Chapter 1273: A Tiger in A Trap (Part 3)

"It seems even the esteemed Commander finds Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword difficult to handle."

Ho Gakmyung furrowed his brow as he watched Goyang openly laughing.

"It looks like your mouth is still moving even after suffering such a defeat."

"Ha ha ha."

When Goyang chuckled without responding, Ho Gakmyung shook his head.

"It's hard to believe that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would think of such a scheme."

"Are you underestimating him?"


Ho Gakmyung replied calmly.

"He is someone who doesn't need to contemplate tactics like escaping without harm. Such schemes are for the likes of me, a rat."

"A rat?"

"Yes. And there's a rat like me aboard that ship."

"The Nokrim King."

"That's right."

Goyang nodded. Indeed, Nokrim had often played such tricks.

"It leaves a bad taste just thinking about it."

Goyang spat out coagulated blood from the corner of his mouth.

"What about it? Are you regretting him leaving us you behind?"


"They're probably expecting us to come right after them. But I think we have some leeway."

Goyang glanced at Haenam Island.

"We should make them regret leaving us behind."


Ho Gakmyung cut him off decisively, as if there was nothing to consider. Goyang's eyebrows twitched uncomfortably.

"I have no reason to listen to you."

"While you may understand Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, you still don't know much about the Nokrim King."


"He's not as soft as he seems. He knows that we have no choice but to chase after him."


"Have you forgotten what's in Guangdong?"

Goyang momentarily closed his mouth at those words.

What it's in Guangdong. It was a question that didn't need to be thought about. Even if others didn't know, they knew.



Across that sea was the headquarters of Myriad Man Manor. And that headquarters was currently empty. The remaining personnel were all brought by Ho Gakmyung.

"If we fall behind, they will target the headquarters without any hesitation. Instead of burning Southern Island, we would lose the headquarters."

"Are you attached to such a trivial stronghold?"

"The stronghold doesn't matter. The problem is that the resources and provisions stored in preparation for war against Gangbuk are still there."

Ho Gakmyung spoke in an emotionless voice.

"What if, during the massacre in Southern Island, all the resources and provisions in the headquarters are set on fire? Ryeonju will probably test you personally. To see if a person can survive no matter what kind of situation they're put in."

Goyang fell silent.

He feared nothing in the world, but the Jang Ilso was a different matter. Just imagining that man approaching with a smile sent shivers down his spine.

"...We should hurry."

"If you have time to talk, move. The rat is probably praying that we start a little later even now."

"Got it."

Without hesitation, Goyang turned away. Ho Gakmyung, watching the departing ship with cold eyes, muttered under his breath.

"You seem to have gotten drunk too, Nokrim King."

Ho Gakmyung raised the corner of his mouth. This was a plan befitting Im Sobyeong but at the same time entirely unlike him.

In the tactical realm, it was utterly Im Sobyeong-like. In the sense that he forced the opponent to make a choice and created an advantage through it.

But strategically, it was not Im Sobyeong-like at all.

If it was the Im Sobyeong he knew, he wouldn't do such crazy things. For Im Sobyeong, who led the mediocre Nokrim disciples through repeated battles, breaking through Gangnam with those skilled disciples from the Southern Island Sect would be impossible.

In this situation, there was only one choice Im Sobyeong should have made. Leaving the Southern Island Sect without looking back.

If he had done that, even if the Southern Island Sect was lost, the core members of Heavenly Comrade Alliance could have survived. And that would have been the most correct way, even Im Sobyeong would have known that.

However, Im Sobyeong had only one reason for making such a choice.

Those who manipulate the world with their heads inevitably get drawn to something other than their heads. It's bizarre, but it's a repeated and tiresome story.

To an Im Sobyeong intoxicated by the alcohol named Chung Myung, there was no other way. A tactic that a follower wouldn't choose was meaningless. He was just doing the best within the limits.

From that perspective, Im Sobyeong's plan was undoubtedly reasonable. But...

"As a result, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword will definitely die."

Ho Gakmyung would make it so.

Even if meant sacrificing everyone else, even if it meant losing his own head as punishment for arbitrarily killing Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, he would not let that man return alive from Gangnam.

That was the only way to break away from the helpless anxiety that had tormented Ho Gakmyung since the moment he first met that man.

"Bring Jeon Seo-eung!"


Ho Gakmyung was about to turn his body indifferently when he stopped.

'More than that...'

Scanning the miserable coastline, he mumbled.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."

Wasn't it ridiculous to call that person, with hands so cruel that would make even an Evil Sect member shudder, a sword?

"It would be more fitting to call him the Plum Blossom Sword Demon." [eerily similar to his past name...]

With a slight smile, Ho Gakmyung turned away without hesitation.

The waves pushed away the blood flowing on the surface without concern.


"Throw it!"


Jo Gol tore off a plank from the deck and threw it with all his might. The wooden board fiercely rotated, cutting across the surface. And on that board, Chung Myung leaped into the air after stepping on it.


Every time Jo Gol and Yoon Jong threw a plank, Chung Myung stepped on it successively, gradually getting closer to the ship.

Finally, after stepping on the last foothold and leaping strongly, Chung Myung descended onto the deck with a loud thud.


With a dull noise, blood dropped onto the deck.

"Chung Myung!"

"Are you okay..."

The disciples of Mount Hua, who were about to run like the wind, momentarily flinched and stopped. The energy emanating from Chung Myung made them shudder, even causing them to cower.

'Chung Myung...'

Yoon Jong bit his lips.

A terrifying chill emanated from Chung Myung's eyes, enough to make one believe he was a demon that had crawled up from hell. It felt like the moment he stepped towards him, the sword held in Chung Myung's hand would fly into the air.

Despite knowing it wouldn't happen, Yoon Jong's feet couldn't willingly step forward.

At that moment when everyone halted, only one person continued walking towards Chung Myung without stopping.

"Chung Myung."

At that, Chung Myung's gaze abruptly turned towards the voice. His hand holding the sword trembled momentarily.

"Are you okay?"

With those words, the intense gaze in Chung Myung's eyes gradually loosened. Staring blankly at Yoo Iseol, who had come close, Chung Myung slowly lowered the sword he was holding.

"...That's obvious."

"You're hurt."

"It's not a big deal."

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders, shook out his sword and put the it back into its scabbard.

"Ch...Chung Myung!"

"Sahyung! You're hurt!"

Only then did the other disciples of Mount Hua rush forward shouting. Namgung Dowi secretly exhaled the breath he had held. His whole body was soaked in cold sweat in an instant. It was only for a very short confrontation, just a breath long, but the pressure he felt from that confrontation was beyond imagination.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword...'

The Chung Myung he knew was always a composed person. Even though his swordplay was brutal, Chung Myung always observed at his surroundings vigilantly even in urgent situations. At least that was the Chung Myung that Namgung Dowi had observed so far.

The coastal battle must have been so intense that Chung Myung had been unable to control his energy.

What surprised Namgung Dowi wasn't the Myriad Man Manor, who had pressed Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword to this extent.

He was astonished at how Yoo Iseol approached Chung Myung as usual without any concern, even though Chung Myung was emitting an intense murderous energy.

'How can she be like that?'

Even Namgung Dowi, who was standing at a considerable distance, had almost drawn his sword. No, to be honest, he didn't want to draw his sword; he wanted to throw his body off the deck.

But how could you approach someone radiating such a deadly aura without drawing a sword? If Chung Myung had swung his sword, her head would have been taken off.

'It's not normal...'

Was the reason the other disciples of Mount Hua were unable to approach Chung Myung because they didn't trust him?

No one believed that Chung Myung would actually swing a sword at them. Still, their bodies tensed up nonetheless. It was a natural reaction and a survival instinct for a human facing unpredictable danger. If there was even a bit of concern for their own lives, they couldn't have done what she did.

"Take it off, Sahyung!"

"...Are you crazy?"

"What nonsense! I need to see your wounds, so take off your clothes!"

"Why are you yelling!"

As always, when Chung Myung started to grumble and argue with Tang Soso, Baek Cheon approached with a large bucket in hand.

"Chung Myung."


When Chung Myung lifted his head, Baek Cheon held out the bucket in his hand.

"...First, wash up. The sight is unbearable."

It wasn't because he was dirty. Rather, the appearance of someone covered in blood like a demon, anytime, anywhere, was not a pleasant sight. Especially in a place where there are not only them.

Only then did Chung Myung look around.

The disciples from the Southern Island Sect who couldn't muster the courage to approach this way were visible. Even Southern Island's sect leader, Kim Yang Baek, just stared in his direction with a drained face, unable to approach or speak.


Realizing anew that the world had changed from the past, Chung Myung received the bucket Baek Cheon offered.

And immediately flipped it over above his head.


As water poured down, it swept away the blood that had covered Chung Myung's entire body. It wasn't completely clean with just one wash, but it looked much better.

During that moment, Baek Cheon quickly scanned Chung Myung's body. The clothing covering Chung Myung's legs was becoming darker due to soaking blood.

"Your legs..."


Chung Myung casually glanced at his legs as if it was no big deal. Through the long tear in his clothes, deep wounds were revealed.

"It's nothing."

"Are you poisoned?"

Baek Cheon's face stiffened.

After washing off someone else's blood, Chung Myung's own blood became visible. The color of the blood was dark. Baek Cheon bit his lips tightly.

"Soso. Detoxification..."

"It's okay."

Chung Myung nodded, extending his hand forward. His hand slowly turned black, and soon, a red Three-Haired Flower [? this-> 삼매진화가] bloomed at his fingertips. At the same time, stinging scent spread in all directions.

"Not that potent of a poison."


"Don't worry. I ripped open a stomach in return for taking a hit on my leg."

Baek Cheon bit his lips without saying a word.

'I made a wrong judgment.'

It wasn't that he underestimated the opponent. But as long as the main force of the Myriad Man Manor was in the Yangtze River, he believed there was no one here who could contend with Chung Myung.

That careless judgment almost led to irreversible consequences.

"Chung Myung. I..."



"We don't have time to chat leisurely. Move. Those bastards will catch up soon."


"Isn't that right?"

A deep sigh escaped from Baek Cheon's mouth.

"Yeah. That's true."

"Then tell them to speed up."


As Baek Cheon moved to give instructions, Chung Myung looked around the coast.

'The Myriad Man Manor...'

They were more formidable than he had thought. But it couldn't be helped. This wasn't something done because it could be done, but because it must be done.

'I will definitely escape.'

Chung Myung's eyes emitted a cold murderous intent.

Yoo Iseol quietly watched Chung Myung with indifferent eyes, impossible to discern her thoughts.