Chapter 1276: I Wasn't Wrong (Part 1)

"What did you say?"

Ho Gakmyung asked with a frown.

Originally, Ho Gakmyung was not a person with a particularly good impression. To be precise, his impression was not bad, but his expression was so cold and sharp that it intimidated people.

Now, with Ho Gakmyung glaring at him with cold eyes, even the person reporting couldn't help but feel their heart skip a beat. [doki doki?]

"We, we, we collected the ships from nearby villages. We couldn't find a ship as large as the one we came on, but we managed to find several ships of suitable size..."

"Get to the point."

The person reporting swallowed nervously.

"The sailors we brought from Gangnam say it's difficult for them to operate the ships we seized."

Ho Gakmyung narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I don't understand. Aren't sailors supposed to handle ships? Why is it difficult for them to handle the ships?"

"W-well, according to them, the ships from Southern Island are different from the ones they usually sail. It's not easy for them to handle everything."

Ho Gakmyung let out a bitter laugh. Wasn't this a posture of someone claiming that a new sword, different from the one they were used to, was difficult to wield?

"Bring the person in charge."


As if anticipating Ho Gakmyung's words, the person reporting immediately turned and shouted. Then, a subordinate rushed over from the side and knelt in front of Ho Gakmyung.

"T-This lowly one greets the commander..."

"That's enough."

Ho Gakmyung cut off the man's words as if to say there was no need for formalities. The man's already pale face turned even paler.

"You said you can't handle the ships?"

"Y-yes. Th-that's correct."


Ho Gakmyung stared at the sailor with a cold gaze.

"Can I understand this to mean that you can't drive a boat that doesn't fit your hand?"

"N-no, Commander!"

The sailor bowed his head to the ground.

"Even if I'm a lowly ignorant, I've been sailing ships all my life! How can there be a ship that I can't handle?"

Ho Gakmyung nodded silently. Logically, this statement made sense.


"H-however, the ships from Southern Island are unfamiliar to us. Although the typhoon has passed, the waves are still high, and there is a headwind now. This means that it will take longer for the ship to arrive than usual."


"Yes. It will take at least more than half a day to reach the land..."

"Half a day..."

If they had time, it wouldn't matter. But what they lacked most right now was time.

Half a day was enough time for them to escape Guangdong.

"So, you can't handle it?"

"O-Of course not. should be considered that it may take more time..."

Ho Gakmyung smirked.

"Smart. That's why you came as a representative at a young age."

What the sailor meant by not being able to handle the ship was not a literal meaning. If they sailed the ships without stating this and it took longer than expected, the Myriad Manor members, who were quick to anger, would undoubtedly hold them responsible.

This was an attempt to get Ho Gakmyung's approval for the excuses they would lay out later.

If it were usual, he might have praised the man instead. The type of person who considered his position and suggested solutions was the type that Ho Gakmyung liked the most.

But what Ho Gakmyung felt now was not admiration but irritation.

'Things are getting complicated.'

Lost in thought for a moment, he absentmindedly touched the bandage wrapped around his cheek with his fingertips. The dry bandage felt damp with sticky liquid.

"Commander! I will take care of them..."

"No need."

Interrupting the report, Ho Gakmyung asked the man.

"You are not familiar with this ship, right? Is that correct?"


"Then just call someone who is familiar."

The corner of Ho Gakmyung's mouth twisted slightly.

"From what I've heard, people from Southern Island are all sailors, right? Is that correct?"

"Not everyone, but at least one of them should be able to sail the ship."

Ho Gakmyung nodded and turned his head. A large fishing village adjacent to the coast came into view.

"Bring all of them. Leave no one behind."


Ho Gakmyung's eyes darkened.

The gathered villagers looked at those surrounding them with uneasy glances.

The name 'Myriad Manor' alone was enough to make the faint-hearted feel their hearts pounding. The terror caused by the names of Evil Tyrant Alliance and Myriad Manor in this Gangnam region was immense.

"Village... Village Chief."


As someone tried to speak out of fear, the village chief, old man Jong, quickly intervened. He looked around, assessing the situation.

'What's going on?'

To him, the atmosphere seemed unusually tense. The members of Myriad Manor gathered here felt as if they were possessed by evil.

"Is everyone here?"

"Y-yes. Everyone in this village is here."

As Jong answered, Ho Gakmyung's gaze turned in that direction.

"Are you the village chief?"


Ho Gakmyung nodded.

"We need those who can sail the ship to bring it to the mainland."

Upon hearing this, the village chief glanced briefly at the ships anchored on the coast.

"These are Southern Island ships, so those from Southern Island will probably be best at sailing the ships."

The faces of those who heard Ho Gakmyung's words turned dark.

"Sa, sail the ship?"


Ho Gakmyung added words that didn't need to be said.

"We must chase after the ship that left first as quickly as possible."

Some of those present understood what Myriad Manor wanted.

'The Southern Island Sect.'

The coast where the Southern Island Sect had confiscated the ships was not far from here, so some of them were aware that the Southern Island Sect was plotting something on the coast.

Sweat began to appear on the face of the village chief Jong.

"To... to the mainland?"


"What happens after that...?"

"It depends on the situation."

The old man's complexion darkened.

All they said was it was to sail the ship, but once on board with them, one could not predict what might happen. If unlucky, they could be detained on the mainland for months, or even worse, lose their lives.

In such a situation, who would willingly step forward? Moreover, what Myriad Manor was attempting right now was to pursue the Southern Island Sect.

"But... esteemed ones."

There was a earnest light in the old man's eyes.

"W-we've been struggling with the ships for several days because of the typhoon. Taking away the ships, and now taking away the sailors... we..."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you saying that even with a few people taken away, everyone will starve to death?"

"W-well, if you take away all the intact ships, and we..."


Ho Gakmyung cleanly cut off the village chief's words.

"I'm not one to avoid arguments. Rather, I'm closer to someone who enjoys them. But right now, we don't have time to waste on pointless arguments."


"Lord Ryeonju doesn't like it when martial artists meddle with commoners. But that doesn't mean protecting commoners. The more commoners who make a living by doing their job, the more ultimately beneficial it is to Lord Ryeonju. However..."

Ho Gakmyung, who paused for a moment, sneered coldly. His already chilling expression became even colder.

"In a situation that has come to this, if someone obstructs Lord Ryeonju by siding with the Southern Island, there's no need to protect them. It would be more advantageous to eliminate them in advance."

At his words, some of the Myriad Manor enforcers drew their swords from their waists.

The faces of the villagers turned pale.

"Has your opinion changed?"

Ho Gakmyung chuckled, looking at the old man. However, the old man's eyes, who had seemed ready to tremble and bow down a moment ago, now flashed with a fierce light.

"If you want to kill, then kill."

"...What did you say?"

This seemed unexpected even for Ho Gakmyung, and he looked slightly surprised.

"I said, if you want to kill, then kill!"

Ho Gakmyung looked at the old man as if he didn't understand. The old man, who had been trembling until a while ago, suddenly glared at Ho Gakmyung with a venomous gaze.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Lost my mind? Of course, I am."

The old man shouted, possessed by evil.

"Right now, among the Southern Island Sect disciples you bastards are chasing, my child is there too!"


"Even if a person's life is precious, do you think any sane parent would lend a hand to those who are trying to kill their own child? Rather, I'd rather die! Do whatever you want, you villains of this world!"

Ho Gakmyung's gaze darkened.

If only that one old man acted like that, it would be trivial. However, the moment the old man turned evil, he saw the venomous gaze of other villagers behind him.

'Is it because it's an island?'

The relationships and ties were incredibly strong. If it were the mainland, whether it was a child or whatever, they wouldn't have dared to oppose the activities of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. Ho Gakmyung nodded.

"I get it roughly."


"It's important to chase after those who ran away. But... sometimes in the world, there are things you must do even if you're in a hurry."

Ho Gakmyung spoke calmly with an emotionless voice.

"It will probably be needed in Southern Island too. An example of what those who resist the Evil Tyrant Alliance go through."

Upon hearing this, a lively smile appeared on the faces of the Myriad Manor enforcers.

"Commander, then..."

"Don't leave a single one behind."

Ho Gakmyung swept his gaze over the gathered individuals and continued.

"Kill them all without leaving a single mouse alive, then burn down the village."

At the moment when permission was granted, the Myriad Manor members rushed towards the villagers, exuding murderous intent. Villagers who sensed their fate tightly closed their eyes. Right at that moment, someone stepped forward, shouting.



Ho Gakmyung looked at the person who had stepped forward. The determined-looking man stepped forward, bit his lips, and then spoke.

"I saw the ships. I will choose the one to sail. There's no need for others to pilot the ships."


Ho Gakmyung looked at him with a serious gaze and asked.

"Why should I agree to that? Ships can be found elsewhere for sailing."

"...Reaching the mainland won't be the end."

"What do you mean?"

"Weren't you trying to chase down the Southern Island Sect?"


"I can distinguish the traces they leave and the marks they use."

Ho Gakmyung chuckled quietly.

"A disciple of the Southern Island Sect, huh?"


After a moment of silence, Ho Gakmyung nodded.

"As a hunting dog, you may be useful. But one is not enough. If you bring a few more, the villagers will be spared."

"...I understand."


"Sanggong!" [idk 상공]

Yugong bit his lips. He had tried not to step forward, but now there was no way out. He had even abandoned his sect to save them, and if they were to die like this, everything he had done would be in vain. Somehow, he had to save them.

"...I will do whatever you ask. So... please spare them."

"Deal. Prepare quickly. We depart within half an hour. If the preparations are not completed by then, consider the deal null and void."


"Do you understand?"

When Ho Gakmyung asked quietly, Yugong bit his lips.

"Under... stood."

Looking at Yugong's face filled with shame, Ho Gakmyung nodded expressionlessly. However, as he turned to leave, he suddenly stopped.

"Oh, and one more thing."


In an instant, a force like a drawn bowstring flew from Ho Gakmyung's hand.


The force hit the body of the village chief who stood at the forefront without mercy.

"Village Chief!"

"Ah, Father!"

The old man fell, blood spraying. It was clear without even checking that he had been mortally wounded.

"Except that old man."


"Remember. It's a deal. If you don't fulfill your role properly, the rest will end up the same way. And at that time, they won't die as cleanly as he did now."

Yugong bit his lips until blood oozed out.

"I will remember... it."


Ho Gakmyung finally turned and walked away. The Myriad Manor members also withdrew, leaving behind a sense of regret.

Only then did Yugong turn his head to look at the villagers. Naturally, the gaze of the villagers was far from friendly.

In the eyes filled with blame and enmity, Yugong unknowingly clenched his fist.

'I wasn't wrong.'

It had to be like this.

No, it had to be.