Chapter 1194: Why Is This Happening? (Part 4)

At the very moment when rumors, faster than the wind, swept through the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's headquarters.

"Well then, Sect Leader. I'll leave now."

"Hmm, alright."

The disciples of Mount Hua, who were discussing Beopjeong's response and how to deal with the damage caused by other sects, finished their discussions.

Sect Leader Hyun Jong raised his head, pondering as he spoke.

"Let's discuss the details and future directions separately at another time."

"Yes, we'll do that."

As Baek Cheon stood up, the other members of The Five Swords also rose from their seats.


After a respectful nod, Baek Cheon turned and left the room.

With a thud, the door closed, prompting Hyun Young to anxiously speak up.

"No, Sect Leader!"

"...What more nagging do you have to do?"

"Isn't this too hasty?"


Hyun Jong sighed deeply. Being an elder was a position that inherently posed problems, but whether it went this way or that, what dance should he perform? [idk lol]

"Do you think I planned this?"

"Then, are you saying Baek Cheon suddenly requested that you hand over your position to him without any discussion with you?"

"That's right."


Hyun Young looked at the door Baek Cheon closed with eyes that seemed to say, 'There are such absurd and unpredictable people these days.'

"They say the young ones are scary..."

"Well, he's not that young. This is Kangho; if he didn't belong to a martial sect, he would have already had children and settled down at his age."

"That's true, but..."

Hyun Young sighed, his taste ruined.

He understood. Hyun Jong must have been in an unavoidable situation. As long as Hyun Jong held the position of the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, refusing the proposal from Beopjeong was impossible.

However, even so, handing over the position of Sect Leader so easily?

It was none other than Hyun Young who had reminded Hyun Jong not to misconstrue the achievements of the children as if they were his own. But even he couldn't have imagined that Hyun Jong would react like this.

"...Anyway, it seems like even the Sect Leader doesn't have a solution sometimes."

Hyun Jong murmured with a helpless expression.

"I guess it's passed down to the kids."

"That's how it originally was!"

At that moment, Hyun Sang, who had been quietly listening, smiled and said to Hyun Jong.

"I'm a bit worried."

"About what, Baek Cheon?"

"Well, Baek Cheon is Baek Cheon, but I'm more concerned about Un Am."

"Hmm, true. Let's have a separate conversation with Un Am about this."

"I think that would be necessary."

Hyun Young grumbled with a frown.

"Is Un Am the issue right now? Right after Baek Cheon became the Sect Leader?"

"Not Sect Leader, but Deputy Sect Leader, for now."

"What's the big deal? What's the difference between Sect Leader and Deputy Sect Leader?"

"It's different. Being called Deputy Sect Leader is definitely less burdensome than being called Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong stared at the door where Baek Cheon had left, deep in thought.

'It won't be easy.'

He wasn't sure how others viewed the situation, but having lived as the Sect Leader of Mount Hua for many years, Hyun Jong was well aware of the weight that title carried.

It was a burden he had willingly shouldered. Therefore, he had to overcome it himself.

However, he also knew it wouldn't be easy, so he could only hope that the title of 'Deputy Sect Leader' would somewhat lighten that burden.

"Um... Sect Leader. So, are you really going to hand over the position to Baek Cheon? Seriously?"


Hyun Jong frowned at Hyun Young.

"Why are you so agitated today?"

"Well, isn't it too sudden?"

"When has anything in Mount Hua happened without some unexpected event? Ever since that Chung Myung guy joined, has there been a single incident that proceeded smoothly with proper preparation?"

"Well, what Sect Leader says is true, but..."

Hyun Jong chuckled.

"Why? Is an old man like me stepping down making your stomach churn?"

"Oh my, why would you say such things? It's a dream come true, even in my sleep."

Hyun Young stuck out his tongue and waved his hands.

"Honestly, now Mount Hua has become too big for us country folks to handle. Thanks to the kids, we've enjoyed good things, eaten well, but does that really suit us?"

"Yeah, that's true."

A faint smile appeared on Hyun Jong's face.

"It was bound to happen this way. Even if it's a bit faster than expected, what difference does it make?"

His voice was calm, as if he had already accepted everything.

"The future of Mount Hua will be carried by those kids. They will also have to bear the responsibility of Mount Hua's choices. In that case, it's right for those kids to decide the direction of Mount Hua."


Hyun Young sighed in agreement. Her sigh held both concern and understanding.

"We just need to watch from behind, making sure those kids don't make overly aggressive or extreme choices."

"Isn't that what we've been doing all along?"

"Yeah. Nothing will change. It's just that Baek Cheon was the one who spoke first."

Nothing had changed. However, many things were bound to change. That was the shared belief of the three people present.

"You did well, Sect Leader."

Hyun Sang's words made Hyun Jong glance at him.

"It's not difficult to say that we trust you. But putting that trust into action won't be easy. The fact that you believed in and supported the kid without questioning various circumstances will undoubtedly be a great strength for him."


"You did splendidly."


Hyun Jong cleared his throat with a casual air, and the tips of his ears turned slightly red.

"You're saying all sorts of things."

Watching him, Hyun Sang chuckled.

'He seems more at ease.'

Hyun Jong's tone had noticeably lightened compared to before. It made Hyun Sang realize how much burden and pressure he had been carrying.

If Baek Cheon hadn't stepped forward in time, Hyun Jong might have crumbled under the weight and pressure.

'It must be destiny.'

Nature might seem capricious at times, but in the end, it finds its way to where it should be. Just as Hyun Sang was about to nod in agreement, Hyun Young spoke.

"By the way..."


Hyun Young looked towards the door with a strange expression.

"Isn't he oddly silent?"

"He? Who?"

"Who else? The guy who usually froths at the mouth and jumps around everywhere."

"...Chung Myung?"

"Yes. That guy."

Hyun Sang smiled subtly.

"Even though he usually jumps around, he becomes quite serious when it comes to major decisions in the sect."


"Besides, even though he doesn't say it, he seems to feel quite comfortable with Baek Cheon. He acknowledges him as a capable martial artist."

Hyun Young, looking puzzled, asked Hyun Jong.

"Does Sect Leader also think that way?"

"...Chung Myung?"


"Well... I just..."


"...I think he might be a bit out of his mind."

A brief silence followed.

The three people looked towards the door with uneasy eyes.

* * *

Jo Gol, who had left the room, stared at Baek Cheon's back as he walked ahead and awkwardly spoke with a voice filled with awkwardness.




When Baek Cheon turned around and their eyes met, Jo Gol cleared his throat unnecessarily. Then, he spoke again, hesitantly.

"That... Sasuk. Earlier, I... um..."

"What are you saying?"

Jo Gol couldn't bring himself to continue speaking and scratched his head awkwardly. He wanted to apologize for his behavior earlier.

"Well...I was a bit shortsighted..."


But at that moment, Yoon Jong's voice rang out sternly. Startled, Jo Gol looked at Yoon Jong with widened eyes.

Yoon Jong's expression was severe. It was the stern look he had when someone made a serious mistake.

"No, Sahyung... What did I do wrong...?"

"Do you not know what your mistake is?"


Yoon Jong, with a stern face, shouted again.

"How dare you speak like that to the Deputy Sect Leader! Shouldn't you receive the punishment of self-reflection for the crime of disrespecting an elder and be subjected to a firm repentance and penance! Quickly, regain your manners and speak respectfully!"

After hearing those words, Jo Gol turned his gaze towards Baek Cheon.

At the sight of Jo Gol's childish expression, Baekcheon flinched unexpectedly and stepped back.

"Oh my god! Deputy Sect Leadeeer!"

Jo Gol lay flat on the spot, bowing down.

"Disciple! This discipleeee! Committed a crime of short-sightedness! Dared to speak disrespectfully to the Deputy Sect Leadeeer! Please pull out this disciple's tongue and hold him accountable for the crimeeee! Pleaseee!"

"...Stop it."

"Deputy Sect Leadeeer! Please, release your anger. I had no idea the situation would turn out like this!"


At that moment, Jo Gol fell forward with a plop.

"The sin lies only with the disciple, so please generously forgive the other disciples and hold me accountable for the crime. Deputy Sect Leadeeer---Hrmmelgug...."

"Hey! Didn't Deputy Sect Leader forbid you from speaking!"

"Oh my! How could I dare to defy Deputy Sect Leader's orders! If I have to die, I'll die!"

"...Then just die, please... Please, just..."

At that moment, a peculiar voice was heard beside Baek Cheon.

"Deputy Sect Leader."


Baek Cheon turned his head. Yoo Iseol... she, with an expressionless face, was strangely trembling and looking in their direction.

"Deputy Sect Leader...."


"Deputy... Phew."

Unable to suppress her laughter, she turned her head. At the same time, Baek Cheon's face cracked.




"Deputy Sect Leader."

Wow... She had a talent for irritating people, huh? He didn't know that until now.

"Hehe. Congratulations, Sasuk!"

Tang Soso clapped her hands with a bright smile. Baek Cheon nodded his head hesitantly at her surprisingly ordinary and bright reaction.

"Yeah, thank you...."

"Oh my, oh my! I said Sasuk! Look at me! Deputy Sect Leader... or, is it not? What should I call you then?"


"Right? Sasuk? What should I call you now?"

An evil expression appeared on Tang Soso's face.

Baek Cheon weakly covered his face with both hands.

'This is why I didn't want to do this.'

There was no way this pack of bloodthirsty wildcats would just leave him alone, right? Although the situation was difficult, his stomach twisted as he thought about what he would experience from now on.

At that moment, Hye Yeon, who had been silent, spoke up.

"Amitabha. Although I am not a disciple of Mount Hua, it seems everyone is making excessive jokes."

"Hye, Monk Hye Yeon!"

Baek Cheon looked at Hye Yeon with a touched expression. Yes, that person was still...

"No, Deputy Sect Leader."


"Due to the solemnity of the Kangho's laws, it would be inappropriate for a Sect Leader to address me with formality. From now on, just call me Hye Yeon... Kkuk. Please call me... Kkhup!"

Hye Yeon hastily covered my mouth with one hand. His bare head was trembling.

'...I wish they'd all just disappear.'

Wouldn't swiftly eliminating them be the most righteous path for Kangho's peace? Most people would probably agree?

"Kkahaha! Deputy Sect Leader!"

"Hey! I'm witnessing Sasuk become the Sect Leader."

"The state of the sect is really turning. Hey, Chung Myung! Say something... Huh? Chung Myung?"

Only then did everyone's gaze turn to Chung Myung. Simultaneously, he flinched, shaking his shoulders.

"Why are you doing this, Chung Myung?"

"Are you okay?"

Chung Myung, whose hair had turned white, stood blankly with his math half open. It was as if his soul, scattered into ashes, was pouring out of his open mouth.



"Dong... Ryong is the Sect Leader... and I am his disciple..."


"I should die... I should just die... Why did I live until now to witness this? I should just go out and die... Ahahaheung."


"I should die. Oh my... I should just die."

"Is that so, Sasuk?"

Baek Cheon, who covered his face with his hands, sighed weakly.

"Someone take that bastard away and come back."

"Oh my! So who should I get..."

"Die, you bastard!"


In the end, the dazed Baek Cheon attacked Jo Gol.

The sound of Jo Gol's screams and Chung Myung's regretful whimpers echoed sadly in the manor for a while.