Chapter 1298: Is There a Place to Rest In This Land? (Part 3)


The forest shook violently.

Branches extended in all directions and collided with each other, creating a sound like crashing waves. Within it, a group dressed in blood-colored robes advanced at an astonishing speed and rushed towards them.

Baek Cheon's face instantly stiffened.


His senses, his instincts, were screaming it. These were on a whole different level from those they had faced before.

One phrase echoed in his mind.

'Evil Tyrant Alliance!'

Without further thought, Baek Cheon roared loudly.

"Defend the front lines!"

Although it was unclear who he was addressing, some responded immediately, decisively and clearly.

Jo Gol, Yoon Jong, Yoo Iseol, and Tang Soso surged forward, leading the group like radiant flashes.

"Come and see, you bastards!"

Jo Gol shouted fiercely, as if determined not to be overwhelmed. However, the eyes of the figures, almost entirely concealed by masks, were eerily calm and composed.


The thin blades (細劍) of the Blood Cultists [not sure? who that is?] flew towards Jo Gol like venomous snakes.

It was a sword strike with such incredible speed that even Jo Gol, who specialized in sharp swordplay, stopped breathing for a moment.


Swinging the Plum Blossom Sword, Jo Gol effortlessly deflected the flying blades.

The eyes of the Blood Cultist glowed eerily. He slightly slowed down his running speed.

Jo Gol felt a slight fluster.

'What's going on?'

The answer was given even before the question was finished in his head.

The Blood Cultist who had slowed down had joined forces with others behind.

After assessing Jo Gol's skills with just one strike, they were able to adjust their approach and determine the necessary number for the hunt. Three people rushed forward.


Three blades, each as thin as a finger, relentlessly targeted Jo Gol's body in succession.

These swords were fast and hard to block, requiring precise handling due to their nature. Of course, there are limitations to the force one can exert due to its nature. Therefore, it cannot be considered a particularly menacing weapon.

However, when their number reached three, the situation completely changed.


Jo Gol consecutively swung his sword to knock away the flying blades.

His swordplay was originally designed for offense, delivering rapid and sharp attacks to overwhelm enemies. However, in this situation, he couldn't fully utilize his swordplay.

Cling! Kaang! Kagang!

Three blades intricately coordinated like interlocking gears, flying towards Jo Gol one after another. Every time he tried to deflect one and counterattack, another sword aimed for a vital point.

It wasn't difficult to deflect them, and avoiding them wasn't impossible either.

However, he couldn't muster the courage to counterattack. If he haphazardly shifted to an offensive stance, another sword would pierce his body. A sword so venomous it would thoroughly stain his entire being!

'These guys!'

Jo Gol had never been afraid of fighting multiple opponents.

He had always fought against numerous foes. Even in real battles, he had always wielded his sword against a large number of enemies, believing that his swordplay had evolved accordingly.

But these...

'Damn it! They're skilled!'

It wasn't just a matter of numbers.

The opponents he had faced before merely were large in numbers. Dealing with two at once meant the difficulty only doubled.

However, these people were different. Their sword techniques complemented each other in a subtle way. It might sound like an absurd analogy, but it felt as if it wasn't multiple attackers at once, but rather someone with three arms wielding a sword in each hand, delivering strikes in a coordinated manner.

Jo Gol understood it keenly. There was a vast difference between merely fighting against a multitude and facing opponents skilled in sophisticated teamwork. 


Jo Gol's head was suddenly jerked to the side.

A sharp sword narrowly passed by his cheek. However, the extended sword swiftly withdrew before it could reach Jo Gol's face.

'This bastard!'

Sparks flew from Jo Gol's eyes. It wasn't a full-force strike. If it were, it wouldn't be so easily retracted. This meant that they had struck with enough force to cause damage but left room for recovery.

Jo Gol understood what this meant. If there had been room, they could have swung the extended sword horizontally, causing a significant injury to his face. But they simply retracted the swords.

It was a cunning strategy to gradually wear him down, even if it took more time.

Interestingly, the gaze of the Blood Cultist who retracted the sword was colder and more composed than before.

Jo Gol's spine chilled for a moment.

The fear of being hunted.

For the first time, Jo Gol felt the fear of being driven into a trap-laden path by countless hunters.

'Am I...'

He distorted his face horrifically.

"Do I look like a little rabbit, you bastards!"


Jo Gol's sword momentarily split, attempting to bloom a red plum blossom. No, attempting to bloom.

But at that very moment.


Jo Gol felt a sudden bewilderment. Just as his sword was about to spectacularly split, a Blood Cultist from the front rushed forward and forcefully brought down his own sword on Jo Gol's.


A dull impact transmitted through his wrist. Because of that, the carefully blooming plum blossom abruptly stopped.

Jo Gol and the Blood Cultist locked eyes in midair.


Simultaneously, two swords aimed for Jo Gol. Startled, trying to retract his sword and step back, Jo Gol felt the powerful suction force from the Blood Cultist's sword that collided with his.



At the moment when two swords stabbed towards him from both sides, Jo Gol's body seemed to be caught in the fangs of a venomous snake.


A formidable sword strike from behind clashed, causing the approaching swords to bounce away. At the same time, someone firmly grabbed Jo Gol's shoulder.

"Don't get too excited."


Baek Cheon, who had rescued Jo Gol from the crisis, glared at the approaching enemies and muttered. His face was slightly distorted.

"These guys... they're experts."

Baek Cheon's gaze seemed like he was analyzing the enemy.

It was natural for Jo Gol to be perplexed. These opponents were of a different type from those that Mount Hua had faced so far. They weren't simply relying on brute force to crush their enemies.

'And that sword technique a moment ago...'

The reason Baek Cheon's face became serious was because of the blow that blocked the swordplay that Jo Gol was about to unfold. The sword of Mount Hua was mesmerizing and unpredictable. Yet, that strike precisely aimed at where the sword of Mount Hua was reaching out. No matter how magnificent a plum tree might be, without branches, it can't blossom. That sword strike was like cutting off the blossoming flower Jo Gol was trying to create.

An instantaneous strategy?


It was a sword strike that couldn't be executed without prior analysis. They understood Mount Hua well. It meant that these individuals had studied how to deal with Mount Hua's disciples.

Sure enough, not only Jo Gol but others were also entangled.

"Kuk! You bastards!"

Tang Soso retreated backward.

Under normal circumstances, she could have easily dealt with three opponents sticking to her. However, this was the first time Mount Hua's disciples were facing experts in teamwork.

Moreover, they had grown weary during the journey to reach this point.

While Yoon Jong and Yoo Iseol were holding up slightly better due to their tendencies, that was all. They couldn't overwhelm the enemy and were struggling.

Above all, the biggest problem was...

Baek Cheon's sharp gaze shifted to a distant place. Apart from the members sticking to the disciples of Mount Hua, the Blood Cultists, with their swords drawn, were watching the situation. In the center of them, someone who clearly stood out casually observed the situation and slowly raised his arm.


The moment he gestured, those who were waiting rushed towards the disciples of the Southern Island Sect protected by Mount Hua. The speed was so tremendous that it seemed as if a crimson bloodline was forming in the air.


A quiet charge without a common battle cry.

At the end of that charge, the disciples of the Southern Island Sect with their faces turning pale.

They had not yet experienced the strength of these foes, nor did they have the experience to gauge how formidable they were. However, even in that brief moment, they could sense it.

The prey recognizes the predator.

A large deer does not run away from a small snake simply because it knows the danger of its sharp fangs. It is because instinctively it detects a presence that can threaten itself.

The disciples of the Southern Island Sect were no different.

The instinct that had not been revealed until now, due to living without facing threats, was now being exposed, screaming to retreat immediately.

However, the speed at which the Blood Cultists were rushing forward was much faster than the disciples of the Southern Island Sect who were following their instincts to retreat.


With a swift charge, one of the Blood Cultists swung his blade sharply enough to tear through the thin atmosphere.


Though pushed into a corner, the disciples of the Southern Island Sect were not weak; they were dignified members of the powerful Ten Great Sects. Facing the charge, they were not so weak as to be bewildered by the impressive swordplay demonstrated by the disciples of Mount Hua.

The Southern Island Sect's swordplay, wielded forcefully, easily swatted away the attacking three blade. It was a forceful response to effectively deal with the sharp but not heavy three blade.



At the moment when the slender three blade and the robust Southern Island Sect sword clashed, the resulting sound was unexpectedly a massive explosion.

Guo Hansuo widened his eyes.

It turned out that the swords of his martial brothers were repelled by the three blades.



Was the force imbued in the slender blade stronger than the Southern Island Sect sword swung with all its might?

No, it wasn't like that!

Guo Hansuo urgently inspected the wrists of the Blood Cultists. They were visibly trembling. Moreover, the complexions of the Blood Cultists briefly but noticeably changed, almost as if they were parasitized.

'Those bastards!'

They had expected this.

How the Southern Island Sect would deal with them. So, they momentarily pushed an excessive amount of inner strength into their blades, enduring the blow to turn the situation around.

A usage beyond common sense. However, the immediate consequence of that operation became clear.


The three blades pierced the disciples of the Southern Island Sect, like fireworks. Focused solely on pushing back their opponents, the disciples of the Southern Island Sect were caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, and it was an inevitable outcome.

"No, this can't be!"

Guo Hansuo exclaimed in terror, reaching out his hand. If they all collapsed in such a short time, there would be no chance to resist...


At that moment, a thunderous explosion, blindingly bright as if it would blind everyone, erupted. The charging Blood Cultists were sent flying as if they had been struck by a cannonball.



A man calmly descended in front of them with a firm expression on his face. A skilled swordsman with a face handsome enough to seem slightly arrogant.

"I'll take care of the front."

Namgung Dowi raised his blood-stained sword slowly. His entire body emanated an aura akin to an emperor.