Chapter 1206: Now, The Sect Is Finally Back On Track! (Part 1)

Intertwined with human history, power has pushed countless individuals into destruction. Like a double-edged sword, power often leads those who wield it wrongly to lose everything.

Yet, why do people still cling to it? Perhaps because it holds a value worth enduring all risks for.

However, here, a young swordsman who had risen to become the supreme authority of Mount Hua was contemplating whether the power he now possessed was truly as valuable as the pebbles laying on the roadsides.

"Take this, take this too."

"...Thank you."

"And before you go, don't forget to stop by and get some advice."

"Okay. I won't forget."

"And don't forget to tell Soso to prepare some medicine in advance just in case the water isn't sanitary and kids get sick."

"How would they get sick just because the water is dirty..."

"If any of the kids get sick, will Sahyung take responsibility for it?"




Of course, Baek Sang had never been easy to handle. In any case, he had the second highest position among the Baek generation, a position that Baek Cheon would naturally respect. Moreover, in the past, he had undertaken numerous tasks to assist Baek Cheon.

So, Baek Cheon also somewhat paid attention to Baek Sang's mood. But, how should he put it... the discomfort he felt now was a bit different.

"That... Sang-ah."


"...Never mind."

Baek Sang, who had been glaring at Baek Cheon, turned his head and began rummaging through the items.

"He's like a lightning-struck calf."   [honestly, idk.]


"Causing trouble when you look at them, causing trouble when you look away!"


"Who's going to fix all that trouble? Oh, my fate. I've got quite the unlucky fate at my age."

"That... I'm just taking over as the Deputy Sect Leader. It's not like anything is going to change for you guys..."

Baek Cheon closed his mouth. Baek Sang, as if finding it too bothersome to talk, pulled something out from his arms and thrust it in front of Baek Cheon.

Baek Cheon's face looked slightly strange as he gazed at the bundle of keys wrapped in thick wire.

"What is this supposed to be?"

"... Keys?"

"For the buildings and warehouses! These are keys for storing food and materials! Keys!"

Staring blankly at the bundle of keys, Baek Cheon chuckled.

"What's that small key in the middle? Why is it gilded on a key..."

"Yes. You observed well. That's the problem, that's the problem!"

Baek Sang blinked his eyes and raised his voice. With that momentum, Baek Cheon took a hesitant step back.

"Do you know what this is?"

"I-I asked..."

"It's a safe key, a safe! The key that Elder Hyun Young carries around like a treasure wherever he goes! The sect's safe, only in Elder Hyun Young's room! That's the key to the safe! The key to the Mount Hua safe that Elder Hyun Young brought all the way from Shaanxi!"


"Never in my life! He has never handed me that key! Even when bathing, he held that key in his mouth! And now he has handed it over to me! Do you know what this means?"

I don't know. Why don't I know...

"The elders can't wait to pass on their duties, but the person causing all this trouble only has flower beds blooming in his mind!"


"Geez, seriously!"

Baek Sang let out a snort. Seeing him, Baek Cheon, feeling a bit intimidated, neatly folded his hands in front of him.

"I thought this would be a story for twenty years later."

"I'm an elder. Oh, my stomache..."

Baek Cheon bowed his head deeply.

For others, it would be fine if they just acted a bit arrogantly like elders, doing their usual tasks, but Baek Sang was different in many ways. He was the one who should follow in Hyun Young's footsteps as a financial pillar.

If you considered the responsibilities at Mount Hua, there was no room for negligence in the finance area. Naturally, Baek Sang, who had to forcefully step into the role of finance, was bound to be twisted.



Hyun Sang squinted his eyes and spoke.

"Have you decided on who to put in the chief of martial arts?" [Recall that Hyun Sang manages the martial arts curriculum of Mount Hua]

"C-Chief of martial arts?"

"Yes! Chief of martial arts!"

"Well, uh... if Elder Hyun Sang comes down, it will probably be Un Geom Sasuk..."

"Un Geom Sasuuuuuuuuuk?"

When Baek Sang turned his eyes again, Baek Cheon tightly closed his eyes.

"If the Sect Leader is Baek Cheon and the Chief of Finance is Baek Sang! Is the Chief of Martial Arts Un Geom Sasuk? Even if the sect is turning upside down, there should be a limit to absurdity! Are you saying you want to receive reports from Sasuk? Yes?"

"T-That, that's not possible! That's right! That's unreasonable!"

"Then who will you appoint?"

"Well, that..."

Baek Cheon shut his mouth like a clam. Baek Sang, unable to overcome his uneasy feeling, tore at his chest.

"Stop talking! Let me speak..."



"Uh... yes?"

Baek Sang glared at Baek Cheon with intense eyes.

"Listen carefully to what I'm saying."

With a very serious tone, Baek Cheon felt tension in his shoulders. It seemed that what was about to be said wasn't something to be taken lightly.

"I understand that the thoughts in the head of Sahyung are likely complicated, considering the current situation of Kangho, the future of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, and the relationships between various sects."

Baek Cheon silently nodded.

Although he pretended otherwise, he was actually feeling a heavy burden at the moment. Consequently, his mind was filled with what Baek Sang had just mentioned.

"People ascending tend to be like that. It's inevitable that they can't focus on small matters when dealing with big issues. I understand. However..."

After exhaling a deep sigh, Baek Sang continued speaking.

"We have always mentioned 'Harmony and Unity Bring Prosperity.'"  

[The Korean idiom "가화만사성이라 했습니다" can be translated to "Harmony and Unity Bring Prosperity." It suggests that when people within a group or community live harmoniously and work together, it leads to prosperity and success for everyone involved.]


"Our ancestors have always advised to pay attention to what is within reach first, as stable feet, one cannot leap forward. If you truly want to lead Mount Hua well, you should thoroughly inspect matters closer to you before those that are far away."

As Baek Cheon was about to nod heavily, Baek Sang's expression changed suddenly.

"If that were the case, I wouldn't be saying these things. Ugh!"


"On your way to Southern Island, read this."

Baek Sang took out a booklet from his bosom and extended it toward Baek Cheon.

"What's this?"

"It's a ledger. The financial records of Mount Hua!"

Baek Cheon's face slightly paled.

"Do I really need to see this? It's your job, and I trust you to handle it..."

"What a convenient thing to say!"

As Baek Sang rebuked, Baek Cheon flinched and cringed slightly.

"Believing in people is one thing, but you should know how to do your job properly! Finances are like the lifeblood of the sect! If the veins are clogged, people die, die!"

"Yeah, you're right."

"So, at least know how the sect's income and expenses are, whether there are leaks in the money, and check the ledger! What if I decide to embezzle money? What will you do then?"

Unable to say anything, Baek Cheon meekly lowered his head. Baek Sang, frustrated, then took out another booklet from his bosom and placed it in Baek Cheon's hands.

"And look at this too."

"... What is this again?"

"It's categorized information on the personal details, characteristics, and martial arts levels of the children from the Baek generation and the Chung generation. The foundation of a sect are its martial artists, right? As the Deputy Sect Leader, you should properly understand each and every one of them."

"Um, Baek Sang. There's nothing wrong with what you're saying. It's just that right now, I..."

"Oh, you're too busy? Because you're the Deputy Sect Leader?"


"Stop talking nonsense. Who knew I would be doing this? I thought it would take at least another ten years before I would carry the warehouse key around. However, it took less than a year for it come over!"


"When has the affairs of Mount Hua ever progressed at a reasonable pace? It'll take less than a year for Sahyung to shed the title of Deputy Sect Leader and become the actual Sect Leader. Do you understand? In other words, within a year from now, Sahyung must completely master the duties of a sect leader!"

"That's true, but..."

"Do not assume that Sect Leader will help you then."

Baek Cheon, who was about to say exactly that, closed his mouth again and politely folded his hands in front.

"That is equivalent to enjoying the rights while avoiding the responsibilities. How will the disciples view you if you say you're going to rely on the Sect Leader for help? I cannot tolerate that!"

"Yeah, right. I'll do my best..."

"So, memorize the ledger and personnel records that I gave you flawlessly!"

From Baek Sang's chest, another booklet was pulled out.

"And this too."

"...What is this again?"

"This is a summary of the business establishments of Mount Hua that the Sect Leader manages externally, and a rough outline of the businesses Mount Hua is currently conducting."

"Why do the books keep coming out from your chest?"

Was everything put in there?

"This is the approximate information and internal organizational structure of places affiliated with Mount Hua, including the Eunha Guild and Ghost Gate."


"And this is..."

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

In an instant, booklets piled up like a tower in his hands. Baek Cheon tightly closed his eyes.

"If you look at these roughly, you should get a sense of how Mount Hua operates. Since I selected only the bare minimum of information, cram all of it into your head without leaving anything behind!"

A sigh escaped from Baek Cheon's lips. He was just realizing how much the Sect Leader of Mount Hua was handling.

'I should have known all these things from the beginning.'

Baek Sang had been doing all of this for him. Silently, without a single complaint.

As Baek Cheon's face stiffened upon realizing this, Baek Sang glanced at him and continued with a different tone.

"Well... it's a bit much, but there's no need to worry too much. Sahyung just needs to be aware of all this. Managing and operating it in reality is my job."

Baek Cheon felt a renewed sense of gratitude towards Baek Sang. However, Baek Sang thought that Baek Cheon had become overwhelmed his numerous responsibilities.

"No, don't make that expression. I know you're busy with external affairs. I'll handle the internal matters, but you still need to be aware. You must do at least that much to be a capable sect leader."



"...Thank you."

Baek Sang, who had been momentarily lost in thought, pursed his lips.

"Why are you saying strange things... Anyway, keep that in mind. I have to go manage the provisions now."

With a slightly reddened face, Baek Sang left without turning back.

Baek Cheon, who stood there blankly, put the booklets on the floor and opened up the one on top.

At that moment, a sigh escaped involuntarily from his lips.

A newly written book.

It wasn't something that had been found and handed to him, but something freshly written, character by character. It seemed like Baek Sang, who was already lacking sleep due to feeding the Heavenly Comrade thugs, had spent several nights writing these booklets.

The smell of fresh ink still lingered in the air. Baek Cheon couldn't look away, staring fixedly at the pages. He reluctantly closed the book. A small sigh escaped.

"This damn... bastard..."

The responsibility wasn't only on Baek Cheon's shoulders. As he advanced, others also bore corresponding responsibilities. When everyone became accustomed to that weight, the Mount Hua they had all hoped for would come to life.

His chest felt heavy.

'I won't disappoint you.'

With a firm determination, Baek Cheon gathered all the booklets. Just as he was about to open the warehouse door, a piercing voice reached his ears.

"Hey, do you think wooden swords can just be found by digging the ground? Why are you scraping it so recklessly! And be careful not to tear your clothes when you practice! These guys think clothes fall from the sky when they get worn out!"

"No, Sasuk... How can I practice..."

"What? Are you rebelling now? You leech-like parasites who can't earn a penny don't even appreciate the money earned by the blood and sweat of the Sahyungs and the Sasuks!"

"No, I made a mistake..."

"Do you think money will pour endlessly into the Mount Hua Sects? Is it because the Chung line disciples have suffered less? Why don't you know the value of money! In my time, I sewed and wore the same clothes dozens of times! I even climbed the mountain to cut and carve the wood for a wooden sword! Anyway, these young guys are messed up!"

"I'm sorry, Sasuk! I was wrong. Please..."

"I'm not saying this because I regret spending the money! Huh? Originally, that money was earned by your Sect Leader and Chung Myung getting cut with a sword! And now you guys..."


Unable to endure that drill-like nagging, Baek Cheon carefully turned the doorknob again.

"...Out of sincerity, I should probably read this inside."

And then, when it gets a bit quieter, let's go out...

When it gets quieter...