Chapter 1228: I Don't Know (Part 3)

"Straighten up, will you?"


"I said stand up straight!"

Hyeongwook's expression was simply bewildered. People each had their own sense of normality, didn't they? Anyone would be startled when faced with a scene that deviated from that.

Of course, if you had a broad mind, you could somehow accept it.

Those fearsome people, who had effortlessly defeated the formidable villains of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, were now beating down their colleagues as if swatting flies. Even the fact that the person wielding that violence looked like the youngest person in the group... one could somehow accept that.


'Isn't this a bit too much?'

It wasn't shocking to see him, who looked the youngest, craving another person in front of him.

It wasn't shocking at this point to see the man who seemed youngest scolding another target.

The only thing different from before was that the target of his attention was not a person but an animal.

"If you deviate from the path, you'll be beaten down."


"If you think you can rest while running, I'll get a nice scarf too. Do you understand? Live together, die together!"

"Chung Myung. Let's live together."


"It's very different..."


Chung Myung, looking as if he were about to devour Baek-ah, pulled something out from his arms and shook it in front of Baek-ah's nose.

"This is the Manrijeong ["Thousand Miles Path"...a perfume ig?] that the Beast Palace Master gave me... Manrichu...Anyway, something like that. Since you said you could smell this scent from thousands of li away, if you're even a little late, you'll really be beaten down then. Got it?"


"Do you understand?"

Baek-ah, with a small piece of cloth tied around his neck, nodded his head with a sullen face.


Chung Myung clicked his tongue, seemingly dissatisfied with Baek-ah.

"Anyway, I have to trust it!"

Even in the face of such an unavoidable spectacle, the surroundings were nonchalant.

"Well... what can I do? Let's go."


Baek-ah turned his body sharply.

"Even when I'm earnestly advising you, stand up straight... Hey! The conversation isn't over yet! Hey!"

Baek-ah, without looking back, ran with all his might and disappeared in front of Chung Myung.

"Wow, look at that speed."

"Really fast."

"It'll probably take less than a day there and back. What's the hurry?"

"...He'd rather run than listen to that nagging. I'd probably do the same."

"I agree."

Watching Chung Myung, who was yelling and waving his fist at Baek-ah, who had already gone far away, everyone shook their heads.

Seemingly regretting the loss of the prey, Chung Myung suddenly turned his head and looked at Im Sobyeong. Im Sobyeong, who flinched, quickly rubbed his blue eyelids.

Chung Myung opened his mouth.

"You too! Perhaps..."

"Perhaps you're saying that if we can't properly rescue people, we'll die?"


"And if those damn Evil Sect bastards behave recklessly towards people, you'll strip off their skins, right?"


"And you wrote in the letter that the cliffs we passed through would be difficult for ordinary civilians to pass, so go a different way, not that way, right?"


Chung Myung was speechless. Im Sobyeong, with a triumphant smile, unfolded his fan.

"Hehehe! Who am I! I am Nokrim King Im Sobyeong, the right arm of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, perfectly carrying out orders... Kyaak!"

Hit in the middle of the forehead by a flying scabbard, Im Sobyeong rolled around on the floor.

"Who's the right arm? Who! This Evil Sect bastard! This bastard is using wicked words trying to desecrate the sacred body of a Taoist! In the past, I wouldn't even drink water within a radius of five li from Evil Sect bastards, let alone coexist with them!"

Once again watching Chung Myung handle Im Sobyeong as if he were prey, Baek Cheon sighed. And turning his gaze away from there, he spoke to Hyeongwook.

"Don't worry about that."


"More importantly…"

After tidying up his complexion, he said,

"No matter how late, those who will bring you all back safely will arrive within four days, so you only need to wait until then."

Hyeongwook looked at Baek Cheon with a face that didn't know what to do.

"Dojang-nim... I'm truly... truly sorry. I didn't mean to say it with that intention..."

"I understand."

However, Baek Cheon calmly nodded his head.

"It's not that I took action out of necessity due to blame. It's just that I corrected what I didn't know once I found out."

"How should we repay this favor..."

As Hyeongwook struggled to find words amid gratitude, apology, and embarrassment, Baek Cheon simply smiled without saying a word.

"If you are truly thankful, go to Gangbuk and tell the story to us. If they ask about the reasons there, just tell them exactly as it is, without adding or subtracting anything."

For a moment, Hyeongwook's complexion slightly dimmed.

It was because he guessed what kind of look he would receive if the comrades of these warriors learned about the thoughtless act he had done.

But Baek Cheon seemed to have guessed such concerns, as he lowered his head without saying anything.

"They are not such people."


"I make this request because they also need to know what kind of things people in Gangnam are going through and how they live."


"We are not as great as you think. We just know how to wield a sword better than others. You may think we turn a blind eye even though we know, but in reality, there are many things we cannot do because we do not know."


As if understanding what he meant, Hyeongwook nodded his head.

"So please, without any reservation, tell them exactly as it is. That is sufficient for repayment."

Hyeongwook nodded his head with a firm face. Even if he were to be pointed at, it seemed like he would keep that promise.

Looking at that tough face, Baek Cheon smiled.

"Well then, we are busy, so we will be leaving now."

"I am an ignorant man with no learning, but I know that it is not proper to detain people with courteous words. So, I sincerely wish you prosperity."


Those who had been watching the two's conversation from behind, smiled at Hyeongwook and turned away.

"Then, take care!"

Tang Soso waved her hand with a bright smile.

Those who had eaten from her hands came out to see off the departing Cheonu Alliance party, but they still couldn't easily respond or greet them. They just stood there, not knowing what to do.

However, Tang Soso, with an unwavering face, nodded and turned around. She knew that if she continued to gaze at them, the burden they felt would only grow.

"Let's go!"


The Heavenly Comrade Alliance quickly moved away.

Those who had been staring blankly at the departing group alternated their gazes between the path they took and the piled grains in the center of the village.

In silence, complex expressions surfaced on their faces, expressions that couldn't be easily described.

"Hyeongwook, you..."

"Don't say anything."

Hyeongwook let out a deep sigh.

"I used to curse those Evil Sect bastards, calling them beasts... But now that I face them, it seems like I'm no different, just another beast."



Hyeongwook, shoulders slumped, headed towards his father's resting place. The villagers watched him leave with mixed emotions on their faces.


With Im Sobyeong leading, the group swiftly ran forward. Unexpectedly, time had been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. To make up for it, even if it meant taking risks, they needed to increase their speed.

Baek Cheon, who had been silently riding for a while, glanced sideways at Chung Myung, who was running alongside him. Chung Myung, with a consistently expressionless face, focused only on the path ahead.

Baek Cheon sighed briefly and looked forward again. This situation was entirely his fault, with no room for excuses. Due to the narrowness of his vision, he couldn't even think of utilizing the resources he had at his side. It was a disqualification as both the leader of the group and the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua.

However, what truly complicated Baek Cheon's heart was something else. This time, they had Nokrim King, so they could find a solution somehow. But what if Nokrim King wasn't with them in a similar situation? What should they have done then? Was there truly an answer to this problem?

"You seem deep in thought."

At that moment, a deep voice penetrated Baek Cheon's ears. Unconsciously, he let out a sigh. After all, this guy didn't miss anything, no matter how small.

Chung Myung said.

"You don't need to think so hard. Things in the world are never as clear-cut as one might think. There's never a perfect solution that satisfies everyone."


"However, the one leading still has to come up with an answer amidst such ambiguity. That's the difficult part."

Baek Cheon nodded his head.

"Are you wondering what you would have done if Nokrim King wasn't there?"

"...How did you know?"

"Tsk, tsk. Dong Ryong, Dong Ryong. Why do you always overestimate yourself?"


"There's hardly anyone who displays their thoughts on their face as much as you do. Yet, you think you're a very serious person who hides his inner thoughts well."


Chung Myung chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Why bother thinking about what you would have done?"


"The important thing is not finding nonexistent answers. It's about not creating such problems in the first place."


Baek Cheon looked puzzled as he asked, and Chung Myung took a long breath.

"That's why there's Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


"Get rid of the arrogant idea that just because you became the Deputy you have to shoulder everything and make the right decisions. It's because you lack ability. No one, throughout history, has accomplished everything on their own."

Baek Cheon tightly sealed his lips.

"The founder and our ancestors knew it was difficult, yet they established the sect and gathered people. Even then, they found it insufficient and joined hands with other sects, gathering opinions. If even one more person contributes, more can be achieved."

Listening quietly, Baek Cheon's eyes widened slightly.

He was aware of this. No, he knew it too well.

Yet, he had completely forgotten it.

"What we accomplished with Nokrim King was not the limit. It's just that there was only Nokrim King. If Ghost Gate had come with us, it would have been faster, and if the Ten Great Sects had joined, the Evil Tyrant Alliance wouldn't have been able to establish itself like this."

"...I see."

"The answer that Sasuk was looking for is where Sasuk is going now. Upholding righteousness is not all there is to it. If more people believe and practice the righteousness Sasuk believes in, we can create a world where problems without answers don't exist in the first place."

Quietly speaking, Chung Myung suddenly clicked his tongue with an irritated expression.

"So stop thinking about useless things and just look ahead. If you keep running, the day will come when you find the solution."

"⋯⋯The little bastard keeps saying the right things."

"That's right."

"He's being presumptuous, Deputy Sect Leader!"

"We have to teach that kid a lesson!"


Playful voices poured in from behind. Baek Cheon smiled faintly. He felt like he understood the meaning behind Chung Myung's words.

'Contemplating is not wrong.'

The important thing was not that you didn't contemplate, but that even so, you steadfastly followed your own path. If upholding righteousness were an easy task, why was the word "righteousness" gradually disappearing from the world?

It was his chosen path, and it was the path he believed in. So he must move forward with more confidence, as the ones running behind him and those watching from afar would surely help him.

"...This is not the time to waste time talking nonsense, so let's hurry!"


Baek Cheon kicked the ground first and shot forward. The disciples of Mount Hua and the sect leaders from other sects followed closely behind.

Watching the backs of those who ran ahead, Chung Myung chuckled.

"These guys really keep their hands full."


Soon too, he swiftly caught up with the group.

Their destination was the south.

The southernmost point of the Central Plains, Southern Island.