Chapter 1222: Is This Okay? (Part 2)

Twitch. Twitch.

Subpyeong convulsed strangely, with his face pressed to the ground. The martial artists of the Evil Tyrant Alliance looked on in bewilderment, gazing at Subpyeong's trembling back.

There were times in life when you saw something with your eyes, but it took time for your mind to process the situation. It was when the mind failed to grasp the rapid changes in a situation.

Of course, for them, it was an inevitable occurrence.

Someone had suddenly barged into this remote mountainous area and unceremoniously kicked Subpyeong, leaving them astonished.

Originally, someone from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance should have say something, but the issue was that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was not in a position to speak at the moment.

Their thoughts were dominated by one thing at the moment. They knew it.

No matter what, when Subpyeong, unable to endure any longer, kicked the ground, at least Jo Gol, Yoon Jong, and Bae Ccheon had no right to say anything.

Yet, for a moment, Baek Cheon opened his mouth.

"Well... Uh..."

He alternately looked at the convulsing Subpyeong and the growling Chung Myung before finally uttering his words.

"Is this... okay?"

"... "

A moment of silence passed.

Someone who shouldn't answer at this moment answered after a while.


Baek Cheon pondered for a moment if he was missing or confused about something due to Chung Myung's too casual response.

"Oh, no. I know I don't have the right to say such things... But still... We're in Gangnam here."

"What's the problem? Those guys explained everything."


Chung Myung pointed to the fallen Subpyeong.

"This is a rural area."


"It will take at least a few days for the news to spread."

"... "

"We'll arrive in Southern Island within three days."

Chung Myung answered indifferently.

"If the Evil Sect guys find out then, what will happen?"

...Listening, it seemed to make sense...

"Still, if they chase us..."

"Oh, Sasuk."

Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"Do you think those Evil Sect guys would come all the way to Southern Island to seek revenge for these little brats? If they had that much loyalty, they wouldn't be from the Evil Sect."

"... "

"And if they come chasing after us, just tell them to do that. Just throw them all into the sea and be done with it!"

Ah... I get it now. That was your true intention.


At that moment, Jo Gol stepped forward with a smirk.

"Well, I mean... The situation has come to this, so what can we do, Sasuk?"

And Yoon Jong also pulled out his sword with a mysterious expression.

"Since it's happened, we might as well handle it well."

Baek Cheon stared blankly at the two who stepped forward. The two conversed casually as if they had forgotten about Baek Cheon's existence.

"What should we do to handle it well, Sahyung?"

"It's a stupid question. Think about it. If someone among them goes back and talks about us, the situation will become very difficult."

"Oh. That definitely won't work."

"So, there's no choice. We have to tidy up neatly so that no one can speak out. It's the only way."

"If you're afraid to condemn evil, more people will suffer. Righteousness does not exist to satisfy my small conscience."

"Indeed, you're right."

Jo Gol smirked and raised his sword. At that moment, Nangong Dowi, who had been observing the situation a few steps behind them, stealthily moved toward the rear of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"... It would be better if we could hide the fact that they arrived here."

A gloomy expression that did not fit his status as the Sogaju of the Great Namgung family flashed across his face.

"If they vanish without a trace, people might think they got greedy for the crops and fled as a group. Isn't that right, hyung-nim?"

Tang Pae sneaked into the opposite side of Nangong Dowi, surrounding the remnants of the Evil Sect members.

"... That's a good point. Don't worry. Erasing traces is our family's specialty. We can clean up thoroughly without leaving a single hair behind."

Tang Pae took a small vial from his sleeve and grinned. At first glance, he had a very friendly face, but those who could guess what was in his hand would never see it that way.

Of course, even for those who didn't know the identity of that vial, it didn't seem pleasant. Seeing the faces of those surrounded turning pale, it was apparent.

"So, we need to handle it as cleanly as possible to erase any traces."

"As quietly as possible."

"And if possible, to minimize the damage to the villagers, it's better to handle it as a disappearance rather than a death, right?"

"It's not that difficult."

The evil disciples began to press the weak members of the Evil Sect with sinister expressions. Overwhelmed by their vicious momentum, the members of the Evil Sect looked around in confusion and wariness.

"Who are you guys!"


"How dare you disrupt the Evil Tyrant Alliance's tasks.. "

"That idiot really brainless? We already disrupted it, and saying that will only make them ask more surely. Can't he judge the situation right now?"

"Tsk, tsk. Gol-ah. Why would someone with brains join the Evil Sect?"

"Then what about the Nokrim King?"

"... Let's make an exception for him."

Using the name of the Evil Tyratn Alliance for intimidation was an effective method that would work anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately, they happened to encounter those few people in the world where threats in the name of the Evil Tyrant Alliance did not work at all.

"Well, then... I think we've reached a conclusion?"

All eyes gathered in one place. Baek Cheon sighed as he received those gazes.

"That... "

In the end, Baek Cheon shook his head as if he didn't understand and pointed at Akbung with his chin.

"Handle it yourselves."

"Yes, sir!"

Before the words were finished, the evil enemies(?) surrounding the carriage rushed toward the vulnerable people like a pack of wolves.

Baek Cheon shook his head in frustration. There was no need to watch. It was just a little late to hesitate; from the beginning, these people were too overwhelming a force for such small fry from the Evil Sect to deal with.

Even if only one person stepped forward, it would be more than enough to sweep them all away. And with such power available, what more could they say?

Baek Cheon, who had taken his eyes off the carriage, looked towards the fallen village head. Tang Soso was already clinging to him, treating the wounds. Baek Cheon, who slightly hardened his facial expression, approached her and asked.

"How is he holding up?"

"...The wounds don't seem as deep as expected, so it doesn't seem to pose a threat to life. It's just that he's so old..."

"Father, please save my father! Please!"

A woman, who had been right beside the village head, without moving for a moment, half-raised her voice. Baek Cheon sighed as he tried to offer comfort.

"Excuse me..."

A voice from behind caught Baek Cheon's attention.

The middle-aged man who had been groveling to the Evil Sect earlier was now approaching Baek Cheon with a humble attitude.

Baek Cheon unconsciously furrowed his brows. He had heard the man's words clearly amidst the chaos earlier.

'What's the big deal about an old man's life?'

Of course, he understood. It wouldn't have been easy to speak out against the bandits while they held knives. However, could one look favorably upon someone who, in such a situation, criticized a fellow villager who had lived together?

"Sir... If it's not too impolite, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm currently in the middle of treatment..."

"Sir... It's not something someone like us, ignorant and unlearned, should bother someone of your stature with... It's not something worthy of your precious hands."

...Was that an appropriate thing to say considering the condition of the injured neighbor? Irritated by his effort to please in any way possible, Baek Cheon, without realizing it, responded curtly.

"Are you worried that we might be like those scoundrels?"

"S-Sir, I beg your pardon! Your words are too kind! We, we are just ignorant and uneducated... We don't know how to treat gentlemen properly..."

Baek Cheon thought about hurling a word at the pitiful figure who looked as if he was going to fall flat on his forehead at any moment, but soon he just let out a soft sigh.

When you thought about it, what wrong had these people done? It was the ruffians who carried knives in broad daylight, swinging them toward people, who were in the wrong.

"While I can't reveal my identity, rest assured, we haven't come with malicious intentions."

"Th-then, perhaps..."

The man's eyes rolled around nervously. Then, as if carefully choosing his words, he spoke something truly frightening.

"Th...then, perhaps from Gangbuk..."

When Baek Cheon didn't respond to the vague question, the middle-aged man's face turned pale.

"Th-then, what about now..."

Baek Cheon slightly bit his lip.

'What was he supposed to say?'

Certainly, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had helped them. It may be difficult for them to know, but how much risk was taken with this decision?

However, instead of expressing gratitude, they were more concerned about possible retaliation from the Evil Tyrant Alliance. If it weren't for them, those people who were now lying in cold agony would have faced an even more gruesome fate.

No matter how worried one might be, it seemed appropriate to at least express thanks first. If not that, he could have at least checked the condition of his neighbor lying in a pool of blood.

It was hard to find words for the overwhelming disillusionment. The frustration was building up, making Baek Cheon want to scream out loud.

But instead of getting angry, Baek Cheon explained as politely as possible.

"... To ensure that the village doesn't suffer any harm, we will handle the aftermath as carefully as possible."


"If we move the cart to a suitable location, leave it there, and erase any traces of people, the Evil Tyrant Alliance will likely think they left with the valuables and won't assume they were attacked. So, please don't worry too much."

"W-will you really do that for us? We're afraid we might be causing too much trouble..."

"Of course, we will do so."

"Oh, kind sir! Thank you so much. Th-then, what can we offer you in return..."

"...We're not asking for any compensation."


Baek Cheon bit his lip for a moment. Rather than wasting time with such words, the thought occurred to Baek Cheon that it would be more humane, as a person, to reexamine the condition of the village head, who was bleeding and lying on the ground. The words almost slipped out, rising up to his throat before he managed to swallow them back down.

"... We don't expect any compensation. Just be cautious, as the Evil Sect may check later. Thank you. Please feel free to consume the grains there. However, be careful as they might verify it later."

"Th...ank you. Truly, thank you, sir!"

"Is it over now?"

Upon hearing those words, the man, instead of answering, turned his head to observe the situation near the carriage.

After confirming the sight of Five Swords and the sect leaders rushing in and beating the Evil Sect individuals as if capturing rats, he then turned his attention to the fallen sect leader.

Just as Baek Cheon was about to utter a word, questioning whether the person stabbed with a knife was now visible to him.


The man's mouth hung open, and his face contorted in a way that was difficult to describe. He immediately howled like a wild beast and rushed toward the village head.

"Father! Uwaaaah! Father!!"

Baek Cheon's eyes widened.