Chapter 1209: Now, The Sect Is Finally Back On Track! (Part 4)

"Raise your hands properly."


Chung Myung's arm, which had been gradually lowering, swiftly rose up again. Hyun Jong groaned as he watched Chung Myung, who was frowning arrogantly.

'How did he end up like this?'

To put it bluntly, would someone who could beat up a bishop of the Demonic Cult feel any discomfort from raising their arms for two weeks or even a month? The more he thought about it, the more annoyed him.

"Chung Myung."


"Chung Myung!"


Hyun Jong, looking at Chung Myung's pouting lips, couldn't contain the explosion in his chest and pounded it with frustration.

"Why are you so upset?"


"Why on earth are yo upset that you're beating up your Sahyungs for no reason? He's not even your Sasuk anymore, he's the Deputy Sect Leader now!"

"No, well..."

"You're soon going to be an elder of the sect! You're not a kid who can't catch the atmosphere. Beating up your Sasuk like you're grabbing a handful of rats in front of others...!"

"That's what I'm saying! That's what I'm saying!"

At that moment, Chung Myung blinked. But Hyun Jong was not lenient.

"Stop subtly lowering your arms and raise them again."


Chung Myung raised the arm that had slightly descended. Yet his mouth didn't stop.

"No, Sect Leader! Honestly, does it make sense that those guys are elders of Mount Hua? People who don't even have a drop of blood on their heads!"

"...You are the youngest, you..."

If their heads didn't have blood on them, then you spilled blood everywhere you went. Chung Myung, please realize how old you are...

"The martial arts sect has its strict rules and norms to follow! No matter what the situation is, where are such unruly things! Ugh! It wasn't like this in my time!"

Hyun Jong silently grabbed his stomach.

'Where did I put the stomach medicine?'

Talking to this guy felt like his deceased teacher had leaped out of his grave.

"The situation is what it is, right?"

However, Hyun Jong used the patience he had cultivated over decades of training in comforting Chung Myung. It was truly an adult-like action, but Chung Myung just retorted with fiery eyes.

"Sect Leader! We can't just keep saying 'The situation is what it is! It can't be helped this time!' If we keep breaking the rules for such reasons, eventually the sect's rules become as light as a sheet of paper! Then norms collapse! Morality collapses! Families collapse! The country falls into chaos!"

"...Is this a problem that will lead to the country's chaos?"

"Of course, it's a problem! Why wouldn't it be!"


Chung Myung blinked, his eyes squinting.

"Sect Leader!"


"It's not because I dislike or can't stand Sasuk!"


"Well... um... honestly, there might be a bit of that..."

"...Being honest is good. Yes, a Taoist should be honest. Our Chung Myung is truly like a Taoist. Back then, I even thought I had found the disciple to illuminate Mount Hua..."

"Anyway, what kind of sect is Mount Hua!"

"...What kind of sect is it?"

"The Great Taoist Sect Mount Hua! Mount Hua Sect! A prestigious sect in Shaanxi! A Taoist sect boasting history and tradition!"

Hyun Jong's grip tightened on his stomach. Did he ever imagine that at this age, he would have to be treated like an amnesic old man?

"Huh? That Mount Hua! Huh? Those rogues, how did they become rogues? There isn't even a proper lineage! How did a baby come to become the Sect Leader? Skipping over the distribution even!"

"He's just the Deputy Sect Leader... Deputy Sect Leader, not Sect Leader..."

"That's what I'm saying! Oh my god, in this world, I've seen it all...! If the ancestors of Mount Hua in the heaven heard this, they'd immediately kick off their coffin lids and come charging here, thinking that Mount Hua would be destroyed not by the Heavenly Demon but by their very descendants!"

"...It was fine until you joined."


"Oh, no, never mind. Ahem."

Hyun Jong awkwardly cleared his throat and sighed before asking.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"We need to stop this absurdity right away! Where is this..."

With a disappointed look, Hyun Jong gazed at Chung Myung and asked.

"So even if I ask, you'll oppose and lie down in the end?"


Chung Myung hesitated for a moment, rolling his eyes. Rather than avoiding eye contact because he felt awkward, numerous conflicting thoughts were fiercely battling in his mind.

"If you... well, even if Sect Leader asks,... well, well, still? What?"


"If... well, if you say so, um... yes. I have to follow. I have to. Follow..."

As reason and instinct clashed strongly, white steam began to rise from Chung Myung's ears. Hyun Jong, looking at him with a disappointed gaze, asked.

"...You'll explode, Chung Myung."

"...Ugh... If you tell me to, I'll follow."

"...Thank you."

Hyun Jong chuckled.

Every time he looked at him, he couldn't help but feel that this guy had a peculiar way of thinking. Whether it was Beopjeong or Jang Ilso, how could this rabid dog, who would snap at any opportunity, be so firm like iron in following the laws of Mount Hua? It was to the point that Hyun Jong suspected that he might have had some kind of obsessive disorder.

At that moment, Chung Myung grumbled discontentedly.

"I'll follow, but don't think I'm doing it willingly!"

"...As if I would expect that."

Chung Myung, still unable to calm down, muttered under his breath.

"If you are a disciple, you should hold the sect's laws. If you personally overturn the lineage, it wouldn't make sense..."

"I can hear everything."


Chung Myung avoided eye contact. Hyun Jong sighed deeply.

Of course, he understood. Even if he said these things, Chung Myung would be the one to assist Baek Cheon better than anyone else. The decision to appoint a young Baek Cheon as the Deputy Sect Leader and soon hand over the position of Sect Leader to him was only possible because he trusted Chung Myung.

With Chung Myung around, Baek Cheon wouldn't easily be swayed, and even if he made a mistake, it could be corrected.

However, the clear dissatisfaction in Chung Myung's eyes was a problem. Whether it was due to old-fashioned sentiments or not, since they would soon depart for Southern Island, Hyun Jong wanted to resolve this issue as much as possible beforehand.

"Chung Myung."

Chung Myung pretended not to hear and didn't answer. Hyun Jong called him again, more gently this time.

"Chung Myung."


Seeing him like that, Hyun Jong involuntarily smiled.

This child would probably be like this even after a hundred years. That fact subtly reassured him. If this child didn't change, neither would Mount Hua.

"I understand your feelings."


"And I know your words are not wrong. But, Chung Myung, I can only repeat that the situation is as it is. In everything, there are laws. And we, as followers of the Tao, must also know when to let things flow naturally..."

"No, I don't get it."

At that moment, Chung Myung bluntly interjected.

"Every time I hear that, I just can't understand it at all."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"They say Taoists should follow nature and not be swayed by human affairs."

"That's right. That's following nature."

"But aren't humans part of nature?"


"Are humans not a part of nature?"

At those words, Hyun Jong blinked. After a moment of silence, as if pricked by something, he spoke again.

"Humans are also a part of nature... Yes. Humans are also a part of nature."

"Then it's strange."

"What are you talking about?"

"Pursuing the Tao means following nature as it is. So, if humans are also a part of nature, can't following the human heart also be considered the Tao? To achieve the Tao, you must exclude artificiality. That means following nature, excluding humans. Since we are human, what's the meaning of disregarding our humanity and trying to resemble nature?"

Hyun Jong pondered for a moment before speaking.

"So, your point is... humans are a part of nature."


"Following nature is the Tao."


"So... following the natural course of human hearts is also the Tao."

"Yes, Sect Leader!"

"So... you'll do as you please. Is that it?"


"Where's the logic in this, you rascal! Then anything people do is Tao!"

"...Ah, I got caught."

"Hey, you...!"

"Oh my! I'm getting so tired from this training."

As Hyun Jong got angry, Chung Myung swiftly darted out the door.

"Don't leave now! I haven't finished talking yet. You rascal!"

"I haven't fully prepared for the departure yet! This disciple! Will prepare in detail to perfectly carry out the mission Sect Leader entrusted to me!"

"You rascal!"

Chung Myung shot out through the wide-open door, only revealing half of his body as he laughed.

"Oh, don't worry. Even so, since you're the Sect Leader, I'll treat you well!"



Chung Myung disappeared like a released arrow. Hyun Jong found himself clicking his tongue involuntarily.

Worry. He was just worried.

After a deep sigh, he laughed to himself after a while.


Following the Tao by following the human heart... Humans...

Hyun Jong's gaze turned to the ceiling. And for a long time, he just stared silently at the ceiling.

As the lingering sunlight faded, dusk settled in, and darkness gradually enveloped the world. It was finally time for the group heading to Southern Island to depart.

"Are you ready?"

"What's there to prepare? It's the same as always."

Yoon Jong shrugged his shoulders in response to Baek Cheon's question.

"We've traveled so much by now that I can pack my bags with my eyes closed."


"...Sago, Sago, are you done packing?"


"...Sago? Where are you looking? Sago?"

Baek Cheon then smiled.

I see, that's how it is. I asked a pointless question.

"But... where did Gol-ah go?"

"Preparations are done."


"He got hit by Chung Myung during the day, so I had him lie down for a while."

"On a bed?"

"No, on the floor."

Yoon Jong... that's not you lying him down; that's neglecting him. Sometimes I don't know you well. I think I do, and then I don't...

At that moment, Yoon Jong casually asked.

"Instead of worrying about us, is Sasuk ready for succession?"


"Didn't the Sect Leader mention that before departure, he would appoint Deputy Sect Leader formally in a simple ceremony?"

"Well, yes."

A momentary tension, forgotten for a while, flickered across Baek Chun's face.

Baek Cheon, who wouldn't be easily shaken even in the face of a formidable opponent difficult to confront, was still nervous about formally assuming the position of Deputy Sect Leader in front of everyone.

"There's no need for specific preparations. If there's anything needed, it's only determination."

"That's why I'm asking. Have you made up your mind?"

At that question, Baek Cheon gave a faint smile.

"Of course."

With a firm response, Yoon Jong also chuckled and nodded.

"Then let's go. Everyone is waiting."

Baek Cheon nodded heavily and lifted his foot. As he opened the door, the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect filled the training ground. All eyes were on Baek Cheon.


Taking in all those gazes, Baek Cheon took a short breath.

Slightly excited and overwhelmingly heavy. Feeling all of that, he stepped forward, heading towards Hyun Jong and the elders waiting in the front.