Chapter 1242: Is That All? (Part 2)

Under the wide eaves, Kim Yang Baek walked gracefully forward and bowed deeply toward Baek Cheon, who stood at the forefront.

"Allow me to formally greet you once again. I am Kim Yang Baek, the Sect Leader of the Southern Island Sect."

Observing this, disciples of Mount Hua couldn't help but feel a strange emotion. The Sect Leader of Southern Island—now, that name didn't resonate much. They had already experienced too much to feel pressured by the title of Sect Leader of Southern Island. 

They had raised their voices and argued with the Sect Leader of Shaolin, so what was so significant about the Sect Leader of Southern Island?

However, that was because Mount Hua's position had changed drastically. 

Just a few years ago, the Sect Leader of Southern Island was a source of complex emotions for the disciples of Mount Hua.

A target of resentment who had taken the place Mount Hua rightfully deserved, and simultaneously, an object of envy leading a rising sect. However, now that same person had come out of the eaves, facing the rain, and was welcoming Baek Cheon.

"I am Baek Cheon, Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua. Thanks to the consideration of the Sect Leader, I was able to rest comfortably last night. I appreciate your kindness in not turning away an unexpected guest who arrived without notice. Once again, thank you."

With a courteous bow, Baek Cheon acknowledged Kim Yang Baek's gesture. Yoon Jong couldn't help but feel his chest tremble as he watched.

He knew.

The respect Kim Yang Baek showed was not directed at Baek Cheon himself but at the position Baek Cheon held—'Deputy Sect Leader.' Perhaps, it was a show of respect for the special envoy of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

But why should that matter?

A few years ago, Kim Yang Baek hadn't shown any interest in Mount Hua. While younger disciples couldn't hide their jealousy, Kim Yang Baek neither ignored nor scorned Mount Hua; he simply observed. That meant Mount Hua wasn't a threat to Southern Island.

However, now Kim Yang Baek was standing amidst the rain and wind, welcoming Baek Cheon. It was a courteous gesture shown to someone he was seeing for the first time. Just this alone made it clear how different Mount Hua's status was from the past.

"I shall lead you inside."

"It's an honor, Sect Leader."

Kim Yang Baek guided them through the open main gate. Those who had been waiting cautiously approached and offered towels to Baek Cheon and the others.

"What is this…"


When Jo Gol tried to say something in his confusion, Yoon Jong nudged his side and shook his head. He pointed at Namgung Dowi. Namgung Dowi naturally accepted the towel, wiping away the raindrops on his body.

Jo Gol also followed suit, wiping off the rainwater with caution.

"It's nice that a nobleman from a prestigious family is with us."

"That's right. What would we have done if we had come alone?"

"As expected of Sogaju-nim."

Tang Pae's face contorted in annoyance.

"I am also from a prestigious family."

"Oh, right. But… why doesn't it feel that way? It's strange. Is it because he's too friendly?"

"It's the face."

All three of them simultaneously turned to look at the person who had just spoken the last words.

"Why? Did I say something wrong?"


Tang Soso tilted her head as if asking why they were looking at her like that. Everyone turned their heads again without saying a word.

"Let's go inside."


Tang Pae's shoulders slumped, and Yoon Jong simply turned his head, showing understanding.

"Please take a seat."

"Then I won't be shameful."

At Kim Yang Baek's gesture, Baek Cheon sat on the prepared cushions. Only then did Kim Yang Baek and the elders of Southern Island take their seats in a row at the front.

The moment everyone's bottoms touched the ground, disciples from Southern Island brought trays filled with tea and simple snacks, placing them one by one in front of Mount Hua's disciples.

Slight sweat started to form on Yoon Jong's forehead.

'It doesn't seem to be because of the heat.'

It didn't take long for him to understand the reason.

In fact, although he had cultivated pride as a disciple of Mount Hua, he had never been formally treated like this by disciples of another sect.

Being received in the name of Mount Hua was not for them but for the Sect Leader and the elders. However, at the moment when the hospitality meant for the Sect Leader came their way, Yoon Jong felt the palpable realization that he was now representing Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

It felt slightly suffocating, but Yoon Jong deliberately straightened his shoulders even more. If he represented Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, he couldn't give the impression of being oppressed in this atmosphere.

"An honored guest has traveled a difficult path from a distant place, and we apologize for not being able to provide proper hospitality. However, please understand that the situation in Southern Island is urgent, leaving us with no other choice."

"In the unexpected warmth of your reception, I am truly humbled. Who in the world has ever received such treatment in Southern Island? Regardless of my position, as an individual, it is something to boast about for a lifetime."

Words that lifted the other party momentarily passed between them. Even disciples of Mount Hua, who would usually chuckle about Baek Cheon's eloquence, remained silent now, sensing the tension in the air.


At that moment, Kim Yang Baek cleared his throat and turned his head.

"I apologize for the intrusive question, but I will confirm once again. You, sir, are in the position of representing Mount Hua as the Deputy Sect Leader and have visited here as a special envoy of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Is that correct?"

"That's correct."

"It is not virtuous for a gentleman to doubt others' words, but since this place is quite distant from the Central Plains, news does not spread quickly."

Baek Cheon smiled gently and unfastened the Great Virtuous Sword at his waist. Kim Yang Baek silently observed his actions.


With the sword held horizontally, Baek Cheon slowly drew the Great Virtuous Sword. A short gasp escaped from everyone's mouths the moment the white-hued blade was revealed; it was clearly not an ordinary sword.

"A sacred sword of Mount Hua, the Great Virtuous Sword. The Sect Leader of Mount Hua has sent me this sword to convey his intentions."

Baek Cheon spoke with a slightly awkward tone.

"However, proving that this sword is the Great Virtuous Sword of Mount Hua..."

"No need, Deputy Sect Leader. Your answer is sufficient."

At that moment, Kim Yang Baek erased all lingering doubts from his mind.

There had never been a doubt that Baek Cheon came as the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua. Baek Cheon, too, as a member of Mount Hua's Five Swords, had earned a reputation throughout the world. Fabricating or lying about matters related to the Sect Leader's position was unimaginable.

Even if Baek Cheon harbored ill intentions, the disciples of Mount Hua and other sect leaders present wouldn't stand by idly.

Yet what he wanted to confirm was the extent of authority vested in the position of 'Deputy Sect Leader.'

The Great Virtuous Sword served the purpose of exercising that authority in the absence of the Sect Leader. Sometimes, the Great Virtuous Sword wielded greater authority than the Sect Leader himself.

If this Great Virtuous Sword truly belonged to Mount Hua, then Baek Cheon held all the authority of Mount Hua in his hands. Kim Yang Baek swallowed a dry spit unknowingly. Then, he hastily loosened his expression.

'I was tense.'

He still hadn't heard anything from them, yet the simple fact that he was facing the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua was enough to make him lose control of his expression.

Although Baek Cheon was the Deputy Sect Leader, wasn't he just an inexperienced young man? Kim Yang Baek, the Sect Leader of Southern Island, had no reason to be nervous in dealing with someone like him.

However, the tension couldn't be completely alleviated because of the two symbols—Baek Cheon's white robe and the plum blossom pattern engraved on his chest.

The two symbols representing the sect hinted at how much more colossal Mount Hua had become in their eyes.

Kim Yang Baek took a slow breath, faintly smiled, and began to speak.

"Deputy Sect Leader. How on earth did you manage to come here?"

To ease the tension and break the rigid atmosphere, it was necessary to start with small talk. Kim Yang Baek began to speak, prepared to receive backlash from Baek Cheon regardless of his response.

"If you arrived at this time, you must have left early. Why didn't you contact us in advance? We would have gone out to the sea to welcome you, but now it feels like we've become impolite. Haha."

However, Baek Cheon's response completely thwarted Kim Yang Baek's intentions. [It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say...]

"We came through Gangnam."


"We came straight through Gangnam by land."

For a moment, Kim Yang Baek, who was left speechless, stared blankly at Baek Cheon.

Gangnam? Did he just say Gangnam?

"Deputy Sect Leader, the Gangnam you're mentioning now..."

"We departed from Hubei and came through Guangdong."

Kim Yang Baek's eyes gradually widened.



Baek Cheon answered with a gentle smile. Kim Yang Baek, for a moment, forgot his position as the Sect Leader and stammered.

"You crossed the Yangtze River? And... t-through Guangdong, the base of Myriad Man Manor?"


"Oh, no. Why would you do something so dangerous... What were you thinking?"

Not only Kim Yang Baek but even the elders momentarily forgot their positions and began to murmur among themselves. Some were bewildered, and others were incredulous.

But Baek Cheon, with a soft smile, just answered the plain truth.

"It was the fastest route."

Kim Yang Baek lost words.

The young man, whether bold or shameless, only smiled gently in the midst of such reactions.


Actually, Kim Yang Baek had something else he really wanted to say.

'Are you sane?'

But this was not the place to speak freely. Therefore, he refined and purified his words as much as possible.

"W-What if you encountered danger on such a journey..."

"It could have happened. But as you can see, we arrived safely."

But Baek Cheon didn't bother to turn the words back.


Looking straight at Kim Yang Baek and the elders, Baek Cheon spoke.

"It wasn't only us in danger, right? Southern Island was truly in a perilous situation."

Everyone faced Baek Cheon. It seemed like they could be drawn in at any moment.

"When rushing to help those in danger, if we were too preoccupied with securing our own safety, how could that be considered proper assistance?"

Baek Cheon spoke calmly, but with unwavering determination.

"That is not the way of Mount Hua, nor is it the way of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

A palpable tension gripped everyone.

At that moment, Kim Yang Baek sensed it. The control of the conversation he wanted had completely shifted to Baek Cheon at this moment.

In this instant, the young man overwhelmed this place not by relying on the power and authority of Mount Hua but simply by speaking his mind.

"So, Sect Leader, from now on, please listen to my words without prejudice."

Usually, such a statement would be followed by a brief pause, and Kim Yang Baek, suspecting as much, quickly nodded.


"For the future of the Southern Island Sect and for the safety of the world, we, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, recommend that the Southern Island Sect withdraw from the Ten Great Sects and join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


Quickly blocking his mouth, Kim Yang Baek coughed in haste.

Really, without any pretense of going around, it was a straightforward statement that struck the nape of the neck with all its might.