Chapter 1270: Worry About Those Myriad Man Manor Bastards! (Part 5)

Of course, Ho Gakmyung's shock must have been significant.

However, it couldn't compare to the impact felt by the members of the Southern Island Sect as they looked towards the coast from the ship.


Guo Hanso couldn't find words, his face drained of color. The white sand beach had instantly turned completely red.


Myriad Man Manor. The rulers of Gangnam who were so feared by the Southern Island.

One person stood alone, blocking the military force of Myriad Man Manor sent to annihilate the Southern Island Sect. Guo Hanso's feelings as he watched this with his own eyes were so complex that it was difficult to express.

In the first place, this was his first experience of could be called a real battle.

Although he had sincerely fought with a sword before, this was the first time he fought to kill, and it was the first time such a large-scale battle was waged.

As a result, the moment he left the coast, he felt exhausted and wanted to sit down on the deck.

However, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, after experiencing everything they've been through, was single-handedly blocking them. No, he was pushing them back.

"He's not even human..."

Next to him, Lee Ziyang muttered. When Guo Hanso glanced at him, he saw a completely pale face.

Seeing the trembling at the tip of his chin, Guo Hanso slowly turned his gaze back to Chung Myung. The round object that suddenly flew above was undoubtedly another head of the Myriad Man Manor.

'Are they really the same person...?'

It was hard to believe. The monster currently slicing off the heads of the Myriad Man Manor was the same person who had poured alcohol into his glass while giggling just a few days ago.

At that moment, Namgung Dowi's voice was heard.

"...Aren't we getting too far away?"

It was a voice full of genuine concern.

"Of course, I know we need to widen the distance, but it feels like he's getting too isolated?"

"It's still okay."

However, Baek Cheon's reponse was infinitely calm.

"Deputy Sect Leader, but..."

"It's okay."

Baek Cheon said firmly once again. Guo Hanso examined Baek Cheon quietly. His face was slightly stiff, but there was no flicker in his eyes. The only thing that could be felt was unwavering trust.

Speaking to this extent, Namgung Dowi also seemed to be at a loss for words or remained silent, alternately looking at Baek Cheon and the situation on the coast. Then he spoke.

"Of course, I don't doubt the skills of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. No one in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would dare to think that way."


"But isn't this the battlefield? Even a little excitement can completely distort the situation here. Can't you just lose your life in one moment of carelessness?"

Some of the people showed signs of uneasiness at his words. The idea of Chung Myung losing was unimaginable, at least for those present here.

However, since Chung Myung was human, if he fought so fiercely, he might miss the timing to retreat. If that happened, he would only be isolated among the endless enemies.


Jo Gol called Baek Cheon with a slightly worried voice. As if thinking that Namgung Dowi's words were not wrong, he had indicated that it was the time to send a signal and call Chung Myung.

But Baek Cheon just looked at Chung Myung in silence, without answering. Jo Gol called Baek Cheon again with frustration.



However, Baek Cheon's response was directed to Jo Gol but to Namgung Dowi.

"It would be nice it he was someone capable of that."


He looked at the battlefield with dark, sunken eyes and spoke.

"He's not excited. He's just pretending to be excited."


"Of course, he's human too, so there may be times when he gets excited and loses himself, but at least not now."

Upon hearing this, Yoon Jong and Yoo Iseol nodded.

"He's not excited?"

Namgung Dowi threw a glance at Chung Myung, who was rampaging like a crazy demon. Even onlookers couldn't help but feel their blood boiling. But how could the person creating such a scene remain calm?

"You'll understand."

However, Baek Cheon did not elaborate.

Namgung Dowi eventually fell silent as well. While Baek Cheon's words might have seemed a bit harsh, Namgung Dowi understood his perspective.

This wasn't about refusing to explain; it was about something that could not be explained. Rather than logic and theory, it was something built up through countless shared experiences. How would one express the source of that trust in human words?

'This is getting nauseating.'

In a way, it was almost creepy.

Someone fighting alone against the enormous Myriad Man Manor, never getting excited, never being defeated, and never making a mistake. This unwavering belief seemed almost fanatical.

While the form may be a bit different, the trust Mount Hua had in Chung Myung now resembled the belief the Myriad Man Manor had in Jang Ilso or the faith the Demonic Sect had in the Heavenly Demon. 

Chung Myung gained such immense trust from them not through authority or seniority but solely through skill and achievements.

In Namgung Dowi's eyes, Chung Myung, fighting like a madman, appeared.

'Could I be like that someday?'

Looking at the man's back, he found myself involuntarily clenching his lips.


A splintered body soared and scattered. Blood sprayed onto Chung Myung's face as if he was going to be burned, but his eyes became even colder in the midst of the scorching heat.


His eyes, his senses, accurately measured the distance to where Ho Gakmyung was.


There were too many annoying obstacles in front of him. If their numbers were a bit smaller, he would have rushed in already and sliced off that guy's head.

But now, although it was possible to break through, it was impossible to get out safely.

He thrust the Dark Fragrance Sword into the back of the one running away. Twisting the sword stuck in the falling person's back as if entwined, he struck it upwards.

As much blood as possible should be splattered. So that everyone could see this scene more clearly.

'What should I do?'

Instinctively... no, there was no need to mention instinct; it could be understood. That Ho Gakmyung was a more difficult opponent than he had expected.

From Chung Myung's perspective, he might be even more challenging than Jang Ilso, who constantly came up with ridiculous strategies.

Strategies were usually methods that involved taking risks to gain definite advantages. However, Ho Gakmyung wasn't someone who took gambles; instead, he diligently and quietly fulfilled his role.

Chung Myung didn't know what disaster might happen if he was caught by such a person.

Although he wanted to remove him to escape Gangnam and to prepare for the future fight with Evil Tyrant Alliance...


As if there was no place left to run, those who were scrambling to escape turned back towards Chung Myung. Then, with their eyes rolled back, they ran towards him.

A mouse encountering a cat on the road will run away without looking back, but a cornered mouse will attack a cat attempting to bite back. It seemed like in the midst of deep contemplation, he didn't allow a chance to escape and forcefully overwhelmed them. [?idk]



Chung Myung's sword vibrated crazily, and from its tip, it spewed out red plum blossom petals.


The scattered plum blossom petals, symbols of life and willpower, scattered in all directions, attacking the approaching members of the Myriad Man Manor.


A desperate scream added a layer of horror to the blood-stained coast.

Those pierced dozens of times all spewed blood from every hole in their bodies, collapsing. However, the eyes of Chung Myung, who caused this horrifying scene, remained relentlessly cold.

'It's too much.'

Chung Myung slightly slowed down his offensive. If he had the determination, he could target Ho Gakmyung in one breath, but what would come after wasn't certain.

In particular, the ones he was facing now were nothing more than small fries even within the Myriad Man Manor. The real forces were firmly guarding Ho Gakmyung in the back.

Perhaps they might be the ones he would have to face soon.

'This is why I hate them. The Evil Sect bastards.'

Chung Myung wouldn't hesitate to jump into enemy territory to save just one disciple. But the followers of the Evil Sect, while outwardly rampaging, didn't hesitate to throw their own comrades as bait to weaken the enemy.

At that moment, Chung Myung's eyebrows wrinkled with disgust.

'Where are they?'

He quickly gauged the distance between the ships heading towards the sea and himself.

It was soon.

'That's it.'

Chung Myung turned his sword around, holding it with the reverse grip.

"I'll go this time..."

Chung Myung's lips, soaked in blood, opened, revealing white teeth eerily.

"But I should at least bid farewell."


Chung Myung kicked the ground forcefully and rose into the air. He twisted his waist back in the air. Soon, crimson sword qi exploded from the tip of his sword with terrifying force.


With a thunderous sound that seemed to burst the air, a red line emerged in the air.

Slicing the blue sky of the Southern Sea in half, the red line surged in a straight line through the Myriad Man Manor's forces, aimed directly at Ho Gakmyung.

"Block it!"

The people guarding Ho Gakmyung, as if waiting for this moment, surged forward. A wielded huge sword swung in to intercept the energy unleashed from Chung Myung's blade.

Clang! Clang clang clang!


However, even though heavy blade and the delicate sword energy collided, the sword energy did not recoil or dissipate. Instead, it pressed on with even greater force, pushing against the substantial weight of the opposing sword.

'Oh no...'

Clang clang clang clang!

The energy, charged with tremendous internal energy, screamed as it sliced through. But what was even scarier was the incredible power contained within the sword energy.


Those who tried to block were no longer able to withstand the impact and were forcefully thrown back. Chung Myung's released energy continued its unyielding trajectory, relentlessly charging in a straight line toward Ho Gakmyung without losing momentum.




Sand shot up in an explosion behind Ho Gakmyung. However, Ho Gakmyung just stood there without batting an eye.


A long, crimson line appeared from right next to the corner of his left eye to his cheek near his ear. The left side of his face suddenly turned red from the blood he shed.

A long, crimson line, as if drawn horizontally across, extended from the corner of his left eye to his left cheek near his ear. The left side of his face was stained red in an instant.

The wound was so deep that even his bones were exposed. However, Ho Gakmyung, as if impervious to pain, just watched Chung Myung with endlessly dark eyes.


Chung Myung, who had descended, twisted his lips and sneered.

'As expected, not a fun guy.'

However, since greetings were exchanged, it was enough. With a strong swing of the sword, Chung Myung tore away the enemies clinging to him, turning his body like a swift deer.

It was at that moment.


More than ten swords sprang up from the ground below Chung Myung, soaked in the red sand, forming an array.

But Chung Myung twisted his body, sneering openly. Although it was a sharp attack, it was not enough for him to be caught.

But then.


The swords that sprang up from below suddenly shone as if emitting light for a moment, then exploded, scattering into hundreds of pieces like fireworks.


Chung Myung opened both eyes for a moment in surprise.