Chapter 1283: Who Came to Gangnam? (Part 3)

"Here they come."

Yeopwi (葉圍), the deputy director of the Hao Sect's Guangdong branch, muttered as he gazed meaningfully at the approaching ships from the coast.

"Deputy Director, are those Southern Island Sect people on that ship?"

"It seems that way."

"Heh heh. It's amusing. They act all high and mighty, but they ended up having the ship they brought stolen."

"That's true."

"What a disgrace."

Mocking laughter echoed from both sides. Although it might not be enjoyable for them to mock those on the ship now, Yeopwi didn't bother reprimanding his subordinates. He understood the resentment towards Myriad Man Manor.

'Just because they've joined under the same roof doesn't mean all ill feelings disappear overnight.'

Originally called the Five Great Evils, they didn't get along. However, the animosity towards Myriad Man Manor wasn't merely a result of that.

The Hao Sect operated as an intelligence organization. Although they conducted various businesses, they primarily revolved around information. This meant that numerous agents were covertly active everywhere, gathering information.

The original mission of the Hao Sect Guangdong branch was to monitor Myriad Man Manor discreetly, avoiding their surveillance, and collecting information across Guangdong. Many had died in the process, and the bitterness lingered. If it didn't hinder the mission too much, Yeopwi found it convenient to overlook the resentment.

"They confidently entered Southern Island, only to end up losing Guangdong."

"Is Southern Island clever, or are these Myriad Man Manor people just foolish?"

Neither, of course.

Yeopwi observed the ships without commenting. The ones causing this situation were not from Southern Island or the Myriad Man Manor; they were the key figures of Heavenly Comrade Alliance on the ship.

Yeopwi gritted his teeth.

While the lower ranks enjoyed the situation, it wasn't pleasant for him. Considering the last time they were traced to the Yangtze River, their route to Southern Island definitely passed through Gangnam.

The Hao Sect, known for controlling information across the entire Gangnam, hadn't noticed the core members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance until they reached Southern Island. Like a blind man with open eyes.

In this situation, what would happen if they peacefully arrived at Gangbuk?

'It would undoubtedly lead to assigning blame.'

The blame game was inevitable; the crucial point was whose power among the wrongdoers was weaker.

"If it's Paegun, he'll seize this opportunity."

Just as he did with the Su Lo Chae, as with the Black Ghost Castle, he would undoubtedly cut off the Hao Sect's limbs and make them his dogs. That had to be stopped. And if this situation was handled well, it might even strengthen the Hao Sect's position. Cutting the throat of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would be an incomparable achievement within the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

With a determined expression, Yeopwi glanced briefly at the members who continued to curse Myriad Man Manor.

"If you're going to make that much noise, shut your mouths."

At the direct order, the members quickly closed their mouths and held their breath.

"Criticizing Myriad Man Manor can wait until the mission is over. What's important now is not ridiculing those bastards but not losing their trail."

"Don't worry, Deputy Director."

"Isn't that our specialty?"

Yeopwi nodded silently. Their confidence wasn't unfounded.

Certainly, it was undeniable that the Hao Sect lagged behind in information compared to Beggar's Union. How could they handle the scale of the Beggar's Union, referred to as the Hundred Thousand beggars? [unclear] Still, the Hao Sect was not inferior to the Beggar's Union. Because the Hao Sect had specialties the Beggar's Union would never be able to imitate. The ability to track and assassinate people.

'An assassination.'

It would be perfect if successful. But...

'It's impossible.'

Based on the information they had acquired on Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, attempting an assassination was deemed impossible. Because he was the type of person who would never ever show any openings.

'However, tracking is different.'

No matter how skilled the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was, Gangnam was the territory of the Evil Sect. There was no way the Hao Sect would lose their trail here. Yeopwi could confidently say it. The failure they would experience from now on was simply the price they paid for looking down on the Hao Sect.

"The incense (香)?"


The members immediately took out small mother-of-pearl vials from their pockets. Yeopwi nodded. Judging by the red color of the vials, it seemed to be a special product (特上品) well taken care of.

"Let's confirm once again."


"Chasing them won't be difficult, but if we miss the Heavenly Comrade Alliance members mixed among those Southern Island bastards, it will leave a lasting regret."

"Yes, Deputy Director."

"When they approach the coast, the execution team will risk their lives to get close and apply the Chasing Incense (追從香) to their bodies. Once that's done, even if it's not Gangnam but hell, they won't escape our tracking. Do you understand clearly?"


Firm responses echoed. Yeopwi nodded in satisfaction.


He had no doubts about the success of this plan. The Guangdong branch, where he served as the deputy director, was practically the front line for the Hao Sect. The elite members under his command were the Hao Sect's top agents, who had been performing missions in the shadows of Myriad Man Manor.

Even though the opponents were the key figures of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, including Mount Hua's Five Swords, completing a mission as simple as applying incense wouldn't be beyond their capabilities.

And one drop of incense was more than enough. The Hao Sect's special Thousand Mile Chasing Incense (千里追從香) wouldn't dissipate for at least ten days once applied.

Specially trained agents could detect the scent from over ten miles away. With trained dogs, they could even track residual scents for more than fifty miles.

"Almost there."

"Lower your posture."


Yeopwi's eyes sank into a grim expression.

"If you confront them fair and square with your martial arts, of course, they'll win. But this isn't that kind of battle. It's a war where you just need to kill the enemy by any means necessary. Now they will understand how ruthless the Hao Sect can be."



The ship crashed roughly into the sandbanks.

A faint smile spread across Yeopwi's lips. They didn't have the luxury of properly anchoring the ship. Myriad Man Manor was chasing from behind, and a siege was forming ahead. Could they leisurely and safely anchor the ship in such circumstances?

Yeopwi clenched and unclenched his fist in silence. The fact that the prey was getting anxious was a good sign. They just needed to patiently track and tighten the noose.

"We'll strike when they disembark."


Yeopwi suppressed the nervousness that was slowly building in his head and made as little noise as possible.

'Come on...'

He stared at the ship without blinking. However...

After a while passed, someone unable to endure spoke up.

"Um... Why aren't they disembarking?"

"...It can't be."

"No, you didn'g feel any presence from the start, right?"

Yeopwi narrowed his eyes.

'What's going on?'

Despite holding their breath and waiting for a long time, no one seemed to be getting off the ship.

"Just a little... Let's wait a bit longer. They might be aware of our trap."


Choosing caution over rashness, Yeopwi bit his lip. But no matter how much they watched and waited, there was no sign of people.

Eventually, Yeopwi spoke.

"Guiho (鬼狐)."


"Go check."


One of the members cautiously rose to his feet, swiftly and discreetly approaching the ship. In an instant, he climbed onto the deck. Yeopwi watched this scene with tension. After a while, a loud shout echoed.

"Deputy Director! The ship is empty!"


"There's no one inside!"

Momentarily taken aback, Yeopwi quickly stood up.



He shouted promptly.

"Check the other ships! Right now!"


The members standing behind rushed towards the ships. Yeopwi remained with a stern expression, lost in thought.

'What's happening?'

Was it a trap? No, a trap fundamentally presupposed some benefit. What advantage could they gain from orchestrating such an incident, especially when time was crucial for them?

"There's no one!"

"None here either! All the ships are empty."

Yeopwi bit his lip.

"Did those on the ships fly into the sky or something?"

"B-but there really is no one! We've searched every nook and cranny, but there are only traces of people being there; not even a mouse is in sight!"


Yeopwi urgently ran, leaping onto the ship with all his might. Even the air on the seemingly empty ship felt chilly. His spine shivered for a moment.

"Damn. This is problematic."

This was a mission entrusted to the Hao Sec. He had to make it succeed somehow. No matter how much he protested that the Southern Island Sect and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance didn't board the ship in the first place, wouldn't it only emphasize the Hao Sect's incompetence?



"Scatter in all directions! They couldn't have gone far."

"B-but, Deputy Director!"

"Move instead of talking!"

Yeopwi raised his voice forcefully.

"They must have reached the coast, jumped off the ship, and dived as soon as they arrived. Even then, how far could they have gone? They must have landed not far from here. Find their traces and look for damp areas on the sandbanks! Quickly!"

"Ah, understood..."

As if pressured by Yeopwi's momentum, the face of a Hao Sect member turned pale for a moment. Seeing this, Yeopwi suddenly regained his composure and took a deep breath.

"I got too excited. Let's stay calm for now..."

"N-no, it's not..."



In an instant, blood sprayed from the open mouth of the Hao Sect member, pouring onto Yeopwi's face.

Covered in hot blood, Yeopwi stared at him in shock. His blue face was now almost completely dyed black.


"I-it's poison!"

"Hold your breath! Damn it, the ship is sprayed with poison!"

"Get out of here!"

But it was already too late.



Those who had entered the ship all collapsed, spitting blood on the spot. Their discolored complexions seemed to foretell the tragic outcomes awaiting them.

"T-this... Ugh!"

Feeling a queasiness in his stomach, Yeopwi urgently stepped back, summoning his inner energy.


Even Yeopwi, for a moment, vomited blood. The extreme toxicity was evident, and the fate that awaited the other members was too predictable.

Those who had fallen onto the deck convulsed, foaming black blood bubbling out. The dreadful scene made Yeopwi's face turn pale.

"H-Heavenly Comrade Alliance..."

His blood-soaked teeth bit down fiercely.

"You damn bastards! Uwaaaargh!"

A scream fueled by despair pierced through the sound of waves, echoing pitifully and tragically.