Chapter 1265: Kill Them All (Part 5)

The battlefield was once again in turmoil, but Guo Hansuo was still in a state of confusion.

'What should I do?'

In front of him, there were ships from Myriad Man Manor, and behind them, the main force of Myriad Man Manor was closing in. If he were just a regular disciple of the Southern Island Sect, he would have gone to seize the ships without hesitation.

However, he was the head disciple of Southern Island. He couldn't ignore the approaching main force of Myriad Man Manor.

'Should I block them?'

At this moment of indecision, someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him forcefully.

"Baek, Baek Cheon?"

"What are you doing!"

"I-I'll help too..."

"We'll block them from the rear, so go to the ships immediately! There might be enemies on the ship too!"

Only then did Guo Hansuo realize and nod hastily. 

Baek Cheon was right. There was no guarantee that there were no Myriad Man Manor members left on the ships. Someone had to command the Southern Island disciples on the ship.

"Lead your disciples and seize all the ships! If everyone boards, you can leave for the sea without waiting!"

"Wait, then what about you?"


Baek Cheon once again tightly grasped Guo Hansuo's shoulder.

"If you want us to survive, it's not the time for this here!"

Without waiting for a response, Baek Cheon pushed Guo Hansuo. As he was pushed back, Guo Hansuo saw the disciples of Heavenly Comrade Alliance surrounding him from all sides.

"Where'd you crawl from!"


Before Jo Gol's lifted body could land, a sword qi flew from the air and struck him. The sword energy, splitting from the tip of the sword, poured towards the Myriad Man Manor members like rain.

Guo Hansuo involuntarily opened his mouth.

The sword energy pouring from the sword seemed to cut through the hot sunlight of the Southern Sea.


"This guy!"

The Spirit Unit members who attacked courageously in the face of the main force retreated hesitantly in the face of the brilliant sword energy. Behind Jo Gol, another person revealed their presence like a shadow.


Falling flowers.

Red petals shot up above Jo Gol's head. The petals, covering the hot midday with the atmosphere of spring for a moment, fell gently, decorating the sky over the Southern Sea.


Externally, the petals seemed endlessly delicate. However, those facing this sword could only know. How sharp and dangerous each of those slender petals was.

At the moment when Jo Gol's sword energy and Yoo Iseol's sword qi broke the momentum of Myriad Man Manor.



Dazzling light and a formidable blaze erupted simultaneously.

Namgung Dowi's sword qi and Hye Yeon's Arahan Divine Fist gathered together and shot into the midst of those charging.


Even the screams that rang out were completely covered by the sound of the white and golden qi mixing. 

But Myriad Man Manor wasn't just an ordinary sect. Even as their colleagues burst apart, they didn't easily lose their momentum.


The members of Myriad Man Manor roared like beasts, aiming for Jo Gol and Yoo Iseol as they were about to land. Someone rushed forward and stood in their way. In the blink of an eye, Baek Cheon rushed forward all the way to the front line.


Baek Cheon stepped forward with the force to shatter the ground and swung his sword with a terrifying force. Crimson sword energy instantly slashed apart those rushing towards him.


Hot blood sprayed over his face, but Baek Cheon did not blink an eye and roared.

"Protect them!"

It was truly a concise command.

But for them, it was enough. They were already accustomed to functioning like Baek Cheon's arms and legs. Naturally, they swiftly moved to their positions and swung their swords.

"Uwaaa! To the right! To the right! Damn, the right side is empty! Sogaju, what are you doing! What did you eat... No, darn it! Did you eat poison instead of food? Go quickly, go quickly!"

"...Let's meet again someday, Nokrim King." [idk]

As Im Sobyeong agitatedly pointed, Tang Pae hurriedly ran towards the indicated direction. The venomous mist emitted from his quick fingertips scattered in front of the Myriad Man Manor members, who were charging towards him like enraged bulls.



As the venomous needles penetrated his feet, a Myriad Man Manor member bit his lips. The pain was considerable, but he ignored it and continued running forward. No, he tried to run forward. If his body hadn't collapsed there with a thud, he probably would have done so.

Tang Pae's poison infiltrated their wounds in a blink of an eye and instantly paralyzed their bodies!

"Widen the gap, widen it! Stop those guys escaping left and right!"

"Where should I go, Nokrim King?"

In response to a question thrown from somewhere, Im Sobyeong turned his head sharply. There stood Seol So Baek, holding a sword tightly with lips firmly bitten.

"Our Prince is..."


"...Where should I use him?"


Im Sobyeong, pressing his cheek with a fan, quickly turned his head.

"Um... first, um... over there behind, um..."

"Miss Tang! It's dangerous!"

Before Seol So Baek even received the instructions from Im Sobyeong, he rushed forward with all his might.

Observing this bizarre scene with a puzzled expression, Im Sobyeong soon chuckled.

"...Who did he learn that from, I wonder."

What else could he say? It was obvious.

And then, at that moment, a group joined the defense line they had created.

"Help Deputy Sect Leader!"

"Let's go!"

Elders from the Southern Island Sect, including Sect Leader Kim Yang Baek, joined the defense line. They sharpened their gaze with fiery determination.

"These evil bastards!"

"I was waiting for this moment!"

The animosity towards Evil Tyrant Alliance and Myriad Man Manor was second to none in the Southern Island Sect, not even surpassed by the Mount Hua Sect. 

The elders of the Southern Island Sect, having the opportunity to swing their swords freely toward Myriad Man Manor for the first time, unleashed waves of relentless strikes.

"Oh, these old men are pretty strong!"

"They're the elders, you crazy idiot!"

"...Sahyung. I think you're treating me too harshly these days."

"Then act like a human!"

"...So mean."

Jo Gol, as if determined to vent the wounds received from Yoon Jong on the pitiful Myriad Man Manor, stabbed his sword relentlessly.

"Now, come..."

"Come on, you bastards!"


Jo Gol turned his head blankly towards where the voice came from. He saw Tang Soso mercilessly thrusting her sword with a demonic expression.

Jo Gol lowered his eyes and silently returned his head to its original position. 


The moment the ground was struck, sand violently scattered.

"Run faster!"


Guo Hansuo gritted his teeth.

The pressure from the Myriad Man Manor's main force was beyond imagination. Even now, if he wasn't clenching his teeth, his hands would start shaking.

"Let's go!"


What moved Guo Hansuo was the loud roar coming from behind.

Acting before the mind could think might be a saying precisely for such moments. Even now, the deafening noise from the intense battle continued without pause. Guo Hansuo's body instinctively shot forward, propelling himself upward on the bow of a high ship.


In his bloodshot eyes, Guo Hansuo saw the figures of several Myriad Man Manor members who were guarding the ship.

"Subdue them!"

With a roar resembling a beast's howl, Guo Hansuo rushed forward without waiting for a response. His sword energy poured onto the enemy like a raging tidal wave.


A Myriad Man Manor member, who was struck by Guo Hansuo's sword and groaned, retreated. Another Southern Island Sect disciple quickly towards the Myriad Man Manor members.



It was a flawlessly executed sword by Guo Hansuo, even in the eyes of onlookers. Therefore, there was no thought that something had gone wrong. Until the Myriad Man Manor member, whose shoulder was cut, swung his sword with murderous energy in his eyes.


The sword of the Myriad Man Manor disciple flew like a bird and slashed across the chest of a Southern Island disciple.

"Left, counter!"


With a grim expression, Guo Hansuo swung his sword towards the Myriad Man Manor member. Successively, the swords thrown by his martial brothers pierced through the body of the Myriad Man Manor member.

"Uwaaaa! You bastards!"

However, the Myriad Man Manor member, even with his body pierced through, instead rushed towards them with a fearsome spirit, wielding his sword.


While Guo Hansuo tried to block the sword, the Myriad Man Member's sword slashed through several Soutehrn island disciples. Red blood sprayed in all directions, and screams echoed. In an instant, the deck turned into a hellish scene.

"You son of a bitch!"

Lee Ziyang ruthlessly thrust his sword into the chest of the Myriad Man Manor member. Guo Hansuo, not to be outdone, leaped forward and stabbed his sword into his throat.



The sound of gurgling blood flowed from the mouth of the Myriad Man Manor member.

"You all..."


"All will die..."

Even if he was an inhumane man filled with venom, he could not withstand having his throat pierced. His body collapsed immediately.

Even after he stopped breathing, his eyes remained wide open. Guo Hansuo's fingertips were shaking miserably.

"On the left! Is he okay?"

"Damn it! Great Sahyung! Chae Wook is seriously injured!"

"Blood, blood keeps flowing. It's serious!"


Guo Hansuo wiped the blood splattered on his face with his sleeves. His ears felt stuffed, and he couldn't hear any sounds properly. The only sound was a pounding in his chest, as if his heart would jump out of his throat.

"Great Sahyung!"

When the urgent sound came again, Guo Hansuo clenched his fist tightly.

"Can't you calm down!"

At the loud shout, those who had been trembling with fear shuddered.

"You didn't come prepared!"


"Below, the members of Heavenly Comrade Alliance are risking their lives to stop the enemies. But what's this fuss about some injuries?!"

"Sa, Sahyung..."

"Some of you stay behind to take care of the wounded! The rest, quickly take control of the rest of the ship! Hurry!"



"Yes, Sahyung!"

"Go to the steering room! We need to move the ship!"


As everyone moved swiftly, Guo Hansuo finally turned his gaze to those who had fallen. His martial brothers, who he had shared joy and hardship with, were groaning. Their eyes had lost half of their light.

Seeing that, Guo Hansuo felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if stabbed by a sharp needle. However, he deliberately closed his eyes and turned his head away.

This was something he had to deal with!

"Move quickly! Before those below holding the line fall!"


Guo Hansuo tightly gripped his sword and leaped forward. For now, had to do his job. Grief and anger came later.

'This is war!'

The sensation of being in a dream abruptly vanished, replaced by the pungent smell of blood. The scent made him realize that this was reality. He was now in the middle of a battlefield.


Guo Hansuo shouted as he swung his sword towards the approaching Myriad Man Manor members. He could vividly feel the tip of his sword slicing flesh. In Guo Hansuo's eyes, there was a new, sinister aura that hadn't been there before.

"Kill them all! Make them regret setting foot on the land of Southern Island!"

The madness of the battlefield swallowed yet another swordsman.