Chapter 1251: And To Survive! (Part 1)


Amidst the silence of the grand hall, a person burst in violently. However, the man reviewing the mountain of documents piled on his desk paid no attention to the intruder.



The prostrated individual remained silent, waiting.

The man at the desk, who shuffled through documents while the candle burned another inch, signed one side of the paper with a fine brush and closed the ledger.

"Authorize and deliver these documents."


The person waiting nearby responded politely.

"The ones who compiled these ledgers, summon them separately and lock them in the prison."

"Yes, Commander."


Ho Gakmyung threw the ledger he was holding on the desk.

"The person responsible for this ledger should have his Dantian abolished, tendons cut off, and be imprisoned underground. Confiscate their family assets using troops, and if anyone resists, make them meet the same fate."

"If they go to the prison like that, they won't last long."

"Is that so? I nearly made a mistake. Well, before they endure for too long, retrieve them from the prison and behead them before they die by my name. I can't let them off so easily, even in death."

"As you command, Commander!"

With closed eyes, the Commander pressed on his temple.

"Human beings are truly unpredictable creatures. Between their lives and a paltry sum of money, which one do they consider more important?"

Although well aware that getting caught embezzling the sect's finances would lead to a miserable death, these individuals, who had seen others indeed die in such a manner, continued to find opportunities to thwart the rules whenever a chance presented itself.

He was part of the Evil Sect too, but he was so sick of such people. 

But what could he do? It was the path he had chosen.

Ho Gakmyung slowly opened his eyes and spoke.


"Yes, Commander! All preparations for departure are complete."

"It's late."

"...I have no excuses."

Ho Gakmyung's gaze shifted to the open water. The clear blue sky, free of clouds, came into view. Although the waves were still high from the recent typhoon, it wouldn't pose much of a problem for sailing.

"Southern Island..."

Ho Gakmyung slowly rose from his seat.

"Nothing good will come of dragging it on for too long. Board the troops."


The reporting individual bowed deeply and rushed out. Glancing briefly at the documents still untouched, Ho Gakmyung shook off any lingering thoughts and moved forward.

'Handle Southern Island first, and then return to wrap things up.'

It shouldn't take too long, after all.


"Munbang (文房)."

"Yes, Commander."

"Any reports about the movements of the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

"The last confirmation was three days ago, but until then, there hasn't been any significant movement."

Even with all their efforts, it would be impossible to reach this place within three days from where they were situated along the Yangtze River.

"Forget about the Ten Great Sects, but the Heavenly Comrade Alliance..."

A faint smile played on Ho Gakmyung's lips.

"What could they possibly do?"


"Probably nothing."


Ho Gakmyung spoke calmly.

"If they knew the situation, they would have done something. Because they are those kinds of people."

"But this place..."

"Whether it's Southern Island or not, it doesn't matter. At least, they'll probably do something to make sure we don't focus on this place, like fighting on the Yangtze to prevent us from moving. Yet, the fact that they are not moving means that information about our movement hasn't reached them."

Ho Gakmyung immediately subtly adjusted his evaluation of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Their intelligence was even weaker than he had anticipated, at least for events within Gangnam.

'Ten Great Sects? No, even if they knew, they wouldn't have shared information with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. No... No. Even if they knew, they would have leaked information, causing the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Evil Tyrant Alliance to weaken each other. Because the old man is like that.' [Damn, big brain...]

While organizing his thoughts based on the information he gained, a puzzled voice from Munbang brushed his ear.

"...I don't quite understand, Commander. If we were to consider which side had a connection to the Southern Island Sect, wouldn't it be the Ten Great Sects rather than the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? Why would the Heavenly Comrade Alliance move? What benefit would they gain?"

Ho Gakmyung didn't answer. There was no need to explain and make them understand. Ho Gakmyung was the one to understand and decide the situation. They just needed to follow his orders.

'Those who move for their interests won't go through this trouble.'

What made him uncomfortable was that there was no way to find a rationale behind their actions. They might have their reasons, but from this side's perspective, it was impossible to understand those rationales. Jang Ilso seemed to be able to include their movements in his calculations to some extent, but...

'That's not what's important now.'

Putting aside thoughts for a moment, Ho Gakmyung quickened his pace.

Regardless of the circumstances, the events in the Southern Island Sect would be a significant warning to them. A clear warning showing what would happen if anyone dared to resist the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

Therefore, it had to be dealt with decisively and brutally.

"Whatever they do now doesn't matter. Whether it's the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, all they'll hear is the news of the Southern Island Sect burning."

That's why he personally stepped forward.

"Prepare everything within an hour. We're heading to Southern Island."

"Yes! Commander!"

* * *

"Sahyung. Aren't we here because of our sect's departure ceremony?"

"...I thought so too."

"Then why are they looking at us like that?"

"I don't know?"

The disciples of Southern Island, who had not yet heard the situation, looked at the followers of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance with puzzled faces. In their view, the situation was inevitably bizarre.

Of course, the fact that they were going through the departure ceremony was not something they needed to hide from others, but wasn't it awkward to reveal it like this? It was embarrassing for the sect, whether the disciple committed a crime and faced excommunication or left the sect on their own. From the sect's perspective, it was a shameful situation.

"Weren't they supposed to eat and leave?"

"Do they mean to watch the funeral ceremony and leave?"

"...This doesn't make sense?"

Yet, they couldn't blame them for barging in like this openly for no other reason that the fact that Kim Yang Baek, the leader of the Southern Island Sect, was standing there with the members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Sometimes actions speak louder than a hundred words. Kim Yang Baek being there was clear evidence that their actions had been tacitly approved on the sect level.

"Great Sahyung. Great Sahyung, did you hear anything?"

The disciples who still didn't understand the situation eventually all sought out Guo Hansuo. As far as they knew, he was the last person they had a conversation with.

"Sect Leader will explain."


"First, wait."


Doubts arose, but there was no way to ask further. It was burdensome even to continue speaking in this ceremony.

'I can't understand this.'

Lee Ziyang furrowed his brow. Although he felt this repeatedly, those visitors often crossed the line.

What kind of ceremony was this?

An event to instill a sense of guilt in those leaving the sect? No, that wasn't not it.

This was a ritual where those who had pledged to protect the Southern Island Sect, even in this situation, bid farewell and make their final determination.

Therefore, it should be pure. However, with impurities like them intervening, it was discomforting.

'The young warriors of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance are all said to be the best in the world, but...'

There was nothing more unbelievable than rumors. Just because they were strong in martial arts, did they qualify as the best in the world? Especially those who lacked discretion.

While Lee Ziyang was trying to somehow calm his uncomfortable feelings, Kim Yang Baek ascended to the platform.

The Southern Island Sect's disciples immediately straightened their postures and welcomed the sect leader with proper etiquette.

Kim Yang Baek, standing on the platform, looked around at everyone and began to speak.

"Today... Originally, a departure ceremony was scheduled for those leaving the Southern Island Sect."

Originally? Those who sensed that something was off focused their attention on Kim Yang Baek's next words.

"But we decided to skip the departure ceremony. Instead!"

Kim Yang Baek shouted with a firm tone, looking at his disciples.

"I want to share the plan to face the enemies of the Evil Tyrant Alliance!"

Lee Ziyang furrowed his brow.

'What is he suddenly talking about?'

How to deal with them was already decided...

"I, Kim Yang Baek, as the Sect Leader of the Southern Island Sect, will lead the Southern Island Sect's disciples and head to the land controlled by the Evil Tyrant Alliance in Gangnam."

At the sudden announcement, the Southern Island Sect's disciples were all shocked.


"Sect Leader!"

"To Gangnam?"

Of course, they had considered the possibility of the Sect Leader pursuing a different approach. Given the situation, they might set sail across the distant seas, either living or dying.

But Gangnam? Who in their right mind throws themselves into the tiger's den?

However, without waiting for their understanding, Kim Yang Baek continued to speak.

"And! The messengers of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance here will also head to Gangnam with our Southern Island Sect."

This time, all eyes focused on those standing below the platform. Even among those numerous gazes, they just stood calmly, almost as if proving the truth of all these words.

"Now, Sect Leader. Why such a sudden..."

"I will not force anyone!"

Kim Yang Baek shouted.

"We decided not to hold a separate departure ceremony because undergoing the departure might be an unavoidable path for some. Those without the determination to spend their last breaths by the Southern Island Sect for the last time should stay on this island. Then, perhaps they can survive."



Kim Yang Baek bit his lips and shouted.

"Those who are willing to fight under the name of the Southern Island Sect until the end! Those who want to open a path with their lives and pierce the enemy's heart, follow me. We will cross Gangnam, pierce the enemy's heart, and head to the Yangtze. And from there, we will continue the fight against the despicable Evil Tyrant Alliance, not in Southern Island, but at the Yangtze River!"


"Those who believe in me!"

Kim Yang Baek shouted, looking around at everyone.

"And those who cannot abandon the name Southern Island Sect, step forward! I will gladly cross the sea with you. We will let the world know that Southern Island Sect's spirit is still alive!"

Amidst the heavy silence, the Southern Island Sect's disciples just stared at Kim Yang Baek. This was because they had no idea how to react to those words, which were filled with only strong determination and no logic whatsoever.

At that moment, Guo Hansuo, who had been silent until now, slowly stepped forward and faced Kim Yang Baek.

"Disciple Guo Hansuo dares to ask Sect Leader one thing."


Guo Hansuo saluted and asked in a clear voice.

"Sect Leader, why do you want to fight in Gangnam instead of here?"

Kim Yang Baek took a deep breath and spoke.

"Some say fishermen understand the laws of the sea and obey them."


"What do you think? Is that statement true?"

Some nodded.

"No. That is not the case. The best way to adapt to the sea is not to venture into it. If you don't sail and throw nets, you won't be unable to return from the unpredictable sea! The countless tragedies that have happened on Southern Island would not be repeated."

Kim Yang Baek shouted with a firm gaze.

"Still, we venture into the sea. Knowing how dangerous it is, knowing we may never return! We still sail and cast our nets. Because that is the path of a fighter, and that is the path of a resistor!"

Everyone present here was the son or daughter of someone who fought against the sea. Therefore, no one here would fail to understand Kim Yang Baek's story.

"Gangnam is like a raging sea to us. So? Will we dock the ship at the pier, plainly stare at the sea, and starve to death? Will we accept death because it is reckless to venture into the stormy sea?"

No. No one would do that, especially not the people of Southern Island.

"Why go to Gangnam?"

Kim Yang Baek took a deep breath and roared.

"To fight! And to survive! It may seem reckless, but those who live by the sea know. There is nothing more reckless than waiting for death!"

Kim Yang Baek's gaze turned towards the group of Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"I forgot something. They reminded us of things we, who live by the sea, should have understood before anyone else. The obvious fact that if you want to protect and survive, you must fight!"

Lastly, Kim Yang Baek's gaze fell on Guo Hansuo.

"So, we're going. Even if the Evil Tyrant Alliance is fearsome, it won't be as fearsome as the stormy sea."

Guo Hansuo nodded slowly. Then, he drew the sword at his waist.

"My father also did not return from the sea."


"In my young and ignorant days, I resented my father. But... now that I have reached an age where I must take responsibility for someone, I finally understand my father's choice. Sometimes, you have to endure danger."

The eyes of the two met in the air.

"If Sect Leader heads towards Gangnam."

Guo Hansuo extended the clenched sword.

"As a disciple of the Southern Island Sect, I will follow!"