Chapter 1237: Who Came? (Part 2)

"I need dry clothes!"

"No, I need to wash off the rain first!"

"No! All I need is a place that doesn't leak! Anywhere with a roof will do!"


"We ate just now."



Guo Huanso stared blankly at those busy wiping themselves. Despite the cold rain relentlessly striking his face and the fierce wind pushing against his body, he just stood there, dumbfounded.

'Who are these people... What made them come all the way here?'

No, no. He shouldn't be thinking like this. Just their presence here was something to be grateful for, to the point of tears. He should be thankful... 

They came to Southern Island, braving the raging typhoon... 

"Hey, why are you just standing there watching?"

"Maybe they're not used to humans from the warm south! We're about to burst!"

"Look, the guest is getting soaked in the rain!"

"If this were Mount Hua, someone would've been struck by lightning by now!"

But why were these bastards like this?

If they just kept their mouths shut, an air of nobility or holiness might have surrounded them. Why did they insist on being so uncouth and blowing it all away... Why...

"No! Do we have to keep waiting?"

Above all, what bewildered Guo Huanso the most was the fact that the person angrily pulling apart the wet hair stuck to his face was not of Mount Hua but, to his surprise, Namgung Dowi.

'Isn't that Namgung Dowi...?'

Even though he lived on Southern Island, he couldn't fail to recognize Namgung Dowi, the Mountain-Breaking Sword (斷岳劍). His imposing figure from the martial arts competition was enough to ignite a fierce competitive spirit in Guo Hansuo.

'Until he was beaten in the groin by Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.' [...]

Anyway, the Namgung Dowi he saw back then was like a hero from a painting, born into a prestigious family...

"...Hey, do guests come once every ten years? Don't you know how to guide them? Hmm?"

"Dowi, calm down first."

"No, hyung-nim! These gentlemen..."

Fortunately, Guo Hansuo didn't have to do anything. Soon, the Sect Leader Kim Yang Baek, braving the pouring rain and running, or rather slipping, towards them, saved the day.

Guo Hansuo swore that had never seen the sect leader run so fast.

"Y-You said you came from Mount Hua?"

Abruptly stopping (although he almost slipped on the rain), Kim Yang Baek looked at the visitors with widened eyes.

'Sect Leader...'

Guo Huansuo sent a pitiful glance towards Kim Yangbaek, who was about to fall into the same despair. But at that moment...

"Excuse me, would I be rude if I asked if you were Sect Leader of the Southern Island Sect?"

In the blink of an eye, Baek Cheon, who had quickly tidied his clothes, cordially gestured at Kim Yang Baek, looking impeccable.

"Look at my mind. I am Kim Yang Baek, the sect Leader of the Southern Island Sect!"

"I am Baek Cheon of Mount Hua. Although I am humble, I currently hold the position of Deputy Sect Leader, representing the will of the Sect Leader of Mount Hua."

There was no need to add or subtract; it was a perfect like a scripted text. Those who had been causing all sorts of trouble earlier now stood neatly, with well-adjusted clothes, displaying an impeccable posture.


In a moment of distraction, Guan Hansuo pointed his finger.

Their expressions seemed to say, 'Deception? What do you mean? We've been like this from the start!'

"I-I think these guys are frauds..."

In an instant, Kim Yangbaek turned around and scolded Guo Hansuo harshly.

"You! In front of guests who came all the way to Southern Island, you're talking about frauds! Did the wind blow your mind away or something?"

"Now, Sect Leader, that's not it..."

"What else could it be!"

"I-I'm sure those people were, until just a moment ago..."

"People? Has this guy truly lost his mind? Can't you just shut up right now?"


Feeling unjustly wronged, Guo Hansuo turned to the side, looking for support. Surely, there were witnesses who saw what happened earlier...


The people next to him were all avoiding Guo Hansuo's gaze, clearly showing that they didn't want to get involved and risk receiving the Sect Leader's wrath.

'These bastards...'

Tears welled up in Guo Hansuo's eyes. There wasn't a single person to trust among all these people who had been in this together with him...

Observing Guo Hansuo, who was keenly feeling the cruelty of the world, Kim Yang Baek turned his head sternly and looked at Baek Cheon.

"Excuse us. The children were confused..."

"Don't worry about it."

Baek Cheon smiled brightly. Even in the pouring rain, his face radiated warmth.

"Considering the difficult situation you're facing, I understand that tempers may run high. Normally, we should have followed the proper procedures and contacted you through the Central Bureau before coming, but please forgive our rudeness as we were not familiar with the situation in Southern Island."

Kim Yang Baek was even more impressed by Baek Cheon's considerate words.

"How can you pay attention to such details? Just the fact that you braved the storm to come to the gate is enough for us to be grateful."

"Ah, Sect Leader... You're being deceived..."


With just a glance, Kim Yang Baek crushed Guo Hansuo's protest and quickly regained his composure. He cautiously asked Baek Cheon:

"Deputy... you said?"


Baek Cheon nodded with a bright smile.

"Although it may seem odd, that's the case. I have been delegated by the Sect Leader of Mount Hua and currently hold the position of Deputy Sect Leader, representing the will of the Sect Leader. I also come as a special envoy of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance with full authority."

Perhaps due to the cold rain, a shiver ran down Kim Yang Baek's spine.

'Deputy Sect Leader.'

That wasn't something you heard every day.

Typically, the position of Deputy Sect Leader was temporarily assumed by the one who would become the next Sect Leader until the current Sect Leader formally stepped down. This is common in places like the Imperial Palace or the Sage Palace, but it was extremely rare in Kangho. The reason was simple: there was hardly ever a temporary power vacuum due to the decline or illness of the leader.

'Why would they need a deputy to begin with?'

Especially in Kangho, where getting older doesn't mean weakening but often signifies even more strength. 'Deputy' was not a term commonly used here. Yet, they created a position for a Deputy Sect Leader and sent him to the Southern Island Sect?

'That means they think highly of us!'

His fingertips trembled involuntarily. Then he realized that the people standing behind Baek Cheon also looked out of the ordinary.

"What about the others... Are they also from Mount Hua?"

Baek Cheon subtly nodded, and the others, who had been waiting, simultaneously stepped forward to express their identities.

"I am Namgung Dowi, the Sogaju of Namgung Family. I am currently serving as the temporary head of the Namgung Family in place of the esteemed leader."

"I am Tang Pae, the Sogaju of the Sichuan Tang Family. I am here on behalf of our leader."

"I am Seol So Baek, the Palace Lord of North Sea Ice Palace!"

In an instant, Kim Yang Baek, who was still in shock, opened his eyes wide.

'Mount Hua, Namgung, Sichuan Tang Family, and even North Sea Ice Palace?'

Each name carried significance not inferior to that of Southern Island. Even if any one of them had visited Southern Island alone, there could be no neglect in their reception.

However, individuals with such prestige and positions had visited Southern Island all at once, overcoming the raging typhoon.

Kim Yang Baek's lips trembled, not from the cold but from the shock. No matter how cold the rain was, it couldn't penetrate his body, trained in martial arts.

"To Southern Island..."

Kim Yang Baek forced his trembling lips to open. Unable to decide what to say, he chose the most appropriate words for now.

"Thank you for visiting Southern Island..."

Baek Cheon was about to respond with a smile when a dying voice came from behind them.

"Uh... It's good to set the mood, but... Cough! Can we find a place to avoid the rain before ending up at our funerals..."

"Shut your mouth, you Evil Sect scum."

"...It really feels like I'm really going to die. Seriously... Cough! Cough!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Nothing will change even if one Evil Sect scum dies."

"...Are you even human?"

Im Sobyeong, pale as a corpse, glared and spat out blood. After a brief glance at him with an expression of having no choice, Baek Cheon cleared his throat and spoke.

"I'm sorry, but if it's not impolite, could we ask for a place to avoid the rain first? Swimming across the sea has drained everyone's energy..."

Kim Yang Baek suddenly regained his senses.

"I, I can't believe I'm being so disrespectful! What are you all doing! Quickly, escort the guests who have visited Southern Island to the guest hall! Hurry!"


Kim Yang Baek gave a deep salute.

"We'll share more details later. For now, it would be best if you rest a little."

"Thank you for your consideration. We'll excuse ourselves."

"We'll guide you this way!"

Lee Ziyang promptly stepped forward and guided the visitors. Southern Island's disciples, who had been stunned, finally snapped out of it and followed them, acting as escorts.

The last two remaining, Kim Yang Baek and Guo Huansuo, watched those heading to the guest hall with faces as if possessed.

'Is this not a dream?'

Guo Huansuo lightly slapped his cheek. But there was no need to confirm by hitting himself; the chilling rainwater and the cold were enough to confirm that this was reality.

'Could it be true that the special envoys of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance have really visited Hae Nam?'

And that too, with such eminent figures?

To Southern Island... In this Southern Island where the typhoon raged... Huh?

"Sect Leader."


Guo Huansuo muttered with a dazed expression.

"A moment ago... that Baek Cheon Dojang... No, Deputy Sect Leader, didn't he say they swam across the sea?"

"...Did he say that?"

"Just now?"


Guo Huansuo and Kim Yang Baek simultaneously looked up at the distant sky. The powerful typhoon and the pouring lightning were clearly visible.

For a moment, deep silence settled between them.

They knew the sea well. Those who did not know how the sea would behave when such a typhoon struck were not those who had experienced the sea.

Thinking of the sure appearance of waves as high as houses crashing, the two looked at each other and awkwardly laughed.

"Seems like we misheard."

"T-That's right, isn't it? Haha... It couldn't be possible."



They remembered the words they heard many times from far away across the sea.

Mount Hua is a sect that never retreats.

The two finally realized what that meant.