Chapter 1300: Is There a Place to Rest In This Land? (Part 5)

'These brats.'

The eyes of the Blood Cultist in the center, Dark-Hearted Judge (黑心判官) Sang Gwan Eung (上官應), narrowed involuntarily.

Half of large-scale fights were about momentum. Once momentum was broken, it was usually impossible to revive it easily.

But an unusual event was happening now. The momentum of those who had been perfectly defeated was revived in an instant.

With just a few attacks and a few words.

Sure, they could trample on places like the Southern Island Sect whether the momentum was on their side or not, but...

'It's embarrassing.'

His gaze turned towards those blocking and standing in front of the Southern Island Sect, as if guarding them.

Namgung Dowi of the Namgung Family, Tang Pae of the Sichuan Tang Family, and Im Sobyeong the Nokrim King.

None of them could be taken lightly. Taking Hye Yeon of Shaolin into account, who was observing from behind, it became even more so.

'The sword of Namgung and the hidden weapons of the Tang...'

Generally, people from the same martial arts school tend to have similar tendencies overall, even if their personalities are different. They learn the same martial arts and live the same life. Therefore, the way to deal with them ultimately becomes similar.

Although the disciples of Mount Hua were different, the way to bind them was similar because of that.

But that didn't apply to these people in front. From personality to martial arts, there was not a single similarity. Normally, it would be impossible for them to move together as a group like this.

For whatever reason, when such people gather in one place, it's inevitably a headache for those who have to deal with them. Even if you strip away the thick armor called Mount Hua, if you can't bring them down completely, you can't nibble on the fragile flesh called Southern Island Sect. [...that analogy...]

Namgung Dowi took a deep breath.


With Tang Pae and Im Sobyeong guarding his left and right, Namgung Dowi's pressure seemed to have lessened and his expression lightened. It would be difficult alone, but with Tang Pae and Im Sobyeong guarding his sides, he could fully demonstrate his abilities.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his sword, pointing it at the Blood Cultists.

They were like a pack of wolves. Once they smelled blood, they wouldn't easily retreat. The only option left was to fight until one side was annihilated.


As he pushed his internal energy, the sword emitted a tremendous aura. It was the moment when the sword was about to be swung to repel them.


The moment they saw Namgung Dowi's movement, the Blood Cultist members who were about to rush forward stopped at the command of the chief.


At that moment, Namgung Dowi inadvertently exhaled as if relieved.


He looked at the one who gave the order, but most of the face was covered with a mask, so he couldn't read the expression.

"There's no need to force it. Withdraw."

As soon as the words fell, the Blood Cultists withdrew together. Their movement was even more orderly than when they rushed forward.


It was a situation that he couldn't understand. Namgung Dowi looked at the Blood Cultists retreating like ebbing waves.

No matter how much momentum they had built up, objectively speaking, the situation was still much more favorable for them. So why did they release the hard-won advantage and withdraw?

But this was too natural for the chief.

His goal was not Mount Hua from the beginning. Although he temporarily tied them down by taking advantage of the opening, Mount Hua's Five Swords weren't people they could currently handle. Even now, they were tied down, but they would soon start to rampage.

Their goal was the Southern Island Sect from the beginning. If possible, injure them, poison them, and slow them down. So that it would be easier for the main force to crush them.

But if the situation continued like this, their goal was already considered a failure.

Now, he had to either give up on the mission, or risk sacrifices and somehow fulfill the mission.

'A sacrifice, huh.'

Was there a reason to do that?

Smirking under his mask, Sang Gwan Eung commanded.


The Blood Cultists retreated and lined up behind Sang Gwan Eung.

The disciples of Mount Hua, who had been surrounded by enemies, looked confused and stared blankly at those who withdrew.

Everyone was taken aback. Even though they had experienced many battles, this was an unprecedented situation.


As if representing everyone's feelings, Im Sobyeong opened his mouth.

"Now you want to pull out your butts? But it doesn't seem like we have a reason to send you off nicely, does it?"

At his sharp words, Sang Gwan Eung laughed lightly.

"So? Are you going to stop us?"


It was a clear provocation. As Im Sobyeong narrowed his eyes and stared, Sang Gwan Eung calmly asked again.

"Do you have the luxury for that?"

Sang Gwan Eung gestured subtly with his eyes towards the injured lying on the ground. Starting from the areas pierced by the thin swords, poison was spreading rapidly. Immediate treatment was needed.

Im Sobyeong was well aware of that fact. Moreover, the longer they delayed, the closer the enemy's main force would get.

Im Sobyeong spoke with a tone of irritation.

"Well... certainly, there's no room for chasing after an enemy showing their back."

"Good then."


Im Sobyeong, grinding his teeth slightly, spoke coldly.

"Allowing those annoying people who stick to other's backs to go freely doesn't suit my taste in the least."

"Give it a day."


"A good deal, isn't it?"

Im Sobyeong's face stiffened.

The situation seemed to be twisting according to that guy's intentions. But at the moment, there was no room to refuse. The groans of the injured could faintly be heard.

As Im Sobyeong remained silent, Sang Gwan Eung nodded as if to say.

"That's settled."

Although they couldn't execute half of the originally planned strike, there was no need to push it to the extreme, risking unnecessary sacrifices.

"Take it as accepted and withdraw."


Im Sobyeong said sarcastically. There was a strong resentment towards Sang Gwan Eung in his tone.

"I never would have thought that there was a man in the Hao Sect who was so affectionate that he would sacrifice his neck for his subordinates."

Sang Gwan Eung burst out laughing upon hearing that.

"Me, sacrifice?"

For a moment, Im Sobyeong's eyes narrowed.


The Evil Tyrant Alliance adheres to a perfect, hierarchical top-down system. Refusing the command of the leader is inconceivable, not just for the Evil Tyrant Alliance but for all Evil Sects.

Since these individuals are difficult to control, they must be bound by simple and powerful rules. For the Evil Sects, the top-down hierarchy is precisely that.

But now that man was implying that it wasn't Jang Ilso who gave this order.

'...Ho Gakmyung mobilized the Hao Sect, not Jang Ilso. Then maybe Jang Ilso is unaware of this fact?'

But why? What about that Ho Gakmyung?

Im Sobyeong, who had been rapidly thinking, momentarily set aside the emerging questions. It was meaningless to ponder on it deeply now, but perhaps sometime later this could serve as a clue.

"Thanks for the useful information."

"I never gave you any information."

"Oh. Right. Right. I must have been mistaken."

Im Sobyeong laughed meaningfully. Sang Gwan Eung glared at him chillingly and said.

"Withdraw for now. But... I'm not sure if there's any meaning to it. We will target you again. No, not just us. Many others will target you. More thoroughly and ruthlessly."

"It doesn't matter. As long as we can rest for a while."

"To rest... huh."

Sang Gwan Eung openly sneered.

"Is there a place to rest in this land?"


"There can't be a place to rest in hell. Isn't that so?"

As Sang Gwan Eung subtly gestured with his eyes, the ones guarding behind him concealed themselves in the forest.

"Will we see each other again?"

"As much as you want."

Sang Gwan Eung silently stared at Im Sobyeong, then retreated into the bushes, stepping back.

As Sang Gwan Eung entered the thicket, his subordinates approached.



Sang Gwan Eung ignored them and forcefully left the spot. There was doubt in the eyes of the subordinates who had approached. Sang Gwan Eung's swift progress through the forest felt as if he were being chased by someone.

But was that really possible? They were the ones doing the chasing, not the ones being chased.

Anyways, they had to follow, so suppressing their doubts, everyone followed Sang Gwan Eung. It wasn't until after a while that Sang Gwan Eung's steps finally came to a halt.

"...What is the situation?"

"There's almost no damage. A few took hits, but it's within the expected range."

"Expected range... "

That expectation was based on achieving the goal of wounding roughly half of the Southern Island Sect bastards.

"But, Chief, didn't we withdraw too easily?"

"They're just kids. Let them gather their momentum for a moment... "

At that moment, Sang Gwan Eung turned to the one speaking.


Startled by Sang Gwan Eung's icy gaze, the speaker hastily lowered their head.

"I've overstepped."

"...That's all you need to know."

Sang Gwan Eung turned away with a displeased expression.

"And Chuhonhyang?"

"...He's been buried, of course."

"Resume tracking in a day. Rest until then."


Sang Gwan Eung, now away from his subordinates, grimaced.


Of course, he could endure that. Pursuing someone was not as easy as one might think. The hunter chasing a beast must always be prepared to lose their life to the beast's claws. Given the nature of the Chasing Soul Unit, who chased down vengeful enemies, sacrifices had always occurred. But...

'The story depends on what that sacrifice is.'

Sang Gwan Eung touched his neck. If more combat had occurred...

'I would have lost my neck.'

Everyone who had started the mission together in the Chasing Soul Unit was now dead.

The only one left alive was Sang Gwan Eung.

The reason he had been able to preserve his life was not solely due to his skills. It was because of his survival instinct to avoid death at all costs.

A moment ago, he could feel it—the faint murderous intent that had been enveloping him. It was discreet but extremely terrifying.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.'

If he had shown a slightly larger opening, if there were slightly fewer subordinates surrounding him, a sword would have been thrust into Sang Gwan Eung's neck. Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, where everyone was rushing like wounded wild boars, only Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. was lurking in the bushes like a venomous snake.

'One day...'

Sang Gwan Eung's body trembled.

'If only it hadn't been necessary for a day.'

Even if it was just two hours, Im Sobyeong would have accepted his proposal. Offering a day was evidence of the considerable psychological pressure he had felt in that situation.

If not... maybe he was afraid of facing that beast again.

Sang Gwan Eung glanced back at the path they had taken.

'This is the first time I've felt this reluctance to chase someone.'

But he soon lowered his head. Well, nothing would change. The other pursuit units from the Hao Sect were already gathering here.

'Even if it weren't Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword but the Plum Blossom Sword Saint from a hundred years ago, they'd end up the same way.'

This place would ultimately become their grave.

A grave without a tombstone.