Chapter 1263: Kill Them All (Part 3)


Guo Hansuo swung his sword wish all his might.

The faces of the Spirit Unit members were filled with surprise at this momentum. In an instant, a fierce wave-like sword energy engulfed the area.


The Spirit Unit member, whose entire body was lacerated, screamed and fell back. His appearance looked so weak it was hard to believe he was a martial artist of the same caliber as the one who had effortlessly blocked Guo Hansuo's sword earlier.


Guo Hansuo firmly gripped the sword.

'This is Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua!'

It was completely different.

Next to him, Lee Ziyang was also swinging his sword almost effortlessly. Those following Guo Hansuo were likely doing the same.

'No, no!'

In fact, the expression 'following Guo Hansuo' was not appropriate. The one they were following was not Guo Hansuo but Baek Cheon!

Guo Hansuo shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Push forward!"


Observing the advancing Southern Island, the Spirit Unit members raised their momentum and countered the attack.

"You damn island hillbillies!" [lmao]

A sinister fire seemed to spew from their ominous eyes. But it lasted only a moment.


Before they could change their anger into momentum, a desperate scream echoed from behind. Instinctively turning their heads, what unfolded in front of them was a feast of red petals surging from behind.

They were the infamous members of the Spirit Unit trained within the Myriad Man Manor. However, amidst the simultaneous attacks from the front and rear, maintaining composure was impossible.

Besides, the biggest problem was that sword technique.


"Damn it, curse you!"

If Baek Cheon's sword was straightforward and strong like those of other sects, they might have temporarily suppressed their anxiety and tried to deal with the Southern Island.

Anyway, they could buy time as long as those behind were dying.

But Baek Cheon's sword was not straightforward. It was impossible to completely block that fluttering sword energy. Even if they used those behind as shields, they couldn't move freely.



"Ugh! My, my back..."

The sword energy, fluttering like flower petals, penetrated between the Spirit Unit, lodging themselves into their flesh again and again. Although the wounds usually ended with superficial cuts, depending on the location of the wound, it could lead to excessive bleeding.

It was evident that it would result in fatal injuries.

Wasn't this insane? With sword energy flying from behind their backs, digging and digging at every gap, how could they concentrate only on the enemies in front of them?

So, even against these inexperienced youngsters who wouldn't have stood a chance under normal circumstances, there was no choice but to struggle. While those guys only had to deal with the Spirit Unit in front of them, the Spirit Unit had to endure the pouring attacks from the front and rear.

"That damn!"

The frustration of losing direction finally burst out. One of the Spirit Unit members shouted towards their back.

"Fuck it! Why can't you deal with just one guy, you bastards!"


"Grab his ankles and drag him down! Don't act like a moron just to save that useless life of yours!"

"This son of a bitch!"

The anger that should have erupted towards the enemy poured out towards their comrades. In the midst of intense combat, they couldn't exchange proper arguments, but if it had been a normal situation, they would have resorted to violence against each other.

Originally, they were not comrades bound by a sense of camaraderie, but individuals who submitted to power under one name. There was no reason or room to worry about others now that their lives were at stake.

The crack in the emotions that had arisen from this situation was enough to instantly disrupt the momentum of the Spirit Unit, which had been maintained so far.


As the enemy wavered, the disciples of Southern Island raised their momentum even further and charged forward.

From behind, an encouraging voice could be heard.

"Do not forgive the evildoers! This is the Southern Island Sect!"

When the resounding voice of Kim Yang Baek, the Sect Leader of Southern Island, burst out, the Southern Island Sect's sword became even sharper.

Observing the Southern Island Sect rushing forward like waves, Heo Meng's face paled. [I forgot how I spelled his name so it might be wrong, he's the leader guy]

'Ah, this is bad!'

He had to do something immediately. Currently, the Spirit Unit was maintaining a linear formation with their back to the coast. However, if the center was pierced, the members would inevitably be split into two groups.

In that case, the remaining individuals would be surrounded by multiple enemies from all sides. In a situation where their already reduced numbers were further divided, the momentum would be broken.

This was not something even the grandfather of the Spirit Unit, let alone the Spirit Unit itself, could withstand. [?lol] Originally, the most efficient way for a weak majority to face a strong minority was to surround them from all sides, preventing the strong from exerting their strength.

Therefore, it was absolutely necessary to prevent the central breakthrough. However...



"Is this bastard turning a blind eye to me?"

The rough-headed young man from Mount Hua blocked the way, not letting him go. No, it wasn't a matter of letting go. If he made a wrong move, this guy's sword would pierce through his neck.

At that moment, the man from Mount Hua narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Why? Do you want to go that way? Oh, you can."

A thick sneer lingered on Jo Gol's lips.

"If you kill me. But can you?"

"Don't talk bullshit and just fight, Gol-ah."

"Ah, really!"

Jo Gol, failing to gain leverage, grimaced and momentarily swung his sword at Heo Meng.


The sword narrowly grazed Heo Meng's cheek, who had dodged by violently twisting his head.

The sensation of his skin splitting and his blood flowing vividly heated Heo Meng's cheeks.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

'What are these guys, anyways?'

For the Myriad Man Manor, was there be any room left to be surprised at Mount Hua's strength?

The statement that Mount Hua was powerful had already been firmly established within the Myriad Man Manor. From the beginning, they were members of the Evil Sect. If they couldn't accurately gauge the opponent's strength on the battlefield, it would have been natural for them not to have survived until now.

But the movements of these guys could not explained so simply. Despite being divided on a vast battlefield, unable to communicate with each other through gestures, they moved organically, as if in constant conversation.

As the wandering guy from Mount Hua, who had been swaying about, began to lead the way menacingly, the others, as if aware of this, started blocking the support headed in that direction.

'How can this be?'

Strategic movements weren't related to individual abilities. Even if someone possessed tactical skills, they couldn't fully utilize them in real combat. Drawing diagrams on a desk and overlooking the battlefield from above were worlds apart.

It would take someone who had experienced countless battles to barely grasp the situation. Yet, how could these young guys show such movements?



At that moment, a flying sword pierced through Heo Meng's shoulder.


Heo Meng was thrown backward in confusion. Blood poured out from the pierced shoulder.

"Don't daydream when I'm in front of you! You weak Evil Sect bastard!"

"This damn...!"

"If you feel unfair, then win!"

Despite the light words pouring out of Jo Gol's mouth, his eyes emitted a cold, heavy energy.

Meanwhile, similar events were unfolding elsewhere.





The Spirit Unit did not acquire its reputation through luck. They were well aware that they had to block the Southern Island Sect's main force, which was piercing through the center.


However, what poured down towards those trying to resist in any way were Hye Yeon's golden flames, Namgung Dowi's cannonball-like white aura, and Tang Pae's pink poison pouring down, covering even the sky.

"This, this is..."

No matter how brave they were, could they advance against Shaolin's power, Namgung's sword energy, and the Tang Family's poison? It was nothing short of suicide.

In this situation, there was nothing they could do even as they watched their formation collapse before their eyes.

And so, as they hesitated, the forefront of the Southern Island Sect finally broke through the center of the Spirit Unit's formation!

"This, this is..."

Heo Meng's face turned pale.

'Damn it, Daechu!' [Forgot how his name was spelled...]

At times like these, the Daechu, who should quickly issue commands, already had his neck severed by Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. Hence, there was no one else here to give orders.

"Fall back, fall back! We're surrounded. Change formation..."


Before he could finish speaking, Heo Meng urgently twisted his body backward. Jo Gol's sword once again mercilessly passed long across his face.

"Why do you keep looking elsewhere?"

"This bastard!"

Despair filled Heo Meng's face. At this rate, their fate was already sealed. If the Southern Island and Heavenly Comrade Alliance changed direction and surrounded them, it would be the end...

But right at that moment.

"Charge! Board the ship!"


Instead of changing direction after penetrating the center of the Spirit Unit, they rushed straight toward the coast. Then, they lifted themselves toward the anchored ships.

"There might be enemies on the ship too! Don't let your guard down; seize control!"


Responding swiftly to Kim Yang Baek's prompt command, the disciples of the Southern Island began leaping onto the ships, taking control.


Heo Meng involuntarily opened his mouth.

What kind of madness was this? They weren't destroying the ships, but boarding them?

Did they bring all their forces to fight against the Spirit Unit just to board those ships?

'Why on earth?'

This was the Southern Island, after all. Ships were as numerous as carriages on land. What reason could there possibly be for such insane actions in the Southern Island?

No, before that...

'After seizing the opportunity to surround us, why would they just let it go like this?'

It was a judgment that seemed utterly insane. If their main force boarded the ships, then the remaining Spirit Unit members on the coast would have time to regroup.

It was logically incomprehensible.

"What, what are you doing?"

Although there was no way a direct answer would come to such a question, he asked it because everything was so absurd. However, the young Mount Hua Sect member facing him wasn't in his right mind either.

"Your ship is ours now."

"...A ship?"

"Yeah. Does it make you angry?"


Momentarily at a loss for words about what to say, Heo Meng bit his tongue. It wasn't like they were in a relationship where they should talk to each other, to begin with.

Why they targeted the ships was still beyond comprehension. But at least, it quickly became apparent why they didn't surround them.

"Here they come!"


At someone's shout, Heo Meng hastily raised his head. The forest leading to the coast was shaking violently!


A mix of momentary joy and fear erupted from Heo Meng's mouth at the sight, unable to contain his feelings.

"Troops! The main force! The main force has arrived!"


Countless Myriad Man Manor soldiers, as if hit by a cannonball, burst out from the forest, revealing an overwhelming presence. Among them, Commander Ho Gakmyung from Myriad Man Manor walked out, scanning the coast with cold eyes.

His gaze stopped at a corner of the coast, precisely where one person stood leisurely.

Slowly, he opened his mouth.

"...I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this."

Without changing his expression, he continued speaking.

"What business do you have on this distant island, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?"

Upon hearing this, Chung Myung looked at Ho Gakyung intently and tilted his head slightly.

"Uh... I'm sorry."


"Who are you?"

A brief silence passed. Ho Gakmyung's thick eyebrows twitched slightly.