Chapter 1233: So? (Part 3)

"Dan, Danju-nim!"

"Why the fuss?"

"The, the military has arrived!"

"What? Already?"

Guo Bo (郭普), the leader of the Dongshimdan ['East Spirit Organization'?] in the Myriad Man Manor, turned pale.

"T-They weren't supposed to arrive for another two days!"

"I am aware of that, but..."

Guo Bo quickly looked outside. The ships bound for Southern Island were not yet ready, and yet Ho Gakmyung had arrived earlier than expected, two days ahead of the scheduled date.

"W-What are we going to do about this?"

Still staring at the still-drying ships, Guo Bo suddenly exclaimed.

"N-Now is not the time for this! Where is the military now?"

"They entered the outskirts just a while ago!"

"Do Yeol! Stop everything and line up! The military is coming! What are you all doing, you damn bastards! Line up immediately!"

Hearing the word "military," everyone panicked, and they rushed towards Guo Bo. Workers who were busy around turned to look at Guo Bo with puzzled faces as the surroundings became restless.

"You all continue your work! Don't stop working!"


The warriors of Myriad Man Manor quickly lined up with tense faces. Their gaze was fixed on the forest path leading to this place.


Thick beads of sweat rolled down the faces of some individuals. It wasn't just because of the hot sun.

Originally, the Dongshimdan was responsible for managing the Myriad Man Manor. It was a place that could be considered a direct organization under Ho Gakmyung. Given the sudden appearance of a superior on site earlier than scheduled, it was only natural for tension to rise.

"Stand straight!"


The sound of someone swallowing dry saliva echoed clearly.

After a while, through the path that appeared among the front bushes, a group of soldiers revealed themselves.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Ho Gakmyung, leading the armed forces, walked to the shore with deliberate steps.

In the deathly silence, Ho Gakmyung's gaze moved from left to right. His face was indescribably cold, but his eyes didn't miss a single detail of what was happening on the shore.

"We greet the military!"

"We greet the military!"

Members of the Dongshimdan who were preparing bowed simultaneously, showing their respects.

Myriad Man Manor, now a power that dominated not only Guangdong but the entire Gangnam.

Even within Myriad Man Manor, there were only two who could receive such respect – the leader Jang Ilso and the military commander Ho Gakmyung.

Just by witnessing this scene, it wasn't difficult to guess how firmly Ho Gakmyung had established his position within Myriad Man Manor.

Guo Bo, lying flat on the ground, glanced at Ho Gakmyung cautiously. However, it was not easy to read his thoughts from his always unchanged cold expression.


At that moment, Ho Gakmyung's voice pierced through Guo Bo like a needle. Startled, Guo Bo quickly lowered his head even further. The white sand on the shore stuck to his forehead, wet with cold sweat.


"Yes, Commander! The preparations for the ships heading to Southern Island are all finished, and as you instructed, we are currently constructing additional ships. However... recently, the weather has not been favorable, and the ship construction has not yet been completed."

After saying that much, Guo Bo cautiously kept his head low, trying to gauge Ho Gakmyung's expression. However, reading his thoughts from his always cold expression was not an easy task.

"Two days! It will take two more days to complete the construction!"

Here is the translation of the provided Korean text:


At that moment, a faint sound reached his ears. Recognizing it as the sound of footsteps on the white sand, Guo Bo arched his back and buried his head deeper.


Right in front of him, Ho Gakmyung's steps came to a halt. Guo Bo's back and face were soaked in sweat.

"You said two days?"

Guo Bo, trembling with a pale face, lifted his head. Facing Ho Gakmyung's chilling gaze felt like being pierced through.

"You have a talent for making words interesting."


"Don't make me ask again, Danju. What did I order?"

"Commander... said you would lead the troops here two days later, and until then, all preparations for the expedition to Southern Island should be completed."

"Right. I definitely said that."

As Guo Bo was about to swallow dry saliva, a chilling voice reached his ears again.

"Did that mean finishing the ship construction according to my arrival?"


"It seems like this branch leader has become quite lax in the absence of Ryeonju-nim. Looking at the way the branch leader thinks everything will be fine if he finishes his work on time, it seems like he's taken the opportunity to loosen up."

"P-Please kill me, Commander!"

Guo Bo bowed his head, pleading.

When people hear the term 'Myriad Man Manor,' they usually think of Jang Ilso and his cruelty. However, the person who truly instilled fear within Myriad Man Manor was not Jang Ilso. To ordinary branch leaders, Jang Ilso was like a cloud, an object of admiration, but not someone they directly dealt with.

Moreover, Jang Ilso didn't pay much attention to minor matters. Consequently, most events within the sect didn't get reported to him. Instead, it was Ho Gakmyung who managed the branches on his behalf.

In other words, the one who established the incredibly thorough and strict system of Myriad Man Manor was not Jang Ilso but rather Ho Gakmyung.

While the enemies of Myriad Man Manor feared Jang Ilso, the branch leaders within Myriad Man Manor feared Ho Gakmyung. The one who administered punishments was neither an enemy nor Jang Ilso, but him.


At that moment, Ho Gakmyung's voice once again pierced Guo Bo's ears.

"What punishment is appropriate for a branch leader who fails to properly execute orders from his superiors?"

Guo Bo bit his lips.

If someone else were in front of him, he might have attempted to justify himself. However, Guo Bo knew that justification wouldn't work with Ho Gakmyung. Every order given by Ho Gakmyung was carefully considered, taking into account the abilities of the executor, the situation, and even all possible variables. Therefore, no reason could serve as justification.

"Acco-according to the regulations... if a branch leader fails to fulfill a small order due to insufficiency of abilities, it is a demotion of rank and..."


At that moment, Ho Gakmyung's voice sank even deeper, squeezing Guo Bo's heart.

"Why is someone with insufficient abilities sitting in the position of a branch leader?"


"And is that really the reason for the failure?"

Guo Bo couldn't say anything.

"While the other branch leaders are facing enemies at other places for the sake of the sect, those left in the rear are enjoying themselves as if they were kings. If they had the determination, the matter should have been settled a few days ago."


"Bring it."


With Ho Gakmyung's command, the military officer at the back, holding a scroll, pulled it out from his arms and presented it.

Ho Gakmyung casually accepted the scroll with an indifferent touch. After silently perusing the contents, he tossed the scroll to Guo Bo.

"Check it."

"Th-this is..."

As Ho Gakmyung glanced down without explaining, and Guo Bo picked up the scroll, reading its contents with trembling eyes. Guo Bo's complexion turned pale as he read in detail what he had been doing on a day-to-day basis during the absence of Jang Ilso and Ho Gakmyung.

'What the hell is this…'

This wasn't something one could verify overnight. Conversely, it meant that while Ho Gakmyung was heading to the Yangtze River in urgent circumstances, he had kept an eye on Guo Bo at the rear.

"Any explanations?"


"Did you enjoy it?"

A faint twist appeared at the corner of Ho Gakmyung's mouth. It might look like a frown to others, but for Ho Gakmyung, it was a smile.

"While our forces shed blood in the front, the one left in the rear not only failed to provide support but frolicked around carefreely, enjoying himself."

"P-please spare me, Commander!"

Guo Bo forcefully pressed his forehead against the ground. There was no room for excuses. To preserve his life, he had no choice but to admit everything willingly and beg for mercy.

Ho Gakmyung looked down at Guo Bo with an emotionless face.

"I don't particularly hate people like you. It's excessive greed to expect more from someone who was born that way."


"But I am also a soldier of the manor. As you know, the leader hates oil-stained pigs the most. Especially pigs that suck the blood of their comrades and fill their bellies."


"Janggan (長干)."

"Yes, Commander."

"He will be banned from martial arts, flogged, and sentenced to six months of hard labor."


"Confiscate all the wealth accumulated during that time."


Guo Bo, prostrate on the ground, shouted with his head buried.

"Thank you for your mercy, Commander!"

It might have seemed like a harsh punishment. But Guo Bo considered himself fortunate. He knew that, considering what Ho Gakmyung could have done, this was an exceptionally merciful decision.

However, his relief shattered into pieces with Ho Gakmyung's continued voice.

"And when he returns from labor, cut off the tendons of his useless legs."


Facing the thunderous words, Kwak Bo opened his eyes wide, looking at Ho Gakmyung in despair. Ho Gakmyung spoke coldly.

"He probably wanders around doing useless things because he has unnecessary energy. If he can't walk on his legs, he'll concentrate on work."

"C-Commander! Commander! I made a mistake! Please, just that... Commander!"

"Carry it out."


The ones standing behind Ho Gakmyung grabbed Guo Bo, who was screaming in despair, and dragged him away.

Although the desperate screams echoed along the coast, Ho Gakmyung paid no attention in that direction.

"Who's the assistant manager?"

"T-that would be me, Commander."

"Complete the ship's construction without delay."

"Yes! It should be done in two days..."

"You don't seem to understand my words. I'm telling you to properly complete the construction. I'm sure you hastily made it just to meet the deadline. Double-check everything from the beginning to ensure there are no issues and bring me a proper plan. If there's a problem with the ship, you'll be in a situation where you'd want to die but won't be able to."

"Y-yes, I'll keep that in mind."

Ho Gakmyung's gaze briefly swept over the workers. There was a palpable tension in their hammering movements.

"Let's go to the room." [idk, might be "sect"]


As Ho Gakmyung turned, Janggan quickly followed.

"Commander, if you intended to set an example, it might have been better to just kill him..."

"No need."

Ho Gakmyung cut off the suggestion as if he didn't want to hear it.

"There's no need to kill someone who might have some use. Killing and getting rid of them is momentarily satisfying. What's important is to properly utilize even someone like him to benefit the sect."

"...Please excuse my ignorance for not understanding your perspective."

Ho Gakmyung moved without responding.

'Now I understand why the Lord is concerned about the rear.'

Even a branch leader, who knew Jang Ilso and Ho Gakmyung better than anyone, committed evil as soon as their gazes were off him. So what about the others beneath him?

If that insignificant Southern Island caused a bit of trouble, there would be no shortage of those who would either sympathize or seize the opportunity to gain their own advantages.

'So I need to clean up thoroughly.'

Ho Gakmyung subtly turned his head to look at the distant Southern Island.


"...Why are you doing that?"

Ho Gakmyung, who had been silently squinting his eyes and observing the sea, lowered his head slightly.

"No, it must have been a fish. I guess I've gotten anxious." [lmfao]

"Yes, Commander."

"Tell the workers."


"A typhoon is coming soon."

At the unexpected statement, Janggan looked out to the far sea. Indeed, the waves had become quite high, and dark clouds were gathering in the distance.

The weather in the Southern Sea was notoriously unpredictable.

"Our schedule might be delayed a bit."

"It's an anticipated variable."

Ho Gakmyung spoke nonchalantly.

"Manage the ships that are under construction properly. It seems like it won't be an ordinary typhoon."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind!"


In the distance, thunder was faintly heard. Ho Gakmyung chuckled.

"From the Southern Island Sect's perspective, they'd probably wish this typhoon would never end."

The smile on his lips was bitterly cold.