Chapter 1216: Who Will Help? (Part 1)

Southern Island, a vast island located at the southernmost tip of Central Plain.

In the distant south of what Central Plain residents referred to as 'Central Plain,' Southern Island was once a place utilized or even considered as an exile due to its remote location. The hot climate and humid environment made it challenging for people to live there, presenting a different struggle compared to the northern regions.

Nevertheless, those who were born and raised on Southern Island had led their lives in relative peace.

However, the atmosphere that currently dominated Southern Island was heavier than ever.

In reality, Southern Island was a remote place, and its size was only about half of a typical sect's stronghold, making it somewhat indistinct to the cultivators.

However, the reason its name was frequently mentioned was due to a martial arts sect located on the mid-slope of Mount Ojisam on Southern Island.

The Southern Island Sect, a place that became part of the Ten Great Sects by filling the vacuum left by the absence of the Mount Hua Sect.

Though it might seem lacking compared to traditional powerhouses in terms of history and cultivation strength, it was still a part of the Ten Great Sects. Just holding that position alone was enough to explain the status of Southern Island Sect.

In the central part of the Southern Island Sect was the sect leader's residence. A solemn voice echoed from that place, which should be treated with utmost reverence.


The voice, which had paused for a moment, continued as if it was a little difficult.

"Has the messenger arrived?"

Kim Yang Baek, the sect leader of the Southern Island Sect, asked the other elders. Strangely, despite the clear inquiry, there was no hint of uncertainty in his voice.

It was a question not expecting a favorable answer. A rhetorical question.

"Not yet.."

The answer was not complete, as if hesitating to speak fully. However, this incomplete response aptly described the current situation in Southern Island.

"That's how it is."

Kim Yang Baek chuckled briefly. The cold sarcasm in his laughter made the atmosphere even more oppressive for the elders.

"Sect Leader... It's not yet time to abandon hope. Given the circumstances, it's possible that the messenger hasn't arrived properly, isn't it?"

"What's the difference?"

A hint of sarcasm brushed Kim Yang Baek's lips.

"Whether the will to help is present but they cannot contact us, or whether there is no such will and they haven't attempted to contact us, the result is the same."

"...Sect Leader."

The elder who had spoken lowered his head and fell silent.

He, too, understood that the words he uttered were merely empty consolation.

Kim Yang Baek sighed deeply. Although it was tempting to vent the frustration, it was not fair to blame them in the first place.

What could these elders do in such a situation?

"How is the movement of the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

"There haven't been any significant movements so far."

"... We haven't overlooked anything, have we?"

Once again, there was no suitable answer coming back.

To be fair, how were they supposed to discern the movements of the Evil Tyrant Alliance? They couldn't even send a single disciple across the sea to Gangnam.

The information network they had painstakingly established was completely destroyed, and the Beggars' Union, which used to share information with them, withdrew from Gangnam long ago.

At present, all they could know was the situation on this island. People, information, and even birds flying in the sky couldn't find their way to this island. News that would make a ripple in the world would only reach Southern Island with great difficulty after some time had passed.

"Sect Leader... Even though we haven't received any news, if the situation we fear unfolds, there will surely be a sect willing to help us. Shaolin may be overlooking all this, but they won't just stand by idly..."

"Is that so?"

Kim Yang Baek, who interrupted the conversation, chuckled.

"Yeah, I see. So, it turns out that during the time I've been left alone to manage Southern Island, as Bangjang has deeply contemplated, I, a lowly person like myself, haven't grasped Bangjang's intentions and has been throwing a tantrum."


"When things happen, they'll naturally figure out how to help. I worry too much. Is that the case?"

In the end, the elders closed their eyes.

Kim Yang Baek was not originally someone who spoke so disdainfully and mockingly. Rather, he was more than enough to be called a gentleman among people.

However, over the past few years, as the Southern Island Sect struggled under the pressure of the Evil Tyrant Alliance in isolation, his words became rougher, and his temperament inevitably sharpened.

Sensing the discomfort of the elders, Kim Yang Baek sighed deeply once again.

"... I'm sorry. It's not a time to blame the elders."

"No, Sect Leader. How can we not understand how much Sect Leader must be going through."

The faces of the elders also turned dismal.

Their hearts were no different from each other.

How could there be no resentment toward the Ten Great Sects?

The Ten Great Sects were not just a symbol of authority. Usually, even if they argued and competed for dominance, when facing external threats or invasions, they united and resisted together. That was how the Ten Great Sects gained their current reputation.

However, since the signing of the treaty with the southern lands, Southern Island had received no support from the Ten Great Sects.

Hence, facing the sharp fangs of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, like a lone wolf, they had no choice but to endure it alone.

"Hasn't the Beggars' Union sent anyone yet?"

"...Yes, Sect Leader."

"When was the last time someone from the Beggars' Union visited?"

"About a year ago... Yes, it was a year ago."

Kim Yang Baek gazed at the ceiling with a perplexed expression.

"Has it already been that long?"

After muttering to himself, he remained silent for a while before slowly speaking again.

"No matter how sharp the Evil Tyrant Alliance's sword is and how powerful Jang Ilso's influence is... is it really possible for the entire Beggar's Union, representing the whole world, not to send a single person?"

"Sect Leader..."

"Ha, ha, ha."

Kim Yang Baek chuckled softly. His feeble laughter spread sorrowfully across the not-so-large room.

"Ridiculous. A dog abandoned by its owner doesn't even realize it's abandoned and only waits for its owner, they say. Aren't we exactly in that situation now? Despite this predicament, we're just waiting for news from the Ten Great Sects, not knowing when they'll come."

It was truly a pitiful and sad self-reflection.

No matter how dire the situation, he was the leader of a sect. Moreover, he was the head of the main sects of the Ten Great Sects. Comparing him to an abandoned dog was something one couldn't possibly do.

But no one blamed him. Kim Yang Baek was more passionate about Southern Island than anyone else here.

"What do you think?"


"Do you really think that when the Evil Tyrant Alliance extends its claws, the Ten Great Sects will send support?"

"Well, they should. Naturally, that's the way of righteousness and cooperation, isn't it?"

One of the elders spoke again.

"For a sect like Shaolin, it would be impossible not to send support due to the eyes of others."

Kim Yang Baek nodded slightly at those words. However, there was no strength in his action. It was because there was no certainty.

"Then, let me ask again. Do you really believe that the support sent by Shaolin will arrive on time?"


No one could confidently answer this question.

No, it's not that there was no certainty. On the contrary, they were quite sure. Shaolin would undoubtedly send support.

But that support would never arrive on time, whether sincerely sent or just for show.

"What Shaolin wants is a reasonable pretext and a proper timing."

Kim Yang Baek laughed bitterly.

It was so obvious.

"Strict warnings will be issued, and they'll try to retaliate with force. But... will those who set out for retaliation really come deep into Gangnam?"


"They'll probably just protest at the mouth of the Yangtze River."

"Sect Leader... Surely, Shaolin wouldn't go that far..."

"For them, is our Southern Island worth saving to the extent of compromising their main force?"

Kim Yang Baek gnashed his teeth.

"If Mount Hua hadn't collapsed in such a hurry, and if we didn't have to urgently fill the void left by Mount Hua at that time, could we really have been able to be a part of the Ten Great Sects now?"


"Our Southern Island Sect, of whom they subtly disdained as if we were beings of a foreign race?"

At those words, everyone fell silent.

If Mount Hua had not collapsed, it may have been forever impossible for the Southern Island Sect to break through the sturdy walls of the Ten Great Sects. Everyone present knew this fact.

"In the end, calling us the Ten Great Sects was just going through the motions."

"Sect Leader..."

"Am I wrong?"

An unmistakable anger surfaced on Kim Yang Baek's face.

"Do you mean to say that, due to the incompetence of the Shaolin Sect, they couldn't send even one emissary to Southern Island in a whole year?"


"That's truly a gloomy statement. Essentially, it means that the power of the Evil Tyrant Alliance surpasses even our expectations, rendering the Shaolin Sect helpless."

"Sect Leader! Please restrain yourself. The Shaolin Sect would not want the collapse of the Ten Great Sects' system. They..."

"That's an interesting statement. I dare say, if the disciples of Mount Hua had heard that, they probably would have burst into laughter."

No one could refute those words.

Even if one sect crumbled entirely, the robust system of the Ten Great Sects would not collapse. It would only be filled by another prestigious faction. Wasn't Southern Island the beneficiary of that for a hundred years? If their positions reversed after another century, what would be strange about that?

"The Ten Great Sects will face criticism too. They'll be pointed at and cursed. But will that last forever?"


"In the end, if it is framed as an inevitable sacrifice to prevent the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Bangjang's decision not to waste his strength in Sourthern Island, then won't it be celebrated? Isn't that the case?"

"Sect Leader..."

"The hearts of people in the world eventually become like that."

Kim Yang Baek let out a faint laugh.

"In the end, we will be forgotten. Just as people forgot about Mount Hua in the past. No, probably even faster."

Kim Yang Baek closed his eyes.

He had already seen it. How thoroughly those who committed sins could erase their sins. What the past of Mount Hua had experienced, Southern Island would now go through. What pained him the most in this situation was that Southern Island, which had been the most active accomplice in the past, now had no right to criticize or curse this situation.

At that dismal moment of silence, a voice like a murmur reached Kim Yang Baek's ears.

"Instead of this, it would have been better if... we had submitted to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

Suddenly, all eyes focused on the person who spoke.

The elder, who had hesitated with a slightly troubled expression, spoke with a tone of resentment.

"If it were the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, which invaded the Gangnam land ruled by the Evil Tyrant Alliance when the Demonic Sect appeared... wouldn't they have taken action to prevent the downfall of a sect under the same affiliation, without citing the excuse that the distance is too far?"

With that voice, the atmosphere inside the meeting room rapidly sank into an indescribable abyss.