Chapter 1201: How Is This Different (Part 1)

"Well, the remaining member is..."

All eyes turned towards Tang Gunak.

With Mount Hua, Namgung, Nokrim, and the two Palaces already represented, the only remaining place was the Tang Family.

"Tang Gunak-nim?"

Feeling the gaze fixed on him, Tang Gunak cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Tang Family is..."

"Are you going?"

"The other sects are directly represented by their Sect Leaders."


Tang Gunak's eyes twitched, showing signs of struggle.

"At the moment... well, at the moment, I am not here as the Tang Family's Sect Leader but rather in the process of handling the situation as the Vice Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. So, please direct any matters related to the Tang Family to Sogaju [Tang Pae]."

"Isn't it the same thing?"

"Mount Hua also distinguishes the roles of Sect Leader and Maengju-nim, so wouldn't it be natural for the Tang Family to do the same?"

Although it felt as if something was pulling on their feet, it was a bit impolite to inquire further. So naturally, everyone's attention turned to Tang Pae sitting in a corner.

"Um... well..."

Under the stinging gazes, Tang Pae opened his mouth cautiously.

"Of course, there are many excellent individuals in the Tang Family who can represent the Tang Family, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Five Swords interjected.


"There were. Your family leader joined hands with Chung Myung to send many of those people to the back room."

"Ah, talking about the closure of the Council of Elders. Well, then, there's nothing."

Ignoring the voices, Tang Pae continued speaking.

"But... it seems to be a matter of fairness between the sects, which has a symbolic meaning. So, even in the Tang Family, it's appropriate for you, Sir, to directly..."

At that moment, feeling a chill rushing over his body, Tang Pae turned his head abruptly. The face of Tang Gunak's expression morphed into a demon, but then quickly regained its composure.



"Oh, no..."

With cold sweat, Tang Pae opened his mouth again.

"That might be the right thing to do, but... As you know, if our family leader goes, there might be some problems..."

"What problems?"

"Um... there might be something?"



Struggling desperately to gather his thoughts under the chilling presence creeping up his spine, Tang Pae stammered.

"Well... Our family leader is currently the Vice Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, doing many roles. If he leaves his position, there will be a vacuum, leaving several problems with the tasks and..."

Jo Gol and Yoon Jong once again exchanged glances, ready for discussion.

"Sahyung. What is Heavenly Comrade Alliance up to now?"

"...I wouldn't know. But right now, there shouldn't be anything special going on, right?"

"So what kind of vacuum would there be?"


Cold sweat started to bead on Tang Pae's forehead.

Those darned bastards, like a pack of wild beasts. And they call themselves Taoists...

"Well, if Gaju-nim leaves his position, it might make things difficult for the Sect Leader."

"Ah. Well, then what?"

"That's true."

"Sect Leader must be going through a lot these days, so we shouldn't disturb him."

Tang Pae ground his teeth. Those accursed Mount Hua fellows...

Baek Cheon, getting to the core of the long conversation, asked.

"So, who is going from the Tang Family?"

"One of the elders..."



Tang Pae subtly turned to Tang Gunak. His father was just smiling contentedly as if to say, 'Why think about a problem that's already been answered?'

And Tang Pae seemed to know what that answer was.

"I... will go."


"Yes. Since in other sects, the Sect Leaders go themselves, wouldn't it be appropriate for me to go as well?"

"Well. If Sogaju-nim is going, then what can we say?"


As soon as the conversation ended, Tang Gunak cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well. It'll a long and dangerous journey, you know."


"Still, since Sogaju-nim is going himself, it's a bit of a face-saving move. Thanks, Sogaju."

"Don't mention it. It's only natural for me to go."

Watching Tang Gunak's sly smile, Tang Pae bit his lip slightly.

He didn't used to be like that before. When did he become so sly? Why?

"Anyway, the conclusion seems to be reached."

Tang Gunak summarized the situation.

"Those heading to Southern Island will be the Namgung Family's Sogaju, the Tang Family's Sogaju, the Ice Palace's Palace Lord, the Nokrim King, and..."

Tang Gunak's gaze turned to those sitting as if guarding Baek Cheon.

"As always, are the Five Swords going?"

Baek Cheon glanced behind him.

"...Well, they're not individuals suitable for going to places that the Sect Leaders gather..."

"No, why say things like that..."

"But if they're willing, I'm planning to take them with us. After all, they're not individuals lacking the ability to protect themselves. If the Sect Leaders of other sects agree."

"Sounds good."

Tang Gunak nodded as if there was nothing to think about.

"For the sake of smooth negotiations, it's necessary. It is undeniable that those who symbolize the Heavenly Comrade Alliance to the outside world are Mount Hua's Five Swords."

"...Symbol, you're exaggerating."

"Hmm? Don't you know?"


Baek Cheon tilted his head as if asking what he was saying.

"They say that those whose reputation rises aren't aware of it themselves. Ever since the incident when the Five Swords were dispatched to Gangnam became known, the reputation of the Five Swords has undoubtedly soared."


"Of course, most of that reputation belongs to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, but now, the reputations of you and the other Five Swords are far from trivial."


Smiling at the somewhat strange expressions of the Five Swords, Tang Gunak laughed.

"Perhaps each of you might even gain titles. After all, the people of Kangho cannot withstand giving titles to the strong."

"Oh? Titles!"

Jo Gol's face flushed.

"Then, would we get titles too?"

"...Would you like to?"

"Of course! Ah, my title will be a good one. Something like the Storm Plum Blossom Invincible Sword (疾風梅花無敵劍)!"

"That's just weird. That's..."

Observing Jo Gol's reaction, Tang Gunak smiled.

If Baek Cheon had not planned to take the Five Swords with him, Tang Gunak might have been the one to request their company first. In battles against the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Sect, the Five Swords had always been present.

They were no longer mere martial artists of Mount Hua. They were the swords of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance fighting against evil, a symbol of righteousness rushing to the aid of those unjustly treated wherever they were needed.

Since Southern Island wasn't completely closed off to the outer world, they were likely well aware of the achievements of the Five Swords. If such individuals were to come personally, the reception would undoubtedly be different.

"Well then... Yoo Iseol, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol..."

Tang Gunak interrupted himself and looked at Tang Soso.

"...You might not need to go."

"I'm going."

"We have enough people already."

"I'm going."

"...Even if you might be a hindrance."

"I'm going."

Seeing Tang Soso smiling brightly, Tang Gunak's face visibly distorted.


"You're stating the obvious. It's a potentially dangerous journey. Naturally, I have to go. My Sahyungs are idiots who don't even know how to sew themselves together even when their flesh is torn."

"Since Sogaju is going himself, there's no need for other members of the Tang Family to go as healers."

"Well, that's..."

At that moment, Baek Cheon spoke up.

"Soso is not going as a medical officer."


Tang Gunak's gaze turned towards Baek Cheon. In response, Baek Cheon opened his mouth with a determined expression.

"Soso will accompany as a representative swordsmaster of Mount Hua, not as a medical officer. It's difficult to find a replacement swordsman for Soso, regardless of who else might have become one."


"So please grant permission."

Tang Gunak's lips twitched.

It was not a pleasant thing to hear as a father who didn't want to send his daughter to a dangerous place. Still, on the other hand, it was a statement he eagerly wanted to hear.

The child who had joined Mount Hua late, filling her inadequacy with the Tang Family's medical skills rather than a sword, was now being acknowledged for the value of that sword by the Deputy Sect Leader.

Sure enough, upon hearing Baek Cheon's words, Tang Soso's face turned red. Seeing that expression on Tang Soso's face, which conveyed a hint of innocence, Tang Gunak found himself nodding involuntarily.

"If Deputy Sect Leader says so, I have nothing to say. Permission granted."

"Thank you."

Baek Cheon bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment and fixed his gaze forward, implying that there was no need for unnecessary exchanges with Tang Soso.


Unconsciously, Tang Gunak nodded his head.

There were certainly many differences between Hyun Jong and Baek Cheon. However, among them, the most prominent difference was the latter's strong determination and confidence.

"So, are the participants confirmed?"

"It seems so."

"Hey, Sasuk."


"You might want to take a look at the back."


Baek Cheon turned his head. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Hye Yeon standing awkwardly, looking like a troubled puppy.

"Um... Monk?"

"Well... Please go safely... Yes, have a nice trip. To Dojang, at least I can offer a prayer for a safe return here..."

Jo Gol whispered to Yoon Jong.

"Why is he acting like that?"

"I don't know. Probably because of Bangjang messed. Maybe he thinks it's awkward for us to go together with someone from Shaolin?"

"Is he really concerned about that?"

Everyone looked at Hye Yeon with puzzled eyes. Hye Yeon's head turned bright red.

"...If only Bangjang had half that shame."

"What do you mean by half? If he had even ten percent, things wouldn't be like this."

"When you think about it, that guy had too much, so his sect leader may not have had any."

"Then that guy is the cause."

"Oh, no, what did I do?"

Baek Cheon chuckled while watching Hye Yeon protesting as if it were unfair.

"Don't worry and come along, monk."

"Um, is that really okay? While the members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance may understand my situation, it might feel like mockery from the perspective of Southern Island, having a Shaolin disciple accompany you."

"You don't need to worry about that. I don't think anyone there is insane enough to believe that all the Sect Leaders here risked their lives just to mock them. So, don't worry."


Hye Yeon looked around at the people present. Certainly, the situation could lead to misunderstandings, but seeing the faces of those heading to Southern Island dispelled any concerns.

"Well, then, without any shame, I will join you. Amitabha."

Once it was confirmed that Hye Yeon would also be accompanying them, Jo Gol turned around to look at everyone as if seeking confirmation.

"Well, except for Beast Palace, each Sect Leader, Sogaju, Deputy Sect Leader, and even Monk Hye Yeon are all going together..."

Jo Gol, who was admiringly speaking, suddenly tilted his head as if something felt odd.

"Hey... No, Sahyung. But, isn't it..."


"The initial reason for sending only a small, elite group to Southern Island was to minimize casualties and secure safety by sending fewer people, right?"

"Didn't I explain all that earlier? Why?"

"But, aren't the people going to Southern Island all the crucial Sect Leaders who cannot die under any circumstances?"


Jo Gol asked again, seemingly unable to comprehend.

"How is this different than sending the entirety of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance to Southern Island?"


No one had a proper answer to Jo Gol's question.