritizing its own aspirations over the well-being of the world."

Whether it was words that scratched at emotions, pointed out logical flaws, or even criticized Beopjeong's attitude, none could shake the steadfastness of Beopjeong, who stood like an enduring rock.

'This is why it's frightening.'

Tang Gunak found himself unconsciously biting his lips.

The terrifying aspect lies in those who used justice as their cause. That was why countless heroes of the past had risked their lives to win that cause.

Until now, the unequivocal justice of the world belonged to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. But at this moment, that justice was firmly held in the hands of Beopjeong.

No matter what Baek Cheon said, wouldn't a counterargument be possible with such words, 'Is Mount Hua turning away from the common people trapped in chaos and asserting only its own will?'

Of course, he could ignore it. If acknowledged, then so be it. However, in exchange for that, Mount Hua would have to lose many things. Since Mount Hua had not yet completely gained the support of the people, it had even more to lose.

Tang Gunak looked at Baek Cheon, who closed his eyes as if he was thinking.

'It's alright, Dojang...'

Tang Gunak didn't expect Baek Cheon to perfectly refute those words. It would be too harsh a demand on Baek Cheon, who had just become the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua. The responsibility for bringing the situation to this point in the first place lay with others, so it was somewhat absurd to demand a resolution from the one who inherited it.

Even if you lose something, even if there is a bitter pill to swallow, just stick to your argument.

Mount Hua won't be left alone to bear everything.

That's the meaning of saying they will follow Mount Hua's decision. It doesn't mean they will use Mount Hua as a shield. Just as Mount Hua willingly shares the fruits of its decisions with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the responsibility that Mount Hua should bear if it loses will also be shared.

The burden was still too heavy for the young Baek Cheon to shoulder alone. Although Tang Gunak was relatively young among sect leaders, in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the only one older than him was Meng So.

So, Tang Gunak, who had made up his mind, opened his mouth to intervene in the conversation. However, Baek Cheon spoke faster.

"Bangjang-nim keeps making the same point to me."

Baek Cheon's expression was extremely calm.

"If Bangjang-nim doesn't understand one thing, it will ultimately be a repetition of the same conversation."

"...What must this humble monk understand?"

"As an individual, I may be lacking, but the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua can never be insufficient. The position of the Deputy Sect Leader represents the will of the sect before it represents the martial arts skills. Now, I will prove that fact."

Baek Cheon narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Beopjeong.

"Bangjang-nim's justice is 'saving more people is right.' Is that correct?"

"It's not that simple. More accurately, it is closer to the idea that we must do our best for the security of the world."

"While the packaging is excellent, ultimately, it means sacrificing those who don't need to be sacrificed. Isn't that right?"

Beopjeong furrowed his brows.

"Deputy Sect Leader. No one appreciates sacrifices. There is no one who would willingly sacrifice those who can be saved. If one is driven to do irreversible deeds by greed, the entire price will be borne by the people of the world. For how long does Mount Hua plan to stick to an impractical ideal that doesn't match reality?"

In response to his words, Baek Cheon raised his head.

"That is correct. But that is also an invalid point."

"Why is that so?"

"To sacrifice fewer lives for the sake of saving more is ultimately nothing more than weighing human lives on a scale."


For the first time, a smirk escaped from Beopjeong's lips, who had maintained utmost respect for Baek Cheon until now.

"Is that the logic of Mount Hua?"

He asked with a sarcasm that couldn't hide his disbelief.

"Human lives have no hierarchy. Each one is precious. Who wouldn't know that? But that's just an ideal. One death and a thousand deaths. If you had to choose one of the two, Deputy Sect Leader, what would you choose?"


"There is no hierarchy, and because they have equal value, the lives of more people may be more valuable than the lives of fewer people."

"Is that so?"

The corner of Baek Cheon's mouth twisted subtly.

"I understand the meaning of what Bangjang wants to say. However, that statement merely implies the distinction in the weight of human lives. Whatever the criteria may be, it's just a statement."

"That's not what I said..."

"How about one and ten?"

Beopjeong's face twisted. He felt that this was nothing more than a futile argument was nothing more than hanging on the tail of a horse.

'Was he just this?'

Although he had to restrain himself because of his position, the logic was so pitiful that it could shatter the good impression he had of Baek Cheon. Beopjeong did not see the value of continuing this meaningless debate.

"It seems meaningless to say more..."


It was at that moment that Baek Cheon's complexion changed.

"Then let me ask you, Bangjang, in reverse."

"...What are you talking about?"

"Since Bangjang said you could make a decision, let me ask you in reverse. When everyone is the same, which is more important, one life or a thousand lives?"

Beopjeong hesitated for a moment. He felt an instinctive sense that there was something hidden in the question, even though it was the same question.

But what could be drawn from a question that set the condition as being the same?

"As a Buddhist, I cannot choose, but as the leader of Shaolin, I would naturally choose a thousand. Because we cannot compare each other's values, choosing even one more person is the right thing to do. You can't turn away just because the choice is difficult! That's responsibility. Deputy Sect Leader!"

"Of course, I respect Bangjang's thoughts. In the end, you are saying that sacrificing one to save a thousand is right. Is that correct?"


Beopjeong nodded affirmatively, exhausted from speaking further. At this point, even if Baek Cheon tried to catch the tail of the conversation, it would be nothing but forced.

However, Baek Cheon's subsequent question was something Beopjeong had never imagined. Baek Cheon's eyes sharpened as if piercing through Beopjeong.

"Then, Bangjang, if you had to choose between one person's life and the money to feed a thousand, which one would you choose?"

The expression in Beopjeong's eyes momentarily dulled. It wasn't due to absurdity, but rather the difficulty in understanding what Baekcheon was trying to ask.

"What is this..."

"I'll ask again. If sacrificing one person's life could obtain ten thousand gold to save a thousand lives starving to death, what would you do? Would you sacrifice one life to save a thousand?"

Beopjeong's tightly closed lips gradually parted on their own.

'What is this...'

The question only changed slightly. Nothing else had changed. However, if he were to answer here, wouldn't he become someone who chose money over human lives?

When Bangjang didn't immediately respond and hesitated, Baek Cheon asked again.

"Is money the issue? Then what about grains? If sacrificing one person's life could obtain grains to save a thousand lives, would you choose grains over people?"

"This... What is this, Deputy Sect Leader..."

"Is even grains difficult? Then how about using fertilizer to grow grains? If it means obtaining abundant fertilizer to grow grains, wouldn't that be more important than one person's life for Bangjang?"

"Deputy Sect Leader!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Beopjeong rose from his seat. Vitality surged from his eyes. It was the aura emitted by Beopjeong, the Leader of the Shaolin Sect. It was something that no one in the world could easily withstand.

But Baek Cheon didn't back down an inch.

"Please sit. My words are not finished yet."

"Why resort to sophistry...!"

"Why would it be sophistry? If, as Bangjang said, the means to save a thousand lives is more important than saving one person, then what's the problem if his life is considered less valuable than a pile of fertilizer?"

"Look here, Deputy Sect Leader!"

"From the start!"

Baek Cheon raised his voice. Flames ignited in his eyes.

"Comparing the incomparable! Choosing the unchoosable! If you end up dividing the value of everything in the world, then you evaluate what shouldn't be evaluated, and depreciate what shouldn't be depreciated!"

Beopjeong bit his lip as if his mouth was sealed shut.

"First, the lives of those of the Southern Island Sect!"

Baek Cheon's eyes burned with fire.

"Then the lives of their allies surrounded by enemies! After that, the lives of those who fell in battle at the front! Following that, the lives of their elders! Then the lives of young disciples who haven't become a force yet! The words that it's possible to abandon something of less valuable by weighing and giving up, is that any different from abandoning everything in this world?"


"Abandon! Abandon! Abandon again and again! If you keep discarding even what shouldn't be lost, how do you intend to protect anything! Where are the 'many more people' you speak of, Bangjang? Where are all the 'people under the heavens' you mention!"


"How can someone who discards those who believe in and follow them, treating them like sacrificial pawns, claim to protect those considered utterly valueless? Bangjang speaks of the people under the heavens, but isn't the one who devalues them ultimately Bangjang? If that is the righteousness of Shaolin, and if that is the righteousness of Bangjang!"

Baek Cheon gritted his teeth and drove his point home.

"Then Mount Hua will never join in such righteousness."